The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2647 Simulation Test

( ) "So...what will the current Yimi civilized world be like?" Li Yun pondered.

"The people of Yimi have been using the Death God Sixteen here for decades. Coupled with the light-year distance between the two places and the time they spent on research and development and production, the local Death God Sixteen in Yimi should have exploded by now. Ying Si and these Because people have been on the road, they are likely to escape this disaster... Of course, if the Yimi Medical Doctors Association can develop an antidote during this period, that will be another story!" Xiaoxing said.

"How likely is this?"

"Judging from the memories of Minte and Pai Lan, it is almost impossible for them to develop an antidote, because these two people are the fourth and ninth experts of the Doctors Federation, and they are still connected to each other now. We haven’t touched it yet. Even if others are better than them, I’m afraid they won’t be able to develop mature detoxification products. Even if they are effective, they won’t be very effective. Maybe they can delay the spread of the virus..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, it is impossible for them to develop a micron-level detoxification pill like ours, but it is probably possible to develop Xiaoling's previous detoxification method. But if they can't even figure out that method, now The situation of Yimi civilization is not optimistic!" Li Yun thought.

"Hey, Xiaoling's method also needs to reach the level of molecular-level research, but they really haven't reached this level. However, maybe in extremely critical situations, the Yimi people will concentrate their efforts on research. If If there is a super genius, maybe it can be researched. If this is the case, then the situation of the Yimi civilization will not be too bad. However, Xiaoling's method requires a huge demand for drugs, and many drugs can be refined. A small amount of real effective ingredients are produced, but there are so many people in the Yimi civilization. If they are all infected by the virus, the medicine will definitely not be enough. Just like the Evian tribe last time, they must search for drugs from other ethnic groups through the black market. Medicine, but if that happens, other races will be in dire straits..." Xiaoxing continued her analysis.

"In this way, the current situation of the Yimi civilization is that there is either no antidote at all, the virus has broken out completely, and almost everyone is waiting to die, or it is difficult to develop some antidotes that are not very effective, but it will also be affected by the drug. If it is not enough, they will be in trouble... If it is the latter, in addition to speeding up the cultivation of drugs, they will also speed up the plunder of other civilizations to get the drugs they urgently need!" Li Yun said.

"Yes! It is estimated that the instructions from the Great Lord of Yimi and the Supreme Council of Elders will come soon, but these instructions will fall into our hands first. We will know what the situation is when we see it..." Xiaoxing said proudly. .

"Very good! Not only the instructions sent by them, but also the messages sent by the ship spirit here, we have to intercept them first..."

"No problem! Should the information reported last time by the Yimi No. 9 ship spirit about the attack on Shangtang Star and the impact of high-energy radiation on Hongshan Star be sent out?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Forget about the fact that Shangtang Planet was attacked by space pirates.

But it doesn’t matter if the Hongshan Star is affected by high-energy radiation, it is a natural disaster after all..." Li Yun thought.

"Indeed, if Rommel knew about this decision, he would definitely be very grateful to you..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"It's a pity that the paper can't contain the fire. There are already many people who know about this matter. His whole life's fame has been ruined, but his matter is nothing compared to the threat of Yimi civilization from Death Sixteen. I’m afraid no one will pay attention to him in the future…”

"Hey, I still can, because..."

"You mean our antidote?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"That's right! Rommel presided over the war here. As a result, the Death God Sixteen not only failed to kill many people here, but suffered a complete defeat. He also infected those puppet races and his own people, and in the end, the Yimi people who needed it most appeared here. The antidote will also make him famous, but people may ignore that this is actually a cause and effect, that is, without this war, there would be no so-called experiments like Death Sixteen, and there would also be no antidote. The production of…”

"Yes, if it hadn't been for the decision of the Great Lord Yimi and the Supreme Council of Elders, Death God Sixteen would not have easily walked out of the testing site and refined it in large quantities, which would have increased the chance of the poison being exposed to people and causing infection. The rapid expansion of the scope has put the entire Yimi civilization into trouble..." Li Yun agreed.

The two of them have a relatively accurate grasp of the current situation facing the Yimi civilization. Since they have mastered the detoxifying pill of Death God Sixteen, as well as the universal elimination pill and medicinal blocking pill to deal with supernatural powers, the two of them are now worried. Determined, they were just waiting to see the outbreak of Death Sixteen in the Yimi civilization. Therefore, the two shifted their focus to the central high-energy area and the construction of the base by Ince, Rosen and others...

