The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3178 Actually...I want to marry you...

Faced with this complicated situation, not to mention Quan Feifeng, Quan Bing, who has always been cunning and cunning, and Jiang Hui, who has extremely high emotional intelligence and strong ability to do things, are at a loss and don't know how to deal with it. this matter…

For the people in the Quan Zhu Group, they have long listened to Quan Bing’s analysis. The most powerful and most potential people in the universe are Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, and Liu Feng had the potential to save Quan Feifeng’s life before. Well, it also indirectly helped Quan Bing obtain the Arhat Painting and the Huiyuan Pill. In addition, Ling Daozi's reputation has risen rapidly recently, and his ability has stunned everyone. Therefore, they have long determined that this matter must be among them. The one who is the most suitable grandson-in-law for Quanzhu Group!

When Quan Bing raised this matter, these people thought that he would soon point out that this person was Ling Daozi or Liu Feng. Even Quan Feifeng was actually looking forward to it because she now regarded both Ling Daozi and Liu Feng. She has no resistance at all. No matter who will become her future husband, she will not have any objection!

Unexpectedly, the situation at the scene suddenly changed. Everyone suddenly identified the potential candidate as He Tian, ​​and He Tian was also extremely well-behaved and courageous. He even took out the extremely precious family heirloom Heshi Jade to propose marriage. Everyone in the Quanzhu Group was unexpected from top to bottom, and the situation became somewhat stalemate for a while...

If this situation continues, offending will be a sure thing, and it will be impossible to let Ling Daozi or Liufeng come to Quanzhu Group to take over the boss's position. The sinister nature of the matter will make Quan Bing, Jiang Hui, etc. People shudder to think about it!

Although the Quanzhu Group has developed to the present with deep roots and huge power, it is not a problem to surpass Tengxin Network in terms of strength and financial resources. However, in any case, Tengxin Network is also a super powerful force in the universe. For Quanzhu Group, it is not a problem at all. As far as Zhu Group is concerned, if is offended because of this issue, it would be such an injustice!

After walking in the universe for so long, Quan Bing, including Jiang Hui and others, all know that many friends lead to many paths. If you want Quan Zhu to survive longer and develop better, you must make more friends and fewer enemies. , especially a super power like, it is even more important to work hard to make good friends and goals...

Therefore, Quan Bing certainly does not want to offend, not to mention that Hetian is indeed a good young talent. If Ling Daozi and Liufeng had not appeared, Quan Bing had actually thought of the possibility of this matter some time ago, but he did not expect This matter actually happened vividly in front of him today, which made him feel like he was in another world...

"What should I do? What can I do?"

Quan Bing's thoughts raced and he kept asking himself, he was the one who initiated this matter, but now everyone and He Tian have given him a huge problem. If one person doesn't handle it well, this matter will most likely lead to extremely bad consequences. As a result, the impact is likely to be too great for the Quanzhu Group to bear!

This is because most of the superpowers and powerful people in the core universe are concentrated on the scene. Each of these people are human beings. It depends on how you express your stance. It can be said that this is also the success of Hetian. !

Why do you say that?

Because judging from his performance,’s training of him is definitely not in vain. It can be seen that he is a person with a sense of the overall situation and a long-term vision, and he also has real boss qualities. This so-called boss quality refers to The only thing is that he is good at taking advantage of the situation. When the wind direction at the scene changes, he keenly captures this change. So he uses this wind direction, coupled with his courageous performance, to directly take out the precious Heshi jade passed down from his family. Come to propose marriage, this approach is equivalent to taking advantage of the trend of the scene, adding one's own strength, and jointly creating a huge problem for Quan Zhu Group, especially Quan Bing! ! !

Yes, if Xiaoxing hadn't reminded him, Hetian would have succeeded today!

However, he borrowed such a huge potential energy today and used the He's Jade passed down from his family. Such a huge power was completely resolved by Xiaoxing's little guidance...

How did Xiaoxing do it?

When Quan Feifeng was confused,

Suddenly, Ling Daozi's voice came to his ears: "Sister Xiaofeng, if you really like Hetian and want to combine with him and promote a marriage between the two families, then just follow the trend and just accept this jade, then the matter will be settled." You can declare that you're done! However, if you haven't thought about it yet and don't want to choose someone to marry so quickly, but don't want the relationship between Quanzhu Group and to become stalemate, then there is a best way, which is both It will give you time to think about this matter carefully without embarrassing Hetian and forcing him to step down. It can also bring the relationship between Quanzhu Group and Tengxin Network closer and better..."

"What solution?! Tell me quickly!!!" Quan Feifeng perked up and asked quickly.

"Go into coma now..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Coma?! Yes..." Quan Feifeng suddenly realized.

