The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1691: Prime Minister tortoise

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?A famous town of all heavens and ten thousand worlds, you can watch the magic of Yu Duxiu that powerfully shook all the heavens and ten thousand worlds five thousand years ago, Wukong and Zhuba Patriarch will not miss it.

Seeing Yu Duxiu transforming into chaos and dissipating in the void, Old Ancestor Zhuba twisted for a moment, turning into a thumb size, and falling on Wukong's shoulder: "Brother Monkey, take me a little way."

Wukong shook his head helplessly, knowing very well the nature of the pig eight ancestors, not to say more, and instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the void.

But he said that Prime Minister tortoise, goodbye to Donghai Longjun, and after rejecting Donghai Longjun’s invitation, he drove the cloud head along the way, and sometimes sneaked into the reckless wasteland to escape. I don’t know how many miles he has walked, and finally turned away countless staring at him. The Prime Minister gave a long sigh of relief just now: "The daring will die, and the timid will starve to death. It’s a good bet to seek wealth from this risk. As long as the ancestor I retreat for a period of time, I can use that point. The luck that comes will definitely prove that there is no way to go on the road, to open up the territory of my turtle clan in the East China Sea, and to rule with the dragon clan."

After Prime Minister Turtle finished speaking, his brows suddenly frowned: "It's not right, why are the turtle beads fluctuating in this seat? It seems that something bad is about to happen."

The Prime Minister tortoise looked inwardly, inspecting his body, and suddenly his complexion changed: "It's not right, my 24 turtle beads are all missing a ray of origin."

After shouting, the old tortoise’s sweat ticked down on his forehead: “This tortoise bead is the heart and flesh of my old tortoise, where the innate treasure of the Dao is condensed. Now there are twenty-four strands missing, and you can’t reach perfection. No matter how much luck you give me, you won’t be able to break through, unless you abolish the cultivation base, reincarnate in the reincarnation, and make up for your losses in the reincarnation."

Speaking of this, Prime Minister Turtle’s always tepid face was full of anxiety: "Where did the twenty-four wisps of true spirit go? Why did they disappear suddenly? It’s really terrible. This happened at a juncture."

The old turtle’s eyes were full of irritability, but the next moment he saw Prime Minister Turtle’s body trembled, only to feel that there seemed to be a call in Mingming, and he kept pulling his Dao Guo towards a dense place in Mingming. Away.

"What the **** is this? Is it the place where my twenty-four true spirits have been lost? Now the twenty-four true spirits summon me through the void?" The old tortoise felt the fluctuations, his mind Guessing, at this time, he found that he had lost the true spirit of the turtle bead, and the old turtle's mind had been confused.

"Reincarnation is impossible, but I have to see where my turtle bead is lost. Maybe it was man-made or deliberate. Someone deliberately led me to the past, but now I can’t take care of so much. If I want to preach, I don’t have so much. After saying "choice", the old tortoise rose into the clouds in an instant, interspersed with Qingming in an instant, and flew for about an hour before landing in a certain valley.

"The call came from this valley. Old tortoise, I don't remember being here. Then, someone was here to lure me in." Prime Minister tortoise turned his eyes and looked at the tortoise shell under his body. , Walked slowly towards the valley.

But it is said that Yu Duxiu turned into a rebellious spirit all the way, and descended on a certain mountain in the wild, looking at the rolling mountains, his skills changed, the magic whip appeared in his hand, only his fingers With one movement, the twenty-four tactics are unpredictable, and even after seeing the tactics constantly changing the universe, the mountains and rivers are already shifting in an instant, and the rivers and currents are changing, and the earth in a radius of tens of thousands of miles is all covered by mystery. The force enveloped, the earth veins echoed with the stars above the nine heavens, and a large formation had been formed.

"A good method, the formation is just between thoughts and actions." Wukong and Zhu Ba Pao ancestors chased over at this time, the big formation has been finalized, and a pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu standing proudly on the top of the mountain. Show a big bald head, wearing a robes, red lips and white teeth. Although not handsome, but the temperament is outstanding, with the feeling of looking down on the world's heroes and seeing all beings as ants.

