The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3177 Heshi Jade

Here, if a stock trader can use the limited funds in his hands with the vision, structure, strategy, mentality and other excellent qualities of a successful risk-taking group leader, over time, he will definitely grow from a small retail investor to a large investor. A famous capital tycoon!

In fact, don’t imagine a capital tycoon to be very complicated. Perhaps the strategies he uses in the process of speculating on stocks are extremely simple, but very effective. His success does not lie in using extremely complex means to solve complex problems. market problems, but to use that simple and effective strategy to do it countless times for specific stocks!

The so-called specific stocks are, of course, carefully selected targets according to their stock selection principles. After being selected through such a process of thinking and selection, the advantage is that it simplifies the extremely complex market issues, which means that you face The right market is relatively simple!

There are so many benefits to doing this, needless to say!

Then, through practice, you will develop a simple and effective operating strategy that suits you, and repeat it constantly. In this way, complex problems will slowly be transformed into simple problems. For a person with excellent qualities, it is difficult to deal with them. Such a relatively simple question should be much calmer and calmer. Depending on the changes in the market, you can be calm and calm, and you can just relax and watch the clouds roll...

Of course, it takes some time and price to reach such a high level, but we all know that no one can succeed casually, let alone grow from a small retail investor to a capital giant. ?

Only after experiencing wind and rain, ice and ice, can you smell the fragrance of plum blossoms that penetrates the heart and spleen, can you stand at the top of the capital market, calmly point out the country, and watch the wind and clouds with a smile...

Back to business.

Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan asked Quan Bing who his successor was, but Quan Bing smiled and said, "My successor is my little granddaughter..."

"What?! Your little granddaughter?!!!" the three people shouted in disbelief.

With Quan Feifeng's abilities, how could she possibly assume the position of the boss of Quan Zhu Group?

I'm afraid everyone present can see this, let alone the three cosmic old foxes like Guowei?

Everyone looked at Quan Bing in shock...

But Quan Bing shook his head and continued: "He is the future grandson-in-law of my little granddaughter!!!"

"Future grandson-in-law?!!!" When everyone heard this, they suddenly shouted.

"Yes! He is her future grandson-in-law!" Quan Bing nodded.

Guowei squinted his eyes and glanced at Quan Feifeng, who was blushing, and said with a smile: "I wonder who Xiaofeng's grandson-in-law is?"

"Elder Guo, don't listen to my grandfather's nonsense. This matter is simply unreliable!" Quan Feifeng finally couldn't stand the excitement and shouted loudly.

Guowei asked curiously: "Oh? How come it's not reliable? Since your grandfather said it, it is reliable! Is there any young talent in the world who doesn't want to be this grandson-in-law? Your betrothal gift is quite heavy. I'm afraid it won't happen. How many people can afford it..."


"What the elder said makes sense!"

"Which young talent in the core universe is qualified?"

"I'm afraid there isn't, right? Even if there is, he must be a descendant of a certain super power, to be able to match the betrothal gift from Quanzhu Group, right?"

"It makes sense..."

"Huh? How did I find that there is someone qualified here?"

"Really?! Who is it?!!!"

"Look at the new boss of and Mr. Tian!" someone reminded.

"Yes!!!" Everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized...

Speaking of Hetian becoming the new boss of Tengxin Network, it is actually a major event in the core universe recently and is extremely sensational. However, since he took office not long ago, the news has not really spread, so the sensational effect is not enough. Obviously, it only affects a certain area, but there are a lot of well-informed people here, and some people have known this information for a long time, so after it was said now, everyone suddenly became excited!

By the way, why did these people leave the obvious Ling Daozi and Liufeng alone?

But he suddenly thought of He Tian?

This is mainly because Ling Daozi and Liufeng are too young, only about a thousand years old. In the minds of the people in the core universe, they are still in the infant stage, and they are not old enough to talk about marriage. However, Hetian is different. Because He Tian is exactly the same age and generation as Quan Feifeng. In addition, he is not only the junior of a big force, but also has grown into the new boss of With his age and status and status, fully in line with the conditions proposed by Guowei just now, affording that amazing betrothal gift is no problem!

In the eyes of everyone, these two people are simply a match made in heaven, and no one is more suitable than the other!


"I would like to congratulate Brother Quan! It turns out that Xiaofeng's grandson-in-law is Xiaotian! This is really a perfect match, a strong marriage, it couldn't be better!!! Hahahahaha..." Guowei stroked his beard and laughed, his voice calming Quanquan. field!

