The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3915 Wandering Black Hole

Regarding the planet people, Duoduo and Heishang learned about it from Fan Chunren not long ago. They didn't expect to hear it again so soon!

Moreover, the people on this planet have also posed a huge threat to the safety of their own race. I wonder if this is a coincidence or destiny?

However, Duoduo secretly thought that in the final analysis, she and her tribe were ignorant of the matter. For so many years, they had no idea that Kuichou Star was a planetary being. It could be said that Naxisai Planet had been living next to a planetary being for a long time. But I don't know anything about it, I am really ignorant...

For the Naxisai people, this threat has always been there, but they just don’t know it. It’s not too much to call the ignorant fearless...

"Sister also knows what's going on with the planet people?" Li Yun said "surprisingly".

"This... is good. I heard it from Xiao Fan not long ago, but I still don't believe it. But now... I can't believe that I have been with a person from this planet for such a long time..." Duoduo sighed, not daring to No longer considers himself the elder of the universe, but admits it frankly so as not to make his generosity laugh...

Li Yun nodded and said: "The people on this planet still have the ability to control themselves. He has always controlled his desire to go out and devour interstellar matter. Sometimes he can't help it anymore and just slips away a little further, but he will definitely return when the time comes. , because it is his territory, and no one is competing with him. As long as he stays well, he will not be hungry, but the situation seems to have changed recently..."

"What happened?!" Duoduo asked anxiously.

"On its territory, that is, in the star field it occupies, the interstellar matter has been greatly reduced, which also means that the matter he can swallow has been greatly reduced..."

"This..." Duoduo was startled.

"Kui Chouxing has been hungry, but he didn't dare to leave there to search for interstellar matter in the distance, because the last time he left, he encountered danger outside and almost couldn't go back. After that lesson, he firmly controlled He had the desire to go out for food, but he had to starve if he stayed on the territory, which made his temper become more and more irritable. We in the Starry Palace have noticed several times that he seems to be targeting He came to Naxi Saixing, and even ran for a long way, but finally returned..." Li Yun said.

"Oh my God..." Duoduo, Heishang, Su Mei and An Zhenzhen screamed in shock. They simply didn't know what to say, because they had never heard of such a strange thing before, and they felt that their brains were running out. Already…

At this moment, a light and shadow lit up in the pavilion, gradually expanding, and a figure appeared on it. I saw that this person had a blue and white cloth tied on his head, and the robe he wore was very similar to the simple and plain gray cloth in the mortal world. He has cloth trousers, a Chinese character face, a beard, and a generous face. His face is smooth and rosy due to being exposed to the sun for a long time, and his skin is an extremely healthy wheat color...

This person saw that the signal was gradually being connected,

He was refreshed and said: "Zeng Bu calls the Young Palace Master..."

Li Yun directed the light and shadow towards him and said, "Uncle Zeng, how is the situation?"

"Young Palace Master, the situation you requested has been found out!" Zeng Bu said.

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"A wandering black hole appeared near this star field!" Zeng Bu said in a shocking voice.

"Wandering black hole?!!!" Duoduo, Heishang, Su Mei, An Zhenzhen and others looked at each other, wondering what kind of weird thing this was...

But Li Yun asked: "What level?!"

"It should be a small black hole! The accretion disk of this black hole is still small and can only swallow some small interstellar matter. It cannot deal with big guys like Kui Chou and Narcissus. However, the small interstellar matter nearby was swallowed up by it. After a while, Kuichou Star will not be able to swallow enough interstellar matter, which will cause him to become more and more irritable and restless..." Zeng Bu said.

As he spoke, he created a light curtain, which was exactly what he discovered in that star field. When everyone looked, they found a rather strange celestial body. It was said to be a celestial body, but in fact it was just a celestial body shining with psychedelic light. It's just a halo, nothing else...

However, everyone quickly discovered the clues, because in the picture, there were some small interstellar materials flying towards the direction of the halo, and the speed was extremely fast. Later, it looked from the picture that these small materials had turned into a A slightly dim light shot towards the direction of the halo, as if someone was playing a ring tossing game...

"What is this? A halo, right? Is there a hole somewhere... What exactly is this black hole?" Duoduo asked with confusion on her face. She had wanted to ask this question for a long time, because according to what Zeng Bu said, It is the emergence of this so-called black hole that has caused the Kuichou Star to be in an irritable and restless state now. In this state, the Kuichou Star poses a great threat to the Naxi Sai people. Maybe one day it will come to the Naxi Sai people. When Xinglai takes a bite, this scene is terrifying to think about. The entire planet is actually one person. What a terrifying monster!

