The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1692: Laozi Tianyuan, open the world

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Prime Minister Turtle looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and was speechless for a long time. He looked at the bluestone chessboard and said with a solemn expression: "How about the victory? How about the defeat?"

"If you win, naturally return you twenty-four strands of the immortal true spirit," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"What if you lose?" Prime Minister Turtle said.

"I lost your life. I will accept your 24 true spirit beads." Yu Duxiu smiled slightly, as if the spring breeze was blowing, but in the eyes of the old turtle, it was as if he were in hell. Devil, can't wait to tear it to pieces.

"There is another situation, how about a tie?" Prime Minister Turtle looked at the chessboard. Go has reached his level, and he knows it. All kinds of calculations are all within a single thought. The pattern of Go is difficult to escape from his own. Calculating, the two sides have no so-called victory or defeat, at most a tie.

"A tie? How can there be a tie? Either I win or you lose." Yu Duxiu showed her snow-white teeth, and slowly twisted out a white chess piece in her hand: "I haven't played chess for more than five thousand years. I didn't expect to return after reincarnation. , Unexpectedly, you old tortoise will come first."

After speaking, he saw Yu Duxiu fall, and instantly landed in the center of the chess game.


As if it were the sound of opening the world, the earth, water, wind and fire kept roaring on the chessboard, and the starter Tianyuan was the open source of all things. The old tortoise instantly felt that his soul was lost for a while, and his vision continued to recede. It seemed that he had come to the beginning of the world. The power of water, wind, and fire is constantly rushing, the power of the law between heaven and earth is turbulent, and my turtle bead is about to move, and is driven by the power of the law between the day and the earth, ready to move, wanting to be integrated with the law between the world and the earth, and since then, the way is in the world. In time, turned into a part of the world.

The secret method of the Prime Minister of "Divine Turtle Pan'an" is operating. It seems to be turned into a rock at this time. There is no leakage of the whole body's qi machine, and it falls into the ground, water, wind and fire. The force was turbulent, and he seemed to have really become a stone at this time.

"What happened to this old tortoise? After a chess piece of the master fell, the aura of the old tortoise fluctuated constantly, and then it was restrained to the extreme. It seems that the whole person has been turned into a stone, which is really weird." Qingyu's unique method, Wukong also scratched his head, seemed to understand.


The ancient wilderness that opened up the world, an unparalleled power hangs down, across all things in the world, the rock that the old tortoise turns into under that unparalleled power, instantly exploded, turned into powder, twenty-four illusory true spirits Instantly revealed in the turbulent laws of heaven and earth.

"Do not".

Feeling that his own law was swaying in the void, and was instantly transformed into a wild world, the old turtle roared in despair.


In the real world, when the ancestor Zhu Ba's words fell, he saw the old tortoise on the opposite side of Yu Duxiu screamed sternly and desperately, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the tortoise shell exploded in an instant, with 24 turtle beads. It was forcibly pulled out by an unparalleled mighty force, then twisted in the void and merged into the endless void. The next moment, an extremely bright aurora soared into the sky, but it was blocked by the great formation of the valley.


The old tortoise exploded, but in an instant it regrouped again. He saw that Prime Minister tortoise looked at Yu Duxiu with scarlet eyes, and his expression was shocked: "I lost."

"Yes, you lost, so your true spirit seat has already been accepted." Yu Duxiu looked at the chessboard and shook her head slightly: "You can't bear even one of my chess pieces. It really disappoints me. Up".

"That's the real power of the wild world. I accidentally calculated it. I didn't prepare for it. You just succeeded." Prime Minister Turtle was sitting on the opposite side of Yu Duxiu with a pale face, looking at the white chess pieces on Yuanshang that day.

"Yes, it is indeed the power of recklessness" Yu Duxiu nodded, but he would never say that this power of recklessness is indeed the power of recklessness, but it is not the power of recklessness in the great world. , But the supreme world that I used to open up heaven and earth with innate tactics in the past. Now, after continuous development and five thousand years of evolution and changes, it can spread its power beyond the whole body.

