The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3121 The real God of Wealth

( ) You must know that among the customer levels of the three financial giants, the number of Tianzi-level accounts can almost be counted on one hand, which means that there are generally no more than five!

The emergence of a Tianzi-level account is enough to prove that the strength of a financial force has steadily improved. Sometimes, a Tianzi-level account is enough to exceed the sum of the principal of other small and medium-sized financial forces. Therefore, if a Tianzi-level account appears, Account is definitely a big event worth celebrating!

But even the Bureau Ling Xiaole didn't know about the appearance of Ling Daozi's Tianzi-level account. If Lai Huan hadn't asked him to investigate just now, I'm afraid this matter would still be a secret. From this perspective, this is definitely Jiangnan's A major mistake!

No wonder Lai Huan stood up in shock after hearing Xiao Le's words, and almost dropped the tea cup in his hand...

Xiao Le also felt bad. If this matter was a big mistake by the Jiangnan Bureau, then the person most responsible might be himself, because for such a major incident, he was absolutely responsible for reporting it to the higher-ups in the Bureau as soon as possible. You know, especially the boss Lai Huan, but I didn’t expect that this matter had been lying around for more than a thousand years before it was discovered today...

"Boss, maybe I made an error when I was sorting out the information, which led to such a mistake... Oh my God!!!" Xiao Le suddenly screamed again!

"What's wrong?!!!" Lai Huan asked urgently.

"'am...too many..." Xiao Le was so excited that he even stuttered a little...

"What's too much?!" Lai Huan asked.

"Money..." Xiao Le said tremblingly.

With a "swipe" sound, a light screen popped up. Lai Huan took a closer look and found that it was the customer profile information screen of the Jiangmian Bureau. The name displayed on it was Ling Daozi, as well as his super good-looking image!

He browsed quickly, and when he finally saw the wealth information in the account, he finally couldn't hold the cup in his hand, fell down, and shattered with a "pop" sound...

There is so much money in Ling Daozi's account that even Xiao Le can't explain it clearly. It is preliminary estimated that Ling Daozi's wealth alone is enough to buy tens of billions of Jiangnan Bureaus!

The so-called core universe financial giant is simply not worth mentioning in front of Ling Daozi!

"Why... why is this happening?! Why isn't this kind of information included in the statistics?!" Lai regained his composure and roared loudly.

Xiao Le was silent for a while and finally said: "Boss, I know the reason!"

"Oh? What's the reason?!" Lai Huan asked urgently.

Xiao Le said: "Because Ling Daozi has too much money! The amount of wealth in his account has far exceeded the limit set by our system. If we count them together, the system will stop running due to an error. Therefore, In order to ensure the normal operation of the system itself, the system automatically marks this information as an alternative, but does not include it in the statistics..."

"That's it..." Lai Huan was dumbfounded. It was the first time he heard that someone had so much money that the financial giant's system could not operate normally, but now he still believes what he sees...

Xiao Le continued: "Since the node that opened the account did not have the authority to query the Tianzi account information, they did not report it to the superiors. This should be related to the fact that Ling Daozi did not deposit much money when he first opened the account. , this operation can better protect his own account information, which is a very normal operation. After that, he should quickly upgrade his account to a Tianzi-level account through online transfer, thus avoiding being used by ordinary people. I learned personal wealth information, and because the system marked it as an alternative account, this alternative account was almost insignificant among the massive amount of information, so it never attracted my attention until today..."

Lai Huan strongly agreed with Xiao Le's analysis and believed that Ling Daozi must have adopted such a method to allow his own account information to be hidden in the Jiangnan Bureau for a long time, and it had been hidden for more than a thousand years!

It’s really awesome! Breathtaking…

Xiao Le sighed: "Ling Daozi's operation is simply targeting the biggest loophole in our system. Of course, this is also related to his too much money. If he didn't have so much money, he would do it even if he knew he could do it. No! In addition, this also proves that he has an extremely deep understanding of our financial power system... If he hadn't announced this account himself, I'm afraid we would still not know that he is so rich..."

Lai Huan stared blankly at Ling Daozi's account, his face full of disbelief, which soon turned into an expression of incomparable admiration, and he murmured to himself, not knowing what he was saying...

Although you are the boss of a financial giant in the core universe, Lai Huan was completely stunned by Ling Daozi's account. He felt that he was insignificant in front of this account, as weak and incompetent as an ant...

