The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3238 Making wedding clothes for others

Yunhan's words dispelled Artis' worries, and he couldn't help but said loudly: "The Holy Emperor is wise! Then let's set off now!"


Jiang Hui couldn't understand the language of the Turia people. He observed the Turia people from the sidelines and saw that they seemed to be quite happy at first, but then they suddenly became depressed for some reason and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing. , which made him secretly frightened, thinking that the Turia tribe was brewing something bad. So in this case, should he still take them to the headquarters? Is your safety guaranteed?

As if knowing that he had this mentality, Xiaoxing's words rang in his ears at the right time: "Don't worry, they now know that we have a super-light spacecraft, so they are a little scared. This is normal, but that Holy Emperor Cloud Han still insists on coming and wants to make friends with us, then you can bring them over. After all, our cosmic network will definitely extend to the Turia tribe in the future, and we still need to have a good relationship with them..."

"I see... I heard them chattering a lot, and their expressions were not so good. It almost scared me to death..." Jiang Hui said with a secret smile.

"Hehe, you are their honored guest and you will receive preferential treatment..." Xiaoxing smiled.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiaoxing finished speaking, Wu Ma said: "Xiaojiang, our Holy Emperor has decided to meet Xiaoling and Xiaoliu. Could you please show the way! This is a top-grade gemstone from the Turia tribe. , is also one of their coins, as a reward for your guidance this time!"

He took a jade box from Atis's hand and handed it to Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui quickly waved his hand and said: "Senior, please don't be polite! It's my honor to show you the way. Why do I need any reward?"

"Haha, this is a reward from the Holy Emperor. You have to take it even if you don't want it. You'd better accept it quickly!" Wu Ma said with a smile.

"This junior will not be rewarded for his merits! I really cannot accept this gem!" Jiang Hui insisted.

When Yun Han saw that Jiang Hui didn't even want a reward, he couldn't help but look at him with admiration and said: "A small guide knows how to advance and retreat. Are all Ling Daozi's men such talents?"

Jiang Hui was stunned and looked at him blankly, wondering what the Holy Emperor was talking about...

Yunwei chuckled, ran to Jiang Hui, took the gem with her little hand, put it into Jiang Hui's hand, and said: "Uncle Jiang, this gem was given to you by my grandfather. Think about it, my grandfather is a saint." Emperor, when you feel happy, you can reward someone casually without any reason at all, let alone any credit. What’s more, you are the one who guides the way, so of course you have credit! So you can accept it with a clear conscience! Besides, this is also a sign of respect for my grandfather, don’t you think?”

Jiang Hui heard it well.

So he put away the gems, nodded and said: "What Xiaowei said makes sense! Let's set off now!"

Under the guidance of Jiang Hui, the Blue Fish Fleet quickly headed towards the White Cave...

But it was said that Hadaway, Tonghai, Amy and others were hiding in the Willy Group's fleet with fear. They watched the Blue Fish Fleet leave and waited for a long time. Finally, they were sure that the Blue Fish Fleet would not come back again, and they took a breath of relief. , feel relieved, but Hardaway is unwilling to return to the Vegetable Basket Star no matter what. In his opinion, this place is still in danger. Who knows if the blue fish fleet will return again?

So he simply sent Tong Hai and Amy back to Cai Lan Planet, and he took the fleet back to the headquarters of the Willy Group.

Since the direction is exactly opposite to the direction the Blue Fish Fleet left, Hardaway is still very relieved...

After Tonghai and Amy sent Hadaway away, they returned to the Food Basket. Although they were not very willing to come back, this was their roots after all. They had been stationed here for many years and it was impossible to leave.

As soon as they returned to the star, they were very sensitive to find that the food basket star seemed a little restless. There were people demonstrating everywhere. Many people did not even eat the food and gathered together to shout something at the top of their lungs...

"Brother Tong, what are they shouting about?" Amy asked with a frown.

"It seems to be blaming the incompetence of the Star Lord Mansion... They were forced to the head by the enemy and almost suffered a catastrophe. It is impossible for these people not to be angry..." Tong Hai said.

"Oh, that's right! This Star Lord's Mansion is simply too incompetent! Normally we have to collect some property to provide for them, but when a disaster strikes, how can they help?!" Amy exclaimed with deep sympathy.

"It's true. Our belongings are simply wasted. This time it scared me so much. I wonder if that blue fish fleet will come again?" Tonghai sighed.

"Oh my god, why don't you stop talking like a crow! What's the point if they come again?! Let's make a deal first. If they come again, I will definitely be the first one to run away!" Amy said loudly.

"You?! You are also a deputy commander after all, how can you just run away?" Tong Hai said with some displeasure.

