The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1821: Life Killing Knife, 1 knife 700 years

"Recruiting demon banners, these beasts are indeed a bit capable, such as the reckless demon banners have been tinkered with by these guys, no wonder the ghost master will be angry, even if he does not hesitate to fight against the monsters and gods, they will be destroyed. If you don't destroy the demon banner, this demon banner is simply the nemesis of the Yin Division. If you don't destroy it, when the Demon Race takes over the middle area, the Yin Division is afraid that there will be no future." Fu Yao was speechless.

Nodded toward the sky: "Yes, it is indeed a great disaster to recruit demon banners. It has seriously affected the operation of the Yin Judicial Rule. It is reasonable for the ghost master to want to destroy it, but this beam is considered to be settled."

Taisu's ancestors' eyes flowed: "Recruiting demon banners is still the target of ghost masters. I don't know if that list of gods has also been targeted by ghost masters."

"Not so frantic, right? If two races offend at the same time, it will be enough for the Yinsi to drink a pot." Yu Duxiu looked hesitant.

As he was speaking, the war in the wild and wild had already rolled up, and the four supreme powerhouses under that ghost master had descended on Kunlun Mountain.

"Good and evil".




"I have seen fellow Taoist Hansang."

The four supreme powerhouses slowly came to the court and held their fists to the cold Beppu.

"Oh, what kind of wind is this today that actually blows all the four strongest among the Yin Division." Han Yan slowly walked out of the cave and looked at the four strongest.

"I have heard of your name for a long time, and I am here to visit today." Good and evil smiled at Han Yan.

"come in".

Looking at the four supreme powerhouses, Han Yan nodded.

In fact, the ghost master couldn't help it, so he sent the four supreme powerhouses to stop the cold.

It should be understood that this is the Yang world. The four great powers are greatly reduced in strength. Fighting with the powers of the same level will inevitably fall into the wind. Instead of this, it is better to ask the four powers to directly stop the cold and send the four sea dragons. Jun shot.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the ghost master to come to trouble the monster clan at a critical moment. Let's hold these beasts and make them collapse." Taishi Jiaozu smiled triumphantly.

outside world.

The magical powers in the hands of the ghost master surging, constantly killing the true spirit of the supreme powerhouse, the ghost brake on one side also shot at this time, a pair of eyes looked in all directions.

No matter what the ghost master, the quasi-superior powers shot at the Yinsi monk one after another, only to see where the innate aura is vertical and horizontal, the thousands of ghosts are instantly scattered.

"That's the prince of the Yinsi, let's take the prince of the Yinsi and threaten the ghost master" The little fox looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes, and the existence of the ghost instantly appeared.

"Town to kill devils."

"Town to kill devils."

The quasi-monster gods in the reckless wilderness are crazy, for the future of the monster race, to buy time for the monster gods, and for the fear of the ghost master, I saw that the quasi-monster gods all shot at this time, and Dao Dao Xiantian was killing towards the town of Guizi. Come.

"Come well, this prince Yan Luo is really great, and is about to test the power of Yan Luo's true body." Looking at the quasi-superior power in the world of Yang who came from the siege, the prince of Yin Si was not only not afraid, but showed a sense of war, life and death. The main road circulated, facing the first quasi-monster **** who came face-to-face, the prince of Yinsi stretched out his palm: "Heaven and man are five failures."


The prince of Yin Si was knocked into the air by the palm of the quasi-monster, but the quasi-monster was not well, and the prince of the Yin Si fell on his chest with a palm.

At first he didn't notice anything, but after three or five breaths, the quasi-demon **** suddenly changed his expression: "Damn! How do you control the power of the five decays of heaven and man?".

After speaking, the strong man ignored the prince of Yinsi and hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield and went to find a place to suppress the five decayed powers of heaven and man.

"Five failures of heaven and man?".

The quasi-monster gods who had been besieged and killed slowed down, but when they saw the ghost master who was slaying the true spirit of the demon god, everyone's complexion changed greatly again, and they rushed over and ganged up with the prince of Yinsi.

"The King of Hades told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch".

Only for a moment, the quasi-monster gods only felt that their true body suddenly stagnated, and then became slightly unstable, lost control, and moved towards the palm of the ghost master of the Yin Division.

The prince of Yin Si slowly stretched out his palm and looked down at the quasi-superior ones: "Not returning yet."

