The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2626 The dangers of addictive things

( ) These two colorful light races are indeed very powerful, so much so that at the beginning they suppressed the Bada race, the most powerful puppet race sent by the Yimi people, and did not dare to attack at all!

However, the Bada tribe also successfully spread Death Sixteen to them, so now they are just holding on without fighting, waiting for the Donggui tribe and the Tata tribe to collapse on their own after the poison spreads over a large area...

What makes the Bada people a little disappointed is that the spread of Death Sixteen among these two colorful light races is not very fast. From the information from the Yimi surveillance network, it can be seen that the number of people who are sick is far less than that of other races. This is why they dare not attack boldly.

The reason why it did not spread quickly is because the Bada tribe was not strong enough and was suppressed by the opponent from the beginning. It was naturally difficult to find opportunities to spread the virus, but why did the Donggui and Tata tribe not kill the Bada tribe in one go and lead the way? Will the various races on Yika Star fight back?

You must know that these two races are the strongest forces on the Yika planet, especially the Donggui tribe. They have always commanded the entire Yika planet. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. They should have shouldered this responsibility, but here, In an incident related to the safety of the entire Yika planet, they lost the courage and courage to lead Yika planet in the past, and at the same time chose to remain silent...

This problem has actually attracted the attention of Li Yun and Xiaoxing for a long time, so after the monitoring network was deployed, their monitoring has not stopped.

And now, they know why!

Speaking of which, this is really a familiar story...

As we all know, the strongest person on Yika Planet is the Yun Duan Lord of the Donggui tribe. He is simply the idol of everyone on Yika Planet.

Of course, there are other strong men among the Donggui tribe, and their cultivation level is only slightly lower than that of Great Master Yun Duan. These people together form the most powerful top force of the Donggui tribe, so the Donggui tribe can command the entire Yika star.

The other Tata tribe is not as good as the Donggui tribe, but they also have a top master, the Taiga master, and a group of extraordinary strong men, which makes the Tata tribe also have a very high reputation. and dominance.

Both races have a lot of background, and they have always had strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes you are stronger, sometimes he is stronger. At this stage, the Donggui tribe is slightly stronger, but the Tata tribe naturally does not They are willing to fall behind and have been secretly accumulating strength to try to catch up with the opponent.

Therefore, the Donggui people also feel the pressure. On the surface, the Yun Duan Grand Master and the Tai Jia Grand Master are chatting and laughing with each other, but secretly they are thinking of ways. One wants to continue to suppress the other, and the other wants to catch up with the other...

As a result, under the pressure of competition between the two communities and the fierce competition within the two communities,

These strong men, like the Xuanling Sun race, have all embarked on the path of devouring!

Few people can endure the pressure and slowly cultivate themselves. After all, not only do they run the risk of being destroyed by the opponent, but the improvement speed is extremely slow in the early stage. Even in the middle stage, the speed is still slow. In the later stage and the peak period, this method of training oneself can show its advantages of accumulated accumulation and comprehensively surpass those who rely on external forces and pursue rapid progress...

The great powers of the Caiguang race embarked on the path of devouring much earlier than the great powers of the Xuanling Sun race, so they devoured a lot of lives. These lives were not only people from other races, but also people from their own race. People, as well as various other life forms, sometimes go crazy and swallow all the raptors and beasts in a mountain. In the process of such devouring, the corpse poison they are exposed to is more than Those prophets of the True Yang Clan are much more serious!

When Li Yun listened to Gu Cheng talking about the situation on Yika Star before, he had already learned that there were many powerful Taoists among the Donggui tribe and the Tata tribe whose main purpose was to devour, so he suspected at that time that there would be This situation appeared, and now it seems that it is indeed the case!

Judging from the information collected by the monitoring network, the temperaments of these powerful men, including the Great Master Yun Duan and the Great Master Tai Jia, have undergone major changes due to the influence of the corpse poison, and each of them has become very... He is easily irritable, has a gloomy complexion, and has a cold-blooded and cruel temperament. When he looks at someone, he may be thinking about whether the person's meat is delicious or not, and whether he should swallow it immediately? Or should I wait until there is an opportunity before taking action?

It can be said that the Donggui and Tata tribes have already been in chaos from the top!

When the Bada tribe attacked, these high-level experts were also excited for a while in the early stage. That is, in their eyes, these foreign enemies were simply food sent to their doorsteps. If they were to devour them, there would be no consequences. The psychological burden is much better than devouring one's own tribe and other Yika Star people. Secondly, by devouring them, one can also achieve great achievements and gain the admiration and love of the Yika Star people.