"Yes! It means that you have to be unconscious to the point of unconsciousness, and you have to make sure that Hemu, your grandfather and others can't see it, so that the acting can be more realistic. In any case, you have to give yourself more time to think about this matter. To give yourself more buffer zone, you have to be harder on yourself! Of course, you don’t have to worry, there is still a lot of power of the Huiyuan Pill you took last time that has not been absorbed, even if you are harder on yourself, it will not happen It’s a big deal…” Xiaoxing laughed.

"I understand...Thank you Xiaoling...Actually...I want to marry you..." Quan Feifeng finally took this opportunity to say what was in her heart, and then she fell softly...

Xiaoxing was completely stunned upon hearing this and was speechless for a long time...

"Xiao Feng?! Xiao Feng?! Xiao Feng?!!!"

"Xiao Feng, what's wrong with you?!"

"Quick! Save people quickly!!!"

"Isn't she too happy?"

"It's possible, but the situation looks very serious!"

"Yes, it seems that even Quan Zun and He Zun can't be awakened..."

"It's over, it's over. This situation is indeed possible! A person is most likely to have an accident when he is in great sorrow or joy, let alone a young woman like Xiaofeng, and this is the most important event in her life. In such a scene How can she resist it?"

"My dear friend, what you said makes sense! This kind of thing should have been done in private. Now it is done in such a big scene. How can a little girl bear it?"

"Oh, it's all our fault. We shouldn't have encouraged the young master to propose on the spot..."

"This matter is really inappropriate..."

"Unexpectedly, things are unpredictable. If Xiaofeng cannot wake up because of this, I will definitely feel guilty!!!"

"Yes...I'm afraid that everyone present will not feel at ease..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking a lot, and they all felt very guilty when they saw Quan Feifeng's unconscious state...

To say that Quan Feifeng was really risking her life at this time, she suddenly broke a little of her heart. Although it was not the core part, breaking the heart was quite fatal to a cultivator. If she couldn't get If you don't get treatment in time, you may die within a quarter of an hour!

Therefore, she is truly unconscious now and on her way to hell...

Of course, she dared to do this because she really didn’t want to make the decision to marry now. If she couldn’t marry Ling Daozi or Liu Feng, she would rather wait to make the decision later. In fact, at her age, she couldn’t leave in the world of cultivation. Talking about marriage is still too far away, and there is no need to finalize it for the rest of her life now. Secondly, after hearing Ling Daozi's words, she felt confident that the Huiyuan Pill still had a huge amount of medicinal power in her body that had not been absorbed. , even if she died a few times, she could probably be brought back, so she listened to Ling Daozi and acted for real if she wanted to, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hide it from the old fox Kazuki...

Sure enough, Quan Bing and He Mu were shocked when they saw Quan Feifeng fainted, and rushed to the front to check. They were immediately panicked when they saw Quan Feifeng. With their eyes, they could not see Quan Feifeng's condition. Something's wrong?

They quickly checked her injuries, and the result made them even more panicked, because they found that Quan Feifeng's heart veins and some of its branches were showing signs of being broken. She was bleeding profusely, and her whole body was as terrifying as a mountain of blood. ! ! !

"How could this happen?! How could this happen?! How could this happen?!!!" Quan Bing murmured, regretting it in his heart. If he had known this, he would not have mentioned it. Now that this situation has arisen, it can be said that It was caused by myself.

He Tian saw this scene from the side, but he didn't dare to go forward to check. After all, men and women were different. He and Quan Feifeng were not married yet. Of course, it was not appropriate to go up to see her injury now. As long as Grandpa and Mu were around.

But he was also frightened so that his face turned pale and his whole body was shaking... He knew that the reason why Quan Feifeng suffered such injuries should be related to his own actions. Such radical actions were definitely not uncommon for Quan Feifeng. It's more than a person can bear in a big scene, but I still overestimate her ability...

In any case, this result has something to do with everyone present, and Hetian knows that he will naturally bear a large part of the responsibility!

The scene was a bit chaotic for a while. Many medical people came closer and planned to check Quan Feifeng's pulse. When Hemu saw this situation, he gritted his teeth and took out the answers he had finally obtained at the auction site. Yuan Dan, handed it to Quan Bing and said: "Brother Quan, it's all the fault of me and Xiaotian for Xiaofeng to be seriously injured. I have shouldered this responsibility! Give this Yuan Hui Dan to Xiaofeng to take, with the special effects of the pill." , we can definitely save her!"

"This..." Quan Bing was startled and struggled for a moment...

In fact, he also has a Huiyuan Pill, but everyone knows how precious the Huiyuan Pill is. If you use your own, you may not have any anymore. Now Hemubai has sent one to you, do you want to take it?

But doesn't this answer mean that he has acquiesced in his identity as an in-law?

You know, the Huiyuan Pill is probably more precious than Heshi Jade, right?

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