The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2625 1 choice

( ) "Yes, this is the exchange of matter and energy, but this exchange may not last for a long time. In other words, the low-energy and low-pressure party may not wait until it becomes the high-energy and high-pressure party. The two universes may have separated. Already..." Li Yun said.

"Such a situation is due to insufficient communication. What is certain at present is that compared to the previous universe, this universe belongs to the high-energy and high-pressure side, because we can personally feel that the energy and pressure of this universe are higher than those of the previous universe. Higher!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's true..."

"So, the elements we can determine now are two points. One is the source of information, and the other is that it is indeed possible for information to flow from this universe to the previous universe. If there is enough time and sufficient communication, the information from the previous universe may also flow to this universe. For example, , we are an example, and there is also Sheng Zhongguo, a disciple of Yuan Yi who we met in the spiritual world, who also came from the previous universe. However, the information of the few of us is relatively simple, just a single soul, and this can be achieved through energy transmission channels Purpose, but the universe mapping transmits batches of information, and it is all information in local areas, including living and non-living information. This is not something that can be achieved by simple energy transmission, but should be what we imagined before. , they are reflected through a mirror, which is so powerful that it can achieve cosmic-level mapping, and there is another possibility..." Xiaoxing said.

"What's possible?"

"Because it is a reflection, if there are such mirrors in other universes, then this information flow may continue to be reflected in these mirrors, thereby achieving the purpose of long-distance relay!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Long distance relay?!!!"

Li Yun perked up and felt that Xiaoxing's statement seemed to be getting closer to reality!

Because only long-distance relay is possible to cross the universe and go to the previous universe. If there is no such long-distance relay, no matter how strong the energy is, it will not be strong enough to span several universes...

"So, what kind of powerful mirror exists in every universe?" Xiaoxing asked.

"You mean...a large black hole?!" Li Yun blurted out.

"Yes! Large black holes, only large black holes have the ability to play such a role, and there will be monsters like large black holes in every universe, but..."

"But what?"

"We know that the biggest feature of a black hole is not mapping, but swallowing. It has extremely powerful suction and can swallow all matter close to it. So how does it map information?" Xiaoxing was suspicious. road.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Our current research on black holes is not comprehensive. This problem may only be solved when we actually observe black holes..."

"Yes! It is conceivable that behind this dark energy nebula is a black hole. Without this nebula, maybe we can intuitively discover the black hole now!" Xiaoxing sighed.

Hearing this, Li Yun was suddenly enlightened and said excitedly: "I know!"

"Oh? What do you know, sir?" Xiaoxing asked anxiously.

"Didn't you just say that without this nebula, we could observe black holes?"


"But this nebula won't disappear for no reason, right?"


"Then...the only way is to rely on mutation! In other words, the mutation of the dark energy nebula will cause fluctuations, and this fluctuation is very likely to cause the nebula to temporarily disperse. After it disperses, the information on each star field will be It may be mapped by a black hole!" Li Yun analyzed.

Xiaoxing couldn't help but be moved when she heard this!

Li Yun's conjecture should be said to be highly accurate and very imaginative. You must know that in the eyes of many people, the dark energy nebula is just darkness, and the black hole is even more pitch black. In this case, you have to imagine The scene where the nebula spreads to reveal the black hole really challenges the limits of imagination!

"This is a good guess, sir! Maybe we have been misled by this dark energy nebula before, thinking that the mapping of the universe is related to this nebula, but we did not expect that the real correlation may be the black hole behind the nebula! Now it seems that the nebula The change in the nebula is most likely to come from the black hole behind it. If this disturbance is extremely strong, this thick nebula may briefly disperse, resulting in a gap. If at this time, the black hole, gap and If the star field just forms a straight line, then the information on the star field may be mapped by the black hole!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! The problem we have to solve now is how exactly black holes map information!" Li Yun said.

"Yes, Xiaonu can build this model right now. Once the construction is successful, we may be able to initially solve this problem!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"Very good. Solving this problem will also be of great benefit to the evolution of our Xingyun Castle and Tianyun worlds, because so far, no black holes have appeared in our two worlds. This is related to our lack of understanding of black holes. It’s a big relationship…”

In the past universe, due to the low level of civilization, the understanding of cosmic monsters such as black holes was not very high. Therefore, there was relatively little information about black holes in think tanks, and their research progress was slow. However, , now, Li Yun and Xiaoxing are about to march towards it!

