The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: Taiyi teaches the ancestor's backlash

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   saw a figure twisted in the void, with Zhang Jiao holding his hands on his back, his figure slowly appearing in the field.


   "Zhang Jiao" Nan Tianhu's complexion suddenly changed.


The Taoist dragon and tiger on the side of    also changed color suddenly, and suddenly sat up from the ground: "Zhang Jiao".


   "It turned out to be you. My grandson is wondering why the same power hits my grandson." Wukong looked at the horn with a pair of eyes: "Stouting a dog, but not a sharp person."


   "Zhang Jiao, what are you doing?" Nan Tianhu looked ugly, and already had guesses in his heart.


Zhang Jiao glanced at Nan Tianhu, and did not answer, but instead looked to Wukong who was on the side: "Please also be merciful to Dasheng's men. This person is a traitor to my peace path. He defected back then and never thought of today. I actually showed my heels here, and I gained a lot of skills. The Taiping ancestor ordered me to catch the dragon and tiger and return to the sect to be sent. I also asked the great sage to give me a thin face."


   Wukong turned his eyes when he heard the words, let the road open, and smiled softly: "I don't care about this kind of thing, you just need to take away this dragon and tiger Taoist, I only need the master."


After    finished speaking, Wukong directly stepped aside, with a playful expression on his face.


   "Thank you, the great saint" Zhang Jiao saluted Wukong, and looked at Longhu with his eyes: "Back then, you apostasy and fled, never thought that you are here now as a misfortune, and you don't come to the ancestor to accept the sin with me."


"Wait, things come first, come later. Although this person is your peaceful person, he came first. This person has stolen a drop of innate blood and turned into an innate **** beast in my Tiger Temple. This dragon Daohu, you can't take away" the Nantianhu who was doing the wall-viewing stepped out, and instantly blocked the Daoist Longhu and Zhang Jiao.


   At this time, the Taoist Dragon and Tiger saw that Zhang Jiao was only a cultivation base of good fortune. Although he was afraid of Zhang Jiao's supernatural powers, after all, he was invincible and ended up as an ant, and there was not much pressure.


   "Who are you?" Zhang Jiao paused and looked at the Southern Tiger.


   "This seat is the Southern Tiger, where the Tiger God sits one of the four great generals." Nan Tianhu has a trace of pride in his eyes.


   "The four great generals of the Tiger God are polite and polite, but why are fellow Taoists blocking my way?" Zhang Jiao said.


   After listening to Zhang Jiao's words, Nan Tianhu's face was ugly, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. He had already said the reason before, but I didn't expect this angle to ask again. Isn't it a trick? .


   "Hmph, this Dragon Tiger Taoist Tiger God wants it, you Taoist priest should go wherever you go." Nan Tianhu's eyes surged, and his whole body was slowly rising.


"This Dragon and Tiger Taoist is a son of my Taipingdao, Taoist friends are too overbearing, my disciple of the Taipingdao, it is better to return to the Taipingdao, don't bother the tiger **** to bother" Zhang Jiao carries his hands, one palm is silvery white Fu Zhuan flashed slowly.


"The Dragon and Tiger Taoists have stolen a drop of the innate white tiger blood from the Tiger God's collection, and the blood incarnation technique that the Tiger God participated in. My Tiger God Palace wants to recover these two treasures, before the treasure is available. , The Taoist Dragon and Tiger cannot be handed over to Taiping Dao." Nan Tianhu looked serious, and a powerful Qi machine pressed against Zhang Jiao, trying to make Zhang Jiao surrender in the Qi machine.


"Funny, the heavens and the realms, who has the big fist since ancient times, who has the final say, what is the use of so many bends, it is better to do it directly, see the real chapter in your hand, divide the level, see the difference. "Zhang Jiao waved his palm and suddenly shot it, but he saw a wishful golden hoop that covered the sky and the sun, and suddenly smashed it from Zhang Jiao's hand towards the Southern Tiger. 【】


"You did it first. Don't blame me for bullying the little one." Nan Tianhu's eyes were full of murderous intent, a pair of eyes scanned the void, knowing that someone was paying attention to this place, and the attention was set for a quick fix. In an instant, both palms turned into tigers' grasp. , The Supreme Real Body revolved, directly resisting the attack of the golden hoop rod, and then grabbed the open angle with one palm, trying to break the open angle.


