The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3963 Another backer

In fact, not only the Tiangang tribe, but also other tribes and people in the demonic path. These life forms on the Tiangang planet themselves live in an extremely dangerous place. The principle that ordinary people are not guilty and those who are guilty is in the hearts of everyone here. They were all very clear, so for a while I felt like the hairs on my body were standing on end, and I was shivering...

Treasures are so touching. Now the Tiangang Treasure Star has not only attracted powerful people from all walks of life, but even the most powerful black hole clan has come to fight for it. I thought this was the end, but I didn't expect that there is still a large wave of gas hidden inside the galaxy. If the terrifying forces of the planet come out to fight for it, the world will really be in chaos!

Tie Yin smiled and said: "Of course, although this possibility exists, it is very small. It is not difficult for you to see the reason. These powerful life races are extremely adaptable to the ecological environment of the gaseous planet, and their body structure is also extremely suitable for living in the gaseous planet. Survive and develop on the gaseous planet. Moreover, the gaseous planet world you see is far more than all of it. There are rich resources and huge wealth on the gaseous planet. Therefore, these powerful races really have no desire to go there. Entering the outside world, unless the energy of the gaseous planet is exhausted..."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yi said: "With so many gaseous planets, some of them must have exhausted their energy, right? Didn't the lives among them escape?"

"That's for sure, but didn't you just say that? There are far more gaseous planets than solid planets in a galaxy. This is because the number of gas molecules in the universe is extremely large. In a galaxy, gas molecules The number of them accounts for almost 90%, and the number of dust solid molecules is far outnumbered. Therefore, in the process of the formation of the solar system and galaxies, the number of gaseous planets is also very large, and generally speaking, the volume of gaseous planets It is much larger than a solid planet, often 100,000 to hundreds of thousands times more. Therefore, those life forms that escape can easily find other gaseous planets suitable for their continued survival and reproduction, and once they find a place, they often It can last for a very long time, which is the main reason why these powerful life forms are rarely seen on solid planets..." Tie Yin explained.

"I see…"

"so far so good…"

"It's really scaring me to death..."

"I hope they live well and don't bother us..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking...

Tie Yin further said: "Actually, the main purpose of me mentioning gaseous planets, especially large cyclones on gaseous planets, is to explain the situation of black holes!"

"Black hole?!" Everyone was stunned upon hearing this. No wonder Tie Yin mentioned the cyclone of the gaseous planet when he just mentioned the micro black hole...

"Yes, the vast majority of micro black holes exist for a very short time, and only one in a thousand survives and can persist for a period of time. But there are always lucky people in this world. If a micro black hole happens to appear with stable energy output It can be supported and maintained by energy. Micro black holes do not have a stable structure, and there is no heaven and earth. They float like small cyclones, drifting with the current, until they gradually grow with the support of powerful energy, and Slowly mutate, and when they grow to the size of a large cyclone, a stable space will begin to form inside them, which is enough to provide good shelter for life..." Tie Yin said.

"Oh my God..." Everyone exclaimed, extremely surprised by the magic of the universe...


"But what?!" Tong Yi asked urgently.

"This is just a way for black holes to grow. In fact, the number of large black holes formed in this way is very small. It is only possible by chance. However, the main ways to form large black holes are the other two. !" Tie Yin said.

"I wonder which two they are?"

"The first type is formed by the collapse and contraction of a large solar explosion. This phenomenon is also called a supernova explosion. The second type is formed by small black holes that continuously devour other black holes, gradually forming large black holes." Tie Yin said.

Everyone was a little confused after hearing this.

They looked at each other, secretly chewing on the meaning of Tie Yin's two sentences...

Tie Yin smiled and said: "You don't need to delve into those details. If you want to explain them clearly, then I'm afraid everyone won't have to do other work. Now is not the time for you to study these issues. However, when it comes to black holes, The process of devouring each other is quite tragic. Moreover, the growth of large black holes depends to a large extent on this method. Only by devouring more can it grow into a super black hole and control a large swath of the starry sky. power!"


"Super black hole? How big is it?!" Tong Yi asked in shock.

" will probably be so big that we can't even imagine it!" Tie Yin sighed.

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

To what extent will the power of such a huge super black hole reach? And what about the black hole tribesmen born there?


No one dares to imagine anymore...