"Hmph, look at how powerful that blue fish fleet is. Just that momentum made me so scared that my legs were shaking and my whole body was weak. I don't want to wait for death on this star. Who knows how powerful those aliens are? Cruel? If I will be beaten to death or tortured to death by them, then why don't I run away?" Amy spat.

"If that's the case, then why are we coming back? Those guys are still counting on us to protect them!" Tong Hai said loudly, feeling angry.

"I don't care! In my opinion, nothing in this world is worth risking my life. If I know that I will die or be tortured to death, there is no need to do it! To be honest, although our Willy Group is taking risks Group, but fortunately everything here is not risky business, so I stay here. I was originally opposed to the arrest of the two little sisters last time!" Amy snorted.

"Can you make money without taking risks? Can you make a lot of money? If our Weili Group didn't rely on those risky businesses, how could we have reached the level we are today? Your benevolence will only do bad things and will not have any impact on the development of the group. Help!" Tonghai lectured.

"Really? But isn't the business I'm in charge of at Lai Lanxing doing well? I haven't done anything harmful, and I'm still making money!" Amy said unconvinced.

"Hey, the little money you make is enough for you! If it weren't for the risky business that Brother Guan and I did, I really don't know how to get through this time when the boss comes here!" Tonghai said proudly.

"Who said that? This time, the boss praised me for making a decisive decision at the auction last time and spending all my money to buy Ling Daozi's top delicacies. He also said that this business was much better than those risky businesses!" Amy snorted. .

"Oh? Did the head master really say that?" Tong Hai was startled.

"Of course! Why did I lie to you?! Didn't the boss also take half of the food from the warehouse?"

"What?! The boss took away half of the food?! Why didn't I know?!" Tong Hai said anxiously.

"Why do you need to know? Does the boss still need your consent to take things from us?" Amy teased.

"No... those delicacies cost us so much money. The boss took them away when he said they would, and even took away half of them. This hole is so big, my God!!!" Tong Hai felt his heart dripping with blood and screamed in pain!

"Giggle, do you know how distressed you are? Let me tell you, the boss has promised that half of the delicious food can offset our ten-year mission. Everything we earn in these ten years is our own! And..."

"And what?!" Tong Hai asked urgently.

"Think about it, what will the price of the remaining half of the delicacies be in ten years? With their appreciation rate, I'm afraid they can double or triple. Then wouldn't we have made another profit?" Amy said proudly. said.

"That makes sense!!!" Tonghai said happily.

"So, making money is actually not that difficult. There is no need for us to do those harmful things like cauldron business and colonial business. As long as we do it well, there will be many opportunities!" Amy used her trick again and taught her a lesson. Tonghai…

Suddenly I heard a loud laugh, and one person praised: "Well said! It seems that I will leave the business of Lai Basket Star to you from now on!"

Amy and Tonghai were startled. They looked up and saw a man appearing in front of them. He had a majestic figure and a majestic face, and a beard added to his aura. He was looking at them with a smile...

"Are you... Quan... Quan... senior?!!!" Tong Hai's heart was beating wildly, because he had already recognized who this person was, it was Quan Bing, the head of the Quan Zhu Group!

Why did Quan Bing appear here? What did he mean by what he just said? Tonghai felt a little bad!

"Haha, yes, you have good eyesight!" Quan Bing laughed.

The incident happened suddenly, and Amy was a little confused. She was thinking about the meaning of Quan Bing's words just now, when she heard Quan Bing say again: "Are you Amy?"

"It's this junior!" Amy responded quickly.

"I listened to your conversation just now and found that your opinions are quite valuable. So, you will still be responsible for the business of your Weili Group in Cai Lanxing. However, now Weili Group is going to change its name and become The power territory of our Quanzhu Group!" Quan Bing said without any doubt.

"This..." Amy and Tonghai looked at each other, and they both saw in each other's eyes that the power of the Willy Group here has reached its end!

The sudden appearance of Quan Bing turned the years of hard work of the Weili Group into making wedding clothes for others in the blink of an eye...

"What? Didn't you hear what I said?" Quan Bing snorted.

"Senior, you need to ask our Weili Group headquarters about this matter, right?" Tonghai said bravely.

"Oh? Do you think it's necessary? Just ask if it's necessary, but the result is still the same!" Quan Bing said domineeringly.

"This...we are members of the Weili Group, and we have sworn an oath of allegiance..." Tonghai muttered.

"Isn't this simple? I allow you to join me and become my slaves and maids. Are you willing?"

"Wo!!!" Tonghai and Amy exclaimed, they couldn't believe their ears...

"This is real?!!!"

"Of course! If you want, just swear, there won't be this store after passing this village!"

"My little slave swears immediately!!!"

"My little maid swears immediately!!!"

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