"It's worthy of being a standout who swept across the world five thousand years ago. Such an imposing manner can be possessed by non-comfortable figures" Wukong sighed.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed and said, "You have never seen the master’s method. If you know the master’s real method and keep your five-body throwing on the ground, you will be able to prove the Supreme Way, but if the master wants to take it You can't afford much trouble."

Wukong curled his lips when he heard the words, but he didn't believe in the words of the pig eight ancestors. There was no door on his mouth. What he said was often an exaggeration, and he could only believe one-tenth.

"Look for a hidden place and wait and see how I can subdue this old tortoise." Yu Duxiu walked slowly into the valley, sitting on a bluestone, swept in front of him, and a bluestone appeared. On the chessboard, the two black, white and jade colored chess boxes are neatly arranged.

Yu Duxiu turned his back to Taniguchi in the valley, wiping the chess pieces in his hand unhurriedly, a mysterious wave slowly escaping from the palm of his hand, while comprehending the Xuanhuang embryo in his body without any hurry. , It's so leisurely, there is no sense of tension before the war.

"Master, what are you doing?" Wukong frowned, "The old tortoise is here, just take him down. Could it be that he wants to drink tea and will persuade the old tortoise to be brought down?"

"You monkey, you know how to fight and kill every day, and it's boring. The master has already taken part in the good fortune and has integrated the magical powers into your life. You can't be as good as the master," said the old ancestor Zhu Ba.

Hearing this, Wukong took the words of Old Pig Eight as a deaf ear, and looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. When he was about to say something, he looked into the distance: "Here is here."




Stepping on the pine grass, the old tortoise walked slowly into the valley, and what came into view was a figure from the back, dressed in a robe.

"You brought me here?" The old tortoise stood still at the mouth of the valley, looking at Yu Duxiu's back with his eyes.

"Prime Minister Turtle, come and sit down, let's meet again" Yu Duxiu's voice was flat, without looking back, she still wiped the chess pieces in her hands.

"San Zang?" Prime Minister Turtle was startled when he heard the words, and walked slowly to Yu Duxiu, looking at the bluestone chessboard, his eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: "No! Should I call you San Zang or should I call you San Zang? Call you Miaoxiu?".

"Sit down" Yu Duxiu put down the chess pieces in her hand, and finally raised her head to look at Prime Minister Turtle: "Sanzang is Miaoxiu, but Miaoxiu is not Sanzang."

Looking at Yu Duxiu, Prime Minister Turtle's face finally sank, gloomy, thinking of some possibility Prime Minister Turtle was even more crazy.

"You have Daoized the true spirit of this seat?" Prime Minister Gui looked at Yu Duxiu with gloomy eyes, and slowly sat opposite Yu Duxiu.

"The prime minister is easy to calculate, my road to heaven was almost destroyed in the hands of the prime minister, and I received a little interest from the prime minister, not too much!" Yu Duxiu said calmly.

"Interest?" Prime Minister Turtle trembles with anger, the heavens and the world, the one who doesn't know that Yu Duxiu is a Daoist mad demon, as long as the true spirit falls into this person's hands, it will be ruined for a lifetime, only waiting to be Daoized Copies.

"It is not only my calculation, but also the calculation of Sihailongjun. I know that you and Sihailongjun have enemies. As long as you return the true spirit to me, I will help you deal with Sihailongjun. , I form an ally with you to seize the power of the world together." Prime Minister Turtle stared at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

Secretly, Wukong scratched his ears: "It's incredible. Looking at Laogui's attitude, he seems to be subdued and wants to resolve the cause and effect."

"Huh, you were born five thousand years late. Of course, you don't know how terrifying the name of the master is among the heavens and worlds in five thousand years. All quasi-superior powerhouses will retreat after seeing the master. He didn’t dare to compete with his master at all.” The ancestor Zhu Ba held his hands and looked at Prime Minister Turtle with a pair of eyes: “This old prince has hidden deep enough. Among the quasi-superior in the heavens, this old thing It can be regarded as the top ranking."

Wukong carried his hands on his back and wore a cassock all over his body: "Don't be inked, see how the master surrenders this old tortoise."

"Say so much and what to do, how about the Prime Minister than to play a game with me?" Yu Duxiu looked at Prime Minister Turtle with brilliant eyes.

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