The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1652: Kuimu Wolf and Gantian

♂"On the road to the sky, the masters and apprentices were looking at the ginseng fruit while heading towards the Great Leiyin Temple, but within half a day, they saw a country

"Master, there is a kingdom in front of it, and it is called the Treasure Kingdom" Wu Kong said.

"Master, let's go in quickly and change the customs clearance document." Old ancestor Zhu Ba smiled, "I will be able to have a big meal then."

While talking, the master and apprentice walked into the capital and handed over the paperwork. Only after hearing the order, the master and apprentice walked in.

Although the king of the Baosa Kingdom was wearing a dragon robe, the corners of the dragon robe were woven with dense Buddhist scriptures. Wukong looked carefully and saw that the scriptures were actually Amitabha Buddhist scriptures.

This king was about forty or fifty years old. After seeing the four masters and apprentices, he quickly stood up, got off the throne, and stepped forward to salute everyone: "I have seen all the mages."

"Your lord king, you can't do it, you can't do it." Yu Duxiu hurriedly supported the king.

The king said, "This place is my Buddhist domain. The mage has a noble status and is worthy and worthy. The Bodhisattva and I entrusted a dream last night, saying that several mages passed by here. I have been waiting for a long time."

"That's it." Yu Duxiu nodded.

"Come on, don't quickly give a few mage seats," the king said to his guard.

Some guards moved their seats and invited a few people to sit down, but they listened to the king's words: "A few mages are here. I happen to have one thing. I want to talk to the mages, ask the mages for help, and ask the mages for their permission." [Love ↑Go to △Small↓Speak △Net wqu]

"If you have anything to do with the king, just say it," Yu Duxiu said.

"The holy monk doesn't know. A few years ago, my treasure temple country recruited a consort, but I never thought that a monster was attracted, and the king had no eyes. All of this was self-inflicted. The daughter threw hydrangea into the street and chose the consort. , But I liked a man. I saw that the man was extraordinary, heroic, and handsome, so I approved the marriage, but I never thought that this man was actually a villain. On the day of the wedding, the Buddha's light shines, that monster He appeared in shape, wounded the guards of my Baosa country, and swept away the princess, but now she is nowhere to be found. He also asked some elders to help and retrieve my princess." The king has a sad face.

Wukong on one side said: "How do you know that I will find your daughter when I have the ability".

"Last night the Bodhisattva enlightened the dream, it was said by the Bodhisattva. Today, there is a holy monk passing by and he can call the shots for me," the king said unhurriedly.

"What the Bodhisattva said? Where does the Bodhisattva have time to pay attention to you, a mortal, who is too busy to learn the scriptures? Where does he have time to pay attention to you? You are lying." Wukong grinned and stepped forward, grabbing the king's clothes and doing viciousness Like, hideous face.

The king was immediately frightened by Wukong’s fierce and evil appearance, and said in a panic: "No wonder the elder, no wonder, it was a monster who asked me to say that. The monster abducted the princess of my Baosa country a few years ago. If I don't allow me to be a concierge, he will threaten me. If I don't agree, he will devour all the people in the royal capital. I am also helpless."

"Wukong, don't scare him. Since there is a monster like this, it must be for us, so you will meet him and see where he is sacred, and he is actually in the Buddhist Pure Land." Yu Duxiu said gently. .

"Yes, my old grandson will investigate and find out what happened." After Wukong finished speaking, he instantly turned into a streamer and left.

As soon as Wu Kong left his front foot, he saw a demon wind roll up on his back foot, instantly engulfing the Tang Seng and his baggage, and he was about to go to the sky.

At this time, the ancestor Zhu Ba smashed out with a rake: "The bold fairy, who dared to take my master away, and died quickly."

With a rake, the fairy didn't hit it, but it knocked down the luggage in the monster wind.

On the Thirty-three Heavens, when Gantian saw that demon wind rolled up his luggage, he was overjoyed: "Successful."

It's just that the smile hasn't relaxed yet, it has solidified on his face, and he yells: "This idiot, really is an improper son of man, what do you want the monk to do, just take away the robes, it's really troublesome."

Qiantian yelled at him, but he was helpless and could only stare at him.

