The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3432 A world born on the sea

The transformed world on the sea is constantly advancing, and more planets are being discovered. There is life on these planets, because they all show vitality and are unforgettable!

Each planet is given a display opportunity and a period of display time. During this period, all the main information about the planet, its history, geography, development process, and the humanities and culture on the planet will be displayed. Among them, the distinctive Taoist meanings will be specially interpreted...

These special performances are exactly the performance contents carefully prepared by the people of the two races!

Such a unique display process makes this special performance even more grand and classic. The participants also tried their best to devote their Taoism without reservation, hoping to get a higher offer from Ling Daozi!

The planet that appeared at this time was a medium-sized planet in the Red Dragon Star Region, called Panlong Star. Although it was not large, it was the real birthplace of the Red Dragon Clan. In other words, the Red Dragon Clan originated from Panlong Star. After growing up, they later moved from the Panlong Star to the Red Dragon Star, the largest star in the star field, thus transforming from the Panlong Clan into the Red Dragon Clan.

Since Panlong Star has the longest history, there are also many stories spread on Panlong Star. The Red Dragon Clan’s display of it is also a focus, because telling the stories on Panlong Star is actually telling the story of the Red Dragon Clan. Its origin and development process cannot be skipped.

As Fairy Meiping mentioned before when she and Ba Tie quarreled, the Red Dragon Clan actually grew up from a small reptile on the ground!

As for what kind of life the little reptiles evolved from, even the Red Dragon Clan themselves don’t know.

It is not easy for such small reptiles to develop into today's red dragons, because they have been almost at the bottom of the Panlong planet's food chain from the beginning. They can only hunt some very small creatures and devour them. A large number of plants fill your stomach, and if you are not careful, they will fall into the stomachs of other predators...

Although the little reptiles are small, they have lofty ambitions. While struggling to survive, they work hard to train and practice their skills. They also learn from the strengths of others. The most important thing is that they can unite and use the strength of the group to fight against powerful enemies. The enemy finally gained a living space for himself...

If this trend continues, this kind of little reptile is very likely to turn into another form of leech clan, sweeping across the Panlong Star with an army of reptiles, but it is hard to say if it cannot occupy the entire Red Dragon Star Territory.

However, at a certain stage in the development of reptiles, for unknown reasons, the bodies of some reptiles began to mutate, gradually evolving into the current red dragon appearance. As a result, these mutated reptiles formed a new one based on the original ones. The race is the Red Dragon Clan!

As for the original reptiles that did not mutate, their fate was more tragic, but this was not explained in the cultural display. In fact, Xiaoxing knew it well, and those ordinary reptiles were devoured by the mutated red dragons. !

Since the body needs a lot of energy to supplement when it mutates, otherwise the mutation process cannot be completed. Therefore, those ordinary reptiles dangling in front of their eyes have become the best supplements, because the two have the same origin, almost There won't be much energy repulsion.

However, this has also laid hidden dangers for the Red Dragon Clan, because no matter who it is, swallowing other living beings will have a cause and effect. Even if the swallowing is a life of the same origin as oneself, they cannot escape this fate.

The current Red Dragon Clan, like the previous Dragon Clan in the Xuanling World, is always facing a disaster similar to the Dragon Clan's spell. Every once in a while, many catastrophic events will occur in the clan.

A group of Red Dragon tribe members will encounter various mishaps. The good ones can still save a life, but the bad ones will die. Therefore, when the terrible spell is mentioned, the hearts of the Red Dragon tribe members will be extremely heavy, because they don’t know what will happen next. When the spell comes, can you survive it?

The newly emerged Red Dragon tribe has broken away from the low-level ecology of small reptiles, jumped into the state of advanced life, and became the strong man on Panlong Planet!

They have also changed from the past mainly relying on group strength to fight to mainly relying on individual combat power. After all, they have no opponents on Panlong Planet, and all the predators that were originally on their heads have become Their prey is running around like crazy...

The Red Dragon tribe was finally proud and proud. They started by conquering the Panlong Star, and then gradually conquered the entire Red Dragon Star Territory. Finally, they used the largest planet as the base camp for their development and called it the Red Dragon Star. Thus, they became an advanced race in the universe. Finally officially born!


The people of the Red Dragon tribe told the story of Panlong Star to the story of Red Dragon Star. In this process, countless battles took place. Those powerful enemies fell under their claws one by one and bowed to them. It made people's blood boil. Emotionally…

For people like Guowei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan, He Mu, Lin Yang, Drake, Popov, and Falk, the idea of ​​​​the jungle and the strong being respected occupy their dominant ideological position, not to mention The Crimson Dragon Clan is much more powerful than our own race, so after seeing the history of the Crimson Dragon Clan, they couldn't help but admire them in their hearts. They are really too strong!

