The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2970 7 Stars in a row

Tali's words made the three of them tremble and feel chills all over. They didn't expect that such a big disaster would befall themselves and their clan inadvertently. What should they do?

"Brother Ta, you know this virus so well, do you already have a way to detoxify it?!" Zhuan Lun asked urgently.

"Yes, how else would you know there is such a virus?"

"What about yourself?" Yangcuo asked somewhat uneasily.

Tali shook his head and said, "I must have been infected too! However, Ling Daozi told me about this, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed it myself."

"What? He told you?!" Yangcuo said in surprise.

"Yes, this poison cannot be removed with our current abilities. Maybe the elders of the clan can, but they are too busy to take care of themselves and cannot possibly save so many of our clansmen!" Tali sighed.

"Is this poison really that powerful?!"

"Of course! This is proven by its ability to quietly invade our bodies and cause destruction without being noticed! This poison has a very strong propagation ability. After entering the body, it lurks in the depths that we cannot detect to carry out parasitic destruction, and will eventually kill us. Forcibly kidnapped, turned into their enslaved body to provide them with nutrients, completely losing the beauty and vitality of life... Fortunately..."

Yangcuo's face turned blue when he heard this, and he asked anxiously: "What's the good thing?!"

"Ling Daozi has the antidote! He promised me that as long as I compete well and win first place for Xuanling Star, I can get the detoxification pill. Now that I have completed the task, there is no problem with the detoxification pill!" Tali was proud. said.

"Wow..." The three of them couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling that there was hope...

"That's it!" Yangcuo said with a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if we can also ask him for the antidote?" Zhuan Lun asked quickly.

"Then I definitely want it! Should we leave his antidote pill and ask the elders of the clan? Whether they can cure the virus is still a question, right?" Zhuanshan said.

Tali nodded and said: "That's true! This poison is extremely weird. I haven't noticed it at all until now. I can only watch the scars they caused in my body expand little by little. If this continues, it's almost like chronic suicide." There is no difference!"

The four people here secretly discussed how to ask Ling Daozi for medicine, but they did not realize that the lake water outside had risen to a level unimaginable to ordinary people. At this time, the lake water had crossed the spiritual wall reinforced by the tower and began to pour down. It forms a comprehensive waterfall that spreads all over the mountains and plains!

This place is not far from the core area of ​​​​Banzhang, just on its periphery. After the lake water was artificially raised, it formed a huge potential energy, poured down, and suddenly surged towards the core area...

"It's not good! It's not good!!"

"Oh my god! What's going on?!"

"Big water?! Oh my God!!!"

"Run away!!!"


The sudden flood struck, leaving people in the core area of ​​​​Banzhang completely unprepared. People's first reaction was to run for their lives. Many people flew out frantically. However, the flood has a strong aura, not you. You can fly if you want, but many less powerful people are caught up in the aura of the flood and fall into the water one after another, drifting with the current...

If you are lucky, you can catch some floating objects or fixed objects.

Most people were knocked dizzy by the impact of the flood and hit some objects hard. Injuries are inevitable...

Li Yun was a little surprised when he saw this situation. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be a flood. What's going on?

But I heard Xiaoxing say: "This flood was caused by two factors. One is the unique tidal effect. Banzhang Star is at the core of the Tea Star Group, with many stars around it, and this time there are seven stars. During the movement, a line of beads just formed, and the gravitational force increased greatly for a while! This caused the traction force on the lake and sea area to reach a historical peak, and the tide itself would rise violently. Only when these stars gradually move away, the gravitational force will disperse. Only then will the tide recede.”

"I see... What about the second one? Is it related to this spiritual wall?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"That's right! The spiritual wall seems to be blocking the tide, but it actually plays a role in fueling it, because the tides come in one wave after another. When the first wave encounters the spiritual wall, it will retreat. However, on the way back, it encountered a second wave of tides. The two superimposed and the force doubled. It hit the spiritual wall again, was blocked and retreated, and then hit again. In this cycle, the power of the tides It is dozens of times stronger than before, this force is extremely terrifying, and it is not surprising that such a huge flood formed!" Xiaoxing explained.

Li Yun nodded. He had already learned about water control. Blockage cannot be stopped. Only reasonable diversion is the best solution.

"It seems that this spiritual wall is still the cause of the disaster, but it won't work if it is suddenly demolished at this time, because the water level is too high..." Li Yun sighed.

