The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3483 Fujino’s Peak Moment

Fujino and his entourage were all dressed up, looking like envoys, which attracted attention...

The main people in the front are all wearing Eguan jade belts and red robes, holding tall envoy sticks with a large string of red pom-poms on the sticks, and a topaz chain hanging around their necks, giving them a wealthy look.

The people at the back were working in pairs, carrying a large box, which was obviously full of gifts. The lineup was huge and looked quite luxurious, which almost stunned the welcoming crowd!

It is rare for Guanxi Star to have a visiting mission of this level. This is the first time for the Weili Group to do this. No wonder people are extremely excited after seeing it. It seems that Guanxi Star's current status has been greatly improved compared to the past. Otherwise, how could a cosmic power like the Willy Group send such a mission to visit?

When people think of this, a sense of national pride arises spontaneously, and they can't help shouting louder and dancing more joyfully...

When Artus saw this scene, he sighed secretly in his heart. Thinking that the tribesmen were actually welcoming their enemies, his heart felt as painful as being cut by a knife...

But when he carefully looked at the people in the mission, he didn't find the people he wanted to see the most, which was his children. This made him feel even worse, because he knew that Monet and Lina must be hidden. My heart remained in space and did not come down with this mission.

This situation has been anticipated for a long time. With such cunning and hidden intentions, how could he reveal his trump card at this time?

Suddenly, Artus realized that he should first sense whether his children were really here, so he secretly activated the power of blood to search. After a while, he found that he had sensed it!

Although this feeling seems a little weak, it is real, and it is undoubtedly the blood of the pair of children that he is very familiar with. It is obvious that Monet and Lina were really brought here by Zangxin!

"Oh my god, they are indeed still alive. It's so great!!!" Artus cheered up and shouted excitedly in his heart.

However, with the power of his divine consciousness, he was unable to extend the power of blood induction all the way to space, especially outer space. Artus wanted to extend as far as possible to find them, but found that he still couldn't. If there was any failure, we could only give up in the end.

It is not easy to do this. After all, it requires the power of planet-level consciousness. Even if Artus is a cosmic power, he is far from able to do it.

At his level, his realm is roughly at the satellite level. His spiritual consciousness can only cover part of the Guanxi Star, but cannot completely cover the star, let alone go into space...

This realm is so far away from the galaxy level in the center of the water, and the black and white cave level of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, that it is not even qualified to carry their shoes.

If he hadn't been affected by the demonic barrier of having his children taken away in these years,

Perhaps if the current realm can reach planetary level, then it will be possible to do this.

It is impossible now, and it is impossible to find the two of them through the monitoring system, because the two must be hidden in a certain space in the spacecraft, and the monitoring system can only detect the existence of the spacecraft at most.

At present, with the monitoring system of Guanxi Star, it cannot even detect where the other party's spacecraft is, let alone penetrate the outer shell of the spacecraft to see people in an internal space inside...

However, bloodline induction is really magical. It can ignore this lack of cultivation. As long as it is within the effective range, it can sense something and become an extremely obvious target.

Unfortunately, this kind of sensing is still flawed. Artus could only sense the existence of the two groups of blood, but could not tell whether they were two people or just two small groups of blood injected into the bodies of the other two people. Because of this, Only those who hide their minds would come up with such a plan to threaten Artus to hand over a huge ransom...

At this time, Artus was already sure that Monet and Lina were here, and the worry in his heart could not help but intensify. He kept thinking about how to snatch them back, and he would never let them disappear before his eyes again!

If it was his own lack of ability when the two of them were robbed before, then now, he seems to have the ability to rescue them, and this opportunity cannot be allowed to slip away...

Why is it said that this ability is uncertain?

Artus knew very well in his heart that this ability was indeed not in his own hands, but in the hands of Ling Daozi. All he had was the money earned by the whole family's continuous efforts, and then he used this money to exchange for high-end parts from Ling Daozi. The fleet has been fully upgraded. Last time, he relied on his protective formation to survive the danger. But now, the main fleet of the clan is still on its way back. If you want to save Monet and Linna, you still need Ling Daozi's spirit body. Only by arriving at the long-awaited space flying fortress can we possibly force Zangxin to hand over the two of them obediently!

He knew that he must fully cooperate with Ling Daozi's actions and must delay the matter until Ling Daozi's arrival. If he couldn't even do this, it would be a failure...

