The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2793 Chain Reaction

Therefore, if Xiaoxing really wants to make money, he can quickly become the richest person in the entire dark universe through this method!

But, a gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. Although Xiaoxing only collected a small fraction of those people's accounts, most people may not notice it at all, but he will still pay it back in the end.

For Xiaoxing, this money is a loan first. When the money is earned, the profits are his own money and can be used at any time!

Now, seeing Han Yuan, Ye Hu and several princes in such utter embarrassment, Xiaoxing couldn't help but feel happy!

The money these people worked hard to collect was not enough to cover one ten thousandth of their bets. Such a gap was something that the entire Mojie royal family could not fill, because this was a sum of cash, and no one would save such a huge amount of cash without using it. .

Just like the situation encountered by the Sixth Prince before, even if it is to collect 100 million pieces of top-quality rubies, it is impossible. Unless it is a sell-off and all assets are realized, it is impossible to have such a sum of cash...

But looking at the central chess field, the situation at this time has shocked many people!

Because you don’t need to look at the situation on the board, you only need to look at the expressions of the two people to know that Bowen is in trouble!

Bowen's strength belongs to the upper echelons among chess players. In the last session, he entered the top 300. Don't think that the top 300 is that bad. In fact, compared to the tens of thousands of players participating, this is He is already in an extremely high position, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an upper-level chess player.

Moreover, what you need to know is that these tens of thousands of chess players are the top people of all races, and they are all very strong. Without diamonds, they will not take this porcelain job. Everyone has a diamond in their hands. Two brushes, and some may also have several hammers. Therefore, those who can enter the top 300 are definitely experts. Even if they face the top 200 or the top 100 people, they are still capable of fighting. !

It stands to reason that with Bowen's strength, he would definitely be able to play the game easily and with ease. However, soon after the start, Bowen frequently fell into long exams and his face became extremely ugly. Many people noticed that there were tiny spots on his forehead. Sweat is oozing out...

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Master Bo, aren't you in any trouble?"

"It seems like this is the case..."

"That's true, but how did I find out that I couldn't understand Liu Feng's chess at all?"

"Really? So you feel the same way..."

"Is this the case for you too?"


Liu Feng's chess game is extremely weird and I really can't understand it, but why can Master Bo also be unable to deal with it? "

"Well, we're not sure yet whether he can't handle it. Maybe Master Bo has a deeper thought than us..."

"It makes sense! I hope so. I have placed most of my bets on him..."

"That's right..."

Most people were betting on Bowen, and as the chess game situation developed, the atmosphere in the audience changed subtly, and people began to become a little uneasy...

"Wo!!!" Suddenly there was an uproar outside the venue!

Because people discovered that Master Bowen actually activated his power when the market opened with less than a hundred pieces!

Everyone was stunned!

The same goes for those who bet on Liufeng, because this is a situation that no one expected in advance.

Fairy Yunzhi's beautiful eyes widened, her heart was beating extremely hard, she felt bad!

To activate the power before one hundred pieces, this situation can only happen when there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and the chessboard used by both sides still has a low number of ways, because one hundred pieces For the current big chessboard with 499 ways, it is simply a drop in the ocean, and it has just opened!

In Fairy Yunzhi's view, he would only take such action unless Master Bowen felt that he was so far behind among the hundred pieces that he could not save the situation of the chess game if he did not use his power!

"The layout of the hundred pieces on both sides is extremely weird, especially Mr. Liu's. What is the mystery of his chess?" Fairy Yunzhi thought hard, feeling that her brain power was almost running out!

This situation is extremely scary. If people watching chess see this, they will be very miserable next. They will either fall into coma, vomit blood, or suffer other internal injuries. However, many people have already been attracted by Liufeng's chess pieces. No, they are all thinking about the purpose of his chess pieces falling there, so many people are on the verge of collapse...

Even the princes and other senior officials in the main stand were going crazy!

If this situation continues, if Liufeng really wins, then Xiaoqiang's bet will succeed, and his group will go bankrupt...

Although Hanyuan and the others later took some remedial measures, compared to Xiaoqiang's huge bet, they were just a drop in the bucket and basically useless. They could only make the bankruptcy of his group less complete...

They all watched with fear. They didn't know why Bowen had to use his power so quickly. Is the situation in the chess game really that dangerous?

