The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3185 Conflicting goals

Quan Bing heard Jiang Hui's words and finally made up his mind. Now he will see if there is a suitable opportunity to speak...

Lin Yang's final summary just now really touched everyone's heart. When facing Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, they all felt that they were such a failure!

In the past, most of my long years were spent on dogs, or on delicious food and other various enjoyments. If I hadn't wasted so much time, maybe I could still have an in-depth discussion with the two of them now. Some Taoist ideas are not qualified to even discuss, because what Ling Daozi said is completely beyond their cognitive scope, and they don’t know where to start...

It seems that I have no choice but to ask...

Shui Xin came to his senses and said, "I wonder what Xiaoling has planned for our headquarters base?"

"Senior, look, there are black peaks here. In fact, these peaks are one of the formation eyes of our huge formation. Each mountain peak is an formation eye, and each formation eye will be responsible for a large area around it. Each area can carry a combat unit... As the central world continues to expand, our areas will be more and more, and the number of combat units that can be carried will also be increasing..." Xiaoxing introduced.

"I see... There seems to be no limit to this way of expansion, because our entire formation can also be expanded further..." Shui Xin said.

"Yes! If our energy level continues to increase, then of course the expansion of this world will not stop. However, since we do not have too many people, this expansion is enough, unless we want to build this place into a big thousand world, that’s actually not a big problem.” Xiaoxing said.

When Quan Bing heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "Xiao Ling, it turns out you don't have many people, but I want to lead our entire Quan Zhu Group to join in. There should be no problem, right?"

He asked this question at every opportunity, which made everyone present startled and couldn't help but look at Ling Daozi...

"Senior also want to join?"

"Not bad! You see so many old friends have joined Phantom, how can I stay out of it? It's good to join in the fun..." Quan Bing said.

"Senior, do you know our true goal? If our goal is inconsistent with Quan Zhu's development goal, wouldn't it go against the purpose of your development if you join us?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This..." Quan Bing was startled when he heard this.

Xiaoxing continued: "Well, senior is the only guest here. If we keep hiding it from senior, you will definitely be extremely uncomfortable here and may also have some misunderstandings about our career, so I think it is better to tell you It’s better to be clear…”

"Xiao Ling, please speak!" Quan Bing responded.

"The various forces and seniors present chose to join the Phantom Group because we have a common goal, which is to work together to create a new world, develop a new economy, and allow all life in the universe to join this new world. , enjoy the various benefits brought by the new economy! Wherever our cosmic network goes, it will bring development opportunities to life on local or nearby planets, and they can all be integrated into this high-energy, high-speed network After that, they can use various applications on the Internet to meet their various needs, and they can also use this network to make money and provide convenient and fast services to people in other star regions..." Xiaoxing Kankan said.

"Wo..." Quan Bing and Jiang Hui felt dizzy after hearing this. They felt that the new world and new economy mentioned by Ling Daozi were completely beyond their imagination. It was really hard to come back to their senses for a while.

Xiaoxing added: "Senior, after listening to my introduction, you should know that our cause is constructive, not destructive. What we bring to life on various planets is peace, abundance and happiness, and promote the prosperity of life in the universe. and balance, leading everyone to a higher platform of cosmic civilization, and making their due contribution to the development of this universe...I wonder if such a career goal is inconsistent with the development goal of Quanzhu Group?"

"This..." Quan Bing heard this,

His face suddenly turned red and he was speechless...

How could he, a veteran of the world like him, fail to understand the meaning of Ling Daozi's words?

Yes, the reason why Ling Daozi mentioned the career goals of the Phantom Group was actually to give him two choices. One was to refuse to join. But in the future, the development of the Quanzhu Group will inevitably be at odds with the Phantom Group, so what will happen then? It's hard to say. The second is to agree with the business goals of Phantom Group, choose to join, and build this new world and new economy together. Then Quanzhu Group will at least not have a serious conflict with Phantom in the future and be able to protect itself.

Why do so many forces join Phantom, and neither Xiaoxing nor Li Yun have any objections, but when Quan Zhu wants to join, Xiaoxing has to explain this issue first?

