The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3916 Black Hole’s Plan

Su Mei couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Liu, this little Zeng said that it was a wandering black hole. Does that mean it passed by there? Are there other black holes that don't wander?"

Li Yun praised: "Good question! This wandering black hole should indeed have appeared there not long ago. In fact, in the universe, almost all celestial bodies are moving all the time, but they are insignificant on the large scale of the universe. , so it is difficult for us to detect it at ordinary times. As for super celestial bodies like black holes, it is actually a system, a racial civilization, from ultramicro black holes to super large black holes, all exist in this black hole civilization, including this small wandering black hole It is also among them. Of course there is a reason why it wanders. In my opinion, it should come here to find food. Generally speaking, in the centers of some huge galaxies in the universe, there are one or two super large black holes entrenched. The huge gravitational tide binds the surrounding stars in a large range and rotates around it. It is difficult for other small, medium to micro black holes to compete with them here, so they will gradually move away, looking for their own sphere of influence, or just Hidden around the edges of galaxies, where the gravitational tide of supermassive black holes has become weaker, giving them room to survive and develop. There is also abundant interstellar material at the edges, enough to provide them with what they need. nutrients, thus attracting many black holes to wander here to look for food..."

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized!

"Then will it attack Kui Chou Xing?" Su Mei asked again.

"Currently, this small black hole does not have this ability. After all, the Kwai Chou Star itself is large enough, and it is not easy to swallow such a big thing. However, if this small black hole continues to grow like this, its ability will With rapid growth, it will soon pose a threat to Kui Chou Star!" Li Yun said.

"Oh? How long is this time?" Su Mei asked anxiously.

"Well, if there is enough matter, the time does not need to be too long! Because the black hole has almost no ceiling at this growth stage. The efficiency of converting the swallowed matter into energy is extremely high, faster than the thermonuclear effect inside the planet. It is much faster, so its growth rate can reach a hundred to a thousand times that of Kui Chou Star!" Li Yun said.

"A hundred times to a thousand times?!!!" Everyone screamed. Isn't this growth rate too amazing?

Li Yun nodded, his face a little solemn, and said: "Have you seen the luminosity of its accretion disk? Uncle Zeng's information has recorded its changes over a period of time. When it was first discovered, its brightness was relatively average. But its brightness has improved to a certain extent in the state it has recently been displayed, which means that the heat of its accretion disk is rising faster, and the light radiation effect is also increasing. As this effect increases, the speed at which it converts matter into energy increases. It is also constantly improving, and according to the current state, it can reach about 10%!"

"Ten percent?" Everyone was a little confused, wondering what kind of concept this was...


Don’t underestimate this conversion efficiency. This is already an extremely high energy conversion rate! The thermonuclear effect is constantly going on inside our Thai star. This is also a process of converting matter into energy, but its conversion efficiency is only one thousandth! It is simply incomparable to the optical radiation effect of the accretion disk! "Li Yun explained.

"Wow!!!" Everyone was still a little confused, but they could still understand a little better. After all, through a simple comparison, it can be concluded that the efficiency gap between the two is a hundred times, and they are indeed not on the same level...

Li Yun continued: "It seems that this wandering black hole is very hungry and will not reject anyone who comes. It has snatched all the interstellar matter in the Kuichou star field. No wonder the Kuichou star will be furious, but..."

"But what?" Duoduo asked anxiously.

Li Yun did not answer her directly, but looked at Zeng Bu in the light and shadow and asked, "Uncle Zeng, has Kuichou Star discovered the existence of this black hole now?"

"Probably not! Because the location of the wandering black hole is on the edge of the Kuichou star field and the Naxisai star field. It is a place that neither party has paid attention to. It is extremely hidden. Moreover, this location is relatively far away. Kuichou star has never been there. He has been there, so he has no suspicion of going there, but his recent investigation is almost approaching this direction..." Zeng Bu said.

"Well, it seems that sooner or later it will detect the existence of the black hole. If the two sides fight..." Li Yun pondered.

"Young Palace Master, I have thought of a way..." Zeng Bu said.

"Uncle Zeng, please speak!"

"The cause of the matter was the sudden appearance of the rogue black hole, which used its strong gravity to suck in most of the interstellar matter in this star field. This broke the balance of the material cycle in this star field. If we can give these materials Intercept it and give some to Star Kui Chou, then Star Kui Chou will not be so violent, and the wandering black hole will think that all the interstellar matter here has been absorbed by it, so it will leave here and go elsewhere... This may avoid the two The situation where the stars are fighting..." Zeng Bu analyzed.

"good idea!!!"

