The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2654 Epidemic Outbreak

( ) Ince and Rosen nodded slightly when they heard this. If this matter were placed on them, I'm afraid they would also make this choice. When they thought about this, they suddenly thought of themselves. Their fate now is different from that of Minte before. It is exactly the same as Pailan, so how should you choose?

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly realized that they, Min Te and Pai Lan, came to see them today. Could it be that they wanted to persuade them to join the Star Fortune Castle civilization?

Sure enough, I heard He Minte continue: "I think Brother Ying and Brother Luo should understand. We just want to persuade you two to join Xingyun Castle this time. Originally, our trip was to fly to Yimi. Star Fortune Castle is paving the way, but since we have a good relationship, I volunteered to persuade you two..."

"This... thank you, Master He! It's just... we really don't know much about this Xingyun Castle civilization. In this case, it seems a bit difficult for us to leave Yimi and join in..." Ying Si told the truth.

"Not bad! I wonder if there is any other way so that we can get the detoxification pill without joining the Star Fortune Castle civilization?" Rosen asked.

He Minte and Pai Lan were startled when they heard this. It seemed that they had been talking for a long time. They only wanted to get the detoxification pill.

As for joining Xingyun Castle, it sounds like they are using the antidote pill as an excuse to suppress their joining. This approach seems inappropriate.

Originally and Minte's original intention was to introduce this good thing to these two people so that they could also get great benefits, and the detoxification pill was just a side benefit of this matter.

"You two brothers may have misunderstood me! You don't have to join Xingyun Castle to get the detoxification pill. Ling Daozi has just told me that the two brothers have always opposed launching wars and will not participate in the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder. Knowing a series of war plans, you are qualified to get antidote pills based on this alone! Therefore, whether you join Xingyun Castle or not, you can get antidote pills, and you no longer have to worry about being infected by the Death God Sixteen!" He Minte shouted road.

"Oh?! Does Ling Daozi know us?!" Yingsi said in shock.

"Don't we have to do anything to get the detoxification pill?!" Rosen also shouted.

"Of course! Ling Daozi knows everyone here very well. What you don't know is that this starry sky has long been under his comprehensive surveillance, and everything is clearly understood by him! Your previous guesses Yes, he was the one who caused the energy storm on the Red Mountain Star, and those Hongshan Mountains were also taken away by his Star Fleet, and the current information disorder in the entire starry sky was also caused by him. His purpose is to make you lose information. Advantages, everyone fights for it..."

"Oh my God!"

"Is that so?!"

The two of them were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi's ability was so strong, and all the previous guesses were correct, and they knew very well how powerful someone who could do these things must be!

According to what He Minte said before, Ling Daozi is from Xingyun Castle, and the owner of Xingyun Castle is called Li Yun. I am afraid that his ability will only be stronger!

From this point of view, there is no doubt that the level of Xingyunbao civilization is much higher than that of Yimi civilization!

He Minte continued: "You have no information capability now, and everyone has been infected with the Death God Sixteen. Those who came early have entered the outbreak period of the virus and have no fighting power at all. Star Fortune Castle will defeat you only in the blink of an eye." Time! And..."

"And what?!" Ince asked urgently.

"What you don't know is that, except for the Red Mountain Star and the Shangtang Star, the aboriginal people on all the main stars have now moved into Xingyun Castle. With them, they also moved in with the continental mass under their feet, so you will never see each other again now. They are gone, and you can’t even see the land. What you are guarding are just isolated islands..."

"Wo..." Ince and Rosen were stunned!

As He Minte spoke, light curtains continued to pop up in the space. The pictures above confirmed what he said. The two of them were extremely shocked. They did not expect that the outside world had changed so much during this period. , this is the consequence of losing information ability...

Others have emptied their homes, but I don’t even know it yet!

Another light curtain popped up, but it was the situation of Yimi No. 9 at this time. Everyone in the spacecraft was drowsy and sluggish...

"The concentration of virus molecules in their bodies has now reached an explosive stage, and they can infect each other very quickly. Virus molecules come out of one person's breath and will soon enter the body of another person with their inhalation, and they can be touched casually. With some poisonous items, virus molecules will penetrate through their skin. When the disease breaks out, they will lose their fighting power and become lambs to be slaughtered... Do you think the top management of Yimi really asked you to make contributions? No, They asked you to commit evil and die!" He Minte said angrily.

"Could it be that General Long, no, Takata Nishimitsu doesn't know about this?!" Ince said in astonishment.

The light curtain flashed, and it was the scene of Nishimitsu Souta in the small space. He was rolling on the ground in pain, howling, and even the robe on his body was torn, revealing a slightly black material. flesh…

"Did you see that? He's already poisoned! Can he still come out of this state? Can he still fight?" He Minte teased.