After carefully investigating the disaster situation on Hongshan Planet, Ince and Rosen discovered many doubts. These doubts can be summarized in several points. First, the high-energy radiation wave seemed to have caused much more serious damage to various bases than other places. ; The second is that high-energy radiation waves can blow away the entire Hongshan Mountains, but they cannot blow away a tree or two, or even some flowers and plants; the third is that many people are missing in various places, but the missing people are mainly concentrated in those who are not The rest of the Hongshan mountainous area remains intact; fourthly, among the missing people, all those who left behind soul lanterns have remained intact, and have even become stronger and stronger...

Based on these findings, the two planned to conduct a simulation test themselves, which was to create a high-energy radiation wave to blow over a mountain range to see how far the radiation wave must reach to achieve this goal...

"President, the so-called high-energy radiation wave is actually the high-level energy wave generated by the high-energy area after the mutation. According to the level of the energy wave, in order to achieve the purpose of affecting the whole world, I am afraid it must reach at least level four or above, right?" Rosen thought.

"Level 4? Almost right, but do you think level 4 energy waves can blow away the Hongshan Mountains?" Ince said.

"This... I guess it's impossible! But it's no problem to blow away the surrounding trees and flowers..."

"But we also noticed that some trees, flowers and plants were fine during that disaster, but the mountains were missing!"

"Could it be that the high-energy radiation waves here are weird?" Rosenqi asked.

"It seems that it is difficult to get results without trying..."

"Not bad, why don't you try it first and then talk about it!"

It is not easy for them to create such a level 4 energy wave. Although Hongshan Star is small, it is also a main star and its scale is still extremely large. It is necessary to create an energy star storm that spans the world. The energy is huge, and it is simply impossible with the energy currently stored in Yimi-4.

Fortunately, Ince and Rosen do not need a global energy storm, but a local one!

They quickly started to designate an area including Hongshan as a test site and built a relatively simple protective formation. Then, they started to activate Yimi No. 4 to launch energy waves into the formation...

This energy wave mainly comes from the dense air molecules of the Yimi civilization. The ship spirit uses the formation to activate a large number of dense stones, and after stimulating the energy, a high-energy wave is formed to impact the test site...

“Hu—” “Hu—” “Hu—”

The high-energy waves got higher and higher, making a terrible whirring sound, making the simple formation creak and creak. Sand and rocks flew inside the formation, and branches, trees, flowers and plants were swept up into the air like crazy. The entire space is in chaos, and even the power of divine consciousness is difficult to see through...

The energy storm remained at level four for a while, and finally gradually decreased until it slowly stopped. Looking at the test site again, I saw that the simple formation was miraculously preserved...

Ince and others quickly checked the internal space of the site and found that only some loose parts of the Hongshan Mountains had been blown away, but the mountain and its foundation were as solid as a rock and unmoved. As for the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, all of them had been blown away. Fei, the entire Hongshan Mountains seemed to have been shaved bald by energy waves, turning into a bare piece...

Everyone was stunned. This situation was very different from what actually happened. What was the reason?

"President, is the energy wave here too abnormal? Maybe after the level exceeds level four, some magical phenomena will happen!" Rosen thought.

" many levels of energy waves can we create at most?" Ince asked.

"Level 6! However, every time you go up a level, the energy consumption is several times the previous amount... Our reserve of secret stones is limited, and we still need it for the return trip!"

"Well, you can use the energy stones here and let them collect some!" Ince said.

"Yes! President!"

Rosen immediately went to arrange the matter, but in the end, Jueba led people to complete it. Although the Wisdom Federation was rejected by the mainstream, these two people were big bosses after all, and even the Great Lord respected them. Moreover, the people here They are mainly responsible for completing research projects, and Jueba was sent by the superiors to assist them in completing these project research.

Hongshan Stone is not an energy stone, but a certain kind of metal ore. The aboriginal people here use another energy stone. The level is much lower than the dense stone, but it can still be effective if there is a large amount.

Jueba is very efficient. It didn't take long for him to collect a large amount of energy stones, which not only could meet the needs of this experiment, but also supplement the energy consumption of his own spacecraft, making Ince and Rosen extremely satisfied...

"Thank you so much, General! If General Long was half as capable as you, he probably wouldn't be able to see his shadow until now..." Rosen teased.

"Haha, thank you, Master! However, if I were in charge of the war here, I would definitely not have allowed a small group of space pirates to rob the base and lose our precious Yimi warriors!" Jueba squinted. Eyes laughed.

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