The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3120 Tianzi Level Account

( ) As we all know, Perak Hall, Jiangnan Bureau and Ziguangxing are currently the three major financial giants in the core universe. Their strength is quite close. Each one is a super giant and worthy of everyone's admiration!

There are also a large number of other small and medium-sized financial forces, but their strength is much weaker and they are not at the same level as the three of them.

Of course, the bosses of these three giants are extremely wealthy, and even some of the shareholders may have far more financial resources than the bosses of other forces.

Therefore, if Bengema is backed by Yi Xing, the boss of Perak Hall, then there is almost no hope of competing with him. Unless Lai Huan, the boss of Jiangnan Bureau, and Guowei, the boss of Ziguang Hang, are also involved, then these three People can still fight with each other.

This is why Quan Bing thought that his chances of obtaining the remaining two paintings were extremely slim. Judging from the current situation, this auction, which can be recorded in the history of gourmet stars, must have alarmed these three major It is impossible for the financial giants and their bosses not to have received the news, but for people like Yi Xing, Lai Huan and Guowei, they have a lot of money and all they need is immortality. If possible, of course they will If you are willing to exchange money for immortality, the more, the better, and the more advanced the better!

After Bengema finished shouting, he heard people talking, but he didn't give any explanation. He just had a proud smile on his face. For him, being able to become a representative of high-level figures in the hall and bidding here was already a time in itself. It was a huge success, especially the second picture he had taken at a low price. Even if he failed to get the third picture, it would not hinder his future promotion and fortune...

Quan Feifeng's face turned pink and her thoughts were racing, should she continue to follow her all the way?

Although she has never experienced such a scene before, she is still extremely smart. After experiencing the previous fiasco and swallowing the Huiyuan Pill, she already has a certain understanding and experience in buying high-end items. According to the constant instructions given by her subordinates, From the information she passed on, she already knew who these opponents were and what their strength was. Of course, there were also the trump cards that her grandfather Quan Bing had told her. Therefore, in her opinion, it was almost impossible to defeat Yi Xing. It's impossible, but he must not be allowed to get the third picture so easily again. Even if he does get it, he must have a big blood loss, so that he can't compete for the fourth picture again!

Just as she was about to follow up and raise the price, Quan Feifeng suddenly had another thought. She was not the only one who had the strength to raise the price here. Wen Kai and Zun Shuang hadn't stopped yet!

So she decided to endure it for a while...

Sure enough, when Quan Feifeng stopped bidding, Wen Kai from the Jiangnan Bureau started bidding: "1.2 million pieces!!!"

"Wow!!!" The whole audience exclaimed again. "Thump", "thump" and "thump" more people fell down, and not many could continue to stand...

"1.3 million!!!" Zun Shuang also added 100,000 level seven energy bars!

Such momentum,

Not adding 100,000 pieces would not be enough to cause a certain impact on the opponent, so the three of them formed a tacit understanding to add 100,000 pieces each time!

Such a price increase can be said to shock the past. This part of the price increase alone can buy almost countless top-level immortality items in the past. Unexpectedly, in front of the Arhat Picture, this is just the amount of the increase. It can be seen that Arhat The value of pictures has been confirmed by everyone. However, no one will think about how a chef can draw such a top-notch picture?

No matter how powerful the God of Cooking is, he spends almost all his time on the research and production of food. How can he reach such a top level in painting?

If this were true, where would this place the painters of these constellations? They would be so ashamed...

However, as Quan Feifeng reflected before, in the universe of cultivation world, people are too realistic!

They look more at the results than at the process or the reasons. Few people are as interested in everything in this universe as Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and want to study everything thoroughly, even everything. They all study them to the level of microns, poles, and even primary particles.

Because of this, very few people in this universe can study the things they see in front of them to the level of microns and poles, let alone primary particles. There is a saying that there is no scenery in familiar places, and people are familiar with their surroundings. They turn a blind eye to everything and lack the spirit of research, which ultimately leads to their understanding of the universe being in a stagnant state. At a certain point, it is extremely difficult to move forward...

What people participating in the auction see now are these pictures that can extend life and help people live forever. As for whose hand they are from, it is no longer important. The most important thing is that there is such a heavyweight immortality in front of them. So don't miss this opportunity no matter what, you must win it!