Tie Yin smiled and said: "Actually, we don't have to worry too much. As I said before, matter and energy are adapted to the starry sky where they are located. For large black holes and super black holes, although they are extremely powerful, It is precisely because of this that they must follow the way of heaven and not act arbitrarily. If they casually leave their orbit and go elsewhere, they are likely to destroy the structure of the starry sky. In turn, the structure of the starry sky is destroyed. The force will also affect themselves. If a backlash event occurs for such a powerful celestial body, the consequences will be extremely serious. Maybe they themselves will be finished! Therefore, the Jade Fairy said earlier why the Jianyang and Sishui tribes did not bring It's not that they don't want to, but they can't. On the one hand, they don't have the ability to guide the black hole out of orbit. On the other hand, the black hole itself won't cooperate with them at all. For large black holes, it is independent. , has its own operating rules, which is very different from small black holes, because small black holes are still very unstable, and they need black hole tribesmen to collect energy to power them. They are dependent on each other, so black hole tribesmen can control small black holes. It wanders around, but when the small black hole gradually grows up and turns into a large black hole and a super black hole, it can survive and develop alone in the starry sky, and its power becomes stronger and stronger. To the black hole tribe, it almost becomes an ant. A kind of existence…”

"Wo..." After everyone heard this, they finally let out a long breath, and their hanging hearts slowly relaxed...

Yu Qier smiled sweetly and said: "Giggle, that's it. Although the two black hole clans are extremely powerful, they can't bring their own black holes to devour them, while the Tiangang black hole clan has ubiquitous black hole forces that they can use. Then it’s really hard to tell who will win and who will lose!”

"That's right!" Tie Yin laughed.

"Then who do you think will win?" Yu Qier asked reluctantly.

"It's difficult to judge at the moment, but even if the two sides decide the winner, it will take a long time, right? For the Tiangang tribes, the most important issue right now is how to deal with other powerful aliens. , and the most important thing is not to lose confidence, after all it is a home game, if you can make good use of various conditions, even if the opponent is a dragon, you can let it defeat..." Tie Yin said.

"Well said!" Tong Yi praised loudly.

He glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Everyone, what Xiaotie said is really to the point! Confidence! Our self-confidence! If we are timid before fighting, then even if we have a lot of fighting power, we will only be able to fight at most. If we can exert 20% or 30% of our combat power, how can we defeat our opponents? As long as we establish the belief that we must win, even if we are 20% or 30% of our combat power, we can still perform very well, then we may have a successful counterattack! What's more, We have another backer..."

"Another backer?!" Everyone was startled.

"Yes, our backers are not only the Tiangang Black Hole Clan, but also Xingyun Palace! Although Xingyun Palace is a commercial power and does not participate in foreign wars, it is our strong backing and can provide us with sufficient medicines. , equipment, Taoism and advanced flying fortress! The advanced flying fort is not only attackable, but can also be returned to defend. At worst, it can protect us from escaping. With such high-end equipment, do we have any reason to lose confidence?" Tong Yi said .

"The clan leader is right! In recent years, it is with the support of Xingyun Palace that our clan can ensure safety and its strength has greatly increased!" Yifan agreed.

Si Qingyan echoed: "Commander Tong said it well. If there was no Xingyun Palace, I am afraid that I would have been poisoned and died. Who of the other leaders of the tribes have not received the favor of the Xingyun Palace? The current poisonous problem, If it weren’t for the support of Xingyun Palace’s medicines and equipment, the current situation would not be possible…”

Tong Yi nodded and said: "So, instead of relying on the Tiangang Black Hole Clan, we should rely on Xingyun Palace and strengthen cooperation with Xingyun Palace. Not only can we get continuous support from their various products, but we can also get support from their information. , this is so important to us! If it weren’t for the information they provided, we would not even know the situation at hand, and how could we adopt the most correct development strategy?”

"That's right..." Everyone agreed unanimously...

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!"...

Tie Yin clapped his hands and saluted with a smile: "Thank you all seniors for your support and care! Deepen cooperation with all ethnic groups in Tiangang and do our best to serve all ethnic groups. Serving the people of Tiangang is the operating principle of our Xingyun Palace! Not only now, but also This will be even more true in the future! We in Xingyun Palace love peace and hate war. If someone wants to destroy our peaceful situation, we will definitely stand on your side, support you, and cheer for you..."

"Giggle, Xiaotie's mouth is very sweet! I wonder if you have made a lot of money from us by doing so much?" Yu Qier teased.

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