The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3320 The star’s secret method of self-protection

( ) "This..." Everyone was stunned and completely stunned by Ling Daozi's words!

They seem to have a certain understanding of the role of light, but not yet to a very thorough level, so they still feel a little confused, but fortunately, they do understand more than at the beginning...

Xiaoxing continued: "In fact, you can also understand that the things we see are all things in the past, brought to our eyes by light. However, if the distance is close, because the speed of light is extremely fast, it is so fast that we can We don’t feel that what we see in front of us is in the past at all, but we think that what we see is now! However, if the distance is far enough, it will take a certain amount of time for light to bring this information to our eyes. Take advantage of this , we can observe and calculate the actual speed of light!"

Yanna was a little stunned and said: "It turns out that you calculated the true speed of light through long-distance observations and calculations!"

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "This is indeed a main method! Of course, there are other methods that I won't talk about one by one. Generally speaking, the speed of light is relatively constant, but under different environmental conditions, the speed of light will also vary. Changes, for example, when the medium through which light passes is different, its speed will also be different..."

"Oh?! What's the difference?!" Yana asked urgently.

Xiaoxing said: "The speed of light in the starry sky is measured through observation. But in the air, this speed will be slightly weakened, while in water, it will be greatly weakened. In ice, in other transparent In all substances, the speed of light will be affected to a greater or lesser extent, but the speed of light we usually talk about refers to the speed in the starry sky of the universe."

"So, the light year you just mentioned refers to the distance that light travels through the starry sky in one year?" Yanna asked.

"Yes! This is almost the fastest speed of light, so this distance will be extremely far away. For a galaxy, the farthest distance inside it can reach tens to hundreds of light years without any problem!" Xiao Xiao Star said.

"Oh my god..." Everyone exclaimed when they heard this, and they were all dumbfounded. They simply couldn't imagine...

Looking at the Wolf Galaxy and Turia Galaxy in the light curtain in front of them, they could not imagine that they would be so huge, so huge that it would take tens to hundreds of years for light to travel through them!

What an astonishing behemoth!

What shocked them even more was that, as the core planet of the galaxy, it had such a strong pull that allowed so many star groups and scattered stars to surround it and be driven by it...

Yanna took a deep breath to calm down her emotions a little.

Then he asked: "Xiao Ling, just now you said that the Wolf Galaxy might catch up with the Turia Galaxy in ten thousand years. If this really happens, what will happen?!"

When everyone heard this, they all stared at Ling Daozi closely, their hearts so high that they almost reached their throats...

Everyone knows that this is definitely not a good thing, but when two giant galaxies collide, they can't imagine how the result will evolve, and they don't dare to imagine it. They can only pray secretly in their hearts...

Xiaoxing was secretly happy, but said: "Senior asked a good question! To understand the evolution of this galaxy merger, we must first understand the problem of the core planet! For the galaxy, other ordinary stars are just kidnapped by the core planet Just moving forward, the life and death of these ordinary stars is not too important to the core planet, even..."

"Even what?!" Yana asked urgently.

"Actually, ordinary stars that are closer to the core star are very dangerous. Many ordinary stars actually play the role of being swallowed by the core star and providing energy supplement for the core star. You can take a look here..."

Xiaoxing said, bringing up a picture and saying: "This is the core area of ​​the Turia Galaxy. You can see that there are more stars here, that is, the sun, so the brightness here is brighter than the surrounding areas. To make it brighter, in addition to the sun, there are countless other stars, all of which are orbiting the core area..."

Andavi stared at the screen closely and said, "Xiao Ling, this seems to be far away from our Turia star field, right?"

"Yes, the reason why this galaxy is called Turia Galaxy is because of you, but in fact, the location of Turia Star Field in this galaxy is quite remote, far away from the core. However, you should be fortunate that it is exactly Because you are far away from the core area, you are very safe now. If you are around the core area, you may face the risk of being devoured by monsters in the core area in the near future..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Wo..." Everyone broke into a cold sweat when they heard this!

Yun Han listened for a long time and felt that he finally had good news. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Xiao Ling, what you just said almost scared me. Fortunately, you now say that our clan is very safe!"