However, this kind of Red Dragon tribe is only in the middle of its development stage, because it was mainly in the cold weapon age that they relied on personal combat power. With the development of the Red Dragon tribe’s civilization and their interactions with other civilizations, they gradually understood Personal combat power is still very limited. If you want to achieve a civilizational jump, you must develop Taoism, build space battleships, use higher-level energy, and make great progress in various fields...

As a result, they also devoted their energy to a new round of development plans. Out of their infinite thirst for higher-level energy, they finally chose to join the Roller Alliance to obtain the coveted Tiangang gems to realize their development plans...

In this cultural display, the Red Dragon Tribe revealed their main purpose of joining the Roller Alliance, and this purpose is also the purpose of the Qingque Tribe joining the Roller Alliance. It can be said that a considerable part of the races that joined the Roller Alliance are from Those who joined for this purpose, while others may have been coerced into it, or joined out of self-protection, or people with ulterior motives like the Leech Tribe joined in to seek their ulterior purposes and interests...

Ba Tie began to appear when the Crimson Dragon tribe entered the Crimson Dragon Planet and established the Crimson Dragon tribe's civilization. In the form of dance combined with fighting, it showed the Crimson Dragon tribe's heroic spirit of conquering the world and killing all directions, leading the development of this glorious history. At the climax, everyone was dumbfounded and admired Ba Tie's dancing and fighting spirit!

The story of the Crimson Dragon Clan has just ended, but the story of the Qingque Clan has already been ready to take off, so it follows suit, drawing people's attention to the Qingque Star Territory...

Judging from the process of their interpretation, the growth of the Qingque clan is obviously not as bloody and tortuous as the Red Dragon clan, because their bloodline has occupied a very high position from the beginning!

Although they also started from a kind of small mountain chicken, this kind of chicken already contains noble blood. In the process of their growth, they will collectively undergo a transformation at each stage, and gradually become more mature. The status of advanced life forms has advanced, and there has not been any tragedy like the Crimson Dragon Clan devouring their own people. Therefore, the Blue Bird Clan does not have the so-called dragon spells of the Crimson Dragon Clan. It can be said that their lives are very nourishing and happy.

However, no matter how good their lives are, they cannot resist the charm of Tiangang gems. The pursuit of gems has long been implanted in their lives. Therefore, after learning that there is such a big treasure as Tiangang Baoxing, they also He quickly joined in, wanting to mix in the Roller Alliance and follow other fleets to get some Tiangang gems.

In the process of this cultural display, the dancing talents of the Qingque people are fully demonstrated. Almost everyone is a born dancer. Every move, every frown, every smile is graceful and charming...

For the beauty pill of her dreams, Fairy Meiping devoted all her dancing skills in this show, dancing to her peak state, and even performed at a super level, which deeply impressed everyone present. I'm so immersed in her magnificent dance that I can't extricate myself...

Fairy Shaomai and Guanghan were naturally not far behind. During the subsequent interactions between the two clans, the two played the role of envoys from both sides and danced a pas de deux!

This dance also used all the strength of the two people. The dragon flies and the bird dances, the dragon and bird appear auspicious, the dragon roars in the sky, the bird sings in the sky, the dragon fights with the bird, the dragon flies in the shallows, the bird flies in the sky...

The envoys of the two tribes also danced with all their strength, rendering this fantastic maritime world as dreamlike and deeply intoxicated...

After the pas de deux, it’s the grand finale of this cultural display, the team performance!

This is a performance that represents the highest moral principles of the two tribes, because these two armies have gathered most of the masters from their respective tribes. Even if they return to their own tribe, this performance is their top performance and can fully represent the highest moral principles of the two tribes. meaning!

Sure enough, these army lieutenants were full of energy and fighting spirit. They took out their representatives to perform a conquering dance, and at once suppressed all the powerful forces in the galaxy, except of course Xiaoxing and Shuixin.

This expedition dance can be said to be more primitive, more passionate, and more passionate than the expedition dances in Tianyun World. All soldiers are naked in battle, their faces and bodies are covered with bloodstains and colorful stripes, their hair is bursting, and their muscles are strong. Huo, according to the saying in the previous world, his hormones were over the top, making everyone who watched it feel excited and dumbfounded!

The original costumes were just the beginning, and then their team performance was the focus. In the process, they performed scenes of battles, especially the Red Dragon clan, who fought them in all directions, with full and powerful arrogance. It was displayed, and the display action was pushed to the climax with an invincible momentum...

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