The demon wind swept Yu Duxiu away, and it happened to meet Wukong escape light. Wukong initially saw the escape light passing by. It was not surprising, but it seemed that a familiar aura was leaking in the demon wind.

When the demon wind went far away, Wu Kong turned around and said, "Fairy, return my master."

Seeing the fairy curling Yu Duxiu into the cave, Wukong cursed: "It's really a **** to be caught by this fairy's plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain."

"Goblin, come out, come out quickly, pay my master, pay my master" Wukong stood on the top of the mountain, yelling.

In the cave, Kui Mulang turned into a fairy, put Yu Duxiu down, and looked out of the cave with a pair of eyes: "It's really careless. I didn't expect this monkey to escape so fast that he found his nest." .

"Msang-gong, what's the matter?" A beautiful woman came in.

Kui Mulang said: "Madam, you rest in the cave for the time being, I will go outside to retreat from the enemy."

While a little demon came up and tied Yu Duxiu to the wall, Kui Mulang walked toward the outside of the cave with a gloomy expression: "This time it is really troublesome. I originally wanted to plunder the Buddhist monk and the robes together. I never thought. I actually lost the robes. After I obtained the robes, I refined the monk to death and turned it into a medicine to make my lady immortal."

While thinking about it, Nakui Wood Wolf walked out of the cave.

Thirty-three Heavens, Gan Tian looked at the Spirit Mountain Realm below, and would never think that his subordinates actually wanted to eat the Buddhist monk. Is this really cheating? , Does the monk eat casually? .

If he knew what Kui Mulang thought, Qian Tian was afraid that he would be the first to kill people in the lower realm.

Gantian looked at Wukong who was clamoring outside the cave, and said to Xihe: "Kui Mulang is not Wukong's opponent, I have a magic weapon here, maybe I can help him."

In the land of the wolf god, the wolf **** looked at the wolf Dongyi, suddenly his eyes looked towards the endless void, and his expression was gloomy.

"What's wrong with God Father?" Lang Dongyi noticed the change of God Wolf.

"My wolf clan is going to be used as a gun. Kui Mulang, an idiot, dare not follow the decree of this seat. It's **** it." The wolf tickles his teeth.

"Father, you don’t know the power of the Conferred God List. As long as the gods of the heavens enter the Conferred God List, they cannot escape Qiantian’s dispatch. The same is true for Kui Mulang. This matter does not involve the Father God, and the Buddha is not. Fool, this account is naturally going to go to the sky," said Wolf Dongyi.

When the wolf **** heard this, his face was gloomy: "I'm afraid this dry sky will treat us as fools."

"Where do you come from? There is no master in this place. You leave quickly, and the king will spare your life, otherwise you have to know how great you are," Kui Mu said.

"Oh, you demon's clever words and expressions, your mouth is sharp, but you don't know how good you are?" Wukong stared, with a stick whistling, and slammed at Kui Mulang: "Return my master as soon as possible."

I don't know if the other party has a background, or if it is a catastrophe arranged by the Buddhist school, Wukong didn't dare to use his full strength, but he had a dozen or so reconciliations with the fairy to find out the details.


Although the Nakui Wood Wolf is the Tianjiao of the Wolf Clan, compared to Wukong, who has surrendered to the heart ape,, it is a world of difference. Wukong found a hole with a stick and was taken away.

"This monkey is such a powerful method" Kui Mu Lang's eyes rolled, and he went back to the cave mansion in an instant, and disappeared.

Watching Nakui Wood Wolf leave, Wukong showed a thoughtful look: "Looking at the magical power of this shot, the power of the stars faintly accompanies it. It seems a bit familiar. It looks like the Star God of Heaven, but I don't know which one it is. ".

"His Majesty".

Nakui Wood Wolf retreated, and after hurriedly entering the cave, he was startled when he saw the figure standing in the cave, and then he was taken aback: "Your Majesty, why are you in the realm?".

Gantian glanced at the Nakui Wood Wolf, waved his big sleeve, and three items fell down: "Hurry up and put these three items away, deal with that monkey, and quickly help me get the seal of the emperor. Remember, Once the traces of these three items are revealed, their owner will definitely come to the door. You just said that you stole them. You must not divulge my words, otherwise you should know the consequences." )


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