The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2971 The spiritual wall under the water

Master Yichan nodded and sighed: "That's right! The seven stars of Banzhang, Tongqing, Mint, Tianmen, Guofeng, Bengong and Nannuo are connected in a line, and the direction is exactly here. It's like an arrow piercing the heart! I'm afraid now Not only here, major disasters will also occur in corresponding places above other six stars!!!"

These powerful spiritual consciousnesses fully covered this area, and naturally they could hear the words of Master Yichan. They were shocked when they heard the news, and quickly asked Master Yichan for a solution.

"Everyone, this is a natural disaster. Only when these seven stars disperse can the disaster be quelled! We are powerless now!" Master Yizen sighed.

Ming Pi became anxious when he heard this, and said loudly: "Master, even if it is a natural disaster, we cannot let it continue like this. Many people have died, shops and houses have been washed down, and many tea trees have been uprooted, causing losses. heavy!"

"This... I just said that as long as the seven stars disperse, the disaster will naturally disappear..." Master Yizen sighed.

"Is there no other way?"

"Man is invincible. The only thing we can do now is to save people first. As for other things, it is really difficult to take care of them..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn’t expect that things would turn out like this. No wonder the walrus in this lake went crazy and wanted to pour it all out. God wanted to destroy people without any discussion...

Ming Pi reacted and had to gather everyone together again, preparing to rush to the middle and lower reaches to rescue people. Suddenly, everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look behind!

There was nothing scary on the back, but everyone felt that a powerful force seemed to be affecting their actions, making it difficult for them to fly forward, and if they didn't use force, they might be caught. The force from behind pulled me over...

"What's going on? Is there something strange happening over there?!" Ming refuted curiously.

Master Yichan was also shocked. Could it be that he had missed something? He quickly started counting with his fingers...

Everyone is wary of this force that wants to pull everyone over. They know that this is definitely not a good thing, because this force can have such a big impact on a planet like themselves, so it will have such a big impact on other people. Even more so.

Therefore, they immediately exerted all their strength and flew towards the middle and lower reaches. It was really difficult to fly like this, the speed was extremely slow, and it took at least ten times more effort than usual. But fortunately, it was still effective. This group of As if walking in the air, people slowly, struggling, and flying forward with great fear...

It flew for a long time,

They were still within the lake area, and seeing the vast expanse of white water in front of them, everyone felt extremely sad, feeling that they really couldn't live like this!

Master Yichan and Master Kucong were originally together. Not only did they have extremely high levels of cultivation and were among the top masters hidden on the planet, but they also had knowledge of astronomy, geography, humanities, and nature. Otherwise Master Yichan would not have been able to With a pinch of fingers, he calculated the abnormal changes in the astrology of seven consecutive stars.

At this time, the two of them were also extremely shocked by the flood event. Such a flood was really rare in the world, and they had never seen it in their long lives. This made them feel as if they had also changed. Younger…

"Brother Ku, why is there such a backward force when there are seven stars in a row? Is it possible that there are seven stars in a row in that direction?" Master Yichan asked.

"Impossible! The Seven Stars Lianzhu is a celestial phenomenon that only occurs once in ten thousand years. It is impossible for another Seven Stars Lianzhu to appear on the opposite side at the same time!" Master Kucong immediately denied it.

"That's true, but why does this terrifying power appear again? Isn't this to fight against the Seven Stars Lianzhu?" Master Yizen asked curiously.

"This matter is indeed very strange. Seven stars pierced the heart with an arrow. This area was irresistible. But now with this power, the situation seems to have improved. I seem to feel that the restlessness in the world is not as strong as before..." Ku Cong The master said suspiciously.

"Oh? Do you really feel this way?!" Master Yizen was startled.

"That's right! Although the floods are still raging now, don't you feel that the sky has turned a little blue and the rain seems to have become lighter?" Master Kucong reminded.

After hearing this, Master Yichan quickly looked at the sky and found that the situation was indeed consistent with what Master Kucong said. Just now, it was still covered with heavy clouds and heavy rain, but now the rain has subsided slightly and the sky is a little brighter than before!

"So, doesn't this abnormal power bring benefits to this place? Could it be..." Master Yizen pondered.


"Could it be that the star spirits of Banzhangxing sensed something was wrong and started to save themselves?!" Master Yizen speculated.

"Banzhang Xingling?! It's possible!!!" Master Kucong's eyes lit up and he loudly agreed.

