The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2794 The Empiricist Night Tiger

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes, if they go outside to find ways to find money to fill holes, Emperor Mojie may still support it, but if they dig into the foundation of their own clan, Emperor Mojie will not agree! As for their external robberies, Plunder...what will happen to the Emperor?"

Xiaoxing analyzed: "If they use the armed forces of their own palace to rob some peripheral races, as long as they are not discovered or noticed by other stars, Emperor Mojie will probably not have any objections, but if they use The emperor is unlikely to agree to the regular military strength of the clan..."

"Well, their affairs will probably evolve for a long time. Now, if Bowen knew that this game of chess would end like this, what would he do?"

"The fact that the three princes are the protective umbrella behind the gambling game is a huge secret. Bowen probably won't know about it, but for him, this chess game is of great significance because it is his first time in the central chess field. The competition attracted the attention of millions of people and played a huge role in increasing his fame. Therefore, he was so excited that he could not sleep for several days and prepared dozens of tactics to deal with adults. But now he is probably about to collapse because he He can no longer see the chess pieces clearly, and all the chess pieces have lost contact with him. It can be said that he is now groping in the dark... but he will not take the initiative to admit defeat, because this game of chess is too important to him, and he will not wait until the last moment. He will definitely persevere even if he falls..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Then we'll see..."

Sure enough, as analyzed by Xiaoxing, Bowen still felt like he was falling into an abyss even though he was at full strength. Many chess pieces were thrown out and he didn't know if they would land where they wanted. But even so, he still gritted his teeth and persisted, never giving up!

In addition to the reasons mentioned by Xiaoxing earlier, another important reason is that the Phuket Star Chess Tournament is determined by one game. If you win, you win, if you lose, you lose. It is not like the ordinary three-game best-of-three game system. , after losing a set, he can still look for opportunities to come back in the next two sets, so he has no room to look back.

Just think about it, you have worked hard to prepare for ten years, maybe just for this game. If you lose, it means that ten years of hard training will be wasted. Therefore, almost no participating chess players are willing to take the initiative to admit defeat. Generally, they will win. Even if they are injured or bleeding during the game, some people still grit their teeth and persist, just to see who can carry it to the end...

Seeing Bowen's ferocious face, Li Yun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if this continues, I'm afraid he will be seriously injured...

However, Li Yun has seen a lot of the world now, and of course he can understand Bowen's psychology at this time. It's not that his heart will harden after seeing too much of the world, but that Li Yun can understand the situation at this time, which is also true for Bowen. It is a tempering experience. Many times, if a person has not experienced that kind of life and death moment, how can he smile at life and death, and at all the critical moments in life?

A person can only experience that kind of terrifying scene where the heart beats faster and even the heart is about to burst.

Only in this way can he have an unforgettable feeling about that critical moment. When facing such a crisis moment in the future, he can maintain a calm and calm attitude to face it. Only in this way can he perform at a higher level. Take control of that tense and scary situation...

Bowen's persistence will definitely help his moral principles. Of course, it also depends on how he treats the result of this game. If he is trapped in self-blame and shame and cannot extricate himself, then His Taoist heart may plummet, and it will be difficult to recover from it. If he can view this game correctly and experience the precious experience that he has never experienced before, his chess skills may have a greater impact. leap!

At this time, Bowen seemed to have lost all his strength. He took out an elixir from his body without hesitation and swallowed it. Soon, he saw traces of white mist rising from his head, and his whole body slowly condensed. There was a lot of white mist, and there were more and more of them, covering his whole body...

"Wo..." Those who could still insist on watching couldn't help but exclaimed!

It seems that Bowen is really going to work hard!

But the current chess game is just that both sides have played about fifty pieces each. In other words, Bowen has entered a desperate state after landing one hundred and fifty pieces, while Liufeng, on the other hand, is calm and calm, without thinking at all. As soon as the blog post is made, he will immediately follow it, and then there is a long test waiting for the blog post...

Although such a competition does not stipulate a long examination time, as a veteran chess player, facing a novice and having to frequently fall into long examinations, this face is almost lost!

But Bowen has no time to take care of this face at this time, because his mental function has already reached the limit, where is there any room to think about this face?

