The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2646: Play yourself to death?

Rosen's words reminded Ince and Jueba that it seemed that it was precisely because this base had become a display that Rommel left it completely vacant and allowed it to operate on its own without even a single person to guard it...

The fleet continued to move forward, and the situation they saw was not the worst, only worse. It was not until they arrived at the headquarters that they found that the situation was slightly better, but the original Yimi No. 9 here was gone, and the place was also empty. one person…

"Could it be that Master He and Master Pai are also with General Long?" Jueba asked suspiciously.

"It's unlikely. The two of them also have high-end spaceships, and their mission is to test Death Sixteen, not to fight against space pirates!" Ince denied.

"Yeah...Then why aren't they here?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? They should be following the progress of the Death God XVI in various star fields. Isn't this experimental project your key task?" Ince snorted.

"Oh, President, please don't pin this matter on me. This matter has nothing to do with me personally! Decisions are made by the superiors. Who gets to make the decision?" Jueba said in a rough voice. Said angrily.

Yingsi was slightly startled when he heard this. Thinking about it, there was no need for him to be angry with Jueba, because Jueba was just an executor and had no decision-making power.

"Don't worry, I'm just talking, not against you! Speaking of which, since this matter is the decision of the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council, then we, the Intellectual Arts Federation, are also obliged to support it, but we don't We will support the Federation of Doctors to conduct such a large-scale experiment here. This is an experiment at best, but a massacre at worst! And it is an inhumane massacre!" Ince said fiercely.

Rosen nodded and echoed: "Why can't the experiment be done well? It has to be done on so many people here? I think this move by the Doctors Federation has gone beyond the scope of the experiment, and it is used directly! What's even more incredible is that, They haven't even developed an antidote and directly spread the virus. This approach completely violates the meaning of medical ethics and is on the path of poison!"

"This..." Jueba was stunned. Although he was a little careless, how could he not understand what he heard?

Yes, the Medical Doctors Association is spreading the virus on a large scale without an antidote. Such an approach is not a medical way, but a poisonous way, because people who follow the poisonous way will not take into account the consequences. In their view, those consequences will cause The endgame needs to be solved by those with medical knowledge...

Yingsi sighed: "That makes sense! If this poison spreads on such a large scale, under the cycle of heaven, it is very likely to spread to those puppet races, and even to us Yimi people. If there is no antidote,

Then in the end they will all perish! In order to easily wipe out the indigenous people, they didn't even consider this..."

"Yes..." Rosen and Jueba suddenly realized, and their expressions changed!

These aboriginal people are like the hosts of viruses, using the essence of their bodies to cultivate more viruses. If there is no antidote, these viruses will not disappear for no reason. They will always seize every possible opportunity to find other life hosts. bodies, and the puppet races and Yimi warriors closest to them are the best targets...

"If this virus can be spread through breathing or ordinary contact, then I can guess that our puppet race and the Yimi warriors here may also have been infected by the Death God Sixteen!" Ince analyzed.

"Oh my God!!!" Rosen and Jueba screamed in shock.

Is it true, as Yingsi said, that the way of heaven circulates and harms others and ultimately harms ourselves? !

"General Jue, can Death Sixteen really be transmitted through breathing or ordinary contact?" Rosen asked urgently.

"This... I haven't heard of it. I heard from people at the Medical Association before that this poison is mainly transmitted through food, water, wounds, etc...." Jueba thought.

"But they didn't say it couldn't be transmitted through breathing or normal contact, right?"

"Indeed I never said that..."

"Then there is such a possibility! Besides, the Federation of Doctors has not thoroughly researched the Death God Sixteen and has not fully grasped its characteristics. Perhaps it has not been able to verify this possibility. If so..." Rosen's face suddenly changed. Change.

"What will happen?!" Jueba asked urgently.

"General Jue, think about it, if this possibility exists, what will happen to Yimi now?" Rosen asked.

"This... is not good!!!" Jueba suddenly realized and shouted.

"Yes! If this virus spreads in this way, then Yimi will be in great danger now..." Rosen sighed.

Yingsi's expression also changed drastically. If things were to turn around like this, then the Yimi civilization would probably be over!

He said anxiously: "Now we need to find and send the two masters immediately to see how likely this is? Let's see if they have obtained that person's antidote. If they have, I believe they can also imitate that antidote. Develop it, so that we, Yimi, can be saved!"

"That's what the president said!" Rosen agreed.