Quan Feifeng didn't expect that just after she stopped, the price would increase by 200,000 level seven energy bars, and seeing that the momentum would continue to rise, she simply shut her mouth and waited to see what would happen...

Bengema, Wen Kai and Zun Shuang took turns bidding, as if there was no one around. This unyielding determination to never look back made everyone watch mesmerized. It felt like they were in a dream. Moreover, the dream may not be able to be interpreted in reality. So hot!

Xiaoxing found that he could stay here without beating the gong, because the three of them were bidding one after another, and there was no time for him to even knock the gong and raise the price...

"Oh my god, am I dreaming?"

"You can hit yourself on the head and you'll know you're not dreaming..."

"The three of them are not crazy, are they?"

"No, the three of them are very sober!"

"It seems that behind the three of them are the bosses of their respective financial giants, right?"

"This is extremely possible! Even if it's not the case, it's possible that the second and third child..."

"Who among the three can win?"

"Only God knows..."

"No, Ling Daozi also knows because he is the last person to sound the gong!"

"That's true, but by then, we all know it... This picture of Arhat will definitely create a historically high price that is difficult to surpass!"

"There's also a fourth picture!"


People suddenly realized that the bidding for the third picture had reached such an extent, what about the fourth picture? I'm afraid it will be even crazier, right?

Because it is the last one, it also means the last chance. There is no reason for those old antiques to let it go!

At this time, when Wen Kai shouted that the price reached 2.5 million seven-level energy bars, Xiaoxing suddenly struck the gong and loudly said: "Pause!!!"

Everyone was startled and looked at him quickly...

Xiaoxing said: "Seniors, the auction of this painting ends here!"

"Why?!!!" Bengema and Zun Shuang asked anxiously.

Wen Kai was stunned, but felt ecstatic in his heart. Could it be that he had won the third picture? !

Little The right to terminate! This is on the one hand. On the other hand, what I want to explain is that we took out these pictures for auction not to make huge profits, but because of the strong request of our seniors and the hope that the treasures can be found. The destined person. Now, we believe that the price shouted by Senior Wen Kai just now has reached the upper limit of the actual value of this treasure. If the price continues, even the treasure itself may not be able to afford such a high price. Therefore, this third painting The auction of the pictures has ended, congratulations to Senior Wen Kai!!!"


"This is actually possible?!"

"Xiao Ling is so wise to do this!"

"But why?"

"This is enough! If they are allowed to continue shouting without limit, although it will create a higher auction price, didn't you listen to what he said? Even treasures cannot bear the power of such wealth, will that affect the What’s the operating effect of the treasure?”


"That makes sense!!!"

"This shows that Ling Daozi and Liufeng have such strong control that they can move and retract freely..."

"That's right, if it were me, I'd probably want them to shout as loudly as possible!"

"Who says it's not? But doesn't this violate the precept of greed and anger?"

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it. They all suddenly realized it and admired Ling Daozi and Liufeng...

Xiaoxing's decisive suspension prevented the bidding of this painting from continuing endlessly, and actually allowed the final winner to save costs. To a certain extent, he should also be grateful to Xiaoxing, otherwise , In fact, at the end of the bidding, every time they shouted, the people behind these three people would tremble. Although they could afford such a high price, the money would definitely not be blown by the strong wind to them. When it comes, no one can treat it like a floating cloud...

The person behind Wen Kai was none other than Lai Huan, the boss of the Jiangnan Bureau. He was so happy to see this outcome that he immediately transferred 2.5 million level-7 energy bars to Ling Daozi's account. Only then did he realize Among the three accounts announced by Ling Daozi, one of them belongs to the Jiangnan Bureau!

As the boss of the Jiangnan Bureau, Lai Huan certainly has the highest authority and can check the account status of anyone who opens an account in the bureau. He became interested and wanted to see what Ling Daozi's account status was, so he started to operate...

"Xiao Le, please report Ling Daozi's account status!" Lai Huan said.

Xiao Le is the bureau spirit of Jiangnan Bureau. After hearing Lai Huan's order, he immediately checked and said after a while: "Boss, Ling Daozi opened an account in this bureau more than a thousand years ago, and his level is the highest level in this bureau. Heavenly Purple Level!”

"What?!!!" Lai Huan was stunned. How come he didn't know about this important situation before...

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