The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3470 The Battle of Civilizations

Zitona was stunned when he heard this. Thinking about it carefully, those delivery boys were certainly not from alien galaxies. From his eyes, he could tell that among the delivery boys, the four young boys should be They belong to the Black God Clan. Peng Yi asked them specifically last time and found out that they are from a Black God Clan called the Kui Chung Tribe. This tribe is located in a relatively remote area of ​​the Milky Way. The four of them were brought here.

In addition, Xiaobao and Mingcheng are obviously from the Milky Way, and this is definitely true.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the hacker trading platform was founded by people from advanced civilizations in alien galaxies. The most likely possibility is that they have a cooperative relationship with those advanced civilizations, and after obtaining their products, they sell them on the platform. It can be said that, The person who founded this trading platform must have extraordinary means, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a level of hacker trading platform...

"So, the hacker trading platform was founded by people from our galaxy. Who has this ability? Why do we know nothing about it?" Zitona asked suspiciously.

Quan Bing smiled and said: "Does it matter who founded it? We just need to get the right product. For example, this Galaxy Flying Fortress, although it is not the top product of advanced alien civilizations, it is affordable with our current financial resources. , and it is also relatively easy to control. If we switch to other high-level flying forts, I am afraid that no one can control it easily with our ability, which will not be conducive to the effectiveness of the flying forts."

Peng Yi couldn't help but agree after hearing the words: "Brother Quan is absolutely right! Even this Galaxy Flying Castle is extremely complicated for us, let alone other high-end products! But I don't know when those Yimi people will be able to Assemble it? We still have to encircle and suppress the Star Horse Fleet and other space pirates!"

"If we don't go to encircle and suppress them, I'm afraid Chenxing and the others will escape, right?" Feiyu agreed.

"Don't worry, you two. Currently, Chenxing and the others are trapped on that desolate planet due to the control problem of the new parts, unable to move, and our other fleets have also begun to enter the encirclement and suppression operation area, which is putting pressure on our five fleets. It’s not big, so the most important task at the moment is to take down the hard bone of the Space Flying Fortress. As long as we can successfully form the Flying Fortress team, it won’t be a big deal even if those space pirates poke some trouble!” Quan Bing analyzed. road.

Zitona nodded and said: "Our five fleets are the reassurance of other fleets and their rear support. Therefore, we must increase our combat power as soon as possible so that we can appear beside them at the critical moment and help them attack the enemy! "

"Haha, so don't hesitate any more, just do it!!!" Quan Bing laughed.

"Fuck it!!!" everyone roared in unison.

These senior officials solved their ideological problems and began to lead their subordinates to fully support the assembly tasks of the Yimi people. They no longer pointed out their abnormal spiritual powers. In their view, perhaps the spiritual power status of those advanced civilized people is the same as that of the Yimi people. different,

Or else their level is high?

After Quan Bing’s explanation, the names of Aitan Civilization and Xuanling Civilization began to be known to the soldiers. In addition, they also learned the name of another civilization, which was Yika, because it was available on the hacker trading platform. Their products are on sale, and one of the Chinese war chess products in particular has attracted a lot of people's attention.

Among the chess in the galaxy, the most studied chess is naturally Othello. There are countless people who have joined the chess from this chess. There are peak chess matches of this chess in many star regions, just like the previous Mojie star region. There is the Phuket Star Chess Tournament, where countless chess masters show off their amazing chess skills, such as Mukejie, Fantingyu, Miyuding, Xuanji, Zhenxiaoxi, Siyuan, Jinghui, Zheguang, Songzeng …

Hearing the names of these people, people immediately enter that fascinating black and white world, and they want to find someone to play chess immediately and experience the exciting feeling of playing against the screen...

Therefore, it is quite difficult to make people interested in another kind of chess all at once. The national war chess was not very conspicuous at first, and it was only placed in a corner in the exclusive flagship store of Yika Civilization. , few people care about it.

However, there are always people who wander into that corner inadvertently, and what is surprising is that as soon as they enter and experience the national war chess, these people can never come out again and stay in it, making this The number of people gathered in the corner keeps growing!

For life, when there is nothing going on, what they like most is to join in the fun, watch the fun, and enjoy the excitement. But when there is something going on, they tend to stick together to keep warm, and get together to discuss things and do things well. Therefore, when they see this national war There are more and more people in the chess corner, reaching an incredible level. They all want to go in and see what is going on inside.

As soon as I entered, I was quickly fascinated by the charm of Guozhanqi...

