The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: Backlash keeps coming, Jizo comes on stage

"Obviously, my avenue is perfect. Is the avenue of destiny so powerful that it can suppress my avenue?" Zhang Jiao's expression was gloomy at this time, but the Nan Tianhu on the opposite side did not give Zhang Jiao a chance and took the opportunity again A palm slapped towards Zhang Jiao, the palm of the palm came together in the heavens and the earth, turning into a series of extremely sharp swordsmen, trying to break Zhang Jiao.

"go to hell".

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" Zhang Jiao's Fu Zhuan changed, unexpectedly began to transform Yu Duxiu's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi supernatural powers.

In the cave mansion, Yu Duxiu's face was gloomy: "I dare to use my supernatural powers. It's really looking for death. Since the cause and effect have been established, this seat will let you know how powerful it is."

In the void, countless heavenly demons emerged in an instant, scrambling to dive into the primordial spirit of Zhang Jiao, trying to erode the primordial spirit of Zhang Jiao.

That Jiao Yushi Dou Zhuan Xingyi, originally that Dou Zhuan Xingyi had been successfully used, but the next moment I saw a strange power coming from the Ming Ming, his own Dou Zhuan Xing Zhuan suddenly solidified, and then a sneer came, and the Jiao opened in the Ming Ming. It seems that I saw Yu Duxiu wore a robe walking out of endless time and space, trying to seize his body: "Dare to touch the magical powers of this seat, just use this power to be reborn, and I will become famous in the future. , I will continue to live on your behalf."


Dou Zhuan Xing Shift failed unexpectedly, Zhang Jiao was hit by a palm again, and the power of the emperor figure escaped again.

"Get out of me, don't want to seize me." Zhang Jiao yelled up to the sky with a stern voice. At this time, Zhang Jiao's emperor's divine light burst out, and countless demon were swept away by the pure sun power of the Taiping ancestor.

"This Miaoxiu is really evil. It should not be touched easily." Feeling the power of the invasion disappeared, Zhang Jiao panted, and looked at the Nan Tianhu who was killed again with lingering fears. His thoughts flowed: "Miaoxiu is too evil, if not The supernatural powers of the ancestors are protected, I guess I will be taken away by Miao Xiu today. Miao Xiu's supernatural powers can't be used, then I will try to replace the supernatural powers of Donghai Longjun."

While speaking, he saw Zhang Jiao forcibly energetic, and saw that the silver-white talisman in his hand instantly changed into an illusory lightning dragon ball, and then saw the lightning turn into a thread, instantly solidified, facing the opposite side The southern tiger cut away.

In the East Sea Dragon Palace, the face of East Sea Dragon Lord was gloomy. After feeling that his power had been borrowed, he used mana to suppress it, but it had no effect.

"Zhang Jiao's supernatural powers are simply unbearable" Donghai Longjun said boredly.

While talking, he saw Donghai Longjun grabbing the Shattered Void, instantly crossing the endless void, and heading towards Zhang Jiao's suppression.

"East Sea Dragon Lord, Dare" Taipingdao, Taiping Sect ancestor looked angry, and a talisman in his hand instantly turned into a golden dragon, roaring up to the sky, swallowing up the magical powers of East Sea Dragon Lord.

"Zhang Jiao dared to blaspheme the power of this seat, the most unforgivable, don't you want to protect this person?" Donghai Longjun's voice shook the world.

"Huh, blasphemy against your power? That's not your power, but Zhang Jiao uses the power of heaven and earth to simulate your power." Taiping Teacher Ancestor sneered coldly.

At this time, the situation in the field had reversed. The Nan Tianhu was blocked by this blow, and his entire body was blown to black in an instant. A pair of eyes stared at Zhang Jiao: "True Evil Gate".


The Nan Tianhu roared, his body swelled continuously, his breath turned into a huge giant, and a paw suddenly stomped on Zhang Jiao.


Void shook, Zhang Jiao’s hand was changing, and he turned into an ancestor dragon’s true body with a roar. Yes, it was indeed the ancestral dragon’s true body, not the true ancestral dragon’s true body, but the ancestral dragon true body of Ao Le .

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Le's expression turned gloomy: "If there is a chance in the future, I must kill this corner town."

While talking, I saw the divine light flashing in the corners of the eyes. The Ancestral Dragon’s true body possessed the power of the law, the heavens and the earth, and actually forced the southern tiger into the soil. At this time, the southern tiger seemed to vent. The qi ball, breathing into its original size, was squeezed by Zulong's claw.


