The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 954 A moment of shock

Xiaoxiang was fascinated by what he heard and reacted, asking: "Then how did you know its purpose?"

"The people at Rong Baotang just said that it is an extraterrestrial meteorite that has the function of a space stone. However, after careful study, I found that it is very different from ordinary meteorites and space stones, so I often hold it in my hand to enjoy it. , As a result, its treasure secret was triggered inadvertently, and after studying it, I finally knew its purpose!"

"Oh? Treasure Jue? Where is it?" Xiao Xiang asked urgently.

"Brother, have you seen the pit at the bottom of it? Just fill in a piece of spiritual crystal, and then touch the brightest star in the star map on the right side of the stone. After a while, you can see the treasure secret on the stone. Emerge." Xiao Jing said.

"I see!"

Xiaoxiang immediately followed this operation, and sure enough, after a while, he saw some extremely strange symbols flashing on the stone.

"Huh? These symbols are extremely strange, can you understand them?" Xiao Xiang asked curiously.

"Of course we can't understand those strange symbols. However, its secrets are constantly flashing, and some of them are understandable to us." Xiao Jing reminded.

The two of them watched intently. Sure enough, after a while, several more symbols appeared, and then the text of Xuanling Continent appeared. After reading, it turned out to be exactly what Xiao Jing said.

However, it is not quite appropriate to say that it is a treasure. It should be said that it is just a description of the stone. The specific use of it has yet to be explored by the user.

Xiao Jing himself had put many life forms into it, and found that he had indeed gained the power of another world. He was so happy that he kept this stone on his body.

Obtaining a huge treasure unintentionally made him extremely proud, and he accidentally told it once. As a result, Ku Cheng, Bian Qing, Bian He, Kang Jian, Le Fei and others raided to seize the treasure, and finally Jingtianjie was defeated. A tragic ending that destroys the world and destroys everyone.

When Xiao Jing talks about this matter now, although he is less excited than the person involved, his heart still fluctuates and he cannot calm down for a long time.

Xiaoxiang's face also changed after hearing this. He didn't expect that there was such a thrilling grudge and hatred between these slaves of the Lord. If they hadn't joined the master now to eliminate the gap, I'm afraid they would have fought to the death. .

"From this point of view, the origin and function of this treasure are still unclear. I think it is better not to let it get close to adults, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!" Xiaoxiang said.

"It makes sense! Actually,

When I recognized the Lord last time, I wanted to present this treasure to you, but he didn't want it. He said that this treasure was an unlucky thing and suggested that I not use it. I thought it made sense, so I simply removed the spiritual crystal at the bottom. I also removed it and don't enable it anymore. I didn't expect to see it again when I came here to check it out today. "Xiao Jing sighed.

As he was talking, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes were fixed on the star map on the stone, and he exclaimed: "Huh? Why is this star map still flashing like this?!"

Xiaoxiang was startled when he heard this. He looked closely and saw that the star map on the right side of the stone seemed to be slowly coming to life. Every star was twinkling and moving slightly!

"Weird..." Xiao Jing mumbled.

"What's weird?"

"I have never seen it change like this before. I wonder what happened today?"

"It's really weird! Why do I feel like it's desperately inhaling the surrounding gas?" Xiaoxiang asked suspiciously.

As far as the eyes could see, everything was trembling slightly, as if they were being shaken by the wind, and even I felt chilly.

"Huh? Not bad!"

Xiao Jing reacted and realized that a small wind whirlpool was slowly forming in the inspection space with the stone as the center. The airflow was pouring into the stone, becoming more and more powerful...

The stone suddenly broke away from Xiao Xiang's hand and flew into the air, scattering brilliant light and sucking in the surrounding gas...

"Not good!" the two of them exclaimed.

This whirlwind was so strong that it had already grabbed the two of them and pulled them into the stone!

All the unattached objects in the space were dragged inward by this extremely powerful airflow and disappeared in a flash!

"Sir, help me!!!"

The two screamed wildly, desperately resisting the force, and were almost dragged in...

At the most critical moment, the two powerful men were thinking of asking for help from you, but they never thought that he was just a little monk who they were supposed to protect. It can be seen that under the law of heaven, they have formed a strong impression on you. What a degree of dependence.

"Stop!!!" came a loud shout.

The airflow around the Faith Travertine stopped, the wind gradually slowed down, the airflow in the space gradually weakened, became smaller and smaller, and finally reached nothingness...

Xiaoxiang and Xiaojing fell to the ground with a "plop" and "plop", screaming and falling into a pile.

The star map on the Faith Travertine slowly became dim, and finally stopped shining.

The figure flashed, it was Li Yun.

He picked up the Faith Travertine and removed the spiritual crystal at the bottom. Then he looked at Xiao Xiang and Xiao Jing, and found that the two of them had almost lost all strength in just this moment, and were lying limply on the ground, panting.