It can be said that the real culprit is this black hole, that is, the halo in front of us!

Li Yun looked at the picture and said: "The halo you see now is actually the accretion disk of the black hole that Zeng Bu mentioned. All matter that enters the accretion disk is almost impossible to escape, and will be destroyed by that Swallowed by a wandering black hole!”

"Ah? So scary? If that's the case, why do those substances still run towards the black hole?" Duoduo said in shock.

"Because they have to run over and have no other choice!" Li Yun said.

"how so?!"

"Don't underestimate this small wandering black hole. The pulling force it exudes is unparalleled. Even an object as huge as Tailuo City will not be able to resist it as long as it enters its sphere of influence, let alone these Fine interstellar matter..." Li Yun said.

"Is that so?!!!" Duoduo's face changed drastically...

"Judging from the accretion disk of this black hole, this black hole is in a period of rapid growth. During this period, the black hole can be said to be extremely hungry. As long as matter comes, it will swallow it in without affecting its operation at all. If there is enough material, it can quickly grow into a nearly medium-sized black hole. By then, I am afraid that Kuichou Star and Naxi Sai Star will no longer be its opponents..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Oh my God..." Everyone exclaimed...

Duoduo's heart was beating wildly when she heard that. On the one hand, she was extremely worried about the safety of the Naxisai planet, and on the other hand, she was extremely curious about the black hole, so she asked: "Then why can we only see a halo now, but not this one?" What about the black hole itself?”

"That's because the traction force of the black hole itself is extremely strong, so strong that even light cannot escape. If there is no light and we are far away from each other and cannot use our spiritual sense to detect it, then we will not be able to see its body." Li Yun explained .

"Even light can't escape?!" Duoduo and others looked confused. They couldn't imagine what kind of scene this was. In fact, they really knew nothing about this field.

However, Duoduo still asked bravely: "Since even light cannot escape, then where does that halo come from?"

"Good question!"

Li Yun praised it and continued: "The halo we see now is the accretion disk that Zeng Bu just mentioned. In fact, it is a layer of gas material surrounding the black hole. The gravity here is still strong, but it cannot completely lock the light. Molecules, so there is still light that can escape, making it visible to our naked eyes. It can be said that this is the entrance and exit of the black hole. After the interstellar matter attracted by the strong gravity of the black hole comes here, it will be torn apart by the strong gravity and become extremely small. Material molecules, these material molecules constantly rub against each other due to aggregation, and continue to vaporize during this frictional heating process, becoming a gas cloud. The temperature in this area is also rising. When the temperature reaches a certain level, a powerful force will be generated. Light radiation appears extremely bright in the dark space of the universe, so through the light radiation effect of this accretion disk, we can determine the existence of black holes or other powerful stars and their strength!"

"There are other powerful stars?!" Duoduo screamed again!

"Of course, powerful stars include not only black holes, but also huge stars, neutron stars, dwarf stars, quasars, etc. For example, the Thalao star we are in is a red dwarf star. It also has an accretion disk, but Because the gravitational force of Tailao star is weak, its outer accretion disk area is very small, and it cannot form the light radiation effect like a black hole, so we basically cannot see it with the naked eye." Li Yun said.

"I see...What about neutron stars and quasars?" Duoduo asked again.

"Those are two other powerful stars, and their radiation effects are also very obvious. Fairies will know it clearly when they see it in the future..."

"This...listening to what you said, I seem to remember seeing some strange lights before, but I didn't take it seriously. Maybe there are powerful stars you mentioned..." Duoduo couldn't help but think.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Sister, maybe you are in a hurry, right? Of course, not every bit of light means the existence of a powerful star. There are so many stars in the universe, and we can't look for every light point. Usually, Sometimes it is just an ordinary luminous object that flashes away like a meteor, so it is common to ignore it."

"That's true. Sister, I have been cautious in the universe for so many years and dare not approach some strange energy fields. After all, safety comes first!" Duoduo said.

"That's right! Monsters like black holes, neutron stars, and quasars are extremely dangerous. It's best for you not to get close, otherwise if you are involved in their sphere of influence, you may be devoured by them as waste!"

"Oh my god..." Duoduo and the others' faces changed drastically when they heard this, and they were trembling all over...

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