The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3482 The mission is coming

These things happen one after another, one after another, and it is already too late to save it now!

Unless he could turn back time, it would be possible to avoid the mistake. However, such a long time had passed, and it was simply impossible for Artus to use Taoism to turn back time.

With his ability, although he also has the power of time, his Taoism is not deep. Even when he was robbed by the Willy Group before, he could not return to save it, let alone now...

Of course, Artus's time power will be much more advanced now than when he was younger, but it is absolutely impossible to reverse such a long period of time.

Moreover, if Zang Xin also possesses the power of time and is stronger than him, then it will be extremely dangerous for Artus to use the power of time. He might be plotted by Zang Xin in turn, and it will be all over!

Therefore, this method must not be used lightly, because the risk taken is too great, and neither the Artes nor the Guanxi tribe can afford it!

so what should I do now?

Just now, they heard Ling Daozi say "cool business", and neither of them knew what it meant. But later, they heard Ling Daozi explain that they didn't need to worry about it. Both of them were confused, how could they ignore it? !

You have to know that the opponent's fleet may be orbiting above Guanxi Star, and it may come down to rob it at any time. What can you do without any preparation?

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior, there is no need to feel sorry for yourself. At this time, Zangxin is indeed taking their fleet to observe over your Guanxi planet, but he does not dare to act rashly..."

"But why?" Artus asked in surprise.

"Because although he knows that your main fleet is not there, he doesn't know that the protective formation is not there either. The last failure must be fresh in his mind. No matter how courageous he is, he would not dare to take this risk..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes..." Artus and Pinghe suddenly exclaimed upon hearing this.

The last time the protective formation showed its power, Zang Xin had experienced it personally. He was so frightened that he immediately turned around and ran away. At this time, he didn't know that the protective formation was no longer there, so of course he still didn't dare to come down.

Ping He felt relieved, but then he thought of a question and said, "Then why doesn't his envoy come down directly and still hovers above us?"

"Because Zangxin is hesitating whether he should go down in person? He managed to escape from Guanxi Star last time, is he going to fall into a trap this time? However, if he doesn't go down in person, he is a little worried.

After all, he doesn’t have any good negotiators on hand..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"So that's it..." The two of them were stunned again...

"So you don't have to panic, just stay calm, and you can even fire a salute to welcome their mission to show that you already know they are coming!" Xiaoxing said.

"What a great idea! It's just..." Artus's eyes lit up, but he hesitated...

"Just what?"

"They took my son and daughter as hostages this time, and they want to force us to hand over a huge ransom. I don't know what to do about this matter?" Artus quickly asked this question.

In his opinion, asking Ling Daozi is much more reliable than asking Pinghe. Although Lingdaozi looks much smaller than Pinghe, his ability is obviously much greater than Pinghe...

"Senior, do you have money now?" Xiaoxing asked directly.

"This...No, Xiaoping just ordered the Galaxy Space Flying Castle!" Artus was startled and said as he came to his senses.

"Since there is no money, it is impossible to give them a ransom. What else is there to think about? Just will be fine when your main fleet comes back." Xiaoxing said.

"But... I have my son and daughter in their hands. If they threaten them..." Artus sighed.

"Before getting the ransom, Zangxin can't do anything to them, right? Even if they lose their arms and scratch their faces, it's not a big deal, right?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This..." Artus couldn't help but feel the flesh on his face pulsing, feeling a little uneasy...

What he fears most is this scene. For an adventure organization, it is not surprising at all to do such a thing, and it is even more cruel than what Ling Daozi said.

If it was before, he didn't know the fate of the two of them, then it didn't matter how cruelly the Willy Group tortured them, but it was different now. If he deliberately put the two of them in front of him, and then tortured them one by one, , then he can't stand it. After all, flesh and blood are connected with the same blood...

Ping He said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, can you help us think of a way to rescue Uncle Mo and Aunt Lin? We will be very grateful!!!"

"Yes, Xiaoling, I leave this matter to you! Now we really don't even have the power to protect ourselves, let alone save the two of them!" Artus quickly agreed.

"Hey, don't belittle yourselves. Who said you don't have the ability to protect yourself?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Oh?!!!" Artus and Pinghe were startled, a little confused...

Xiaoxing continued: "Didn't Xiaoping order the Galaxy Space Flying Castle? It can be delivered to you within the specified delivery period. Think about it, what will happen to them if the Flying Castle comes?"

