The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 955 Ten Thousand Purples and Reds

Xiao Jing quickly came closer and knelt down in front of the adult. Because of his tall stature, he was actually the same height as Li Yun.

Li Yun looked at Xiao Jing with a smile, and saw that he had changed a lot compared to when he was first rescued in the Yunmeng ruins. His cultivation had returned to the out-of-body realm. He had long hair and beard, a purple face with smooth jade, a majestic body, and was extremely powerful. !

Xiao Jing was bathed in the light of the master's Taoism. He was already a little intoxicated, but when Li Yun saw it, his heart beat faster, his blood flowed, his face turned red, and his purple face was about to turn purple, and he mumbled: "Sir, little slave Serve tea to your lord!"

"Okay! I didn't expect that when Xiao Jing cultivated to a venerable level, he hadn't really transformed yet!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Huh? Sir, have you noticed?" Xiao Jing said in surprise.

"Of course, your female body hasn't appeared yet, so naturally you haven't changed."

"Sir, this is Xiaonu's... first time. If the service is not good, please don't take offense..." Xiao Jing muttered, with a look of shame on his face and trembling all over.

"Haha, where's your tea?" Li Yun changed the subject.


Xiao Jing quickly started the tea ceremony.

In the Universiade Palace, almost everyone is practicing tea ceremony now, and their progress is extremely fast. There is no other way, the conditions are so good, it is difficult not to make progress.

Everyone has a tea garden, a good tea set, and a lot of adults' understanding of the tea ceremony in their small space. This is very beneficial to their understanding of the tea ceremony.

Since everyone's own conditions are different and their understanding of the tea ceremony is also different, there is a situation of a hundred flowers blooming, which surprised Li Yun.

If you think about it carefully, it is actually not difficult to understand, because everyone’s space is created to be an environment suitable for his or her own cultivation. Even if the same tea tree grows in it, it will have different changes. When brewing tea, whether it is color, The smell and taste will be different.

Coupled with each person's Taoist power and understanding, the tea produced in the end is of all kinds.

Li Yun looked at the tea produced by Xiao Jing and found that the colors of the tea leaves were very different, including red, purple, yellow, green, pink, blue...

The color of the tea set is not a pure color. It is made from different five elements soil. It looks extremely colorful and unique.

Xiao Jing is indeed a powerful person.

When making tea, I feel relaxed and relaxed. I am quite skillful and can simplify the complex. It doesn’t take long before I have three cups of steaming tea!

"Eh?!" Li Yun exclaimed softly, looking at the tea soup, feeling a little uneasy.

I saw that the color of the tea soup was also changing, red, purple, yellow, green, blue and pink... constantly changing...

The fragrance also changes with each color, giving people different taste and smell experiences...

The only shortcoming is that it contains less vitality and charm, only forty-nine silks, which is still far behind Wang Yi's current seventy-nine silks.

"Not bad! Your tea ceremony is quite unique. What kind of tea ceremony is it?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Sir, Xiaonu's tea ceremony is called 'A Thousand Purple Reds'!" Xiao Jing said proudly.

"Wan Zi Qian Hong? Well, it's very vivid! Isn't this the name of your swordsmanship?"

"Yes. Xiaonu's kendo is colorful, making people feel like they are in a spring garden, admiring the boundless beauty... Therefore, when Xiaonu is studying tea ceremony, he also tries to incorporate this Taoist meaning into it, Not only do they cultivate tea leaves of various colors, but they also use colorful tea sets, so that the tea they brew is extremely rich in color and flavor!”

"That's great! With your understanding, I'm afraid your prospects in the tea industry are limitless!" Li Yun praised.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir!"

Xiao Jing said happily, lying on the ground, picking up a cup of tea, placing it on top of his head, climbed up to Li Yun, and said respectfully: "Sir, please have some tea!"

Li Yun picked up the tea and tasted it briefly. His brows furrowed, and a look of dumbfounding suddenly appeared on his face. He felt that except for the color of this tea, the rest was simply unflattering. The aroma was mixed and offset each other. It simply has a strange smell. The tea soup is extremely astringent and not smooth in the mouth. The spiritual energy in the tea is also insufficient. It is impossible to form a spiritual explosion in the body, let alone vitality. It is too far away from what I want...

However, he suddenly felt that this tea soup contained the meaning of Xiao Jing's colorful swordsmanship. Therefore, after tasting it carefully, he could actually understand some of the essence of his swordsmanship, such as in that spring garden. , looks colorful and colorful, but in fact it is full of dangers and extremely dangerous!


Li Yun exclaimed, a little uneasy.

Ordinary people are not allowed to drink such a cup of tea, otherwise, if they drink one cup, they may die in hell!

Just like the tea you brew, even powerful people may be affected by one cup. It is extremely rare for Xiao Jing to have such a prototype of this tea!

"Sir, how do you like this tea?!" Xiao Jing asked respectfully.

"Very good! You have incorporated the art of kendo into tea ceremony. This is a great idea. If you keep improving and study hard, over time, this cup of tea will not be available to everyone!" Li Yun praised heartily.