So they personally went out one after another, killing all around, suppressing the Bada tribe to death. Moreover, the way they killed the enemy also frightened the Bada tribe, because they saw that many tribesmen were defeated by the opponent's powerful power. Swallowed directly into the stomach...

This scene was completely beyond the scope of the information they had collected in advance. The Bada people were quickly defeated, and they retreated far away before closing the door and refusing to fight, unable to hold on!

Since the Bada tribe itself is also very powerful, if they are allowed to deal with a Donggui tribe or a Tata tribe alone, they can still win steadily, but they will be unable to deal with both of them at the same time, so they are determined They took a defensive stance, especially to guard against being devoured by the mighty Donggui and Tata tribes. Under such circumstances, it became more and more difficult for the Yun Duan, Tai Jia and others to capture and devour more people. It's too big, it's better to go find the life on Yika planet and devour it like before...

After these powerful powers embarked on the path of devouring, as the number of lives they devoured increased, they became more and more addicted. Even if they did not devoure for a day, they would feel uncomfortable, so they would not think of fighting them off. Foreign enemies, protect Yika Star. In their view, these foreign enemies are just food delivered to their door. Since they have taken precautions and the difficulty of catching people is increasing, they will devour them all when they have the opportunity in the future. At present, in order to satisfy their addiction to devouring life, their goals have begun to shift internally...

"Sir, these powerful beings are like those drug addicts in the previous universe. They know clearly that those drugs are drugs, but they still can't control their desire to take them..." Xiaoxing sighed.

"Yes! If a person is addicted to something like drugs, he is almost self-destructive, because almost no one can get rid of it. If someone claims to have got rid of the desire for drugs, then you can definitely think that he is You are telling lies! So everyone must be wary of low-level and addictive things from the beginning, and must not be fooled by things like drugs that can bring simple and quick happiness!" Li Yun said.

"The adults are right! Anything that can bring simple and quick happiness can make people addicted quickly, especially those low-level things such as drugs, gambling, sex, games, devouring, etc. These things It can continuously stimulate the excitatory area in the life brain, causing the brain to be continuously and strongly stimulated, so that it is in continuous excitement, and more and more excitatory factors are secreted, which will make it difficult for a person to calm down and do something. To think about one thing, and when life is in a state of continuous excitement, a lot of time and energy will be consumed, making the body's contribution far greater than it absorbs, so a person will become weaker and weaker. They become less and less energetic, and eventually the whole body and mind will completely collapse... Even if these cultivators finally become a planet person through devouring, they seem to be extremely powerful, but their minds have been greatly affected, and it is impossible to think too much. It is even less possible to think about deeper and more original things about the universe if they deal with overly complex problems. Therefore, the state of civilization they represent will only decline and cannot rise again..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, this can be seen from the situation of these planets in our Xingyun Castle. It is a pity for the powerful people such as the Donggui tribe and the Tata tribe. They are all very talented and talented people. Originally, It is very possible to lead the various races on Yika to create a splendid civilization, but now they have embarked on the same path as the powerful prophets of the Xuanling Sun race. Not only can they not lead the various races to resist foreign aggression, but they have also harmed themselves... "Li Yun sighed.

"Hehe, it seems that we can add some more small light balls to the six elements of Xingyun Castle..." Xiaoxing said happily.

Li Yun was speechless and could only nod slightly...

These devourers are equivalent to drug addicts in the former universe. It is almost impossible to hope that they can completely get rid of the pleasure of devouring. Therefore, no matter what the purpose is, they must be captured first. …

Xingyun Castle quickly arrived at the Tata tribe area, but the person to be captured here was a powerful person from the Donggui tribe, because many people sneaked into the Tata tribe from the Donggui tribe to find the target to devour...

The light screen quickly locked onto one person. It was the leader of the Donggui Tribe and the strongest man on Yika Planet, the Great Master Yun Duan. At this time, he did not look like the aloof Great Master Yun Duan who was admired by all the people on the Yika Star. , but a small gangster who hangs around in the city. He is unkempt, his clothes are dirty, and there are many holes in them. Many people saw him and hurriedly avoided him, but he did not feel dissatisfied. He laughed and drank. The little wine in the gourd, wandering around, looking for the target...

For him, if he really wants to find a target quickly, it is very simple. He can just use his amazing spiritual power to trap a large number of people, but this is really appalling. He also has to maintain his reputation. , I don’t want to be criticized by others as the Devourer, so it is still necessary to act covertly.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he locked onto a handsome young man!

:. :

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