Thinking of this, Artus took a deep breath, suppressed the hatred in his heart, put a bright smile on his face, and greeted him with a big smile...

Fujino was really proud of himself as he had never been before. He felt that he was at the peak of his life at this time, because how had he ever experienced such a big scene?

This is an entire planet where people are looking at me and welcoming me. If eyes can praise people, then I have now been praised by the blazing gazes of billions of pairs of eyes. At the top, enjoy the unparalleled glory! ! !

His whole body was floating, like an immortal coming to the world, coming slowly...

How much he hopes that time can be frozen at this moment, and stay in this intoxicating and moving moment forever. If it cannot be frozen, then let this time go slower, slower, and slower again, so that he can fully enjoy it. The sweetness and perfection of this moment...

Therefore, Fujino walked very slowly on this section of the road, perhaps the slowest he has ever walked in his life. He held his head high, chest puffed out, and his attitude was as high as ever...

Unfortunately, this state could not be maintained for too long. Not long after, Artus greeted him with peace and enthusiasm from some of the elders of the clan, freezing his peak moment in a warm embrace. !

The two of them talked and laughed all the way, and drifted into the main hall where the Guanxi tribe entertained guests...

As if there was a tacit understanding, the two said nothing about the hostages and ransom. Ates loudly ordered a banquet. Suddenly, a feast with the characteristics of the Guanxi tribe was staged in this hall!

Fujino was extremely shocked to find that the grandeur of this special feast was something he had never seen before in his life. Moreover, this feast was specially designed for him. This feeling of incomparable nobility allowed him to once again reach another level in his life. A pinnacle! ! !

Yes, he was a little flattered...

Today, he is the master of this place and the most powerful person on the planet. He can have whatever he wants. Every move he makes will be watched by billions of people. In a daze, everyone here is crawling on his back. At his feet, he obeyed his orders and respected himself, just like tiny ants surrounding his elephant...

This feeling is so intoxicating. He has only now truly experienced the treatment received by those super cosmic powers. If he had known that becoming a super power could get such a wonderful feeling, then he would definitely sacrifice himself. Try your best to practice...

He enjoyed it very much, but at the same time he also felt very guilty, because he knew that he came here not with any good intentions, but to extort a huge ransom, but they gave him the best things in the clan. Treat yourself, give yourself the best performance, please yourself with the most touching words...

When he came back from the feeling of the pinnacle of his life, he couldn't help but ask himself: "What should I do? The boss promised that he would negotiate with the other party as soon as possible and obtain the ransom... But now everyone is in high spirits. If negotiations are proposed, then Isn’t it too disappointing? Moreover, the Weili Group has harmed the Guanxi people before, but now they treat each other with courtesy and repay evil with kindness. Did he really propose the negotiation on the spot? What will happen to the people of this planet? To treat yourself as a so-called distinguished guest?"

Thinking of this, Fujino couldn't help but secretly tell himself, just put it off if you can, you have to wait until the feast is over, right?

Before bringing up the matter of negotiation after the feast, it is best to propose it to Ates alone, so as not to hurt these enthusiastic Guanxi tribesmen again...

Beautiful utensils, beautiful music, beautiful wine, delicious food, beautiful fruits, beautiful jade, beautiful people, beautiful words...

Although Fujino's mind had a brief moment of clarity, in these wonderful scenes, his mind could no longer bear it, and he was deeply intoxicated by the boundless beauty...

Get drunk, get drunk. There are not many wonderful peak moments in life. If they occur, you must cherish them, be intoxicated, and enjoy them...

Fujino and his group were completely lost in the beautiful scene created by the Guanxi tribe. They had long forgotten why they came. They only knew that they were the aloof gods here. They could respond to the call and do whatever they wanted. , we can get the light of faith from the selfless dedication of billions of people...

These light spots poured into their bodies like the Yangtze River, washing away their weak spiritual veins, making each of them float in the clouds...

On the other side of the space, Zang Xin didn't know what was happening in the hall. He was still waiting anxiously for information from Fujino and others. Once the ransom was obtained, he would send someone to pick them up. You know, The big box those people carried was not a gift at all, but empty, just waiting to be loaded with the ransom and carried back...

You know, the Weili Group's account in the financial organization has been frozen and cannot transfer money from the account, so it can only collect cash...

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