Indeed, in their opinion, the one that can bring such powerful power must be a planet-level energy source. At this time, the star spirit is the most likely to be able to mobilize such a level of power to fight against the Seven Stars Continuum!

Judging from historical records, whenever there is a star phenomenon like the Seven Stars in a row, a catastrophe will break out on each planet and a large number of lives will die. However, because the time of this star phenomenon is too long, it will only occur once in about ten thousand years, and, The civilizations of various races have only noticed this reason in the past tens of thousands of years, but even so, this reason is only in the hands of a very few people, such as people of the star path such as Master Yichan and Master Kucong, so when When a catastrophe strikes, people are often caught off guard and respond in a hurry, making mistakes again and again without learning lessons well...

In fact, this kind of situation is common no matter which planet or civilization we are on. There is a saying that the lesson that life learns from history is that life will never learn from history!

Life often lacks a sense of crisis. If they develop a little, they will indulge in pleasure and pamper themselves. They have an inherent disbelief in disasters and believe that disasters will only happen elsewhere and will never fall on them. They even see or hear disasters. When disaster occurs in other places, they will watch the show from across the mountain, laugh from across the sea, and gloat...

It is not until the disaster spreads and befalls them that they realize that disasters are things that take turns. The disaster that befell others may also befall them. But at this time, they were unprepared and their mistakes remained. They will commit the same crime again and again. Don't expect them to learn from other people's misfortunes, because their time has been wasted on watching dramas and mocking others. At this time, they will also panic and lose their way, like a dog that has lost its home and is in panic all day long...

Therefore, historical tragedies will always be repeated again and again. When the next disaster occurs, people are still not prepared and will still make countless mistakes, die in large numbers, and suffer tragic losses...

Just like this time, Ban Zhangxing and the people on the other six planets did not realize that the seven-star celestial phenomenon was coming soon. All they were thinking about was the century-old tea competition. Who would have thought that a crisis was imminent? ?

Yichan and Kucong couldn't help but feel overjoyed when they thought that it was most likely the Star Spirit to take action at this time. They put down a big stone. Although it was still difficult to fly, the harder it was now, the more confident they felt...

Yes, this force should be able to offset the power of the seven-star piercing arrow, so that the two sides can form a balance here, then the flood will most likely recede, but...

Master Yizen thought of something else and said: "What if the seven stars gradually disperse, but this power still does not disappear?"

Master Kucong was startled, and his face became a little bad again, and he thought: "If this is the case, I'm afraid the flood will go in the opposite direction, and Banzhang Star and the other six planets will still have constant disasters... However, if this time, It was the Star Spirits who took action, so I believe this won’t happen, right?”

"We must verify this in case there is another danger... Huh?!" Master Yizen suddenly screamed!

"What's wrong?!" Master Kucong asked urgently.

"Look below!" Master Yizen reminded.

Ku Cong quickly looked down and her eyes widened!

Because he discovered that under the water, a strange aura appeared!

The spiritual light shines through the water, and its shape is like a semi-circle, winding and winding, and you can't see the edge at a glance...

They quickly reminded Ming Pi, Zai Yin and others behind them. After hearing the news, these people rushed over quickly. When they saw the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned!

"Oh my god! Is it the one that caused the flood?" Mingduo exclaimed.

Master Yizen shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, but in my opinion, the most important thing is the seven-star continuum, which caused the water of the lake and sea to be poured out. As for this aura...where was this place originally?"

Ming Pi briefly communicated with Yu Qingchen, Liu Sexin, Wu Guren, Master Bangnuo and others, and finally determined the location of this place, and said loudly: "This is the lakeside of the lake, and the auras should be distributed along the lakeside. !”

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

The appearance of such a strange aura by the lake made people feel extremely uneasy. For no apparent reason, someone volunteered, "I'll go check it out below!"

"Be careful!"

"rest assured!"

The man for no reason quickly fell into the water, and it didn't take long for him to send a message: "This is a formation! Spiritual power wall!!! Come down and take a look!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other in confusion, but they still took the lead. Everyone dived into the water, and finally saw this extremely huge wall of spiritual power, and their hearts were suddenly filled with shock and horror!

Such a spiritual power wall is obviously man-made, but it is definitely not something that people on Banzhang Planet can arrange now. With the abilities of people like themselves, no matter how hard they are, they can't create it. Everyone knows this.

So, the question becomes, who installed this extremely huge spiritual wall?

What was his purpose in setting up this spiritual wall?

Is this spiritual wall related to the great flood?

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