The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2653 Persuasion

( ) "Of course! Just listening to what Master He just said has shown your profound understanding of wisdom. Many of the questions involve multiple fields of wisdom. Even I have some difficulty understanding it, but in He The master's words were very mellow, and I really want to discuss it in detail with Master He..." Ince said with certainty.

He Minte was slightly stunned when he heard it. He just followed Ling Daozi's voice transmission. Unexpectedly, Yingsi, the president of the Wisdom and Art Federation, was impressed by it all of a sudden. It was really amazing!

"Brother Ying is really over the top! Intelligence is not my specialty, medicine is!" He Minte quickly pushed.

"Medicine is of course Master He's specialty! By the way, speaking of medicine, I really have a question I want to ask Master!" Ince said.

"Brother Ying, you're welcome. If you have any questions, just ask!"

"After Brother Luo and I came here, we found that none of the aborigines on Yika were infected with the Death God XVI. I don't know why?" Ince asked.

"Brother Ying, hasn't he discovered the reason?" He Minte asked.

"This... we did find that someone cured them! Is this true?!" Ince said in shock.

"Of course! More real than pearls!"

"Oh my God! Since Master He knew about this, why didn't he..." Ince said in surprise.

"Why don't you stop him?"

"Yes! After all, this is the mission of your Doctors Association, right? Is it also the main mission of you and Master Pai here?"

"Brother Ying is right! However, we know this, but we can't stop him from healing the aborigines..."

"But why?" Yingsi asked.

Rosen on the side also looked confused, feeling that what Mint said today was a bit strange...

"The reason is... we were already caught by him! There was no way to stop him..." He Minte said in shock.

"What?!" Ince and Rosen were shocked!

They had never dared to think about this. With Minte and Pai Lan so powerful, and with advanced battle suits and spaceships, how could they be caught?

Ince stared at He Mint closely and said: "What about Master He now? Is he out of trouble?!"

"Ha ha,

If I didn't get out of trouble, how could I come to Brother Ying and Brother Luo? "He Minte laughed.

"Oh? Then I would like to congratulate Master He! What about Master Pai's situation?"

"I'm here too!"

As soon as the figure flashed, Ince and Rosen took a closer look and found that it was Pai Lan!

"Great! Congratulations to the two masters. It seems that the mission operation here can finally be on the right track!" Rosen said happily.

"No, we will leave here soon and return to Yimi!" He Minte said.

"What?! Go back so soon?!" Ince and Rosen were stunned.

"That's right! You don't know that something big happened in Yimi, right? Brother Ying, let's see..." A message popped up from He Minte.

Ince and Rosen read it quickly and were immediately shocked!

This message was sent by the Supreme Elders Council, explaining the current situation of the large-scale outbreak of the Yimi virus, and asking them to help search for medicinal materials, and not to use the Death God Sixteen again...

"It's over, it's over, how could this happen?!" Ings muttered.

Although he had previously suspected that the Death God Sixteen might spread through the air and ordinary contact, he was only doubtful at that time. After all, he had not really seen this phenomenon happen, but now he can completely confirm this!

Rosen asked anxiously: "What about us? Are we infected?!"

"Of course! Everyone is likely to be infected as long as they have been in contact or close to the Death God Sixteen, because its virus molecules can be spread through the air. You are relatively lucky. When you were in Yimi, you were only slightly closer to infected people. People, the situation is still under control, but after coming here, the time and depth of your contact with the Death God Sixteen have greatly increased. You must know that this period of time was among those Yimi people and puppet races who were infected with the Death God Sixteen. When a person is about to get sick, the infection is already very strong, so... the concentration of Death Sixteen virus molecules in your body now is enough for you to be infected and you will become ill after a period of time..." He Minte sighed.

"It's over, it's over..." Rosen's legs softened and he collapsed to the ground...

After being verbally assaulted by Minte, the two of them felt as if they had seen a pair of terrifying humanoid skeletons in the surveillance network images. If they were to become like that in the future, then they would rather die as soon as possible. Already…

At this moment, their reaction was the same as that of Minte and Pai Lan. They thought of their own fate first, and then they thought of other people. This is normal, because everyone cares first about their own fate, and secondly. Only then can you care about other people. If a person first thinks of others instead of himself when encountering some major events that affect most people's lives and deaths, then it would be too great... It is not that there are no such people, but they must be Very few very few…

After all, only when everyone's own safety is guaranteed and their lives can go on, can they have the time and mood to care about the safety and lives of others...

