The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Recruit demon banners to break, ghost master means

"Bastards, you **** dare to take the opportunity to fall into the pit, and don't let us go out." Tiger God roared in the stars of the heavens with anger in his eyes, constantly tearing and suppressing the stars of the stars, wherever he went. The domain instantly turned into powder.

"Hahaha, I don't know if you old guys will be so arrogant when the demon banner is broken" Taishijiaozu's chuckle voice came out in the void.

Listening to the laughter of the Taishijiao ancestor, the faces of the demons became more gloomy, all of them stretched out their hands, constantly tearing the void, suppressing the countless star fields.




Pieces of stars were shattered, and the demon gods showed their powers, and in a flash, they were before the projection of the three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars.

The eight ancestors, plus the projections of three hundred and sixty-five ancient stars, are enough to contain the monsters and gods. The two sides are inseparable and difficult to understand. For a time, no one can do anything, but the star gods who have turned into stars are suffering. , In the aftermath of the fight between the supreme powerhouses, struggling to support.

The demon gods are unforgiving. After countless star fields are destroyed, they still need to be reorganized. A more powerful storm swept away. Thousands of star fields were instantly shattered. Even the three hundred and sixty-five main stars were also in the galaxy storm. In the shaky.

As the ghost master continued to behead the true spirits of the demon gods, and finally all the true spirits on the beckoning banners were beheaded, only the fox god's cultivation reached the state of escape, and the ghost master couldn't help it.

"Ghost Lord, you really want to be my enemy, are you wrong in the end?" Fox God looked at the ghost Lord with a pair of eyes.

"Oh, your demon race and human race are races, and this seat and you are a life-and-death struggle. If you are reckless and strong, this demon banner will looting the origins of the heavens and all realms, and countless demon beasts will be there. The demon banner is immortal, will you tell me the Yinsi to drink the northwest wind?" The ghost master looked gloomy.

The words fell, and only a ‘click’ was heard. The crisp gourd in the ghost master’s hand was instantly shattered. For a while, I don’t know how many dead souls soared into the sky and roared into the sky, and then the ghost master’s hand was sealed vertically and horizontally: "Reincarnation".

Countless demon souls fell into the Yin Division in an instant. Before, they thought they had a demon banner, and the wild monster beasts did not spare their lives. Whoever thought that at this time they all entered the Yin Division.


A gray brilliance slipped away from the hand of the ghost master, broke through the star formations of the heavens, and sank into it.

In the star battle formation, the fox **** held the demon banner in his hand with a gloomy expression, and the demon gods were also angry at this time, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

"What do you do now?" The wolf **** looked at the flag in the hands of the fox **** and said.

"Now there is only a little true spirit of the monster beasts in the flag banner, which can summon the monster beasts, but if it is said to be resurrected from the dead, it would be difficult." The fox expression was ugly.

Having said that, this demon banner is the main body, and the crisp gourd is only the blessing of the fox god, which promotes the rapid growth of the demon banner.

"It's okay, the demon banner may not be incomplete, eat a bite to gain a wisdom, I will personally control this demon banner in the future, and will never give outsiders an opportunity to take advantage of," Fox God said coldly.

If you follow Yu Duxiu's previous method of sacrifice and refinement, only sacrifice the body of the demon banner, it may not be impossible to repair.

However, since I joined the gourd without authorization and changed the method of worshipping the demon banner, it is difficult to say whether the previous method of sacrifice will continue to work.

"Since the demon banner has been ruined, the Conferred God List cannot be spared. It is always a curse to keep this thing." Two green lanterns flashed in the eyes of the ghost master.

"Feng Shen Bang is hidden in the endless void, how to destroy it?" The ghost master recalled his previous discussions in the Yin Division.

"My Dragon Clan has four phenomena, heaven and earth, which are enough to pull the Conferred God List from the endless time and space," Jinlin vowed.

"Well, that's the case, then my Yin Division will help you hold down the cold, and give you the opportunity to divide the middle area. You need to help me to destroy the Conferred God List." The ghost master clapped his hands and cut off.

"send troops".

"send troops".

"send troops".

