The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1828: Famous flowers all over the country 2 love each other, the power of billions of

   The famous flower is in love with the country, and the king often looks at it with a smile. ???≠

   Explain that the spring breeze is infinite hate, and the Chenxiang Garden leans against the railing to the north.

At this moment, the fox god's style charms the heavens, and the Taiyin is the two extremes. The Taiyin is holy, icy, and graceful, covering the heavens, while the fox **** is delicate and charming, and all beings hate to contribute everything to it, sinking The heavens.

   Even if it is the mighty and mighty destiny that does not survive or perish, I can't bear to see such a charming and charming girl.

   "Fatty Face" Fox God self-loves and pity, does not seem to see Tai Yi Jiaozu's fatal finger.

   The fingertips were beyond the third of the fox god, and Tai Yi taught the ancestors no matter how they touched it.

   "Thank you brother Dao for being merciful" The fox **** softly pushed a pair of gentlemen towards the heart of Tai Yi Jiaozu, as if she was a delicate and pretty woman wiping sweat for her brother.


   At a critical moment, the tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand automatically protects the lord, and it stops in front of Tai Yi Jiaozu.


   A soft palm, endless style, is fatal tenderness.

   Tai Yi Jiao Zu flew upside down, if it weren't for the automatic protection of the turtle shell, I'm afraid Tai Yi Jiao Zu had been bombarded with his body.

"What a great Humei Avenue" Tai Yi Jiaozu's face was blue and white, and his palm stretched out. The thousands of stars in the starry sky were instantly grabbed by Tai Yi Jiaozu, blessing a winding river and slashing towards the fox god. come.

   "Sword of Destiny".

  The Fox God covered his mouth and chuckled: "What a cruel person, the slave family is so delicate, and he actually used such a cruel hand."

   Fox God stretched out his fingers, and there seemed to be a world circulating behind him, boundless power blessed on his palm, and instantly moved towards the sword of destiny: "Infinite Dreamland, Hero's Tomb."

   The sword of destiny collided with the finger of the fox god, as if the hero fell into the gentle land, instantly turned into nothingness, and was resolved by the fox god.

   "Dead fox, it's really hard to deal with" Tai Yi taught the ancestor to mutter: "Trial."


   Before the Fox God could react, a sky thunder had exploded on the Fox God. Although it didn't hurt the real body, it made the whole body embarrassed.

   "This ugly look, it depends on how you use the charm." Tai Yi Jiaozu sneered coldly, and the sword of destiny was cut off again, trying to kill the true body of the fox god.

   "Many kinds of style".


   Too Yijiao almost vomited, and slammed the long sword in his hand: "I behead you old witch."

   "Asshole thing".

Seeing Taiyi Jiaozu Yijian approaching him mercilessly, with a disgusting expression on his face, the Fox God suddenly changed his face, but before the Fox God reacted, he was already cut by the sword of destiny. .

   The masters make a move, no difference is allowed.


   The golden body was cut off in an instant, and the blood spilled into the sky and fell into the wild land.


   The fox **** reorganized his golden body, looking pale at Tai Yi Jiaozu.

Tai Yi Jiaozu shook his head: "Fox God, although the way of fox beauty is powerful, it is still worse than my destiny avenue. The 3,000 avenues have their own heights. Otherwise, you just need to prove whatever rules you want. ".

   "Hmph, the Three Thousand Avenue has no heights, and there are only the people in charge of the Three Thousand Avenues" Fox God refused to accept.

   "You lost" is too easy to teach ancestors.

"So what? Your human race still has to withdraw from Central Territory." Fox God looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu with a pair of eyes, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes: "I don't know if you are a tianjiao, or if you are a good man, you can enjoy the center of heaven and earth. One-ninth of the luck, there hasn't been any breakthrough in millions of years. If you ask me to practice in the Central Region for a period of time, you old fellow must not be my opponent."

"Really? Wait and see." Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at the fox **** with a gloomy expression, and cut off a bit of the fox god's origin. The sulky breath in Tai Yi Jiaozu's heart can be regarded as going out. A pair of eyes looked at the void, and the ancestor touched it. My own tortoise shell: "My destiny road is inherently dominant, otherwise today I can't break the fox god's fox body, this fox god's magical power is really evil."