"Yes!!!" The two of them cheered up and couldn't help shouting!

Artus asked excitedly: "I wonder when our goods will be delivered?"

Pinghe suddenly thought of a question and said anxiously: "Aren't those parts? It still needs to be assembled when it comes back, and someone needs to be able to control it. This will take too long..."

Little If you have a hostage in hand, then you can force him to hand over the hostage and let them live. But you must try to delay it until he passes. This is up to you. It is best to let them eat well. It’s fun and good…”

"No problem! If I succeed this time, I will definitely reward you heavily!!!" Artus said loudly.

"No need to thank you! After all, you ordered the Flying Castle, so this little help is nothing..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"How can that be done? This matter is extremely important to me and our clan..."

"Senior, please don't waste any more time. If you don't come forward to greet us, maybe Zangxin will change your mind..." Xiaoxing reminded.

"This... I will come out to greet you immediately!!!" Artus was startled and said quickly.

He quickly brought Ping He and some elders from the clan to arrange a grand welcome ceremony. Guanxi Star was bustling with activity for a while, and everyone knew that a large group was visiting...

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"...

The sound of salutes was heard endlessly, and the words "Welcome to the Weili Group" were printed in the air. This scene fell in the eyes of Zang Xin from space, and he couldn't help but be shocked!

You must know that his current location is still in the outer space of Guanxi Star. This position has always been a safe distance, and it is difficult for the planet's monitoring system to detect it. Unexpectedly, Guanxi Star has become so powerful now, and the monitoring range has reached an unprecedented level.

This can only mean one thing, and that is that Guanxi Star must be equipped with high-end new components on the hacker trading platform to be able to rise to such a high level in a short period of time.

Zang Xin couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he was still more cautious. He almost wanted to rush in and rob him just now, because he already knew that Hamilton had not returned with the main fleet of Guanxi Star, and the remaining members of the clan were old, weak, sick and disabled. The army's combat power is quite limited.

As for my own fleet, it has been fully upgraded, and its combat power has increased by more than dozens of times. Even if it encounters the protective formation of the Guanxi tribe in front, it should be able to defeat it!

Thinking of this, he had an impulse. He didn't want to follow the original plan, but planned to grab it directly. After all, it was much faster and more efficient.

Therefore, after he brought his fleet here, he has been secretly circling and observing, and also contacted the traitors who had secretly inserted themselves into the Guanxi tribe before, hoping to wait for them to send information before taking action.

However, the traitor has not sent back the message for a long time, which makes Zang Xin a little suspicious. In his opinion, the traitor is most likely to be in trouble!

Since a large number of people were captured on Guanxi Planet last time, including the third child Jerry and the fourth child Snowdin, they certainly knew about the traitor. Therefore, the traitor was most likely to be removed after that time!

As a result, Zang Xin was a little hesitant and did not take action immediately. Just when he made up his mind to take action again, he was stopped by the sudden change of Guan Xi Xing!

Seeing the huge welcome message from Guanxi Star, Zangxin knew that the Guanxi tribe had discovered their fleet a long time ago and had been prepared for it!

He quickly calculated the strength of both sides and found that although the Guanxi tribe no longer had the main fleet, the remaining fleet was still capable of fighting. The reason was that they must have installed high-end components. With both sides having high-end components, This Star Wars has become mainly about combat preparations, rather than the combat experience and personal abilities of both parties. After all, personal abilities have been greatly weakened in the face of high-end combat preparations.

In addition, Guanxi Star has the advantage of home court and has such a powerful protective formation. If they stick to it, it will be difficult for the Willy Fleet to take advantage, because as the offensive side, the firepower must exceed that of the defensive side. May break through the opponent's defense in a short period of time.

For the Willy fleet, this trip is certainly not suitable for a long battle. If the attack cannot be carried out for a long time and the main fleet of the Guanxi tribe returns, then it will be in danger!

Thinking of this, Zangxin immediately changed his plan and decided to send a mission to Guanxi Planet for negotiations. Of course, he himself did not want to be in danger again. Anyway, extortion was the same in space.

So, he immediately summoned the members of the originally planned mission, explained it carefully to his confidant Fujino who was taking the lead, and then asked them to take some gifts and take a small boat to Guanxi Star...

Seeing the small black dots slowly appearing in the space, everyone on Guanxi Planet knew that the envoys from the Willy Group had arrived. They couldn't help but cheer loudly, salutes roared, and many people even danced folk dances...

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