"Sir, be careful!!!" Xiao Xiang shouted.

"My lord...this little guilty!" Xiao Jing sighed.

"Okay, get up. I don't blame you for this! Well, you continue, but this stone is quite weird, I will take it to study it first." Li Yun smiled and returned to Lingxian Peak.

The situation just now was really dangerous. This stone seemed to be extremely sensitive to the gas in the Universiade Palace. Once activated, it immediately began to inhale the gas in the palace. It went from small to large in a very short time and the force was extremely strong.

After Li Yun discovered this, he quickly reacted and immediately cut off the gas around the stone, leaving it in a vacuum state. In this way, its actions became passive and it could not absorb the gas. It would naturally Unable to maintain its devouring action, it was quickly beaten back to its original shape.

Of course, this move is only possible in the Universiade Palace, because this place is completely under Li Yun's control. With a thought, all the gas around it can disappear, making it unable to use any force at all.

If it were in the outside world, it would be impossible to stop its violent actions. It is difficult to predict what the outcome will be.

"Strange star map..." Li Yun murmured as he stared at the star map on the stone, almost entranced.

"Sir, this star map seems to have a very profound meaning, and it should be the key to unlocking the secret of this stone." Xiaoxing said.

"Not bad! Of course, there are also those strange symbols on the treasure..."

"Sir, Xiao Jing just mentioned that the people in Rong Baotang think this stone is an extraterrestrial meteorite with space functions. It can be seen that the treasure appraiser has made a mistake. Based on this star map alone, it may really be an extraterrestrial meteorite. thing."

"Well, after this star map is activated, the starry sky displayed is extremely vast. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a universe. However, it is no wonder that those treasure appraisers, in the unactivated state, this star map is extremely simple. , there are only a few stars, I thought they were for decoration!" Li Yun laughed.

"Sir, leave this research task to Xiaonu. You'd better calm down and comfort Xiaojing, he's almost scared." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Well... well, you should also be careful."

"Don't worry, sir!"

Li Yun handed the stone to Xiao Xing, then rushed to the palace and found Xiao Xiang and Xiao Jing rolling in a ball on the ground. He sent a message to Xiao Xiang: "Xiao Xiang, let Xiao Jing come in. "

It can be said that Xiao Xiang's inspection mission has been a great success today, so Li Yun will no longer interfere with Xiao Xiang's enjoyment of the inspection.

"Yes... sir!" Xiao Xiang's face turned red and he replied in his heart.

He quickly stopped his Xianlong hand and said: "Xiao Jing, you can tidy up your appearance and then go to the palace. The master is waiting for you inside!"

"Thank you, brother!!!" Xiao Jing responded, got up, and felt relieved.

This eldest brother is really horny. After that frightening moment just now, he didn't restrain himself and made himself horny. It was like he was warming up to serve the master.

I found that my body was messed up by Xiao Xiang, so I quickly arranged my hair and washed Xianchen...

Feeling that it was almost done, he said goodbye to Xiao Xiang, walked to the bedroom, and shouted: "Sir, the slave is here!"

"Xiao Jing, come in quickly!"


He bent down with his head and walked carefully on the palace steps. He saw the master sitting on the jade chair, looking at him with a smile. He quickly lay down on the ground and said, "Greetings to the master!"

"Xiao Jing, weren't you scared just now?" Li Yun asked.

"No, thank you for saving me! Sir, this slave is guilty! Please forgive me!" Xiao Jing said, his eyes were wet with excitement, and he shed two lines of tears.

"It's okay! This faith cave stone is indeed somewhat mysterious. It may take some time to unlock its secrets, so just leave it here with me first."

"Yes! I don't dare to ask for this stone, sir. Please study it, but be careful!"

"Haha, it was a bit dangerous just now. If you were really sucked in, you would be in big trouble!"

"Sir, let's just destroy it to avoid any further trouble."

"Destroyed? This is not easy. Unless such a treasure destroys itself, it is difficult for external forces to destroy it. What's more, it must contain a huge secret. I am also very curious!"

"Oh? Adults also think it is a big treasure?" Xiao Jing said in surprise.

"Of course! This extraterrestrial meteorite comes from an alien world. The star map above reveals an extremely bright starry sky universe, which is completely different from our starry sky. Maybe through it, we can also understand the secrets of that starry sky." Li Yun smiled.

"Wow!" Xiao Jing exclaimed, shaking slightly.

If the facts are true as adults say, then all the price I paid for this is considered valuable!

"Haha, this is just my judgment. Maybe it will bring us other unexpected surprises."

"Sir, I really hope that you can unlock its secrets as soon as possible, so that you can go to the starry sky with you in the future!" Xiao Jing said sincerely.

"Okay! Come, sit down quickly and chat with the adults."

"Yes! Sir!"

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