"Don't worry, Holy Emperor. Currently, the Turia star field is indeed very safe. Even if a major galaxy collision does occur in the future, there will still be a long time for it to exist and develop..."

"That's good! But why didn't I see the so-called monster planet in the core area?" Yun Han asked.

Xiaoxing said: "How can such a monster planet be easily seen? In fact, we can't see it with our naked eyes!"

"But why?!" Yun Han said in surprise.

"Holy Emperor, we have said before that light is the messenger of the universe. When we see something, we need light to bring us information. If there is no light, it will be difficult for us to see something unless we compare distances. We can still sense it through our spiritual sense, but now we are too far away from the core area, so it is impossible to sense it!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? So, is there no light in the core area? Isn't that impossible? The light of a monster with such high-level energy should be extremely eye-catching, right?" Yun Han asked curiously.

"The Holy Emperor's words make sense!"

"The greater the energy, the brighter the light!"

"Just like the Tiangang gem, how bright is it? Its energy is extremely high!"

"Yes, just like the powerful powers of the universe have their own aura, but ordinary people are not conspicuous at all..."

"That's right..."

The people in the palace agreed one after another. After all, in their opinion, this principle is almost common sense...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Seniors, the greater the energy, the greater the light. This is not a truth. I wonder if you have noticed that some people will appear radiant and dazzling when their cultivation level is not very high. Traffic jams were caused on the roads, and countless people would rush to watch. However, when their cultivation level reached a higher level, the light on their bodies would become restrained, and the whole person would not shine as brightly as before. Rather, it is natural and simple, with the inner meaning of Taoism... This can be called returning to nature!"

"Back to Basics?!"


"Some people were so radiant when they first broke through, but then they faded away..."

"Of course, when your cultivation level is low, you can't control the Dao light and aura light on your body well, so you let these lights radiate out unscrupulously. But when your level is high, you can control it well. , but it becomes more natural..."

"That's true..."

When everyone heard Xiaoxing's words, they suddenly understood, and they all agreed...

Xiaoxing continued: "Everyone is right! The core planet is extremely powerful. It is so powerful that light can be absorbed by them and cannot escape at all! In other words, these monster-level planets themselves will also emit light. Yes, but the light was sucked in by them and could not escape. Since no light escapes, we cannot see the monster planet itself through the information brought by the light. Therefore, only now we will find out where There seems to be nothing in the core area of ​​the film..."

Yunhan finally understood and couldn't help but nodded: "I see! But since we have never seen a monster planet, why do you think there is a monster planet there?"

"The Holy Emperor asked a good question! How to judge the existence of a monster planet in that core area, but we cannot make conjectures out of thin air, because doing so would be a bit metaphysical. We still need to infer through some evidence!" Xiaoxing praised.

"Evidence? I wonder what evidence you found?" Yun Han asked urgently.

"Holy Emperor, look, we just said that the stars in the core area are denser and the brightness is several times higher than that in the surrounding areas. This is one of the evidences. Because the power of the monster planet is extremely huge, it can attract and capture it. More ordinary stars stay around him..." Xiaoxing said.

"Then...what about the second one?"

"The stars in the core area rotate several times faster than the surrounding stars. The closer they are to the center area, the faster they move. This is the second evidence!" Xiaoxing said again.

"Oh? Why does this happen?" Yun Han said in surprise.

"Holy Emperor, these stars are doing this to save themselves! Because the pulling power of the core monster planet is too strong, it exerts a huge attraction on the surrounding stars. If they don't save themselves, the surrounding stars will be attracted by it and be shattered to pieces! "Xiao Xing said.

"That's true... Could it be that the way for them to save themselves is to speed up their operation?!" Yun Han asked suspiciously.

"Yes! By speeding up the operation, an outward centrifugal force is generated. This centrifugal force can happen to offset the pull of the core monster planet. Then you can stay in the core area safely!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Wo..." Everyone suddenly understood after hearing this, and they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. They felt that they had been worrying about those stars in vain just now. It turned out that they had such a unique trick that they could use to protect themselves...

Andavi praised: "It turns out that they accelerate their rotation in order to generate such an outward centrifugal force. How clever!"

"When you're in the world of martial arts, you can't protect yourself without a trick..." Xiao Xing said happily.

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