The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3321 The development stage of the galaxy

( ) "That's right..." People in the palace echoed...

Xiaoxing said: "However, there is no limit to the acceleration of stars. After reaching a certain speed, it will also have a greater impact on itself. Therefore, there are always some stars that cannot protect themselves in the end and are swallowed by the core monster stars. ! To the galaxy, this core monster is like an insatiable bottomless pit, so we call this monster a black hole!"

"Black hole?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this, imagining such a terrifying monster, they were all a little frightened...

Andavi said suspiciously: "If we call it a black hole, is it different from the white hole here?"

Little The interstellar storm here before was gradually formed by the material ejected from the white hole..."

"I see…"

"Deep in the core of galaxies, there are usually large black holes, white holes, pulsars, Tiangang treasure stars... Such extreme star life can be said to have reached the pinnacle of life in this universe, including the sun family, which can actually be counted as An extreme star, some huge sun, is no less powerful than the stars we just mentioned, and is even more powerful! Of course, in addition, there are many giant beings in the universe, and they form one by one. The strange energy field is entrenched in its own territory, forming its own unique racial group..." Xiaoxing spoke, leaving everyone dumbfounded. They felt that their view of the universe was being brushed off again and again by Ling Daozi, and they were about to be wiped out. All overthrown...

Andavi asked in a trembling voice: "So, there are extreme beings in these extreme stars? What if they mess around?!!!"

Little Generally speaking, they stand at the top of the universe, high above, looking down on all living beings, and may only see those beings of the same level in their eyes, so you don't have to worry too much about them coming to cause trouble, but..."

"But what?!" Andavi asked urgently.

"If they fight each other, then the city gate will catch fire, affecting the fish in the pond, and it is inevitable that some low-level civilizations will be affected by it! For example, the original civilization in this galaxy starry sky will inevitably be affected by the interaction between this white hole and another extreme star. Due to the impact of the battle, that period can be said to be the darkest moment for them. Those who can survive will survive, and those who cannot survive will disappear from the universe without leaving any trace..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god..."

"What if the core extreme life forms of the Wolf Star and the Turia Galaxy start fighting with each other?!" Yana asked in shock.

"Well, let Xiaoliu talk about it..." Xiaoxing slipped away again...

Everyone quickly looked at Li Yun again...

Li Yun shook his head secretly. It seemed that Xiaoxing was tired of these low-level beings. He was not even interested in bragging in front of them. He had to deal with this situation by himself...

I have to say that I am really not interested in this, but for the sake of the new network and new economy plan, I still have to do it. After all, the Turia galaxy and the Wolf galaxy are near the Milky Way galaxy, and they will play a great role in the expansion of the new network. …

In addition, preaching like this is sometimes necessary. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Maybe a little encouragement now will have great effects in the future. It is not certain...

He said: "At present, it is still impossible to judge whether there is a conflict between the extreme life forms at the core of these two galaxies, or whether the Wolf Galaxy chasing behind wants to actively devour the extreme life forms of the Turia Galaxy. However, in a situation like this It happens from time to time in the universe, because that's one of the ways some galaxies develop and grow!"

"Oh? Isn't it a mass extinction when they fight each other? Shouldn't they be destroyed after the fight?" Yanna asked.

Li Yun shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily true! What everyone needs to know is that the stars in the same galaxy are extremely far away from each other, and each star group is also extremely far away from other star groups. From then on, Sometimes it takes hundreds to thousands of light years from one end of a galaxy to the other, so whether it is as large as a star cluster or as small as a star, there is still a safe enough distance. If two galaxies collide, it may appear to us that they are one A big disaster, but in quite a lot of areas, the star groups and stars in the galaxy do not really collide with each other, but form new galaxy structures under the action of pulling forces! In other words, between them The time is fusion, not collision!”

"Fusion?!" Everyone was startled when they heard this!

Yan Na was surprised: "Xiao Liu, are they really just merging instead of colliding?!"

