The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3237 There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains.

However, Quan Bing quickly thought of his previous plan, which was to go to the vegetable basket star to pick peaches. Now that the threat of the Blue Fish Fleet has been lifted, he is the boss in this star field. It is really unreasonable to not pick peaches smoothly. .

He quickly said: "Xiao Ling, how about asking Xiao Hui to take them there? I have something to go out for..."

Of course Xiaoxing understood the meaning of his words, and couldn't help but smile: "No problem! Just accept it peacefully, don't cause any harm..."

"Great! I will show mercy!" Quan Bing was overjoyed.

He turned to Wu Ma and said, "Well, since you Holy Emperor wants to see Xiao Ling so much, let Jiang Hui take you there. I have some tasks to do on this trip, so I won't introduce him in person!"

"I see... That's fine. I wish brother Quan success and lots of money!" Wu Ma said with a smile, and informed Artis and others of this information.

"Haha, thank you! Thank you so much!" Quan Bing said with a smile, leaving Jiang Hui and the two little sisters behind, while he continued to move forward with the others...

He was secretly happy that he was going to conquer the forces of the Xingma Group. It was ironic that Wu Ma actually wished him success and wealth. However, who told him to join the Turia tribe now? It can be said that these things have nothing to do with him anymore...

In addition, Shui Xin's spiritual body returned to the new online world with the help of Xiaoxing. For him, this action was just an episode in his practice in the new online world...

Artis took Yunwei and Yunqi back to the mothership. The crowd was full of emotions for a while. Everyone was so excited that they clapped their foreheads and celebrated, singing and dancing. After all, they had traveled such a long distance and paid countless prices, and now the mission was finally completed. , and there is no danger, no need to fight...

Yun Han was angry at first, but after seeing the two little sisters back safely, his anger dissipated unknowingly, and was replaced by immense love. He asked them carefully about their experiences during this period, and when he heard about the thrilling moments , couldn't help but secretly feel frightened and terrified.

He soon discovered that the two little sisters seemed to be much better behaved than before after suffering a lot of hardships. If not, it would be impossible to listen to them talk about their experiences, because how could they sit still? I ran away to play a long time ago without leaving home at all. This can be said to be an unexpected gain!

Some of the information revealed by the two sisters was an ear-opener for Yunhan, Atis, Wu Ma and others, especially the food auction hosted by Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and the newly emerged online world. , and a starship that can fly faster than light!

Everyone thought it was quite interesting when they first listened.

But listen, after this new information appeared, everyone was shocked!

In the eyes of Yunhan, Artis and other Turia clan powerful men, this place is originally a gathering of stars with a lower civilization. When their blue fish fleet comes here, they can show off their power, be invincible, and do whatever they want. , any blind person who dares to block the road will be killed easily, just like squeezing a small ant to death.

However, after hearing the astonishing information that Ling Daozi's Phantom Group was building a new online world that would cover the entire universe, and that Ling Daozi owned a super-light spacecraft, they couldn't help but feel shaken and felt bad!

Unexpectedly, in such a cluster of low-level civilizations, powerful figures like Ling Daozi and Liufeng would appear, and the things they had done were enough to surpass the level of civilization of the Turia tribe, and even surpass Yun Han. And some other developed racial civilizations that Artis knew about, how could they calm down?

If they came here before and suddenly encountered Ling Daozi and Liufeng's fleet, and the two sides clashed again, what would be the result?

At the thought of this, everyone felt cold sweat streaming down their bodies, and couldn't help but tremble a little...

They can finally understand the mood of those people on the previous vegetable basket star. Facing a stronger opponent than themselves, no matter who they are, they will beat gongs and drums in their hearts and be anxious...

Although it is still unclear whether the blue fish fleet of ours can defeat Ling Daozi and Liufeng's fleet, at least no one dares to despise them anymore, because if a fleet has a super-light speed ship, then the battle of this fleet will be There is almost no doubt about its strength!

The people of the Turia tribe know very well that whether it is flying close to the speed of light, the speed of light, or flying faster than the speed of light, this is actually one of the main indicators to measure the development of a civilization. When a civilization can have such an ability, it is not just It means that they only made a breakthrough in flight, but it means that this civilization has made great progress in countless fields, especially in origin research, it must have made a great breakthrough!

