The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3186 How did they do it?

In addition to the scene of Wugui Lake causing black clouds, Lin Yang also recorded the scene of Xiaoxing using the black stone energy to bombard the Wugui Lake Clearing Cage Formation. As soon as this scene was played, both Quan Bing and Jiang Hui were stunned. Terrified!

The two of them were dumbfounded and their legs were weak. It was an eye-opener...

Here, Xiaoxing continued to introduce the development plan of this headquarters to everyone, and one of the points mentioned shocked everyone!

Xiaoxing's idea is to turn this headquarters planet into a mobile cosmic battle fortress. Not only can it be connected to the cosmic network for control anytime and anywhere, but it can also travel across the universe at the speed of light and go wherever it wants to go!

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar!

This idea was so far beyond their imagination that even after Xiaoxing said it, they still couldn't believe that it could be done to such an extent.

"Xiao Ling, can such a big planet really move freely in the universe? Can it also fly at the speed of light?" Yi Xing asked first.

"Senior, didn't I say it before? The size of this formation can be controlled, and of course it can also change its shape to make it look more like a cosmic battle fortress... However, neither size nor appearance is too important. , the most important conditions that determine whether it can become a cosmic battle fortress are its quality and energy. With the black stone energy as a guarantee, and the high-energy matter converted from the black stone energy, this planet is a natural aircraft, which can completely achieve my goal. The goal I just mentioned." Xiaoxing said.

" our formation can now get rid of the control of this nebula and move to other places?" Yi Xing continued to ask.

"Of course there is no problem with this! However, the reason why we stayed here before is because the energy released by the central white hole is extremely abundant, which is of great help to us in storing energy and transforming the world, so we do not need to go elsewhere at the moment. It's about utilizing the value here to a certain extent before considering whether to leave..." Xiaoxing said.

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized...

Lai Huan said: "It is not easy to fly at the speed of light in the universe. It consumes a lot of energy. Moreover, the spacecraft often has many problems after flying at the speed of light. This battle fortress is so huge, there will be more people and materials here in the future. There are countless of them. Will it be more stressful to fly? Besides, you have to fly at the speed of light..."

Little A small part can be equivalent to what you think of as a huge amount of energy. Therefore, light speed flight pays more attention to the level of energy rather than the amount! In addition, the formation of our battle fort is a perpetual motion formation, which absorbs and stores energy. The process of energy is always in progress, even in the process of flying at the speed of light. As for the matter converted from the black stone energy, you can check these areas to see what the material forms here are like in the core universe. no the same…"


Everyone suddenly realized that they quickly fell into the material world below under the leadership of Xiaoxing. Now they finally felt a brand new world!

In this world, the air is so fresh and full of fresh energy that every breath is almost equivalent to the effect of practicing!

The soil, hills, lakes, forests, flowers and plants here all appear to be quite different from the outside world, and are obviously not on the same level.

Everyone is stepping on the soil here, breathing the air here, admiring the flowers, plants and trees here, and then looking at the towering black mountains. Oh, and the clouds floating in the sky are so special. They are like It looks like a solid, but slowly changes shape in the air. Every time you look at it, you will find a different combination of clouds...

These white clouds are naturally the Juyuan Clouds arranged by Xiaoxing, and they are also the most important configuration in this formation.

It is the reservoir and birthplace of its powerful energy. However, this secret will naturally not be told to other people, and they cannot see it themselves. At most, they will find that they are a bit like black stones, both solid and liquid. , still like gas...

"Wow! I found that I fell in love with this place!" Guowei said with a smile while stroking his beard.

"Oh? Is it better than the predecessor's Purple Light Liuying?" Xiaoxing teased.

"This... the scenery layout and supporting facilities are naturally not as good as Ziguangliuying. However, the air, water and soil here are so good, and the scenery is obviously different. It seems to be much clearer and more vivid all of a sudden!" Guowei pondered.