Li Yun smiled and said: "It is impossible for two galaxies to meet without any collision. There will always be some star groups or stars that will suffer, but in more areas, there will be more fusion than collision. After all, stars also have The instinct of self-rescue. Although they were kidnapped by core monsters such as black holes and met, they still have considerable autonomy to save themselves! I have said before that the encounter and fusion of galaxies is actually a way for them to develop and grow. For example, The current Turia Galaxy and the Wolf Galaxy are very likely to be in the third or fourth stage of development!"

"Oh? What's going on in the third or fourth stage?!" Yana asked urgently.

"In other words, these two galaxies actually developed to this stage after devouring several other small galaxies. Before that, they were much smaller than they are now!" Li Yun explained.

"Oh my mean they've swallowed up other small galaxies?!"

"That's right! You can carefully observe the shapes of these two galaxies. The Turia Galaxy has a more mature spiral galaxy shape, while the Wolf Galaxy also has a more mature large elliptical shape. Both of them are densely populated with stars, prosperous stars, and nebulae. Diffuse, vast... Large galaxies like this are considered relatively advanced in the universe. However, look at these galaxies..."

As Li Yun spoke, he flicked his fingers and brought out many light curtains. Everyone watched intently...

Although the picture on the light screen also has stars, overall it is much inferior. There are only a few dozens of star clusters in each picture, plus other scattered stars, and they look like four different stars when put together. , showing a rather weird feeling...

Li Yun said: "These are also galaxies, but most of them are in the first or second stage. There are not many star groups, the stars are scattered, and the brightness is dim. This shows that the level of their core monster stars is not too high. The interstellar matter they attract and retain is not enough, and they form fewer stars, that is, the sun. Therefore, they are only in the initial stage of galaxy development, which is much worse than the Wolf Galaxy and Turia Galaxy. Of course, , we must not underestimate these primary galaxies..."

"But why?!" Yan Na asked urgently.

"These galaxies are like rising stars in the galaxy family. They have a very high starting point and unlimited development potential. The current situation is only temporary. If the opportunities are better, they can absorb more interstellar matter and then combine with other The galaxy is engaged in a life-and-death battle, and it may not be long before it enters the third or fourth stage!" Li Yun said.

"Wo...Is this the integrated development method you just mentioned?"

"You can say that! And..."

"And what?!"

Li Yun continued: "Rising stars like these are often newly born deep in the core of the universe. Their natural abilities may be better than those of high-level galaxies, and they can also get more support from the core power of the universe. Once they catch up, In galaxies, it is often possible to succeed in leapfrog operations!"

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this, feeling bad!

Andavi asked urgently: "Xiaoliu, what do you mean, the Wolf Galaxy is currently chasing the Turia Galaxy, and the Wolf Galaxy's natural ability may be stronger than the Turia Galaxy, and then it will Has the Ria Galaxy been swallowed up?"

Li Yun pondered for a while, nodded and said: "This possibility is relatively high, but it is not absolute, because the two galaxies are basically at the same level in terms of shape. The two sides will definitely have a more intense battle process. The core planetary beings are probably extremely nervous right now and are preparing desperately. After all, no one can be absolutely sure, and for them, ten thousand years is just a blink of an eye..."

"It's over, it's over..." Everyone's expressions changed dramatically upon hearing this, and they murmured, feeling that the end of the world was coming soon!

Yun Han asked in surprise: "Xiao Liu, what do you think will happen then? Which side will win in the end?!"

"Holy Emperor, this question is actually not the focus of our attention. What we are currently concerned about is what kind of large galaxy will be formed after the fusion of these two galaxies? How many stars will be wiped out in this great fusion, and how many stars will be destroyed? How many stars can be reborn from nirvana? Should we escape on our own, or try to save as many planetary civilizations as possible? Of course, we can also choose to stand at the best angle and appreciate this grand scene of the universe. After all, The scene cannot be seen all the time, and perhaps for some lives, this is the only good opportunity to watch it up close in their lives!" Li Yun said.

"That makes sense!"

"Such a big scene is only suitable for us to watch, and we must not participate!"

"Hey, even if you want to participate, you don't have the ability!"

"Forget it about saving the planet's civilization, it would be nice if we could escape..."

"That's right..."

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