Many people started by watching other people play chess, but then they couldn't help but start ordering this chess and learning it. As a result, the number of people who knew and practiced this chess began to soar. Even many people who played Othello began to study it, and soon I found that the charm of this chess is much more powerful than Othello. It makes people want to stop and forget to eat and sleep...

The Yika civilization suddenly became famous because of this chess game. Although everyone does not know exactly where this civilization is located, judging from this chess game, this civilization may have been in the Warring States Period when heroes were competing for hegemony for many years. Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful country? What about the way of fighting chess?

Even the soldiers of the five core fleets of the Galaxy Fleet have begun to come into contact with the national war chess in their spare time. They have found that studying this chess is extremely helpful in improving their team fighting capabilities, and senior people have also found that this Chess can help them improve their strategy level. It is simply a living book of war. If you don’t study it, you will suffer huge losses!

For a time, the national war chess became popular in the galaxy, attracting countless people to become obsessed with it. Of course, what they are now exposed to is the national war chess with actual chess pieces, rather than the online national war chess shown by Xiaoxing before. This is not to say that hackers The customer trading platform wants to make money from selling chess pieces, but under the current situation of the old network, it is not suitable for promoting online national war chess, because in that case the actual experience may be very poor.

Because the old network is too low-level and its energy is gradually shrinking, neither network speed nor stability can be praised. If everyone in the galaxy goes online to play chess, the old network will definitely be overwhelmed and collapse soon...

Such an experience will definitely scare many people away from the game and cause them to lose interest in playing chess, which will be counterproductive to the promotion of national war chess.

Therefore, it is better to let people experience this individual version of National War Chess first, let them gradually develop interest, and wait until the new network completely replaces the old network before promoting the online National War Chess, then it will be a matter of course!

The Aitan, Xuanling and Yika civilizations began to rise in fame, and their products were dumped in large quantities across the galaxy. This worried the fourth civilization in Star Fortune Castle, which was the Hope Civilization with planetary beings as the main body.

In terms of individual abilities, their personal abilities are naturally much higher than those of the other three civilizations. However, in terms of intelligence, it is difficult for them to compare with them. For example, the three civilizations have now developed high-end space equipment. Flying Castle, and is getting closer and closer to the goal of flying at the speed of light, but the Hope Civilization cannot develop this kind of treasure no matter what. Seeing that it is being pulled further and further away by the other three civilizations, the people of the planet are helpless.

They know that although their individual abilities are extremely strong and destructive, as the levels of the other three civilizations become higher and higher, they have the ability to deal with and control themselves. If this continues, in this star destiny In the small universe of Bao, my status will only get lower and lower, and I will almost lose my right to speak!

This time, when the other three civilizations have entered the hacker trading platform, launched a large number of products, and dumped them in large quantities, I hope that the civilized people will find that they themselves cannot come up with a decent product to compete with them. Can watch them make a fortune and continue to grow in strength!

At the core of Hope Civilization, dozens of people from the planet gathered here, and all of them looked unhappy...

Leng Shuang, a person from the ice planet, finally couldn't bear it anymore and said sharply: "We people from the planet are not so stupid, are we? If we can't even make a good product, how can we hold our heads high in front of the castle master in the future?"

Ruoshan, a person from the water planet, sighed: "Hey, let alone raising your head, we don't even have the right to speak! Over the years, we haven't done anything serious, and many research tasks have been abandoned halfway, but what about others? However, this civilization is advancing rapidly, with more and more good products, especially in terms of spaceships and flying castles, which are making rapid progress. I feel ashamed for the people of our planet..."

The words of the two made other people feel uncomfortable hearing them...

Ku Rong, a native of Huangmao Planet, said: "Okay, now is not the time to say such depressing words. Recently, I have also reflected on our hope for civilization. Do you want to hear it?"

"Oh? What do you think, Brother Ku?" Huang Qi, a native of the earth planet, asked.

"We planet people, and of course a large number of Devourers, made mistakes in the past and swallowed a lot of useless things, which resulted in the deposition of a lot of toxins in our bodies, so that even our thinking ability is greatly restricted. This is why we This is why the planet people are stupid compared to the other three civilizations! The development of new products and the development of high-end products rely more on this kind of thinking ability rather than personal combat power. In recent years, the castle master has also It helped us remove many toxins and made our physical condition much better, especially in the brain area. However, we did not seize this opportunity to vigorously develop advanced products. Instead, we were still obsessed with the cultivation of individual abilities. So much so that our entire civilization has not made significant progress in various fields, let alone the development of high-end spaceships and flying castles..."

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