"Senior is right! The air factor here contains high-level energy, which can make people's ears and eyes clear, and there is very little dust and debris. The scenery is naturally much clearer and more vivid. In fact, living in such an environment is almost the same as Regarding daily cultivation, the process of your life and work is also a cultivation process, so you can save time on cultivation..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Haha, I was just about to say that! In fact, I have really felt this. When I arrived here just now, I found that my whole body was full of energy and I felt eager to try..." Guowei laughed.

"What Mr. Guo said is exactly what I feel!" Yi Xing agreed.

Lai Huan nodded and said: "Yes, the quality of every breath here is much higher than that of the Juling Cave I specially built. In the final analysis, this is still a matter of air factor quality. Air factors like this are, for some cultivation levels, People with lower realms may not be able to breathe, because they cannot bear such a high energy impact!"

"Indeed!" Yi Xing agreed.

"It makes sense..." Others also agreed.

Hemu asked: "Xiao Ling, if people from our influence move here in the future, some of them may not be able to breathe such air. What should we do?"

Little With the same level of air factor, there will be no problem!”

"I see, that's great!" Hemu said happily.

Everyone came to the formation again and found that the black mountain peak could not be seen at a glance, and the white clouds in the sky only surrounded its mountainside. The entire mountain peak was integrated and covered with dense black vines.

Through spiritual inspection, we can find that the mass of the mountain is extremely heavy. A mountain may be a combination of countless mountain peaks in the outside world. No matter how many shells are fired at such a mountain, it is impossible to break it. No wonder it can be used as an array eye. …

According to Ling Daozi, these black peaks also use black stones to form an energy network. This energy network is equivalent to an energy shield plus an energy reservoir. It can withstand external attacks and withstand the impact of the entire planet. The blows he received, and he absorbed all the energy waves generated by those blows and used them for himself!

This design made everyone dumbfounded...

If we go by Ling Daozi's introduction, wouldn't it mean that the more others attack, the stronger our formation will be and the more energy we will have?

The answer is indeed this...

Shui Xin didn't feel calm at all after hearing this. He didn't expect that the black stone in his hand would have so many wonderful uses in Ling Daozi's hands. Why hadn't he thought of it at all before?

Only now did he realize that he was really wasting his treasure. He only used it as a fun thing to possess a rare treasure. Moreover, when he threw it to Ling Daozi, he was secretly glad that he had thrown this big burden to Ling Daozi. But he didn't expect that Ling Daozi would use these black stones to not only create a high-energy high-speed network, but also create such an incredible perpetual motion formation, as well as a formation that becomes stronger the harder he is attacked...

"It's over, it's over. I used to think of myself as a senior in front of Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, but now I realize that my level of knowledge is too far behind the two of them. How can I hold my head up in front of them..." Shui Xin thought. At this point, his face became a little unnatural...

Moreover, Shui Xin knew very well that even if everyone heard Ling Daozi's introduction and knew that there was such a way to build an array, they would still not be able to build it themselves if they were allowed to build it.

If you want to implement these whimsical ideas, there are still many Taoist ideas that need to be understood, and countless practical verifications are needed before they can be truly completed. Therefore, the formation of Ling Daozi and Liufeng is definitely It is unique in this universe, Shui Xin is extremely sure of this!

For others, I don't know how many years, how much money, how much manpower and material resources it would take to create such a great formation. However, Ling Daozi and Liufeng seemed to have done it easily because they were so young. It is so small that it is impossible to spend much time on such things. You must know that they also need to study food, tens of billions of food, and of course painting, tea, wine, coffee, medicine... Then they How is it done? !

Shui Xin believes that there must be some geniuses in the world who can easily do things that ordinary people cannot do. However, he is convinced that geniuses like Ling Daozi and Liu Feng cannot exist anymore in the universe!

In his long life, he has read countless people, has rich experiences, and is well-informed, but he has never seen such super geniuses as these two people...

It can be said that every Taoist idea they come up with may take a lifetime or several lifetimes to be applied to others, or it may not be realized no matter how many lifetimes...

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