The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1650: Cause and effect involved, peaceful choice

"Come again" Fox God said coldly.

"You don't need to take action, the curtain has come to an end." Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed regretfully: "It's really a Buddhist skill."

When the words fell, I saw the innate spiritual root swaying below, but the ginseng fruit tree that covered the sky and the sun was shrinking, and then twisted to give rise to a fleshy body. I saw that the innate spiritual root instantly shot into the body's ancestral aperture. , Missing the trail.

"Pan Dao Zhenyuan, thank you Buddha and Bodhi for protecting the Dharma" Zhenyuan opened his eyes, holding a native yellow book in his hand, and bowed to Bodhi and Buddha.

"Good, good, good" Amitabha had a smile on his face.

The Yuanshi Tianzun on one side also chuckled: "Since fellow Taoist has refined this innate spiritual root, I will leave."

After speaking, the air of chaos in the sky converged and disappeared.

Looking at that Dao-robed, refreshing, vigorous Zhenyuan, all the supreme powerhouses all showed regret, but it was a pity that the Zhenyuan refined the ginseng fruit tree.

"Unexpectedly, you have such a chance." Taiping Jiaozu looked at Zhenyuan below, and a sigh appeared in his eyes. If he had spent his thoughts and left it under the sect, this innate spiritual creature or Zhiren is about to grow up. , May be a helping hand to his own sect.

To people? .

Yes, at this time, even though the Zhenyuan had not become immortal, but because of his innate spiritual roots, he had escaped from reincarnation and was not suffering from the five decays of heaven and man, so it should be called a ‘to man’.

Of course, the real Zhiren is not like this, but after the five decays of heaven and man, he is the ultimate among humans, immortal and immortal, but since the creation of the heavens and the earth, the world has never heard anyone talk about it. People have always been just a legend.

"Thank you, Jiaozu, for not holding back." Zhenyuan saluted.

"You can do it for yourself, it's always good destiny" Taiping Jiaozu nodded.

The supreme powerhouses withdrew, but the ghost master looked at Zhenyuan from the Yinsi with a pair of lantern-sized eyes: "Zhenyuan, pay the birth and death, this seat knows that the other half of the life and death is in your hands."

"Ghost Lord, before life and death, should I return the corner of the emperor map to this seat?" Before Zhenyuan replied, the Taiping ancestor on one side looked at Yinsi with a gloomy expression.

"Huangtu? What is the emperor picture? I have never seen your emperor picture. If you want to find your emperor picture, even if you come to the Yinsi to look for it," the ghost master sneered coldly. He wouldn't I kindly handed this corner of the emperor picture to the Taiping Patriarch. This corner is a good thing. In the words of the ghost master, this is the handle.

"You,,,,," Taiping ancestor shivered at the words of the ghost master. The emperor's map is very important. Now he has touched the threshold of breakthrough. If he is missing this corner, he will be stuck and cannot break through. Leave it alone, Taiping Jiaozu has the desire to die.

"Life and death is thin? What is life and death? I have never seen your life and death. There is only a local book in my hand. It is not your life and death." Zhenyuan holds a local yellow book in his hand, which is mysterious. The lines flow around, I don't know what is mysterious.

"You,,,,," This time it was the ghost master's turn to be speechless, a pair of eyes stared at Zhen Yuan, and the next moment a palm slammed across the Yin and Yang channel and took it towards Zhen Yuan.

"Ghost Lord, do you think my Buddhist school is nothing but nothing?" Amitabh gently shot, sealing the yin and yang passages.

But I heard the ghost master roaring up to the sky on the other side of the passage: "Damn, damn, really damn, peaceful, as long as you can find the other half of life and death, this seat will return your imperial picture to you."


After speaking, the Yinsi channel was instantly sealed.

After listening to the ghost master's words, the Taiping teacher looked at Zhenyuan with a pair of eyes, his expression gloomy.

Amitabha chuckled: "If Daoist wants to take Zhenyuan and go to Yinsi in exchange for a book from the ground, I think Daoist should dispel this idea."

"Hey" Taiping ancestor sighed and looked at Zhenyuan with his eyes: "You have heard the words of the ghost master. Back then, Xuanzao Sect was blessed by my Taiping Dao for a hundred years. If you can hand over the other half of life and death, help me. Switch back to Huangtu, you and I will be wiped out of cause and effect."