"Can Xiao Zeng really intercept so much matter?"

"It would be great to be able to trick that damn black hole away like this!"

"Yes, as long as it leaves, the world will be peaceful..."

"God bless…"

Duoduo and the others were talking a lot, and everyone was in high spirits. They wished that Zeng Bu could implement this plan quickly and coax that hateful wandering black hole away...

Li Yun thought: "Uncle Zeng, you are underestimating this wandering black hole..."

"Oh? I wonder what the young palace master thinks?" Zeng Bu asked quickly.

"The Black Hole Clan is extremely proud. Even if it is a small black hole, it has never been afraid of anyone, especially other racial civilizations that are lower than them. With the ability of this wandering black hole, it will attack the Kuichou Star Territory and the Naxi Sai Star Territory. The situation is actually very clear. In this case, it also carried out such a blatant action to fight for scraps, which shows that it is very high-spirited. As it gains more and more energy, it must feel that its own strength is also increasing. Rapid improvement will make it more confident and arrogant. Perhaps its goals at this moment are no longer limited to interstellar matter, but have begun to aim at the star Kuichou!" Li Yun sighed.

"This..." Zeng Bu was startled, and his face changed slightly!

Duoduo said anxiously: "Xiaoliu, what should we do?! If the Kuichou star and the black hole fight, it will definitely affect our Naxisai star field..."

With Zeng Bu and Duo Duo's level, they naturally quickly thought of the consequences. The saying goes that when gods fight, ordinary people suffer. This is the truth.

However, things like this can be said to be endless in the universe and happen every day. Who would pity those poor people?

In the eyes of advanced races and those super powerful people, these common people are just some weak ants. If they don't block the way, it's okay. If they happen to block their own way, then they are seeking death. No wonder they are ruthless and ruthless. righteous…

"Well, this is indeed a trouble! We can't place our hope on the wandering black hole that it will leave on its own. Instead, we should be prepared. Once they start fighting, even Naxi Saixing will not be able to stay away, so..." Li Yun Groaning.

"So what should we do?! Xiaoliu, you must save us!" Heishang begged from the side.

Li Yun said: "Fairy Frost, don't worry. Didn't Uncle Zeng just say that? Our Xingyun Palace has already taken action. Your tribe and other people from other tribes will not be in danger for the time being. However, is there any danger in that star field?" There are still prosperous racial civilizations on those stars. If chaos occurs in both star fields, those civilizations may be in big trouble..."

"This..." Upon hearing this, Duoduo and Heishang couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as their own clan was safe, as for the other clans, they could leave it to Liufeng to think about it.

Although I don’t know what method Zeng Bu used to keep the people on this planet safe, after all, Zeng Bu and the people in the Xingyun Palace are still on the Naxisai planet. Of course, they also have to protect themselves, so Duoduo believes that Zeng Bu He can definitely do what he said, otherwise he would have evacuated long ago...

Duoduo asked: "Xiao Liu, what kind of preparation do you mean by being prepared?"

"The first is to protect the Naxisai planet and prevent it from getting involved in the battle between the two stars. The second is to prepare to evacuate!" Li Yun said.

"Evacuate?!" Duoduo said in surprise.

"Of course! If a war breaks out between those two stars, the war may be extremely fast or may be protracted, but no matter which case it is, it will have a huge impact on the Naxisai star field, and its operation must not be smooth. A large number of stars and matter will fall into chaos, and this is what the wandering black hole wants to see most!" Li Yun said.

"But why?" Duoduo asked quickly.

"The more chaotic it is, the more matter will fall in its direction. After being absorbed and transformed by it, its power will continue to increase, making the chance of it defeating Kui Chou Star becoming greater and greater!" Li Yun explained road.

"Yes!!!" Everyone suddenly realized!

It seems that this is the ultimate goal of wandering black holes!

Its appearance on the edge of these two star fields this time should not be as simple as accidental passing, but it was implemented after some careful investigation and design. Its goal may be to combine the two star fields. All the substances are swallowed into its belly, thereby achieving its rapid growth!

Zeng Bu was also very impressed. It seemed that the castle master had a sharp vision and saw through the wandering black hole's plan at once. If he hadn't implemented it like this and followed his own plan, I'm afraid it would have delayed the battle...

"So, it's very possible that our Naxisai star can't be saved?!" Duoduo screamed after she realized what she was doing and asked quickly.

"That's not to say, with the ability of this black hole, it is impossible to swallow Kuichou in a short time. At most, it will lose part of the star's material and escape. And with the size of Naxisai, it is even more impossible to swallow it..."

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