The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3468 Galaxy Space Flying Fortress

Sure enough, not long after, the donation account of the people of the Galaxy was officially activated!

Quan Bing and others were shocked when they saw the amount on the account!

Because that number is extremely long and keeps beating, it seems that there are still countless people donating to this account. No one knows where in the galaxy they come from, but they must all have a heart that loves the galaxy. For the sake of the people ahead Soldiers can drink well and sleep warmly, and have sufficient resources for training and actual combat. They can bravely kill enemies on the battlefield and protect their families. These people are willing to donate part of their hard-earned money. Maybe some of the money belongs to these people. Saved from between the teeth, dug out from one's own cultivation resources, even dug out from pension money, life-saving money...

They are like small water droplets, gradually converging into small streams, large rivers, until now such a vast ocean...

All the senior staff were shocked!

They suddenly felt that the burden on them was heavier, and the high expectations of all the people were pressing on them like a mountain, making them feel a little breathless...

At the same time, through this constantly beating digital area, they seemed to see countless ordinary people standing behind it, countless pairs of eager eyes, countless deep greetings, and countless cheers of encouragement!

There is pressure but also motivation. With the power of these people, of course they know that this huge pressure should be turned into motivation to move forward, so that they can live up to the expectations of all the people who donated, slay demons and protect peace...

With such pressure and motivation, the money in the donation account is naturally used with extreme caution. All expenses unrelated to the Galaxy Fleet are not allowed to be spent in it, and there are limits on the expenses that are suitable for expenditure. No waste is allowed. As a result, many of the expenses were borne silently by each fleet, but they would not apply to Ji Mian and others for expenditures from the donation account.

Of course, those high-end components and Taoist magic pieces, as well as the components of the space flying castle, must be applied for from this account. After all, this is the largest expenditure, and not each fleet can afford it.

After careful selection, the Galaxy Fleet quickly determined a space flying castle called "Galaxy". Judging from the introduction, this Galaxy Space Flying Castle is better than the space flying castles owned by the two new fleets. It's more advanced, and dozens of races and their fleets can be stationed inside. The internal space is staggering!

In view of the current situation in the Milky Way, this space flying castle is enough to protect oneself. Judging from its naming, it is simply tailor-made for the Milky Way, and it couldn't be more suitable.

But on the hacker trading platform, there is a more advanced flying castle.

But its price is also prohibitive to everyone. In short, I am afraid that such a flying castle cannot even afford the money in the donation account.

After delineating the Galaxy Space Castle, based on the current financial resources, a total of twenty space castles were ordered, so that a team of Space Castles can be formed, which is enough to fight against the two foreign fleets, because they each have ten Space Castles. , which adds up to twenty.

Except for Quan Bing, others still don't know that there are actually sixteen foreign fleets with space castles, and sixty-four points have been deployed around the galaxy!

From the first sixteen points, to the later thirty-two points, to the current sixty-four points, the plans of these sixteen foreign fleets are being gradually implemented, but the people of the Milky Way are completely ignorant. Unknowingly, they had no idea that a big conspiracy against their lives was slowly unfolding...

Xiaoxing has now completely figured out the origins of these sixteen fleets. To do this, of course, he must thank the advanced cosmic network, through comprehensive collection and tracking of information, and continuous scanning of these sixteen fleets. The internal world of the fleet has obtained a vast amount of information. From this information, the ins and outs of these sixteen fleets have gradually formed, and finally it has been fully revealed!

In fact, these sixteen fleets are not composed of a single race. Each fleet is composed of dozens of races. These races are somewhat similar to the roller alliance. Each alliance organizes a super fleet. , set sail together to conquer the star sea, fight everywhere in the universe, plunder resources, open up territories, collect lives, and even now they are harvesting life!

Their strength has continuously improved during the battle, and has now reached an extremely high level, which is unimaginable by people in the galaxy.

Of course, they themselves did not expect that in this galaxy, there would be geniuses like Li Yun and Xiaoxing. The two of them alone could build a galactic space flying castle that could compete with them, and even use Without the dispatch of Xingyun Castle...