In order to maintain his brain power, Bowen started taking drugs. He swallowed the pills one by one, and of course the pills to supplement his spiritual power. This consumption was even more than the pills to supplement his brain power. Everyone was stunned to see this scene. Just these medicines would probably cost a huge sum of money. After this battle, Bowen would definitely lose more than half of his family wealth!

As the chess game continued, Bowen gradually became exhausted in the white mist. His whole body was shaking violently, and his face was extremely ugly. He found that all the chess pieces he had dropped seemed to be missing, and there were only barriers built by the opponent in front of him. Mountains and deep valleys, long rivers and waterfalls, flowing clouds and flying snow, ice knives and frost swords... Countless terrifying things emitted a chilling chill that made him unable to breathe at all, and he didn't know where his next move would land. To alleviate this situation…

He gritted his teeth and dropped another piece, but saw Liufeng immediately drop another piece. As soon as this piece fell, a fire dragon suddenly appeared on the chessboard. It screamed "Aoao" and rushed toward him fiercely!


Bowen screamed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, staining a large area of ​​the chessboard red, and then he fell straight down like a piece of wood, unconscious! ! !

"Wow!!!" People outside the venue stood up in shock, feeling that this scene was too bloody...

This game of chess has evolved to this ending that no one could have imagined. Even those who voted for Liufeng did not expect that Bowen would try his best and collapse from exhaustion in less than 200 moves! ! !

Li Yun sighed slightly, secretly popped out a pill in his hand, and forcibly melted it into Bowen's body...

Since the chess player took another passage, he quickly left the scene, leaving countless people outside in a daze...

"Liu Feng! Liu Feng wins!!! Wins!!!" Xiangsu Fairy exclaimed ecstatically.

She was very knowledgeable and did not dare to watch chess, so she could still stay awake. When she saw Li Yun winning, she was so excited that she kept shouting...

In fact, she had expected such an ending, because she knew that Liufeng had defeated the Sixth Prince, and she also knew that Liufeng had defeated Mu Kejie, and he had won extremely easily, which showed that his chess skills had reached an incredible level. , The Sixth Prince has already commented on this.

Star Lord Ye Hu also knows that Liu Feng is better than the Sixth Prince, but he has his own opinion. Mainly he thinks that Liu Feng is too young and his performance may be unstable. Moreover, he has just participated in the competition. In such a competition, It is difficult to display astonishing chess power as usual. This has been proved by many people in previous competitions.

Therefore, Yehu really didn't think highly of Liufeng, which led to a huge misjudgment in that gambling game, which put himself and the entire gambling group into crisis. This cannot be said to be Yehu himself seeking death. Performance is actually an empirical view. After many people have experienced many things and accumulated rich experiences, if they cannot effectively extract the essence, they will sometimes be bound by past experiences and rules and cannot respond to new ones. Make more accurate assessments of people or things, or they may not be able to break these rules and create new business forms...

Xiangsu Fairy is different. She doesn't have so many rules in her head, so she only needs to simply compare the strengths of Liufeng and Sixth Prince, Mukejie and Bowen to get the normal ending of this game. From this perspective Look, Xiangsu Fairy is not more powerful than Yehu. On the contrary, she is still very young. However, precisely because of her simplicity and not thinking too much, she got the correct result!

This is the wonderful thing about the world. When people have no experience, they will try every means to gain experience to help them be more knowledgeable and more natural and smooth when dealing with similar matters. However, having experience is not necessarily a good thing, because these experiences It will constrain your ideas and creativity. The more experience you have, the stronger this constraint will be, so that in the end you will no longer be able to get out of such constraints, leading to the emergence of complacency...

In addition, experience itself has its own good and bad qualities. A person who has experienced a lot will definitely experience some good things and some bad things. At this time, you need to have the ability to prevent bad things from happening. It affects your mentality, otherwise it is better not to experience it. However, no one can fully predict the future. Good or bad things may come at any time, and you may encounter this situation when you are caught off guard. Next, it is particularly important to stick to your heart and principles. Only in this way can you not be affected by bad things and change your mentality!

What needs to be understood is that your experiences are all in the past and have passed. You can reflect, refine, and learn from them, but you must not always rely on past experiences to deal with the present and future. After all, things happen at different times and environmental conditions will be different. It is difficult for a person to step into the same river twice. He must learn to adapt to changes in order to be more able to cope with changes in the outside world...

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