He quickly asked the ship spirit to step up contact with Minte and Pai Lan. At the same time, he also began to organize manpower to repair the base on Hongshan Planet...

Due to poor communication, this group of people felt as if they were abandoned on the Red Mountain Planet. No one cared about them. This was extremely inconsistent with their identity and status, and was completely contrary to their expectations when they first arrived. , my mood was about to fall to the bottom!

What worries them even more is, of course, how contagious is Death XVI? If this issue cannot be clarified, then it is not safe for them to stay here now. Who knows if there are any virus elements from Death Sixteen here?

Therefore, Ince, Rosen and others all turn on their battle suits around the clock and even use masks to prevent inhaling the virus...

A secret team led by Jueba quickly came in handy. They reorganized the puppet aboriginal people, and under the personal guidance of Ince and Rosen, they vigorously transformed the base on the Red Mountain Planet. The progress was rapid...

Of course, this scene fell into the monitoring network. Li Yun quite agreed with Ince and Rosen's ideas and asked: "Can Death Sixteen really be transmitted through breathing and ordinary contact?"

"Okay!" Xiaoxing said.

"How contagious is it?"

"It's about one-tenth of food and water, and one percent of blood and other body fluids." Xiaoxing said.

"That is to say, transmission through blood and other body fluids is the fastest, followed by food and water, followed by gas..."

"That's right! In terms of time, the Death God Sixteen among the various puppet races are now in the stage of attack one after another, because they are mainly infected by gases and have the slowest onset. As for the current aborigines, after taking our elixir After taking the medicine, their bodies have produced antibodies, and the virus molecules in the air will no longer make them sick," Xiaoxing said.

"So, Ince and Rosen's conjecture is really right! I'm afraid that the Yimi civilization will start to be in big trouble now!" Li Yun said.

"There is a possibility. However, as doctors, they should know that the Death God Sixteen has the possibility of being infected through gas. Therefore, when they conduct experiments in Yimi, they will definitely take strict precautions and conduct experiments in a closed space. Such a test should be conducted within the testing site. Generally speaking, the possibility of the virus slipping out of the test site is very small...but..."

"but what?"

"The most indispensable thing in the world is accidents! Death God Sixteen was used as a strategic weapon in Yimi. When the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council decided to use it in this starry sky, this weapon began to be used in large quantities. Production, from the closed space of the test site to the open production site, the level of protection will of course drop again and again. Since the speed of gas infection is extremely slow, even those doctors may think that this poison will not be caused by the gas. When they came to be infected, they relaxed their vigilance... We can see this from the memories of Min Te and Pai Lan. The Death God Sixteen was mass-produced when they came over, and there was a chance of being exposed to the air. A lot, so when many accidents come together, it is not an accident, but an inevitable one..." Xiaoxing teased.

Li Yun was dumbfounded when he heard this. He did not expect that the Yimi civilization might have killed himself in the end!

There are too many weaknesses in civilization built through drugs!

Before it can wait for its universal elimination pill and medicinal blocking pill to take effect, it will be poisoned by the poison it developed...

This situation is a bit like a certain period in the pre-universe, when many athletes took stimulants, hormones, instant body-strengthening and brain-boosting drugs to improve their sports performance in order to gain fame and profit, so that no one refused to take drugs. However, although these people's actions brought them great fame and benefits in the short term, they ultimately paid a heavy price. Their bodies were constantly tortured in their subsequent lives, and many of them died at a young age. Well, it can be said that there is money to be made but life to be enjoyed...

In particular, some female athletes take male hormones violently, resulting in masculine characteristics on their bodies, complete endocrine disorders, and their voices, muscles, hair, demeanor, etc., all make people think they are male...

This does not mean that athletes cannot use drugs, but if such drugs are used to improve physical abilities at the expense of overdrafting life potential, then this method of drug use is definitely wrong and will cause great physical and mental harm to the users!

However, for athletes, many of them have no choice, because everyone else is using it, and you can't beat them without using it. In the field of sports, heroes are always judged by their results. If you lose, you will lose. Even if you lose, you will lose. No matter how innocent you are, it is useless, but victory is victory. Even if you use a lot of drugs, as long as it is not detected, you can gain both fame and fortune, and even drive the development of an entire industry...

In the face of huge interests, many people have to lower their noble heads and take drugs desperately in secret, but on the surface they pretend to be extremely innocent and noble...

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