In fact, the reason is very simple, because the development goals of Quan Zhu Group and Phantom are exactly opposite!

Xiaoxing just said that the Phantom Group's business goals are constructive, in order to create a new world and new economy, but Quan Zhu Group, as the largest adventure group, their business goals are destructive!

For these adventurous groups headed by the Quan Zhu Group, they started by accumulating huge wealth through colonization, plunder, slavery, etc., and then used this wealth to engage in business. Of course, the means they used to engage in these businesses They are also very shameful. They often use some relatively strong black methods to gain a monopoly position and dominate one market after another. Wherever they go, the original market order is almost disrupted, and a large number of indigenous people are forced to accept them. enslaved and squeezed out of their hard-earned money...

It can be said that under the monopoly hegemony of the adventure groups, the efficiency of the entire market is extremely low, the productivity and creativity of the people have been greatly suppressed, and the output has actually decreased, and this decreased output Most of them will fall into the hands of adventure groups, which is simply a disaster for the market...

Quan Bing actually knows this very well, but this is the development model of the adventure group. It is impossible for them to build, because they can't do it well. Only through this hegemonic and destructive development and management, can they Get the soil for survival and development...

Under such circumstances, if Quanzhu Group wants to join the Phantom Group, it must completely abandon its original business development ideas and the various development methods they have long been accustomed to, and instead accept the development model of the Phantom Group. In this way Can Quanzhu Group afford the completely opposite development path?

For Quan Bing, this is a difficult choice. If you want to join the Phantom, it will be equivalent to giving up all your previous practices, that is, first completely denying yourself, and then getting a new self!

Not to mention the people below, even Quan Bing himself found it difficult to accept it all at once...

Quan Bing's thoughts were racing, he felt confused and unable to make a decision...

Little ! However, if this force joins just to avoid conflict with us and can continue to go its own way in the future, then I can say that we do not welcome such a force! In fact, under our cosmic network, with us Forces with conflicting goals will be affected sooner or later, because a large number of people will definitely choose us to build a new world and a new economy, instead of choosing those who oppress and enslave them. Just imagine if they all abandoned you and fell into our arms. , is your foundation still there? It is inevitable to be affected. As for the final result, I believe it is not difficult for seniors to imagine..."

Xiaoxing's words were a bit tough and explicit, but in his opinion, such a tough attitude must be used to deal with bullies like Quan Bing, and this is actually for his own good. If he If you don't join now, the result waiting for him in the future may be a tragedy...

"Seniors can first take a look at our way of doing things and our development before making a decision. In fact, no one has any sense of rejection towards seniors and Quan Zhu Group, so seniors can spend more time with us and communicate more without having to give up on themselves. Isolated..." Xiaoxing finally said.

"Okay...I don't treat myself as an outsider. Everyone here is my friend. As for us Quan Zhu, we have never had any conflicts with everyone present, right?" Quan Bing came back to his senses and said.

Hemu was the first to say: "Oh Brother Quan, what are you talking about? Of course we are all old friends, there is no contradiction! However, I think Xiao Ling is right. Our cosmic network is about to change the face of the entire universe. From now on Those forces that are contrary to our goals will be affected, but it is impossible for them to defeat us. Look at our perpetual motion formation and Blackstone Mountain. What forces with this energy level can compete with us? As long as a small Ling can easily defeat them by mobilizing the energy network!"

Lin Yang smiled and said: "Of course! We saw the power of the black stone with our own eyes when we were at Wugui Lake. There is no energy in this universe more powerful than it! Just a small black stone can It can destroy a high-level fleet in the core universe, there is no doubt about it!”

"What? Really?!" Quan Bing said in shock.

"You will know just by looking at the information I recorded at that time..."

Lin Yang "swiped" and a light curtain popped up, replaying the scene of Xiaoxing mobilizing the energy of the black stone next to Wugui Lake...

He is worthy of being the boss of Of course he would not let such an amazing scene go by, but recorded it casually...

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