The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3964 Yu Qier’s Versailles

"Ha ha…"

Tie Yin laughed dryly and said: "Fairy is joking! If we make some money, that's for sure. After all, our Xingyun Palace is a commercial force. We provide products and services to customers. There is hard work without credit, right?" But if we say we make a lot of money, then I don’t need to tell you, I’m afraid the seniors also know it’s impossible, right?”

Si Qingyan said from the side: "Xiao Tie, don't be angry! Sister Yu said this unintentionally, but her words are faster than her brain! Who doesn't know that your Xingyun Palace takes us all into consideration and protects us? Don't say anything else. , just the god-level antidote you gave for free is a priceless treasure. Even if we give you all our wealth, it won’t be enough! There are also those equipment and high-level flying castles, no matter how much money we give, we can’t buy them. To buy such high-end goods, you are here to help us improve our strength and let us understand more advanced Taoism. These cannot be measured by money..."

At this moment, Yu Qier knew that she had said the wrong thing. She lightly palmed her mouth with her delicate hand and said, "Bah, bah, bah, I don't know what happened to my sister's mouth today. She was disobedient and said something. Xiaotie, don’t take it to heart. Sister actually wishes you could make more money, so that you would stay on our Tiangang planet forever and provide us with those high-end goods and services... Tongshuai is right, we don’t believe it. What about the Black Hole Clan? It’s better to believe in your Xingyun Palace. Think about it when we people were poisoned. Where were the Tiangang Black Hole Clan? Who was that? Boyan, right? He even said he was protecting our Tiangang Star, but he never cared about it. Our life and death? He didn't even see any action from the poisonous man when he invaded. In my opinion, he only protects the Tiangang Stone on the Tiangang Star, and those of us living here are probably nothing like ants in his eyes. Either way, how can such a person be worthy of our trust and trust?"

"That's right, girl!" Si Qingyan gave her a rare compliment!

"Isn't that right? In my eyes, these Black Hole tribesmen are no different. Boyan didn't save us, and the Doro Technique even blocked my way. In the end, he actually turned around and said that I was the one who harassed him. I don't think so. Thinking about it makes me hate him to the core, but it's a pity that the difference in strength is too big, otherwise I would definitely tear him apart to see how much he cares!!!" Yu Qier said angrily.

"This... Speaking of this, sister, I feel the same way. This Doro Shu is simply a pervert. He wanted to capture us all at that time, but finally fell in love with... Tongshuai, and actually wanted to take him away directly. It can be seen that the Jianyang Black Hole Clan is really not a good race. If our Tiangang Star falls into their hands, the consequences may be disastrous..." Si Qingyan sighed.


"Sister Si is right..."

"If I fall into the hands of that Dora Shu, I might as well die..."

"I wonder if there is any treasure that can die with him?"

"Doro Shu is in the city now. I wonder if Xingyun Palace can help us catch him?" Yu Qier suddenly thought of this and asked quickly.

When everyone heard this, they quickly looked at Tieyin...

Tie Yin touched his nose, shook his head and said: "Let's not talk about whether we have the ability to catch him. Now that Boyan is watching him, we don't need to take action at all. Don't worry, Duoluo Shu will never attack you again!"

"Are you saying that Boyan can really suppress him?" Yu Qier asked.

"With Boyan's strength, he can at least guarantee that he will not be suppressed. Look at these two people, they talk and laugh for a long time on the surface, but in fact they are intrigues and plotting against each other. From now on, these two people are afraid that they will be entangled for a long time. It’s been a while, and it can be said that Doro Shu’s coming to Tiangang Star this time was a big mistake for the Jianyang Black Hole Clan…” Tie Yin said.

"Oh? You mean..." When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up!

"What Duoluo Shu said to you before fell into Boyan's ears. He must have passed this information back to his clan immediately, and he himself took the initiative to get entangled with Duoluo Shu. The purpose is actually very Simply, I just want to dig out more information from him while preventing him from doing further harm to Tiangang Star.

After all, this is the place he protects, and Doro Technique is now the biggest unsafe factor. For his own selfish reasons, Duoluoshu first came to Tiangang Star to visit and hunt for beauties, but was discovered by Boyan. This exposed the strategic intentions of the Jianyang Clan and made them want to plot against the Tiangang Black Hole Clan and catch them off guard. The strategy failed, and the subsequent battle between the two sides may not be what the Jianyang tribe originally imagined..." Tie Yin analyzed.

"That makes sense!" Everyone suddenly understood and couldn't help but praise loudly.

Tie Yin said with a smile: "So, the trigger of this matter, when Fairy Jade was blocked by Doro Shu, was actually a turning point in this high-end battle. From this perspective, Fairy Jade's contribution is really unbelievable. Estimate…”

"Wo..." Everyone was in an uproar when they heard this...