"Oh my God!!!" Ince and Rosen exclaimed, looking at Nishimitsu Souta's appearance, they themselves couldn't help but tremble...

At this moment, I suddenly saw a Duoga tribesman on Yimi No. 9 screaming in pain and rolling around on the ground, which shocked everyone around him!

"what happened?!"

"It hurts... it hurts..." This person's face was dark and his expression was extremely painful!

"Military doctor, let him see what's going on and deal with it!" Rommel quickly noticed and ordered.

"Yes! General!" A military doctor responded immediately.

He came to this person's side, inspected it carefully, and his expression changed slightly...

"Military doctor, what happened to him?!" Hassan, the leader of the Doga clan asked.

"This... we can't confirm it yet. I'll just give him some painkillers first..." the military doctor replied.

Sure enough, after taking painkillers, the person no longer felt pain, but there were still bursts of black energy on his face and body, which made the people around him tremble with fear...

The military doctor left the Doga tribe area and returned to the control space to find Rommel and said, "General, the situation is not good!"

"How is it?" Rommel asked.

"This person...may have been infected with the Death God XVI! The current symptoms are the Death God XVI outbreak!" the military doctor gritted his teeth and said.

"What?! How could this happen?!" Rommel was shocked.

"The reason is unknown. It is possible that he mistakenly consumed food or water containing Death Sixteen. Now he must be isolated to avoid infecting others!" said the military doctor.

"Okay! Execute immediately!"

"Yes! General!"

Soon, the sick Doga man was isolated, and Hassan, Bengden and others could not even get clear relevant information from the military doctor...

The two of them were naturally confused and discussed with the clan doctor...

Just now, the doctor of the Doga tribe also looked at the condition of that tribesman. Based on his experience, he also found clues and whispered: "Chief, his condition is a bit like the Eyun tribe's illness after being poisoned!"

"What?! Are you sure?!" Hassan said in shock.

"Although I'm not completely sure, it's pretty close. I've seen too many symptoms of this disease!" the clan doctor said with confidence.

"Oh my god! No wonder he was isolated by military doctors!" The two suddenly realized.

"That must be the case! Now we need to quickly find people who are closely related to this clan member to see if they have been infected by him..." the clan doctor said.


Hassan and Bengden quickly led other senior members of the clan to investigate the matter...

However, as time passed and the investigation deepened, both tribal doctors and military doctors found that the situation had become very bad, because they found that many people began to show signs of the Death XVI virus outbreak, and during this period , dozens more people fell ill one after another!

Everyone on Yimi No. 9 was shocked!

Rommel immediately announced that he would suspend the fight against space pirates and return to Red Mountain Planet to recuperate...

This scene was all seen in the eyes of Hemin Te, Pai Lan, Ying Si and Luo Sen. The four of them felt extremely heavy, but He Hemin Te and Pai Lan were secretly happy in their hearts. Fortunately, Ling Daozi caught Xing Yun. Only in this way can I successfully escape from the shadow of Death Sixteen, otherwise I don’t know how to face this bad news now!

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Ince muttered, his face extremely solemn.

During this period of time, he had read so much and thought about it for so long. He felt sorry for these Yimi warriors and the Doga people, but also felt extremely indignant at their massacre of the indigenous people!

As the leader of wisdom and magic in the world of Yimi, Ying Si is very aware of the huge role that wisdom and magic can play in the development of civilization. However, due to the lack of talents, the development of wisdom and magic in Yimi has been greatly restricted, and it is difficult to continue to develop knowledge and skills. Make a big breakthrough.

Later, the senior officials of Yimi, headed by the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council, led the development of civilization to the supernatural civilization. It was obvious that they were eager for quick success and instant gain. This was something that Ince was very opposed to, and it was precisely his attitude. Only then did both the Great Lord and the Supreme Elders Council gradually exclude the Wisdom and Art Federation.

Ince is very much looking forward to the people of the Intellectual and Art Federation being able to produce powerful results to prove that intellectual and art civilization will be more advanced and more promising than the supernatural civilization. However, he is unable to realize this wish due to the key factor of talent. , I can only watch helplessly as Yi Mi keeps walking in the direction of the supernatural civilization, and he keeps going higher and higher...

This situation made him have self-doubt, thinking that intellectual civilization may really be inferior to superpower civilization, including himself, who has now become a superpower!

Of course, he was still unwilling to give up, and was always thinking about how to make the intellectual civilization counterattack. Therefore, through the discovery of this high-energy area in Yimi, he was determined to start a new business here, carry out experiments, and achieve some important results. The results to prove yourself...

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