When a word fell, the quasi-superior strong men who had come under the siege were shaking, and they fled in a panic, looking at the Prince Yinsi from a distance.

"The supernatural power of this fellow is too evil, it can actually shake the power of the supreme true body" The quasi-monster gods suddenly changed their colors.

"I come".

The white tiger roared, Zhou Tiangeng's energy shook, and suddenly gathered towards the white tiger, the next moment a roar, the world shook, countless Gengjin's energy turned into a rain of arrows, and shot at the prince of Yinsi overwhelmingly.


The prince Yin Si disappeared into the void in an instant, avoiding the white tiger's blow, and when he appeared again, he had already come to the white tiger's body, pressing his palm against the white tiger's body: "Heaven and man are five failures."


The white tiger roared, and the world shook. Before the prince of Yin Si was still close, he was already shaking constantly by the roaring sound waves, and his movements stopped in the void.

"I hate this kind of attack the most. You are a wild monster, not a human monk. You should fight me hand-to-hand to do so many magical powers." The devil's real body shattered instantly, and then regrouped in the distance. A pair of eyes looked at Baihu with gloomy eyes: "What a keen observation, you have found the only weakness of this seat, but what about it? Look at my Hades chasing the soul."

The magical powers in the hands of the Yinsi Prince circulated, and the suffocating energy between the world and the earth converged, and then turned into a strange palm print, passing through the void, towards the Yinsi Prince.


The prince of Yinsi had just left his body, and all the hairs of the white tiger's body were erected instantly. The sharp and unparalleled energy of gold and gold continued to flow, trembling in the void, and the air was cut open. The blow of the prince of Yinsi just approached the white tiger. His body had already been shattered by that Mao'kill'.

"What else can you do, just show it to you" Bai Hu looked at the Crown Prince Yin Si gazingly.

In fact, the prince of Yinsi wanted to say at this moment: "Brother, aren't you a monster? Isn't the monster good at hand-to-hand combat? What do you do if you don't fight me hand-to-hand?"

Looking at Baihu, the prince of Yin Si flicked his life and death, looking at Baihu with a pair of eyes, constantly searching for Baihu's weakness.


Bai Hu simply rushed forward on his own initiative, and bit his mouth at the prince of Yin Si: "Being a tiger".

A ghost is a kind of ghost. If the Crown Prince of Yin is bitten by the white tiger, he will inevitably be in trouble, turning into a ghost of the white tiger and enslaved by the white tiger.

"Yam Luo Road, life and death are in my hands, life and death reincarnate."

The prince of Yin Si turned into white with his palm, and the air of life and death on it turned, avoiding Bai Hu's mouth, and patted Bai Hu's neck.


The white tiger’s shot was defeated, and the prince Yinsi didn’t get any benefits. He saw countless bristles on the white tiger’s neck erected instantly, turning into black whirlpools, constantly devouring the golden gas between the sky and the earth. The root hair is like a The devil's blow can't go down at all.

"Have you encountered the nemesis?" The prince of Yin Si withdrew back, his eyes looked at the white tiger with a smug look, and the seal of his hand was constantly changing: "The sky net is restored, and the lifespan is not leaked."

A black silk net ejected from the hands of the prince Yin Si, and headed towards the white tiger.


Baihu jumped, avoided the black net, and walked towards the main body of the Yinsi Prince.

"Life Killing Knife".

The prince of Yinsi smiled coldly and stretched out his palm, and saw that a long knife emerged out of thin air in the hands of the prince of Yinsi. This long knife appeared black, with countless patterns and mysterious, seeming to swallow all the light between the sky and the earth, coldly facing the white tiger. The real body cut over.


A stream of black blood spurted out, and although the white tiger's forelimbs were not broken, a stream of black blood appeared out of thin air.

"With a seven-hundred-year life span, I don't know if you, the quasi-monster god, can beat me a few times." Prince Yinsi proudly blew the life-killing knife in his hand.

This life-splitting knife directly damages the foundation and blood of a person, and has a life span of 700 years. If it is a monk with a lifespan, he will not dare to approach the prince Yinsi.

"Really? This seat has the blood of the Tiger God and has a life span of millions of years. I don't know if you can turn you into a ghost before you cut me to death." Bai Hu sneered coldly.


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