With a "plop", Lai Huan knelt down in front of the account and kept worshiping and chanting...

What Lai Huan didn't know was that at this moment, Yi Xing from Perak Hall and Guowei from Ziguang Xing also discovered the secret of Ling Daozi's account in their bank, and they were also exposed to Ling Daozi's account information. Overwhelmed, completely bowed to the power of this huge wealth, unable to move at all...

Lai Huan, Yi Xing and Guowei were shocked to find that they actually didn't have to do anything else but just serve Ling Daozi!

Because Ling Daozi alone is richest in the world and can buy tens of billions of financial giants. What can he not do with such a huge amount of wealth?

What's more, just looking at this auction, Ling Daozi's income in a few days has reached an unimaginable level. No wonder his personal wealth can now reach such a huge level. He is simply a rich man!

Therefore, as long as you serve him well and don't let him run away or transfer money to other competitors, then your financial power will have inexhaustible capital, which can provide you with a source of capital. Continuously over-earn!

It can be said that Ling Daozi is now their real God of Wealth. If such a God of Wealth does not fawn over, he will be punished by God...

When the three of them thought of this, they immediately became energetic. They all organized a large fleet, brought many programs and artifacts that could please others, and flew towards the Lake of No Return...

At the Wugui Lake site, the auction for the fourth picture had already begun, but a strange situation occurred, that is, Bengema, Wen Kai, Zun Shuang, Quan Feifeng, and many others shouted two hundred almost at the same time. The price of half a million level seven energy bars caused the auction to be frozen instantly!

Quan Feifeng's base price was originally two million level seven energy bars. However, after Quan Bing saw the auction result of the third painting, he suddenly realized that this was a great opportunity for him, because the top auction price of this painting It's 2.5 million level seven energy bars. There are quite a few people who can shout out this price at the scene. In addition to Bengema and the other three, there should be many people who have this ability, but they have hidden it before, so , if there are more people bidding, you will definitely have to adopt another method to determine the ownership of the picture, instead of looking at who has more money. In this way, your own cost will be capped, and you will also have the opportunity to obtain the picture. , such an opportunity seems so rare now. It would be a pity not to participate. Thinking of this, Quan Bing gritted his teeth and decided to use more of his old capital and relaxed the base price to 2.5 million. A seven-level energy bar made Quan Feifeng bid for it right away...

Speaking of which, as the boss of Quan Zhu Group, Quan Bing's financial resources are definitely not so weak. However, people may have a misunderstanding, thinking that those powerful figures must have a lot of money on hand and can squander it casually. , In fact, as a top figure of a big power, especially a boss-level figure, there are many aspects that need to be considered. If a power is so big, there are certainly many places where money needs to be spent. Just like a developed economy, other Operations need to be nourished and promoted by money, and the same is true in a large force. Quan Bing must be very rich, but his money must also be invested in various undertakings in the force, so there is nothing available for him to squander at this time. Cash will be much less, and the bidding pictures and Huiyuan Dan will of course use cash. It is extremely difficult to realize other investments in a short period of time.

Especially for powerful figures like Quan Bing, whose careers are being vigorously developed, money is extremely tight, and they are not as much cash as some unemployed old foxes.

Why did Quan Bing judge that there were many people at the scene who had this ability? On the one hand, he is very aware of the strength of those old foxes. On the other hand, he can also see the clues from the previous bidding. After all, he saw the bidding momentum of Bengema and the others, and other capable people want to wait. No matter how long I endured, I made another move at the critical moment. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi suddenly stopped the auction when the price was 2.5 million. This made those who decided to take action later also regret it. If they had known this, they would have continued to participate. Forget about bidding, maybe it's your turn to get a bargain when the call is stopped, but it's a pity that such an opportunity has been missed!

So, when it came to the last painting, it was necessary to take action no matter what. Quan Bing could see the opportunity, and the other old foxes could also see it. Therefore, more than a hundred people appeared on the scene and shouted out the top price at the same time. Such a grand occasion really opened everyone's eyes. Unexpectedly, there were so many rich people in the core universe. There were at least 2.5 million level-7 energy bars that could be raised in a short period of time. More than a hundred people…

Maybe there are many people who have this ability, but maybe they didn’t see this auction, or they couldn’t raise the cash in a short time...

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