But I really can’t see it…

Of course, they also looked at Liu Feng's chess carefully. In some parts, they felt they could understand it, but in other parts, it seemed that Liu Feng was just dealing with it randomly. However, it was this kind of chess that made Bowen's face become more and more ugly, and he even used it in advance. Daoli, why is this?

At the beginning, the princes were watching chess while helping Han Yuan raise funds, but later they were all intoxicated and controlled by the chess game!

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"...

Someone in the stands finally fell first, and someone started to take the initiative. Soon more people followed, and the scene suddenly became chaotic...

Phuket Star had already prepared for such a scene, but did not expect it to be used so soon. Fortunately, those waiting for rescue responded quickly and rushed to the auditorium to save people...

Some people finally came to their senses after seeing this scene, and quickly paused watching the game to stay calm, but some people were so incapable of helping themselves that they didn't even notice what was going on around them, and in the end they could only fall to the ground tragically injured...

Fairy Yunzhi looked at it and suddenly felt something sweet in her mouth. She vomited out a mouthful of blood, dyeing her robes blood red!

Her face became a little pale, and she no longer dared to look or think, so she quickly closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing...

The chaos outside the court continued, and the battle between the two inside the court continued. However, at this time, Bowen was already at full strength, while Li Yun was making his moves leisurely, without having to use his strength at all. In fact, , even when playing against Mukejie, he did not need to use Dao power. With his thinking and calculation ability that is close to the speed of light, these people are simply much worse than ordinary chess players in front of him...

Although the central chess field was closed by the formation, it had no effect on Li Yun. He knew everything that happened outside.

Seeing Xiaoxing make that huge bet in Xiaoqiang's name, he felt helpless. Now he was thinking about what kind of chain reaction Xiaoxing's move would cause?

The most obvious thing is that the largest gambling group in Phuket has declared bankruptcy, and the three star owners behind it, Yehu, the Second Prince, the Ninth Prince and the Thirteenth Prince, will definitely be burdened with heavy debts!

In order to repay this debt, what will these three people do? !

Is it a desperate act? Kill and silence? !

But it is impossible for them to find Xiaoqiang, because Xiaoqiang and the Xuanling tribe he belongs to are actually fictionalized by Xiaoxing, but they are real on Therefore, this bet must be valid and the money must be paid. pay!

Along with them, a large number of gamblers who had bet on Bowen suffered heavy losses. Once this game is over, it is estimated that a lot of people on the scene and online will "bleed heavily"...

The three princes could not kill Xiaoqiang and get back the money, so they had to find a way to repay their gambling debts.

For them, the best way right now is to work with the Sixth Prince as an agent to sell Xingyun Wine. If they do well, they can make money very quickly.

However, they also have other ways, such as continuing to operate the betting market and recoup some losses in the next gambling game. The premise is that they exclude Xiaoqiang's account and do not place bets on him.

They can do this, but what they don't expect is that Xiaoxing has many ways. If he wants to bet, he can get multiple accounts to bet, which will push them into a desperate situation...

In fact, they are almost at the point of desperation now, so there is no doubt that Xiaoxing can't take action again, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

In addition, the three princes can also use the power and combat power in their hands to launch plundering operations against some races or alien star regions. It is always faster to rob money than to make money. This depends on what kind of strength they have. But if they really do this, the consequences will still be very serious. After all, they are not the emperor of the Mojie clan. They are good at using force to launch aggressive wars. This is undoubtedly a taboo thing for the emperor...

Another possibility is that they will borrow money from some wealthy businessmen in Mojie Starry Sky. The so-called borrowing money here actually implies their power as princes. To put it more simply, they are using their power to seek rent. , use power and future benefits to cash in on those wealthy businessmen first, and then promise what things they will do for them in the future, what benefits they will seek for them, etc...

"They might even borrow money from my 'family'..." Li Yun laughed secretly.

"Hey, they may not lend money to your 'family', but they will definitely negotiate some benefits in the Xingyun Wine business." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Well, this is inevitable! In short, they need to take action in many aspects, otherwise they will not be able to fill this big hole... This matter cannot be covered by paper. In the end, Emperor Magaki will definitely know about this, so what will he do? What to do?" Li Yun asked.

"Emperor Mokiro is most worried about them going after the clan treasury and using their power to poach the Mokō clan. This will shake the foundation of his rule. As for their outside ideas, he may not be able to control them too much. many…"

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