Without simultaneous breakthroughs and progress in multiple fields, it would be impossible to create a spacecraft that can fly close to or at the speed of light. And if there is no breakthrough in original research, progress in all fields will almost be based on a barren desert. Above, it’s simply impossible!

In fact, if we trace the realization of many high-end achievements back to their origins, we can find that they are based on some of the most basic theories, which is the so-called origin research.

For example, if Xiaoxing and Li Yun's research had not reached the level of molecules, microns, poleons and primary particles, it would be impossible to have advanced new materials and new energy sources. Without the support of these new materials and new energy sources, it would be impossible With the shell and other components of an advanced spacecraft, as well as the power system that supports the spacecraft to achieve faster-than-light flight, it is impossible for a new type of starship to emerge.

In addition to these hardware systems, a spaceship flying at the speed of light also needs countless systems to support it, such as life support system, route guidance system, combat system, reconnaissance system, information processing system... These are all super-light speed systems. If any of the components that are essential for flight cannot keep up, it will make faster-than-light flight impossible.

And if you carefully analyze these complicated systems, you can find that no matter which system it is, its progress and breakthroughs are based on some of the most basic research results. Only by making major breakthroughs in basic research can we promote the above. Even more amazing results have been achieved in applications.

This is like a tree. Without deep roots to absorb nutrients and continuously transport nutrients, it would be impossible to have strong branches, lush leaves, brilliant flowers, and abundant fruits...

This tree is like a technology tree. Where your roots are rooted and how they grow will affect how the various fields above develop and make breakthroughs. Different technology trees will produce different scientific and technological achievements. For example, in a In civilizations that focus on cultivation, what is often developed is a civilization system that focuses on individual abilities. The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. This often becomes everyone's creed.

In a civilization dominated by science and technology, the developed civilization system relies more on foreign objects and various scientific and technological achievements to arm itself and enhance its combat power.

Of course, in this universe, many racial civilizations often develop in these two aspects at the same time, it just depends on which one is the main one. Just like the Turia people, although they also started with cultivation, in addition to their achievements in cultivation In addition to progress, they have also made great breakthroughs in scientific and technological research. This is an important reason why they have short-range light-speed spacecraft. It is precisely because of this that they can surpass the racial civilization of this galaxy in terms of overall civilization. To be able to dominate the world and show off one's power here is terrifying...

However, now Yunhan, Artis and others have deeply understood a truth, that is, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are mountains beyond the mountains. Although the Turia tribe is powerful, they have made remarkable achievements in countless fields. Even Wu Ma Such cosmic powers are eager to join in, but now Ling Daozi and Liufeng are like a higher sky and a bigger mountain lying in front of the Turia tribe, allowing them to There is a deep feeling of looking up at the mountains and not knowing where the clouds are...

Not to mention anything else, the existence of a super-light starship caused them to be restrained all of a sudden!

Just imagine, if you suddenly encounter a super-light battleship on an interstellar battlefield, can you still be saved?

No matter how clever your tactics are, how reasonable your layout is, and how skillful your cooperation is, you will still be unable to withstand the attack of a powerful super-light battleship. There is no doubt about this.

Because this is like a mortal meeting a cultivator, or a low-level cultivator meeting a powerful cultivator. The two sides are not on the same level, and it is completely unfair to directly confront them!

"Holy Emperor, do we still want to find Ling Daozi and Liufeng?" Attis asked in a low voice.

Yun Han was startled when he heard the words, his mind was spinning, and he quickly understood the meaning of Artis's words. Artis must be worried about the safety of the Blue Fish Fleet, because Ling Daozi and Liufeng own a super-light spacecraft, so they The combat power must be extremely powerful. If something unexpected happens during the meeting between the two parties, then the Blue Fish Fleet may be in trouble.

He thought for a while and said, "If we really have a conflict with Ling Daozi and Liufeng, even if we leave now, they can still catch up with us, right?"

" true! No matter how fast the Blue Fish fleet is, it can't be faster than a super-light spacecraft." Artis had to admit.

"So, not only can we not have any conflicts or conflicts with them during this trip, we must also take this opportunity to make good friends with them. They are friends, not enemies. Maybe if our clan is in danger in the future, we can also use their help. Power! Don't worry, I have a hunch that these two must be good people and will not be harmful to us. What's more, Xiaowei and Xiaoqi were rescued by them and were sent to us. Such people are not Well, who else is good?”

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