The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3467 Activating Donation Account

"No problem! If senior wants to sell it, then this product will be an agent for you. You can get as much as you want, but you need to sign an agency agreement and confirm all the relevant terms..." Xiaoxing said.

"Wo!!!" The people in the palace couldn't help but exclaim softly!

Unexpectedly, this guy Falke is really lucky this time!

A stove like this can sell for a huge amount to anyone who sells it. Unexpectedly, he got the agency right from Ling Daozi with just one word. If he had known this, he should have made this request earlier...

However, everyone also knew very well that Ling Daozi was actually taking care of Falke, a guy who didn't know how to do business. Among all the people present, he was the least able to do business, the least able to make money, and the most likely to not be able to afford it. Space Flying Fortress, if everyone has a Space Flying Fortress in the future, but he does not, it is obviously not very suitable. Therefore, Ling Daozi saw through this and gave him the agency of the stove so easily...

Everyone really admired what Ling Daozi did...

When Falk heard Xiaoxing's words, he felt inexplicably excited. People like him rarely experience touching emotions, but now he had tears rolling in his eyes, and he almost cried in public. Come down, fortunately, I still managed to hold it back!

"Thank you...Xiao Ling! Of course there is no problem with the agreement. Do you want to sign it now?" Falk urged.


Amid the red eyes of everyone, Xiaoxing quickly signed an agreement with Falke, making Falke's eyes narrowed with joy...

Drake couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Xiao Ling, do you have any other good products? Why not get some and let us, Wugui Lake, represent them?"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "I have a lot of good products! What do you want to sell?"

"Well...I mainly sell things related to our kitchen, so anything of this type is fine!" Drake thought.

Popov interjected: "Mine too! No matter what products you have, you can sell them to us as an agent!"

"You two seniors are really not tired! In that case, how about you go to my good stuff space and have a look? If you see anyone who wants to be an agent, you can put it forward." Xiaoxing said.

"Good stuff space? Where is it?!" the two asked urgently.

"I'll turn you around..."

Xiaoxing sent the two of them to the good thing space with a flash of light.

The hall was finally quiet, but Guowei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan and others grabbed him and asked him about the product line. For financial organizations like them, how to use new networks to develop financial products is also a completely new concept. project, so the three of them had a lot of questions to discuss with him...

"The three seniors should stop temporarily and solve the funding problem of the Galaxy Fleet first! Didn't you see that senior Quan has been waiting for you for a long time?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Isn't he just here to ask for money? It won't matter if we make him wait for a while. We must make money first before we can spend it on him!" Guowei curled his lips and said.

"Senior, what he spent was the money from the Galaxy's public donation account, not your money..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This...well, this guy is really haunting, so let's send him away first..." Guowei sighed.

Soon he, Yi Xing and Lai Huan, sat upright and connected with Quan Bing...

Quan Bingzheng was a little impatient in waiting. He didn't expect the three guys from Guowei to be so disrespectful and indifferent to him. They left him here for so long without any letter, leaving Ji Mian, Shangguan Ye and Hu Yanqing and others are watching a joke...

He had boasted in front of Ji Mian and the others, saying that he would be able to find Guowei and the others, but now Guowei and the others have not appeared. Under the gaze of Ji Mian and the others, Quan Bing can't help but feel like he's on pins and needles...

Suddenly, an idea flashed, and a light curtain appeared in the bridge. Everyone looked up and found that Guowei, Yi Xing, and Lai Huan really appeared in the light curtain, and they couldn't help but scream!

"It's the traveler!"

"Bureau Chief!"

"Hall Master!"

Ji Mian and the others shouted excitedly. It had been a long time since they had seen these three people on the light screen. Now that they saw them, a sense of intimacy arose spontaneously, and their mood became extremely joyful...

"Haha, are you okay, Brother Ji?" Guowei narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Thank you for your concern, Lord! I'm naturally very well!" Ji Mian said loudly.

"That's good! I haven't contacted you during this period. Is the situation okay?" Guowei said.

"It's okay! I wonder if the traveler has received the letter talisman I sent?"

"Yes, I received it! You mainly want to ask about the activation of the donation account?"

"Yes! Brother Quan now needs to apply for the activation of a donation account so that he can purchase parts of the space flying castle from the hacker trading platform to assemble our own flying castle for the Galaxy Fleet, thereby increasing its combat power and fighting against space pirates and foreign invaders..." Ji Mian said loudly.

After hearing this, Guowei nodded slightly, communicated in a low voice with Yi Xing and Lai Huan next to him for a while, then turned around and said: "It is necessary to form a space flying fortress, because this is the development trend of the current galaxy. If a force does not The Space Flying Fortress will definitely fall behind and be beaten, and the Galaxy Fleet cannot lack this combat preparation! You will immediately hold an internal shareholder meeting to vote. The three of us will vote in favor. For the rest, you will calculate and implement it according to the actual situation. Can!"