You must know that they have spent a long time along the way, experienced many hardships and hardships, and spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources before they finally reached their current heights. In their eyes, this is already a remarkable achievement, enough to be proud of. The heroes of the universe…


The most feared thing in this universe is the word but. With but, it means there are accidents, exceptions, and differences.

There are hundreds of races in total, and the joint efforts of countless geniuses have not been able to compete with the geniuses of Li Yun and Xiaoxing. If they knew, they would definitely sigh...

Of course, compared to other people in the galaxy, they are undoubtedly superior. Even after this galactic fleet has the galactic space flying castle, it can only compete with them on the surface. If you want to really fight with them, that's not possible. Too far, too far!

However, with the vision and realm of the Galaxy Fleet people, after they obtained the components of the Galaxy Space Flying Fortress, their entire mentality was completely unbearable, just like a nouveau riche who had just made a fortune, wishing that everyone would know that he was rich. As if, they started squandering money and showing off everywhere, so these five fleets quickly began to assemble the flying castle, hoping to be stationed in it as soon as possible, and fight against space pirates everywhere in the galaxy, and even have a face-to-face confrontation with the two foreign fleets. Negotiate as equals…

What they didn't expect was that the assembly of the flying castle was a huge project compared to the spacecraft!

The various parts alone are as endless as a sea, countless!

Everyone gets a huge headache when they see this posture, because assembling so many parts into a space flying castle is definitely not a one-person task in a day, but a matter of countless hours and a large number of manpower.

And just having human hands is not enough. The person who assembles it must be extremely familiar with the spacecraft and all its components before it can be assembled. Otherwise, if the parts cannot even be recognized, how can it be assembled?

Understanding the components and becoming familiar with the structure of the spacecraft is only the first step. Those who assemble it must also undergo specialized training and reach a certain level of ability to perform such a task.

Therefore, the people responsible for assembling the space castle were also sent by the hacker trading platform.

There is a question here, why doesn’t Xiaoxing hand over the successfully assembled Galaxy Space Flying Castle directly to Quan Bing and the others?

This is mainly due to the purpose of training them. In fact, the assembly process is also an important Taoist research process. Through assembly, you can become more familiar with the internal and external structure of the space flying fortress, and you will feel more confident during use in the future. Have a solid foundation, know what functions and structures the Flying Fortress has, how the internal world works, and how various combat preparations are mobilized and used...

Only by becoming familiar with these can we have better control over the Feibao space world, so as not to become panicked and have no idea if any problems arise in the future. In such a powerful space world, it is not easy for outsiders to break into it, but what happens internally If it is chaotic, it will easily disintegrate on its own!

Of course, it is impossible to let these people understand the inner meaning of Feibao, including the internal operation of many high-end components. Therefore, the training mentioned here is actually just to let them know that there is such a thing. One thing, and understanding some basic Taoist ideas of Feibao, that's all.

But even such a simple request drove the people of the five fleets almost crazy. They soon found that their brains were running out. There were so many parts that they couldn't remember at all. The person in charge of assembly asked them to find the parts. I can't find it even when I come here. I often search for a long time and still can't find the parts that meet the requirements...

"It's over, it's over..."

"How did I notice that I had a splitting headache?"

"Why do they always ask us to find parts? Wouldn't it be faster for them to find them themselves?"

"Well, they have been busy all day long. The parts here are almost covering the entire planet. Finding a part is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We can't do it without our help..."

"What are they busy with? When I sent them the parts, I found that they were chatting by themselves and were not helping us assemble it at all!"

"Oh? Did you notice it too?"

"Of course! Who are those people? They don't look like the races we often see. It's really strange!"

"Did you feel there was a strange smell on them? It smelled very strange?"

"Strange smell? From what you said, it's really like that!"

"Yes, that smell is a bit disturbing. I wonder if our leader feels it?"

"I feel like they are like those from the foreign fleet. They look weird at first sight. Could it be that they are also from alien galaxies?"


The people in the five fleets were whispering while looking for parts, and soon began to doubt the identities of those responsible for assembly, because those people were indeed quite different from the races in this area of ​​the core universe, and even the auras on their bodies seemed quite different. For weirdness…

What exactly is going on?

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