The Four Seas Dragons suddenly swept in the direction of the Human Race. In an instant, the Four Seas Dragon Qi tore towards the Human Race’s luck. The Four Seas Dragon Kings turned into Dharma Forms, entangled with the four dragon claws and stretched out into the endless void. The enshrined **** list in the void.

"Asshole, evil animals dare to do this" The ancestors of the human race are dealing with the demon gods in the big formation. The demon gods are obviously in a bad mood after being broken and beckoning the demon flags, and they have crazy emotions. The ancestors who wanted to smash the heavens and star battles were miserable, but after all they could sustain it, this battle may not necessarily fail.

It was just that at this time, the Dragon Lord of the Four Seas had no good intentions and suddenly shot and directly attacked the Human Race's lifeblood Conferred God List, immediately making the human ancestors unable to sit still.

"When did Sihai Longjun pee into the same pot with the ghost master?" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"Sihai Longjun obviously took advantage of the fire to rob him, wanting to hurt the roots of the human race, should we take it? After all, the title of the gods is also the hard work of the virtuous brother." Looking up at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "The Conferred God List will be broken if it is broken. What's my business? Let's just sit and watch the show. This battle is becoming more and more interesting, but the ghost master was on the road to the sky many times. Provoke me, it just happened to cause some trouble for this guy today."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, and Pangu banner was suddenly held in his hand: "The Dao brothers will plunder the battle for me, let's see how the little brother and the ghost master can do some tricks."


The void shattered, the atmosphere of chaos permeated, the guardian barrier of the ghost master's body was instantly broken by the Pangu flags, and the law of the great world was suppressed towards the ghost master.

"Hongjun!" The ghost master roared, and the heavens and the world shook, but Yu Duxiu did not expect Yu Duxiu to wade through the muddy water.

The law of the Great Thousand World was instantly backlashed, and the ghost master hurriedly displayed supernatural powers, distorting the void, and wanted to open up the Yin-Yang channel and return to the Yin Division. The Jade Duxiu on one side did not give the ghost master's meeting, and the Pangu banners danced:

"Open the world".


The air of earth, water, wind, and fire rolled up instantly. This blow was not the ghost master, but the yin and yang channel that the ghost master had just opened. After the flag sail broke the channel, the chaotic air flew toward the ghost master. .

"Hongjun, you have to come to this muddy water too."

The ghost master twisted his body and came thousands of miles away, staring at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

"I don't wade into the muddy waters, I just have grievances, grievances, and revenge. Back then, you occupied the advantage of the site, and I was so proud. Today, I have done a game with you." Yu Duxiu sneered, Pan Gu Fan ignored the void and ignored The distance reached the top of the ghost master in an instant.


The ghost master instantly turned around in six circles, dissolving the endless chaotic air attack, and saw that the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a smile, and his body shrank in an instant, submerged in the six samsara, and disappeared.

"That's okay?" Yu Duxiu stood there blankly.

The ancestor of Jade came to Yu Duxiu: "The origin of the six reincarnations is the Yin The ending point is also the Yin Division. This old boy is the most rascal, unless it can interrupt the other's six reincarnations. The kid runs as he wants, and comes as he wants. No one can do anything about him."

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, he clenched the Pangu banners tightly, and looked at the Crown Prince Yin on the battlefield. The Crown Prince Yin smiled coldly, and his hands spread thinly: "All living beings exercise my hand, all living beings will fist."

"Dividing Yin and Yang".

The Yuduxiu Pangu flags ignored the space and slashed directly towards the prince of Yinsi.


This punch actually resolved Yu Duxiu's Pangu flag blow.

"The power of death for all beings is fun, don't be proud, Hongjun, sooner or later I will defeat you and suppress you into reincarnation."

After speaking, the prince Yin Si once again punched the sentient beings and slammed it out. This punch was not directed at Yu Duxiu, but at the white tiger on the opposite side. The white tiger was caught off guard and was instantly blown away. Then the prince Yin Si disappeared directly into the field .

"The law of this little guy is somewhat interesting" Yu Duxiu's Pangu banners were put away.

"Everyone who exists can reach any place at any time. This magical power is somewhat similar to my calamity. The calamity is where I exist." Yu Duxiu muttered to herself after reading the law of the prince of Yinsi.


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