"No problem!" Ji Mian and the others responded quickly upon hearing this.

"Okay, regarding the use of donation accounts, you must be very careful and you must not let down the wishes of donors. If something goes against their trust, you must investigate it to the end and punish it severely!" Guowei solemnly said said.

"Yes!!!" Ji Mian and the others responded solemnly.

Guowei then turned his attention to Quan Bing and hummed: "Brother Quan, thank you for your hard work! I heard that the Scepter Fleet encountered the Leech Tribe last time and was beaten to a pulp by them. I wonder if this is true?"

"You?! You old boy, don't talk sarcastically here! If your purple light fleet encounters them, you will definitely die worse!!!" Quan Bing yelled with his eyes widened.

"Haha, that's not necessarily true! How can the current equipment of our Purple Light Fleet be comparable to that of the Leech Tribe? Even if we encounter those two new foreign fleets, we will still be able to fight!" Guowei said proudly.

"Oh? The space castle is not equipped yet, so don't talk nonsense here! Even if you have the space castle, you are still far behind the two new fleets. Do you think that Star Wars is just a competition for equipment? "Yes?" Quan Bing snorted.

"Then why do you think we should compete?" Guowei asked.

"What are you competing for? It's useless to tell you too much! How can a pampered person like you, who has been hiding in the background and dare not show his face, understand the danger and cruelty on the Star Wars battlefield? I advise you to make more money and give you more The fleet is equipped with high-end combat readiness, and more of them must come to my Galaxy Fleet for actual combat training. Without actual combat training, no matter how much money or good equipment you have, you will not be able to build a powerful fleet!" Quan Bingren! said ruthlessly.

"This... what Brother Quan said seems to make sense! But we don't need to go to your Galaxy base to train now. How can training there be as good as training in an interstellar storm? Haha, hahahahaha..." Guowei He looked up to the sky and laughed so hard that his beard almost stood up...

Quan Bing was dumbfounded. Of course he understood what Guowei meant. The so-called interstellar storm was actually the Phantom Planet. There were environmental conditions like the Phantom Planet for training, and people like Ling Daozi and Liu Feng were on hand to give guidance. Then Of course it is much better than training at the Galaxy Base!

This made his psychology even more unbalanced. Thinking of the situation of the Quan Zhu fleet, he felt extremely bitter. I am afraid that he is now lagging behind the fleets of other forces of the Phantom Group...

At the very least, there is no problem for them to purchase high-end components and Taoist magic pieces for comprehensive upgrades, and to get actual control guidance. However, the Nine-Star Scepter Fleet lags far behind in this regard. After all, the financial resources of these three major financial organizations It is far from comparable, and purchasing is not as convenient and fast as those forces...

"Training in an interstellar storm?" Ji Mian and the others were shocked when they heard this!

"Master, didn't the Interstellar Storm Star Region say there are no storms?" Ji Mian asked curiously.

"The big storms are gone, but there are still some small storms, but well, these small storms can be used as training sites, which will be very helpful to improve the combat effectiveness of our fleet!" Guowei said.

"That's it..." The three of them couldn't help but suddenly realized...

Guowei continued: "Brother Ji gave me an order to let our main fleet come here first to participate in actual combat training! Although they are equipped with high-end combat preparations, what Brother Quan said is reasonable. Without actual combat training, they will be just showy. You won’t be able to exert any combat power in a real Star Wars!”

"Yes! Master!!!" Ji Mian responded quickly.

Yi Xing and Lai Huan also gave the same instructions to Shangguan Ye and Hu Yanqing, which made Quan Bing feel speechless again...

It seemed that these three old boys were here specifically to irritate him. Quan Bing simply waved his hand and removed the light curtain and said: "Since they have finished giving orders, brother Ji, you should hurry up and do it! The sooner, the better. good!"

"This... we still have a lot of things to communicate with Brother Guo and the others!" Ji Mian said anxiously.

"What is there to talk about? The most important thing is to activate the donation account. This matter is urgent and cannot be delayed any longer! If you keep communicating here endlessly, when will the Galaxy Fleet have a space flying castle? What? When can we conduct actual combat training? When can we truly confront foreign fleets?" Quan Bing said plausibly.

"You...then how about you help us contact Brother Guo and the others after we officially activate the donation account?" Ji reluctantly held back the anger in his heart and said.

"no problem!"

"It's a deal!"

“It’s a deal!!”

Ji Mian, Shangguan Ye and Hu Yanqing got Quan Bing's promise and then turned around and hurried out...

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