This is the inevitable result of the continuous improvement of the Star Fortune Fort civilization level, because many plans and issues have begun to have more or less relationship with black holes, such as this research issue on cosmic mapping, as well as dark energy, dark matter, Issues such as the dark universe and dark universe civilization. Previously, the two wanted to find a network of channels leading to the dark universe, which also involved different levels of black hole issues...

In the past, Li Yun and Xiaoxing wanted to wait for the natural birth of the black hole in the Tianyun world before studying it, because it would be easier to control and there would be no danger. However, the situation is pressing. If they want to wait for it to be born naturally, they still have to wait. How long, so we must take the initiative. The more we know about black holes, the more beneficial it will be to Xingyun Castle and the more beneficial it will be to promote the emergence of black holes in the Tianyun world...

"Sir, almost all races on Yika Star have received detoxification pills. Only the colorful light races have not yet, because their territories are in the two polar regions..."

"The colored light race is the most important race on Yika Star. No matter how far away we have to go..."


Xingyun Castle went to the Antarctic first, where there were two larger colored light races, one called the Saha tribe and the other called the Caibo tribe, and those who attacked them were the Guyol tribe among the foreign races.

It can be seen from the information that the Guyol tribe is quite powerful. One race can attack two colorful races. Moreover, if they had not waited for the Death God Sixteen to play their role, they would have been able to defeat them long ago.

You must know that the Caiguang race is a key race on Yika and belongs to the first group. As long as it is taken down, other races will not be a problem. Therefore, the Yimi people sent Guyol, one of the strongest puppet races. It makes sense for the tribe to deal with them.

When Xingyunbao arrived, they found that the Saha and Caibo tribes were almost all infected by the Death God Sixteen. The entire clan temple was full of people. Although the others were not sick, their faces were not very good either. Morale is extremely low, this is basically the rhythm of the annihilation of the clan, but they have no way...

Xiaoxing directly arrested their clan leader and explained the situation, scaring them so much that they almost died. Fortunately, he heard that there was an antidote pill that could detoxify him. He was immediately ecstatic and asked Xiaoxing to take care of the clan temple first. Needless to say, the effect was great for the person who won the prize, so he immediately took out a heavy gift and exchanged a large amount of detoxifying pills with Xiaoxing.

Originally, Xiaoxing wanted to give gifts, but he couldn't resist them, so he had to accept heavy gifts.

After the two clan leaders learned about the current situation of Yika Star, they couldn't help but feel worried. They didn't know what to do next after the clan members detoxified, because the alien races were still surrounding them, and behind them there was a more advanced Yimi civilization. You can't beat them if you hit them, and if you run away, there's a blockade outside...

In fact, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have always encountered this problem on their way to treatment. Every race is sighing because they can't see the way out in the future...

To deal with this problem, Li Yundu left them a choice, that is, if it doesn't work, they can contact him to help them move the entire clan into Xingyun Castle!

Of course, they can have half a day to think about it. There is no need to make a decision right away. The half day here refers of course to the half day on Yika. If converted into the time of the Xuanling World, this half day is almost fourteen years. So it's quite abundant.

The reason why it was set to half a day is because Li Yun and Xiaoxing had already planned to use this time to treat all races in each star field, and also asked He Minte and Pai Lan to write documents for Rommel to be there. During this period, we will only train troops, not send troops...

The two clan leaders and the elders of the clan also had the opportunity to visit and experience the Star Fortune Castle. After sending them back, the Star Fortune Castle left, leaving behind these stunned and reluctant guys...

"Sir, these races almost didn't have to wait half a day to make a decision. They put out a signal in their clan temple that they were willing to move into Xingyun Castle as a whole, and they are already making various preparations to leave..." Xiao Star smiled.

"They are too impatient. If this information is discovered by Yimi's surveillance network, will Rommel send troops in advance?" Li Yun said worriedly.

"This... little slave will try to interfere with their surveillance network and bring their surveillance to the verge of paralysis..."

"It's not necessary to be paralyzed. Just keep it vague so as not to arouse the vigilance of the people in Yimi."

"Yes! Sir!"

Xingyun Castle flew to the Arctic area, where there are two of the most powerful colorful light races on Yika Star, one is the Donggui tribe and the other is the Tata tribe...


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