The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3471 The Taoist meaning contained in a piece of grassland

Ku Rong's words made all the planets nod their heads...

Huang Qi praised: "Brother Ku really hit the point! In your opinion, how can we change this situation?"

Kurong said: "The improvement of civilization level is more about the competition of wisdom, and the competition of wisdom relies more on the competition of talents. We have also absorbed many Devourers over the years, especially in the Phantom Star Territory recently. Receiving a large number of Devourers makes us hope that the number of people in the civilization has reached a certain level, which is not much less than the number of other civilizations. Moreover, many Devourers were originally talented people among their original races and forces. People just took the evil path in the process of cultivation and became devoured by everyone. Now, after our transformation, many people can be said to have changed their evil ways into righteousness and regained their clarity. They are the talent base for the civilization we hope to have..."

"Brother Ku is saying that we need to select talents and develop and catch up intellectually?" Huang Qi asked.

"That's for sure! But..." Ku Rong groaned...

"But what?!" everyone asked anxiously.

"As for talents, we don't rely on us to select them, but they grow up on their own. This is an inspiration I got after thinking about it recently!" Ku Rong said.

"Oh? You mean to let them grow on their own? How long will it take?" Huang Qi asked suspiciously.

"If you let them grow on their own, the speed will naturally be slower, but this is a necessary stage in the development of civilization, because you don't know which of these people are talents and which are not talents. From the past, with the castle master and deputy castle master, During the communication process, they believed that everyone can be a talent, because every life is unique! There are no incompetent people, only people who have misplaced themselves and gone in the wrong direction! As long as a person practices hard and develops his own interests and hobbies If you study the corresponding Taoism, you may achieve great achievements on your own Taoism path and become an outstanding talent!" Kurong Kankan said.

"That makes sense!" Huang Qi exclaimed upon hearing this.

"Gee, what the castle master said to the deputy castle master is still unreasonable?" Ruoshan said with a smile.

"Of course what they said is reasonable, but we don't have time to wait for these people to grow into talents now, because they have been left too far behind by the other three civilizations. What should we do?!" Leng Shuang said.

Kurong nodded and said: "This is indeed a thorny issue, but the growth of talents has its own rules. If we insist on encouraging growth, the result may be counterproductive!"

"This...can we just sit back and wait for death?" Leng Shuang snorted.

"Of course not! Otherwise, wouldn't we people be too useless?" Ku Rong quickly denied.

"Then tell us what we are going to do? You are the only one here who can use your brain. If you can't even think of it, then our civilization is really hopeless!!!" Leng Shuang screamed. road.

Ku Rong stroked his half-yellow and half-green beard and said thoughtfully: "Don't be anxious! When big things happen, you have to stay calm. It's useless to be anxious! I recently thought carefully about what the Lord of the Castle said before..."

"What?!" Leng Shuang asked urgently.

"Talents are like grass on a prairie. They may grow anywhere on this prairie, but whether they grow well or not depends on many conditions..."

"What conditions?"

"The first thing is the fertility of the soil, and good water and vapor circulation. In addition, there should not be too many pests and diseases, and there must be some appropriate life activities..." Ku Rong said.

"This... the castle master should be talking about environmental issues for talent growth, right?" Leng Shuang asked suspiciously.

"What Leng Mei said makes sense! Yes, what the Lord of the Castle means, of course, is the growth of talents. We need a suitable environment and suitable conditions, and these are the things we need to do..." Kurong nodded. road.

"Hehe, I still don't have a clear idea of ​​what kind of environment is needed for talents to grow, but what the castle master said just now is that in order for the grass on the grassland to grow well, why does it need some appropriate life activities? What is this referring to? ?" Ruoshan said with a smile.

Ku Rong praised: "The question raised by Ruomei is very good. Understanding this question will be very helpful for us to improve the environment for talent growth!"

"Really?! Then Brother Ku, please tell me quickly!" Ruoshan said excitedly.

"Well, as you all know, the grass on the prairie grows from grass seeds. In addition to the grass itself, these grass seeds may also be blown by the wind from elsewhere, or brought here by some living beings. , but the soil layer of most grasslands is actually very thin, and the surface is covered with gravel and stones. It is difficult for grass seeds to adhere to it. Even if they do adhere, they are easily blown away by the strong wind on the grassland. In this way, The number of grass seeds will be reduced, and the grassland will naturally not be able to flourish..." Ku Rong said.