In addition, for people like them, there is a huge force behind everyone that needs to be maintained, and they are the center of this huge force. Only when they are safe and healthy can the interests and safety of others be guaranteed, so they First of all, it is a normal reaction to worry about whether you are infected with Death XVI...

"Brother Ying and Brother Luo, don't worry, things are not so bad that it is irreversible!" He Minte said.

"Oh?!" Ince and Rosen perked up after hearing this and looked at him quickly.

He Minte pointed at Pai Lan and said, "Did you see? The two of us were infected with Death Sixteen just like you, and we were infected earlier than you, it was more severe, and it was about to break out... But you see, there is nothing wrong with us now. Got it!"

"Wow...I understand!" Ince shouted excitedly.

"What do you unserstand?"

"You must have developed an antidote, right? This is really good news!!!" Ince said in surprise.

"That's right..." Rosen echoed from the side.

He Minte and Pai Lan looked at each other with rather embarrassed expressions!

"No! Brother Ying and Brother Luo think too highly of us! Death Sixteen was not developed by us, but by Chairman Nan Yuan and dozens of other senior doctors. Its toxicity has reached unprecedented levels! But with their Even with such a powerful force, it is impossible to develop an antidote for Death Sixteen. It is absolutely impossible for the two of us!" He Minte shook his head.

"This..." Ince and Rosen were shocked!

Pai Lan continued: "If we had this ability, we would have been at the level of vice president or above, and it would be easy to start a new chapter and become the president!"

"Then how did you get rid of the poison on your body?" Ince couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't you discover that there is someone who can heal the poisoned?"

"What?! That person also removed your poison?!" Ince said in surprise.

He really didn't dare to think about this, because since that person was detoxifying the aborigines, he must be an enemy of the Yimi civilization. In addition, the previous energy storm on the Red Mountain Planet was most likely caused by this person. Yes, a large number of red mountains were moved by him. In Ince's view, this person was Yimi's enemy. How could he help He Minte and Pai Lan detoxify?

"Brother Ying is right! That person is called Ling Daozi. He gave each of us an antidote pill. The poison of Death God Sixteen was completely detoxified, and immunity was also generated in the body. We no longer need to be afraid. What a Death God!" He Minte said leisurely.

"Wow!!!" Ince and Rosen both shouted excitedly!

He Minte and Pai Lan were so envious of such miraculous detoxification methods. They thought it would be great if they could also get to know Ling Daozi. With just one detoxification pill, they could escape from the sea of ​​suffering and never worry about infection again. Death XVI, what a vision!

"Master He, I wonder if I can ask you a favor..." Ying Si muttered.

"Brother Ying, please tell me!"

"Just...can you introduce us to Ling Daozi? Or you and Master can help us get two detoxification pills from him. We will definitely reward him heavily!" Ince said solemnly.

"Oh? What's so difficult about this? Brother Ying, there's no need to say thank you!" He Minte responded.

"What? Is this really not difficult?!" Ince asked excitedly.

"How can I not thank you for such a great favor?!" Rosen echoed.

"Haha, do you two know where you are now?" He Minte laughed.

"Now... aren't you on the Starship?"

"Yes! But did you know that this starship is Ling Daozi's spaceship?"

"Is that so?!"

"Of course! You have been invited here by Ling Daozi a long time ago. If he hadn't agreed, how could you have entered here?" He Minte teased.


Ince and Rosen suddenly realized that they had been Ling Daozi's guests for a long time. It seemed that they could get the detoxification pill.


"But what?!" the two asked anxiously.

"Brother Ying doesn't know. The reason why the two of us can easily obtain the detoxification pill is because we have voluntarily left the Yi Mi world and joined the Xingyun Castle civilization where Ling Daozi is!" He Minte said. Shockingly.

"What?!" Ince and Rosen screamed, looking at each other...

"Haha, you two don't have to be surprised. We did this completely voluntarily. The Great Lord and Supreme Elder of Yimi sent us here to help them implement Death God Sixteen's experiment and poisoned tens of millions of people. In addition, All the aborigines were infected. This was a disguised transfer of the killing debt to the two of us and all the Yimi people here! However, Ling Daozi and Li Yun, the owner of Xingyun Fort, cured all the aborigines! They also rescued us two guilty men! Comparing the two, it is very natural for us to make such a choice!" He Minte said.

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