"Thank you, sir!!!" Xiao Jing said happily.

"Haha, after drinking your cup of tea, I want to see your swordsmanship even more!"

"Sir, please let me perform a sword dance for you!" Xiao Jing said respectfully.


Xiao Jing retreated to the middle while lying on his stomach, stood up, and struck a pose. A red light shone from his hand, like a lightsaber, and began to dance.

Silent as a virgin, moving like a stray rabbit, the sword in his hand is like a flying swallow flying in the sky, sometimes it is as heavy as a thousand swords, and it is swayed wantonly, as graceful as a swimming dragon...

Just like a spring breeze, spring seeds are planted here. The seeds quickly take root and sprout, and begin to grow. The grass and trees are lush, and the flowers begin to bloom. Gradually, the flowers are blooming and the fragrance is like clouds. A beautiful garden is in Li Destiny is slowly unfolding...


Such a sword dance and such Taoism made Li Yun mesmerized and felt wonderful!

Unable to suppress the urge to create, I immediately popped out the Xuanhu paper, filled my star pen with ink, and started to write...

Xiao Jing danced with such concentration that he almost blended into the garden. If he was facing an enemy, he could kill or injure the enemy from anywhere in the garden, but he could also hide anywhere in the garden, making it impossible for the enemy to pursue him...

It's always spring when it's colorful!

The spring breeze finally blows, the dance is over, and the painting is done!

"Good sword, good dance!!!" Li Yun clapped his hands and praised.

"Thank you, sir!" Xiao Jing calmed down and slowly recovered from his Taoist state.

"This painting is given to you!"

Li Yun casually clicked on the air scroll and flew towards Xiao Jing.


Xiao Jing looked at the scroll and was suddenly startled, with a look of extreme astonishment on his face.

I saw a flower-filled garden in the scroll. This garden was exactly what I danced in just now. But at this time, compared to my own garden, the garden in the painting seemed more realistic, more vibrant, more agile, and bursting with energy. The aroma filled his nostrils, making him feel like he was in a garden.

He screamed and let go of his hand. The garden in the painting suddenly appeared around him. All the plants and flowers were vividly displayed before his eyes. Walking along the path among the flowers, you would see different scenery at every step, including mountains and mountains. There are flowers, butterflies, bees and birds in the water... The east wind blows and the spring rain makes people linger in this boundless beauty...

Xiao Jing was almost drunk and had almost forgotten everything. He just wanted to linger in this garden forever!

A burst of spiritual power slightly stimulated him, causing him to wake up suddenly. He felt that the flowers and plants in front of him seemed to have turned into sharp swords, waving towards him.

The bees and butterflies also transformed into enemies and pounced hard on themselves!

He hurriedly dodged, and suddenly found that the path under his feet had also turned into nothingness, leaving him with no way to stay. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and was struck by the sword one after another...

When he was feeling bad, there was a "swipe" sound, and everything suddenly disappeared. Xiao Jing looked around blankly and found that he was back in the palace again, with the "A Thousand Colors of Purple and Red Picture" in his hand.

It turns out that when I was looking at this picture just now, I accidentally fell into the trap and entered the world in the picture. Fortunately, Li Yun woke me up, otherwise I don't know when I would be able to return.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Jing screamed, feeling that his whole body was not feeling well.

The depth of the Taoist meaning contained in this painting far exceeds the colorful Taoist meaning that I have perceived. If I can often perceive this painting, I will definitely make great progress on this path!

Unexpectedly, the master's Taoist power has reached such a level, Xiao Jing can't believe it, and he is almost confused!

The value of such a painting is so high that it is simply immeasurable, and the master actually gave this painting to himself so that he can appreciate it all the time!

"Xiao Jing, why are you still in a daze?!" Li Yunqi said.

Xiao Jing suddenly woke up, knelt on the ground with a plop, and said loudly: "Thank you so much for the painting!!!"

"Haha, I have just realized your colorful Taoist meaning, so this painting still has shortcomings, please don't mind!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? Sir, did you just realize this?!" Xiao Jing said in shock.

"Yes. I had some feelings when I first drank your cup of tea. Then I saw you dancing with the sword, and I felt even deeper. That's why I painted this painting."

"That's it! Your Excellency is truly a genius! In this short period of time, he realized a deeper meaning than Xiaonu. It's really unimaginable!!!" Xiao Jing said sincerely, with stars twinkling in his eyes. There was boundless admiration on his face.

"Oh? It's not as advanced as you said, right?"

"No, the colorful Taoist meaning contained in this painting is far better than that of Xiaonu. If you hadn't woken me up, I would have confessed in this garden..." Xiao Jing said with some fear.

" should be careful when looking at this picture in the future. If you don't have enough power, you should keep it for now!" Li Yun understood and said.

"Yes! Sir! This little slave will treasure this painting. Only when he is with the adults can he look at it and understand the meaning of the Tao!" Xiao Jing said happily.

"Haha, you know how to use tricks! That's good, you don't have to worry about being confused by the flowers!"

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