What really defeated the old tortoise was not the power of Yu Duxiu's universe, but the power of his own Xuanhuang embryo, that mysterious and unparalleled power.

Of course, Jade Duxiu wouldn’t say all of this. The old tortoise couldn’t figure it out. The opposite Wukong and Zhu Ba’s ancestors looked at each other. No one would have thought that there is no such thing as earth-shaking battles, let alone the entanglement of life and death, just One chess piece, one piece settled, and the universe settled.


Twenty imaginary beads in Yu Duxiu's left hand flew out instantly and merged into the old turtle's shell.

"Get ready to break through the supreme realm. This seat can guarantee that the Buddhist family will never come to disturb you." Yu Duxiu slowly stood up and looked at the chessboard in front of him: "What a pity!"

I don't know what Yu Duxiu's pity is, the old tortoise looked at the chessboard in front of him blankly, his eyes wondering what he was thinking.

"Let's go" Yu Duxiu walked out of the valley and joined Wukong Pig Eighth Ancestor.

"Master, this trick of you is too powerful. My old pig didn't know how to do it. The old tortoise vomited blood and exploded. You surrendered." The eighth old ancestor of the pig followed Yu Duxiu dumbly. His eyes were full of joy and exaggerated worship.

Yu Duxiu looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with a pair of eyes: "How can your bloodline power be pure six points? You have swallowed a lot of genius treasures this way, and all kinds of monsters have eaten it. How did you break through six points after entering the eight-treasure merit pool some days?".

Listening to Yu Duxiu’s reproach, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said helplessly: "Oh, hey, my master, don’t you know that my physical aptitude is too bad, it’s just the most common fat pig in the world, if not Back in Tianhe, you recommended me to go to the Hanyu Shrine to catch the autumn wind, and melt a ray of innate immortality. This generation of old pigs can be regarded as an explanation."

Seeing the ancestor Zhu Ba, Yu Duxiu was speechless. After a while, he said, "It won’t be long before this seat will give you a great benefit. It just depends on whether you have the ability to take advantage of it. If you are If you can really swallow that benefit, you might be able to return your blood to your ancestors by seven or eight points.

"What if I can't swallow it?" Old Ancestor Zhu said.

"If you can't swallow it, then you can only turn to ashes, but you have been refined by others." Yu Duxiu turned around unhurriedly and walked towards the Great Leiyin Temple: "This seat will be closed for a period of time. After thoroughly digesting the gains on the road to the sky, and then showing his skills in the heavens and all realms, how can the future catastrophe be without".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned and turned into a rebellious energy and dissipated in the void. Then Wukong looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with his eyes: "My old grandson has just proclaimed the Dao not long ago, but I don’t know the power of the heavens. Master’s words, my grandson can’t understand it. If my brother is free, it’s better to tell me about the general trend of the heavens and the world, so that my grandson’s eyes will not be discredited. Let’s take advantage of this big dispute. In the world, I have gained enough benefits."

The ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard this, and he hugged Wukong’s shoulders: "It’s still the monkey brother who is open and bright. Afterwards, I will not forget my old pig. Since it's like this, then my old pig will tell you about this. World, there are great benefits."

Yu Duxiu returned to Lingshan and sat in her palace. The innate soul reflected the group of Xuanhuang Qi embryos in her body. A touch of spirituality continued to flow. At this time, the rotation of good fortune was running to the extreme, constantly analyzing the Xuanhuang Qi. Various information derived from the embryo.

Outside, at Da Leiyin Temple, the Golden Winged Dapeng looked at Sun Chi with a pair of eyes: "The monk, quickly untie this golden hoop for this seat, you bastard, you actually want to use the golden hoop to trick this seat."

Sun Chi looked at the Golden Winged Roc and shook his head lightly: "Dapeng, you are now bound by the golden hoop, but you are not my opponent. Or honestly cultivate in this spirit mountain, and wait for you to wear it away. With the evil spirit in the body, this golden band naturally restrains you."

Having said this, Sun Chi paused: "This golden hoop is owned by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. This seat only has tight hoop mantras, but you don't know what loose hoop mantras. You should go to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva."

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