Zhenyuan shook his head when he heard the words, "Teaching ancestors' words are not good enough. Pang Dao doesn't think there is any cause and effect between us. What's more, Pang Dao only has a book from the ground, but he doesn't see life and death. This book is already in my life. Being integrated and blessed by the fundamental source of the innate spirit, it has infinite magical effects. If there is a testimony from a Japanese congregation, this life and death will be my innate spiritual treasure, teach the ancestors not to talk."

The ancestor of Taiping Jiao sighed after hearing the words and looked at Zhenyuan for a long time, but after all he did not say anything: "Let's do it for yourself."

After speaking, Taiping Jiaozu turned around and left, but it was clear that this matter was never over, or it could not be left so easily. Why? .

Taiping ancestors want to achieve great consummation, they must retrieve the emperor map. There are two ways to retrieve the emperor map. One is to directly grab it from the Yinsi, and the other is to take the Lingbao in Zhenyuan's hand for trading.

Seeing Taipingjiao ancestor going away, Zhenyuan smiled bitterly, turned his head and looked at Amitabha: "The Buddha has pitted me."

"Now you are cheap and still behaved. Without my help, how can you refine this innate spiritual root, guard the treasure mountain and go beg for food, now you have replaced the innate spiritual root, naturally there are calamities, most of the calamities have passed, and peace The teaching ancestor is just the aftermath of the calamity." Amitabhas cursed the Zhenyuan with a smile, and turned to look at the people on the way to learn the scriptures, then the light of the Buddha flowed behind him, disappeared into the void, and returned to the pure land of Lingshan.

Na Zhenyuan fell on the ground, looking at Wukong and Bingqin, taking the scriptures and apprentices, and saluting Bingqin: "Thank you Guanyin Master."

"Congratulations to Daxian, since then, I will live forever and live forever," Bing Qin said.

"Thanks to the blessings of you disciples" Zhenyuan sighed with emotion, turned to Wukong and said: "Since the Great Sage has saved this innate spiritual root, Pang Dao will definitely keep his promise and make friends with the Great Sage Babai".

After speaking, he said to Bingqin: "This seat is going to hold a ginseng fruit banquet. This is an innate spirit, a rare treasure. Please don't refuse."

"Thank you, Daxian" Bingqin gave a deep salute, knowing that his ancestor was afraid that his lifespan would not pass, so he pacified himself in advance. With this life span of 48,000 years, it is enough for oneself to break through fortune and grind. Grind to the supreme level.

"Ginseng fruit banquet? Good, my old pig likes it the most." The old ancestor Zhu came over, his face full of joy.

At this time, a boy untied Yu Duxiu from the old ancestor Zhuba and others. Zhenyuan stepped forward and came to Yu Duxiu and said: "Before the poor road, there was a lot of rudeness, please don't blame the elder."

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Congratulations to Daxian for longevity and Tianqi, this matter was caused by my master and apprentice. If it weren't for this hustle to cause trouble, how could this happen? Daxian would not blame me, it would already be a blessing. ".

The Zhenyuan Daxian smiled, turned around and ordered the boy to put down a banquet, serve ginseng fruit, and then came to the court to meet Wukong.

Zhenyuan and Wukong each took what they needed and gained each other.

From the inside story, Zhenyuan knows some When the learning is completed, this Wukong will inevitably soar into the sky. With the help of Qiyun, he will completely freeze his mind and become the supremely strong. No need to say more. To have such a brother of the supreme powerhouse, the benefits for Zhenyuan at this time are endless.

The ginseng fruit tree is a jealous innate spiritual root. If there is a brother of the supreme and powerful, there will be much less trouble in the future.

As for Wukong, although the benefits of worshipping Zhenyuan are small, there is no harm.

There is no harm, it is already good.

"This is the ginseng fruit?" Bingqin is the first time to see this kind of fruit. It is really like a baby, and ordinary people will definitely not easily read it.

Actually, I am very curious now. In the Central Plains of Journey to the West, it is said that Tang Seng saw the ginseng fruit like a very small baby, and he didn't dare to utter his mouth. But when ordinary people saw the sugar doll, why weren't there any fear? Is it because he is Tang Seng? Or, this ginseng fruit is really a simulant thing, but a flesh and blood body, so Tang Seng dare not say anything? .

"Yes, this is the ginseng fruit. Please taste it." Zhenyuan and Wukong finished their worship, returned to their seats, said to everyone, and made a gesture of invitation. (To be continued.)

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