I didn't expect that things would take such a magical turn!

A bad thing turned out to be an opportunity for Tiangang Star to be rescued. The wonders of cause and effect in the world are really incredible...

However, if you think about it, without Yu Qier's abnormal performance today, she would not have met Doro Shu outside the city and been blocked by him. It was precisely because of what happened that everyone would go outside the city. When he went to check, he was targeted by Duo Luo Shu again, and later he attracted Boyan Lai. The most important thing is that in order to convince Tong Yi, Duo Luo Shu actually revealed his disagreement with the Jianyang tribe. There are so many secrets, and these secrets have completely exposed the Jianyang tribe’s strategic intentions for this action...

"That's true!" Fairy Xueyue said with a sweet smile.

"Sister Jade has made great achievements this time!"

"I asked what happened to Sister Yu today. It turns out she was trying to protect our Tiangang Star..."

"Girl, thank you for your hard work..."

Everyone praised...

Yu Qier didn't expect that the direction of the wind would change so quickly. Listening to everyone's generous compliments, her pink face turned slightly red and she said with a hint of shyness: "Where is it? If you want to blame it, just blame the girl. I am quite beautiful and fragrant, right?" Otherwise, that pervert wouldn’t have targeted me..."

"This..." Everyone was speechless for a while. They felt that this white fox was really thick-skinned. However, she did have the capital to say such things. As the leader of the fox clan, it is impossible not to be beautiful. It's just this Generally speaking, it’s better to say compliments when they come from other people’s mouths…

Tie Yin smiled and said: "I didn't expect that the fairy is not only beautiful and fragrant, but also knows Versailles literature!"

"Versailles literature?" Everyone was startled when they heard this.

"Giggle, what do I know about literature? Versailles? Xiaotie, please stop making fun of me, sister!" Yu Qier said with a proud smile.

"I wonder what the Versailles literature Xiaotie means?" Tong Yi asked.

"Well, this is what our Xingyun Palace says about Fairy Xiangyu's self-effacing approach, not Taoism..." Tie Yin said with a smile.

"Oh? Ways of self-effacement?" Tong Yi was startled, was Yu Qier self-effacing just now?

Others were also confused. Yu Qier was just bragging, but the way she spoke...

By the way, it’s the way you talk!

Everyone suddenly realized that Yu Qier had just said that she was quite beautiful, not that she was very beautiful. This kind of derogatory and complimentary way of speaking was just to highlight that she was actually very beautiful. Yu was targeted by the pervert Doro Shu...

This way of boasting is quite original!

Obviously, such a way of boasting and boasting is called Versailles literature when placed in the Astrological Palace...

Well, everyone learned something new today. It seems that every time you go to the Xingyun Palace, you can come into contact with new things and gain new knowledge. This feeling of constantly opening your mind is really intoxicating...

Yu Qier didn't expect that she would return to Versailles inadvertently, and her pride in her heart became even higher. She chuckled, and was about to say something more, when she suddenly pointed at the picture of the racing hall and screamed: "Oh my God!!!" Look!!!”

Everyone looked over quickly and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Thirty-ninth floor?!!!"

Yes, in the fight between Duo Luo Shu and Boyan, Duo Luo Shu was the first to break through to the 39th level!

Looking at Boyan again, I found that he was a little behind. He was now on the 33rd floor...

However, no matter what, the achievements of these two people were enough to make everyone present extremely shocked, even terrified, because compared to the Tiangang people, the gap is really too big, and it is beyond the reach...

Tong Yi sighed: "These two are just the core disciples of their respective tribes. Above them, there must be countless powerful people. If the Black Hole tribe really wants to deal with us, we have no power to fight back..."

"Xiao Tie, do you really need to leave here early?" Si Qingyan asked in a trembling voice.

Tie Yin secretly laughed in his heart, but still said: "I can't answer this question at the moment, but I would like to ask the fairy, if you want to leave, where can you go?"

"This..." Si Qingyan was startled and suddenly speechless...

Tie Yin continued: "In fact, what I just said, including the origin of black holes and the powerful races on the gaseous planet, is all to illustrate the fact that dangers are everywhere in the universe. You cannot be here. Find a paradise in the universe and live a carefree life without risk. This kind of life may have some meaning to ordinary mortals, because their life span is very short, and being able to live a life safely is already their greatest achievement. However, for cultivators, especially for advanced races like you, such a life will soon become ordinary, boring and without passion, and not many people can endure it!"

"This..." After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but nodded slightly...

Indeed, for cosmic powers like them, everyone's lifespan is quite long. Even without those life-extending drugs, their own vitality alone can last for a long time before dying. If life is like this If it's as plain as water, it seems like something is missing...

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