Quan Bing was a little confused when he heard the comments of the people present. When he heard Guowei's words, he felt as if he had swallowed a fly. But he really had no choice but to force a smile...

Originally, the grandson-in-law he expected was one of Ling Daozi and Liufeng. As long as one of them came to Quanzhu to take over from him, he could retire and be liberated. There was no doubt about this.

But he didn't expect that the wind direction at the scene would lead the grandson-in-law's target to Hetian. This was definitely not what he had originally imagined.

However, if you think about it carefully, people's statement is not wrong, but very correct. Looking at this matter according to the most traditional concept of the core universe, if Hetian and Quan Feifeng are married, they will definitely be a perfect match and a powerful combination!

It is actually a good thing for both parties. No one will suffer and everyone will benefit from it, but...

The people in the Quan Zhu Group here were stunned, because they all knew what Quan Bing meant, that is, he wanted to catch one of Ling Daozi and Liu Feng. Now that he had said it, he was led away by the people at the scene. He Tian, ​​things suddenly became extremely complicated and difficult to deal with...

However, when Hemu on the other side heard this, he was stroking his beard and laughing, his eyes almost narrowed with joy!

He laughed loudly and said: "Brother Quan, it seems that the marriage between your two families is what everyone expects! In fact, I have wanted to mention this to you for a long time, but I just didn't have the chance. The last meeting was too hasty, and I don't want to do it again this time. Missed it! How about we finalize this marriage today in front of so many sages from the universe?"

Hemu's words made everyone in the Quanzhu Group, and of course Hetian himself, feel bad. He didn't expect Hemu to be so anxious that he wanted to handle the matter right here and now!

"Grandpa, you..." He Tian's face turned red, but he was speechless...

For him, he never expected that joy would fall from the sky today. Didn't he hear the cry of magpies when he got up?

Still haven’t seen a spider falling from the sky?

In short, this incident was so sudden that he was completely unprepared, but...

The reason why He Tian couldn't say anything was because his thoughts turned and he realized that this marriage was really good for him. If it happened, it would be a win-win situation for both people and wealth. For It also helps a lot, so why not?

After all, the education he received since childhood was to continue this great cause, so many of his views and ideas are focused on the overall situation and the future of As for personal matters, of course, they must also be based on the overall situation. Concession for, there is no doubt about it!

What's more, with Quan Feifeng's beauty and status, marrying her is the most satisfying thing in life, so what reason do I have to object?

Not only must we not object, but we must also vigorously cooperate with Grandpa to finalize this matter!

Kazuki glanced at him and said, "Are you having fun?"

"I...of course! Of course! My heart has been admiring Sister Xiaofeng for her natural beauty and beauty. I can have Sister Xiaofeng by my side all the time. What more could I ask for..."

As He Tian said that, he made up his mind and took out a jade box from his body. He quickly came to Quan Feifeng, knelt down on one leg, raised the jade box high and said, "Sister Xiaofeng, this is my family name." A piece of precious jade that has been passed down from generation to generation in the family. It is said that this jade is unique in heaven and earth! Only people like you are worthy of its precious light, please accept it!!!"

"Wow!!!" The scene erupted with extremely envious exclamations...

"Could this jade be the legendary Heshi Jade?!!!"

"Yes! It must be! Heshi Jade is famous, it is the most precious treasure in the universe, no one knows about it, no one knows about it!"

"Only the He family's jade can bear the weight of this marriage!"

"It makes sense! This jade is a perfect match for the beautiful woman. As the saying goes, a perfect match means good things are close at hand!"

"Xiao Feng, accept it quickly!"

"Yes, Mr. He is sincere and has even brought out the family heirloom. He is the only one in the world who can bring out the He's Jade!"

"Teng Xin Network and Quan Zhu Group are both super powerful forces in the universe. The marriage between the two families is a strong alliance. Who will dare to bully you in the future? You are the only one who bullies others!!!"

"That's right!"

"For the future of Quanzhu Group and your own future, just accept it quickly!"

"Yeah, what are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and accept it, the young master, the old man, they still have things to do!"


The people nearby were discussing the piece of He's jade with envy, and at the same time they were booing, encouraging, and urging Quan Feifeng to quickly accept the He's jade and seal the marriage!

What everyone didn't know was that Quan Feifeng was completely confused at this time!

Her head didn't work at all, like a ball of paste, without any ideas. If she hadn't still been wearing that gauze scarf, everyone would have seen her confused look...

This thing happened so fast and urgently from beginning to end that she had no time and no mental preparation, so it was extremely normal for her to be in a dazed state...

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