"The supreme body of the monster race, just about to learn." Zhang Jiao faced the attack of the southern sky tiger, but he didn't rush, the next moment a handful of real fire from the sun flew out in his hand and rolled towards the southern sky tiger. : "Look at the true fire of Taiyi's ancestor of the sun".


   "The magical power of Zhang Jiao is really evil, it is simply a blasphemy to all the supreme powers of the heavens and the world" Too Yidao, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of Tai Yi, the number of fate of the turtle shell in his hand is flowing, and the cycle is uncertain.




   The southern sky tiger scratched and tore the real fire of the sun, and with a burnt smell, he continued to rush towards Zhang Jiao.


   Zhang Jiao nodded: "Supreme real body, it is really powerful, the real fire of the sun can't refine you, if you change to a human monk, you will never dare to hold the real fire of the sun with your physical body."


   was talking, but saw that the talisman in the hand of the horn changed, and it turned into a Buddhist six-character mantra sticker.


   "Om Mani Padme Hum".


   The Great Leiyin Temple in the west, Sun Chi looked ugly at this time: "The magical power of this horn needs to be restrained by some way."




The power of the six-character mantra does not need to be considered. The Nantianhu was instantly bounced off facing the six-character mantra, and his body was reorganized in the distant mountains. A flash of contemplation flashed in his eyes: "Something is wrong, something is wrong, although the magical power you borrowed It looks like a **** and has a good power, but it is essentially different. They are all fakes. If they encounter genuine magical powers, they will be vulnerable."


"Now I’m going to be serious. I was just playing with you before." The Nantian tiger slowly lay down on the ground and turned into a huge tiger. I saw the tiger with white forehead, strong limbs and fishy body. The wind rolled up, and the surrounding mountains and rocks shattered by the wind, and the eyes looked at the horns, revealing a trace of playfulness: "Today I will let you know the skills of my tiger clan."


After speaking, he saw the Nan Tianhu roar instantly, and the sound wave vibrated, and the void actually split every inch and rolled towards the corner. Needless to say, if the corner is caught in the sound wave, it will be necessary to face it. Was crushed into flesh and turned into mud.




  'S face remained unchanged, and the road of Fuluo in his hand instantly changed, but he saw the formation of six black holes in his body. All the sound waves were swallowed up at the moment when he approached the six reincarnations.




   Nan Tianhu roared and grabbed Zhang Jiao and patted it: "I don't believe it, how powerful is the six reincarnations of the ghost lord, you are just a monk of good fortune, and dare to impose the power of the six reincarnations."


   "My avenue is so mysterious, how can you beast understand?" Zhang Jiao's expression remained unchanged, and a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Look at this trick, fate turns over".




   Zhang Jiao's body shone with divine light, endless power surging, a looming emperor picture burst out in an instant, blocking the palm of the Southern Tiger.


   "How is it possible?" Blood escaped from the corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth, and a pair of eyes looked at the endless void: "This is the power of Tai Yi Jiaozu's fluctuating destiny, and it bites me back".


   "The power of destiny cannot be blasphemed. This is just a small warning. The next time you come, you will not be light." Tai Yi Jiaozu's wind and light voice sounded in the void.


   Little punishment? .


If it weren’t for the back hand left by the Taiping Jiao ancestor at the critical moment, I’m afraid Zhang Jiao would have lost his vitality under the palm of the can you restrain my supernatural powers." The blood dripping from the corner of Zhang Jiao’s mouth, A pair of eyes looked towards the void, as if he hadn't noticed his injuries.


   Tai Yi Jiaozu did not respond.


  Taipingdao, the Taiping ancestor looked gloomy: "It's too easy, you old guy is too much."


"Excessive? The supreme power can't be blasphemed. I just gave him a warning. There are no perfect magical powers in these heavens. Back then, even the supernatural powers of the wonderful show were restrained, let alone a mere corner. , I just didn’t care about it before,” Tai Yi taught the ancestors casually.


"In the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to borrow the power of Taiyi Jiaozu. This old guy does not know how to find the flaws in my magical powers. It is really terrible. The power of the fate of this old thing is too weird. My magical powers are perfect. Why use him? In fact, Zhang Jiao knows that his own flaws are the Tao fruit, and all the power, cause and effect will be endured by the Tao fruit that he manifested. As long as his Tao fruit is not destroyed, he will not suffer. Backlash, suppressed. (To be continued.)


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