"Hehe, that's right! Once it is suddenly demolished and the lake water pours down, it will be out of control!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Eh?!" Li Yun suddenly exclaimed softly and looked towards the light screen.

I saw many people in the core area flying towards the lake area. It was the Ban Zhangxing experts headed by Ming Pi, and of course the tea stars who continued to eat, drink and have fun here after the competition.

At this time, they were headed by Ming Pi, Zai Yin, Tang Qiaoer and Wei Jin, and they flew quickly. It seemed that they wanted to check the situation in the lake area...

Xiaoxing quickly informed Tali and others of this information. After hearing the news, they suddenly realized that there was a flood outside and they were in great trouble!

"Oh my god! Tear down this spiritual wall quickly!" Yangcuo screamed.

"No, once the lake is opened, the water will rush down, and the core area of ​​​​Banzhang will be completely destroyed!" Xiaoxing quickly stopped him when he heard this.

"Then what should we do now?! By the way..."

"What can you do?" Xiaoxing asked.

"We can swallow all the overflowing lake water, no problem!" Yangcuo laughed.

"Wow, can you four swallow all this water?" Xiaoxing was stunned.

"This... doesn't mean swallowing it all, but there should be no problem swallowing the overflowing water!" Yangcuo said.

Tali said loudly: "I can do it alone!"

"Aren't you afraid of getting dirty?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"Dirty? Haha, what does this count? Besides, when we swallow them, we store them in a specific space and keep the useful things. We can just spit out all the other impurities when the time comes..." Tali laughed.

"I see, this is fine, but now let's see what those people in Mingfu can do, maybe they can also find a way... Just watch the burnt meat for me!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"No problem!" the four responded.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ming Pi and a large group of people to arrive at the edge of the lake area. They checked here and didn't even see the spiritual power wall, because at this time, the spiritual power wall was completely submerged by the lake water. Below, a large amount of lake water passed through the air in a floating state, forcing them to fly high. This made it even more difficult to find the spiritual wall under the water...

They quickly passed by where Tali and others were, heading straight towards the depths of the lake area...

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on?!" Mingtuo also felt incredible.

The lake seemed to be completely poured out. Such huge water energy and potential energy were far beyond the control of this group of people. Faced with such a violent anger of nature, they instantly felt that they were so small and powerless. …

Master Yizen said from the side: "Could it be that the earth veins were dislocated before, and now the energy is vented from here?"

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly understood and agreed.

Ming refuting was startled, and he cursed in his heart. Of course he knew that this matter was not true, but he was just causing trouble in secret. Unexpectedly, it became the most reasonable reason at this time, so he couldn't refute it, otherwise he would Revealed.

"That makes sense! I'll immediately order someone to check below!" Mingpu immediately popped up a talisman.

Then he said: "The flood is so terrible. It is probably not just this reason. Please do some investigation to see if there are other factors causing chaos! Be careful!"

"No problem!" Everyone responded and dispersed.

At this time, the sky was also covered with lead clouds, thunder was rumbling, and the heavy rain was like falling from the sky, making people feel like it was the end of the world. Everyone was nervous and looking everywhere...

Mingpu looked at the disaster area, and his heart felt like it was bleeding. This competition had a bad start, and the big gambling losses were a mess. Unexpectedly, there was another flood. Coupled with the information about the virus that Blainey said before, It seems that all bad things happened at the same time. Could it be that God is going to destroy Ban Zhangxing? !

The other Tea Star people who came with him were not in a good mood at this time, mainly because they had just learned about the virus from Ming Pi, and were planning to go to Blainey together to see if they could cast spells with him. Ask future Blainey for the cure.

They didn't expect to encounter such a big flood before they went there. If it had been in the past, they would have escaped long ago. The disaster belonged to Ban Zhangxing people and had nothing to do with them.

But it can't be done now, because Mingtuo and Blainey need help, so they must help Mingtuo solve the flood problem first, and then they can talk about asking for medicine.

So this group of people is still working together as one, working hard to find the source of the problem one by one, and information is constantly coming. For example, there is no big problem with the earth veins, and there is no huge energy being released from the ground, so the problem It should still be above the ground...

Master Yichan looked at the heavy rain pouring down from the sky, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly counted with his fingers. After a while, his face turned a little livid, and he said loudly: "Not good!!!"

"What did Master think of?!" Ming Pi asked urgently.

"The stars have changed, and now it's the appearance of seven stars in a row!!!" Master Yizen said in shock.

"What? Seven stars in a row?!" Mingfu was stunned.

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