   "What should I do now?" Taiping Teacher said helplessly.

"You have all taken action, and I can't do anything to see if it's right." Tai Dou taught the ancestor stepped forward and came to the starry sky, with a pair of eyes looking at the elephant god: "Xiang God, ancestor I have long seen you not pleasing. You used to be your favorite in the starry sky, now you dare to come to the starry sky to compete with my ancestors?".

"You don't need to be aggressive, why not?" The elephant **** glanced at Tai Dou Jiaozu, and instantly stepped to the starry sky, turning into a golden body, only to see the white elephant stepping on the galaxy, thousands of galaxies turned into small under the white elephant's feet The stone, trembling constantly, just stood there, this white elephant suppressed a starry sky with pure strength.

Looking at the huge white elephant, even Tai Dou Jiaozu could not help but twitch his face, and then his body turned into a mighty galaxy. If the countless stars are small stones for the white elephant, now The supernatural powers of Tai Dou Jiaozu were like sandstorms, tornadoes, and countless'gravels' sandwiched between them, and instantly smashed towards the elephant god.


   The elephant **** snarled up to the sky, trying to shake the galaxy, but was instantly poured into his mouth by the countless sand and dust, and all the howls were held back.


  Countless stars seemed to be like gravel, and instantly enveloped the white elephant, but within a few breaths, the white elephant was buried in the starry sky, turning thousands of stars, constantly obliterating the golden body of the elephant god.


   A huge arm blasted out of the sand, which swept countless ‘dust’, but was immediately buried by more dust.

   "The supernatural power of Tai Dou has reached a realm of infinite derivation, and this white elephant has been affected this time." There was a touch of envy in the eyes of the Taiping ancestor.


  The elephant **** roared and shook the starry sky, but he was still unable to break free from the small mound and was buried in the small mound, unable to move.

   At this time, thousands of stars revolve, turning into streams of light, constantly grinding the golden body like a god, and a little bit of the golden body keeps falling like sand and dust.

   The demon **** is immortal. Although such a golden body is obliterated and can't die, he hurts.

  How does it feel to keep grinding away layers of flesh and blood on you with the grinding wheel? .


The elephant **** shrank in an instant, and thousands of stars flew into the air. With a strong force, the elephant **** tore the endless star battle and fled out of the mighty starry sky. Turning to face the sand and dust behind him is violent. A punch instantly exploded the countless'sand dust' and scattered in the starry sky.


   The golden light flashes all over the elephant god, and the golden body constantly reorganizes, grinning at the endless stars in the distance: "Is it interesting?"


   The sky full of stars gathers, transforming into the ancestor of Tai Dou, who is dressed in starlight, looking at the elephant **** with his eyes, standing opposite to the elephant god.

"There is one last trick for this seat, if you can hide This Zhongyu this seat is willing to give it to you" Tai Dou Jiaozu stretched out his palm, and there were three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars in the world. Shooting, converging towards his hand, instantly the world shook, three thousand stars trembled together, countless stars blessed on it.

   is different from the stars that Taidoujiao ancestors evolved with supernatural powers. At this time, the stars are all real stars, and the two sides are not the same.

   "Sword of Stars".

   Tai Dou taught the ancestor with a sword, and instantly the mighty starry sky was split open, and the endless star Dou power cloud followed, instantly suppressing the elephant god.

   "Awesome magical power."

  The elephant **** changed its color suddenly, and he didn't dare to take it carelessly. He saw the hundreds of millions of cells in his body split instantly, turning into hundreds of millions of white elephants, and grouped together. With a roar to the sky, he slammed his fist at the sword of the star of Tai Dou Jiaozu.

"Xiangshen can be called the first demon god. Among all the demon gods, the combat power should be the strongest. The path it walks has the shadow of the law of power, but it is not a pure law of power. It should be called. For the way of hundreds of millions of white elephants," Yu Duxiu said as he watched the battle in the starry sky.

"Xiangshen is too terrifying, with one power breaking ten thousand laws, but the sword of Tai Dou Jiaozu is also terrifying. He actually took advantage of the power of the ancient stars. It is really hard to say who is strong and who is weak. It's the power of the ancient stars." The sky was full of emotion: "It really is a break, not with the ordinary." 8


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