The Ancestral Dragon's true body also instantly turned into powder, dissipating in the void.

"Well what I said, before I finished the road to heaven, there was no invincible magical power in this world. Although Zhang Jiao’s Tao fruit is powerful, there is a time limit for simulating every power. The more powerful the simulated object, the more limited it is. The bigger it is, the less time it will take." Yu Duxiu watched Zhang Jiao’s supernatural powers at this time, and suddenly her face appeared in a daze. There is no invincible supernatural power in this world, at least until she finishes the road to heaven. After he finished the road to the sky, his magical powers were the number one in the world, even the magical powers of the ancestor Taiyi had to be restrained by himself.

"What a supernatural power" Nan Tianhu looked ugly at this time. Judging from the current situation, all his methods can be restrained by the other party, and it seems that this task will not be completed.

Zhang Jiao's complexion was not pretty at this time, his face was pale, and the previous attacks were accidentally backlashed. If it weren't for the Taiping ancestor's timely suppression, it's just that Zhang Jiao had turned to gray and reincarnated.

"Nan Tianhu, although you are the supreme powerhouse, but you are not my opponent, you should retreat early, lest you have to do your hands and feet, it is extremely troublesome." Zhang Jiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he could suppress it with good fortune. A quasi-superpower, no matter where he is, is something to be proud of.


Zhang Jiao finished speaking, but saw that the southern tiger smiled. Zhang Jiao flew out. He only felt a tiger roar behind him. The momentary shock of his soul could not be brought together, his supernatural powers could not be operated, and then a wave of unparalleled power Come and fly yourself.

But seeing the people of Longhudao vomiting blood, replacing Zhang Jiao, his eyes sneered: "Since I have defected from the Peace Road, how to go back is a wishful thinking. It's a whole thing to save you today. The old fellowship."

The Taoist Dragon and Tiger said this well, but in fact it is the Taoist Dragon and Tiger who couldn't open the horns. Zhang Jiao has the support of the Taiping ancestors. It is not an ordinary difficulty to kill Zhang Jiao. As the hope of the Taiping Taoist, the Taiping ancestors How can you not prepare Zhang Jiao for the next move?

Zhang Jiao was hit hard this time, unsuspecting, and completely kicked out of the battle, but seeing the void distorted, Zhang Jiao looked at the Taoist Dragon and Tiger with a complex expression, and disappeared into the void.

"Follow me back" Nan Tianhu looked at Longhu with a pair of eyes.


At this moment, the boundless Buddha's light flickered in the void, and the immeasurable compassion came, but I saw a little monk dressed in white, dressed in white, with red lips and white teeth, slowly walking out of the void. This little monk passed by, countless All sentient beings, flowers, plants and trees are all instantly transformed, opening a trace of Buddhahood.

Looking at this little monk with red lips and white teeth and walking barefoot, Nan Tianhu's expression was solemn: "The little monk is so grand, I don't know which disciple is it? Is it possible to come and pick up this seat for cheap?"

"Amitabha, little monk Jizo" the little monk put his hands together, his face solemn.

"Ksitigarbha? What kind of ghost is that,,,,,, ghost? Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" At first, the Nantianhu didn't care about his face, but suddenly remembered something, his face was shocked.

"It's the little the donor is polite." The Ksitigarbha monk is polite.

"I don't know why the Bodhisattva came on this trip?" The Nantianhu said with a fluke in his heart.

"Come to save people," the little monk said.

"Who is it?" Nan Tianhu said.

The little monk of "Dragon Tiger Taoist" smiled: "My eighteen arhats in Da Leiyin Temple have not yet returned. Now if Longhu Dao brother enters my Da Leiyin Temple, he will be the deputy head of the eighteen arhats, Fuhu Taoist, I don't know if my brother is willing ?".

The little monk looked at the Taoist Dragon and Tiger.

"Do I still have a choice? It's actually quite good to belong to the Buddhist school." The Taoist Longhu smiled bitterly. When things reached this point, they would either be caught for refining or enter the Great Leiyin Temple of Lingshan to seek protection. No need to choose, even a fool knows what to do.

"Good, good" The little monk smiled.

"If the Bodhisattva wants to save the dragon and tiger, he still needs to be struck by my strength, otherwise this seat will not be able to communicate with the tiger god" Nan Tianhu stood up and blocked the little monk.

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