"Yes... what should we do?" Ruoshan's eyes lit up and he asked with a smile.

"If some small pits can be dug on the surface of the grassland so that grass seeds can fall into them, and the gravel and rocks fall into them, can these grass seeds stay safely on the grassland? What?" Ku Rong reminded.

"It makes sense!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but suddenly praised.

Ruoshan smiled and said: "Although it makes sense, who would go to the grassland to do such a boring thing without anything else?"

"That's true! However, this task can be completed by some small lives. In fact, there are some small lives on the grassland. They will constantly sniff and dig holes on the surface of the land to find smaller lives hidden underground. This kind of predatory behavior objectively makes them play the role of drilling holes in the grassland surface!" Kurong said.

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

"Haha, if you observe carefully, you will understand how reasonable what the castle master said! The activities of life are actually integrated with the environment. The two complement each other and are inseparable! For example, large herbivores will gnaw Eating the taller grasses on the grassland makes room for the shorter grasses and ungrown grass seeds. At the same time, the small herbivores can eat the shorter and more tender grasses. fresh grass, and the waste excreted by animals can become fertilizer for the growth of grass, allowing them to thrive! As for the small animals just mentioned that are constantly digging holes on the surface of the grassland to look for food, they actually play the role of gardeners , that is, planting grass on the grassland. If there are more of these small animals, it will create good conditions for the preservation and growth of grass seeds. However, if such small animals overrun and dig holes constantly, then it will also It will bring disaster to the grassland, because it will also destroy the surface, cause flying sand and rocks, and cause soil to fly away. Moreover, they eat too much, which the grassland cannot bear. Therefore, a lush grassland will naturally need some predators. By preying on these small animals, they prevent the small animals from overpopulating and keep the ecological environment of the grassland in a relatively balanced state... In this way, a place with lush green grass, active animals, beautiful water and soil, fresh air, and an environment The elegant grassland will appear before our eyes..." Kurong said.

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect that there were so many Taoisms in a small grassland. Why didn't they think of it before?

They suddenly discovered that they seemed to have never carefully observed the grassland, or carefully observed a certain thing or a certain environment, and had not carefully studied the Taoism in it...

Yes, if you want to have Taoism, you must first have a pair of eyes that are good at observation. If you don’t observe the subtleties, how can you think of the truth contained in it?

No wonder the castle master and deputy castle master were able to practice to incredible heights at such a young age. Everyone used to think that this was due to their talents, but now it seems that is not the case. If you think about it carefully, the two of them are very different from each other. They can observe the grassland at such a fine level and think of so many truths, which shows how persistent their research spirit is...

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but respect Li Yun and Xiaoxing again, and admired them deeply...

Ku Rong continued: "Understanding these principles, let's take a look at our hope for civilization. We may be able to find a solution to the previous problem!"

"This..." Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

Huang Qi said: "Brother Ku is right! We hope that if civilization wants to make progress, it must rely on wisdom instead of brute force. To have wisdom, you must first have talents! We hope that civilization is this grassland, and talents It is the grass on the prairie. If we want to make the grass on this prairie grow more lush, we must create a suitable environment so that the various elements in this environment are kept within a reasonable range and interact with each other. They complement each other and bring out the best in each other, so that grass seeds can germinate, short grass can grow taller, grassless areas can be green, and weeds can be cleared away in time... Only in this way can our civilization reach a balanced state and change. Get more and more beautiful and stronger!"

"Brother Huang's words are very good! This is exactly what I got after reflection!" Ku Rong praised loudly.

"It seems that we not only need to act, but we also need to act smarter instead of haphazardly commanding and controlling! Perhaps, we need to have a long-term blueprint and plan how to reclaim this grassland, and the roles of us people also need to be carefully positioned , everyone must divide labor and cooperate well to create a good environment suitable for the growth and development of talents, so that they can thrive in it!" Huang Qisi thought.

"Yes! As long as we start, it will not be too late, because we civilized people still have a very high starting point. As long as everyone calms down, takes one step at a time, and does things in a down-to-earth manner, one day we can also develop our own High-end products and advanced civilization..."

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