The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2576 Wu Fu’s confusion

( ) "Oh my God!!!" Wu Fushi screamed, her expression changing drastically.

"Among them, I also discovered Yin Feng, an elder of the True Yin Clan!!!" Bai Mu revealed another shocking news.

"What? Yinfeng?!!!" Wu Fushi shouted in astonishment.

"That's right! It's the Yin Feng who once fought against She Yang and the fight was inextricable!"

"Wo..." Wu's father was completely uneasy!

Unexpectedly, the Dajue clan actually captured Yin Feng. The level of cultivation that just swallowing this Yin Feng can improve is staggering!

This one can completely surpass all the achievements that he and Bai Mu have made in these years of working hard to kidnap and devour people!

According to what Bai Mu said, the number of corpses piled up in Dajue's back cave reached more than 200, which is a huge number...

If the Dajue clan swallowed all these people and digested them all, I am afraid that his level of cultivation would skyrocket, and it would be normal for one person to overwhelm the two of them.

You must know that Dajue's talent is not comparable to that of the couple. They have been at the disadvantage in previous competitions with Dajue. Now, this gap will probably become wider and wider. Because at this stage of their life, their cultivation has almost reached its limit. The ceiling is limited by their talent, making it difficult to make breakthroughs. Dajue's talent suppresses them, which means that his cultivation limit is higher than theirs. High, and at this stage, even if it is only a little higher, the gap in strength will most likely be as huge as a chasm!

Of course the Wufu family understood this truth. Although the two of them were at the same level as the Dajue family, individually they could not compare with the Dajue family. They were firmly suppressed by him. Later, they It was also discovered that the Dajue Sect began to embark on the path of devouring, not only devouring lower life forms, but also becoming more and more finicky in taste, specifically selecting cultivators to devour, and their cultivation realm was improving almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. Such a situation Next, the two of them felt a great sense of crisis.

Originally, the three of them were all top figures in the True Yang Clan. In the eyes of the people in the clan, they were supposed to be united and fight together for the True Yang Clan to dominate the Sun Space. But in fact, this was just a good wish. .

On the way they grew up, they competed fiercely with each other, and the seeds of conflict were originally planted. But after they grew into prophets, they each represented a huge force, with their own relatives and their own Friends, their disciples, slaves, and countless tribesmen, this force is not only the strong backing behind them, but also the object they need to protect. If they lose this backing, it may be difficult for them to continue to stay at such a height. Even life is in danger,

So the pressure is huge!

Therefore, when the three of them arrived at this level, they seemed to be inseparable. They secretly competed to see who could run faster and improve more. In the end, they would destroy each other so that they could dominate the True Yang!

Although the Wufu clan and the Baimu clan belong to different tribal alliances, because they were originally a couple and had a certain emotional foundation, and their cultivation realm was not as good as that of the Dajue clan, they naturally came together again. , jointly fight against the Dajue clan.

After discovering that the Dajue clan used the method of devouring to improve their own cultivation level, and the effect was excellent, the two of them felt a great sense of crisis. As they were both super powerful, they naturally understood that if the Dajue clan was like this If the child goes all the way, then the final target is most likely to be aimed at himself!

Either devour him or be devoured by him, the Wufu family and the Baimu family were forced to have no choice. They were in the world and couldn't help themselves. They had already seen the ceiling based on their own talents. There was no possibility of any major improvement. Only by joining the devouring path can we possibly confront the Dajue Sect!

The two began to try to devour some lower-level lives, and found that the effect was not great, but it was not impossible, so they began to devour some higher-level lives, and gradually tasted some sweetness, which made them ecstatic. No wonder the Dajue family was so high. Talents will still adopt such methods to improve themselves. The reason is naturally that the effect of Devouring Way is extremely obvious.

Taking the essence of others as your own is a lot! quick! good! Province!

Under the stimulation of so many benefits, the two of them naturally only saw the benefits and consciously ignored the side effects. In fact, the side effects will only emerge after a period of time. At the beginning, it can be said that It was all benefits, so the two of them were so excited that they couldn't control themselves, so they gradually walked farther and farther on this road...

However, the two started later than the Dajue family, and their goals were not as high as the Dajue family. Therefore, after a period of time, the two found that the gap between themselves and the Dajue family was not getting closer, but was actually widening!

As a result, the two could no longer sit still, and began to increase the frequency of their attacks, and began to choose better targets to attack.

However, after a period of time, the two began to discover the side effects of the Devouring Way, which made them wary. However, Bai Mu seemed to be more relaxed, believing that although the Devouring Way had side effects, overall, It was said that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, so it was worth doing. Moreover, the side effects could be reduced or even eliminated, so she didn't care.

Wu Fu fully realized the disadvantages, especially after discovering that Bai Mu's personality began to change, he even retreated. However, he could not persuade Bai Mu to give up this path because Bai Mu She has a rather paranoid personality, and if she is determined, she will stick to it until the end, which is the main reason why she has grown to this level.

You must know that women are relatively weak in the world of cultivation. They often become the vassals of men and become their playthings. However, the Baimu family did not believe in this evil and persisted to the end, even breaking up with the Wufu family and leaving alone. Development, and eventually she grows into the person she wants to be!

Wu's father has also become extremely respectful of her, and even a little afraid of her, which is commonly known as "strict wife control". As a result, it is even more impossible for him to persuade her.

Therefore, in this pair of male and female hunters, it is actually the Baimu clan, not the Wufu clan, who plays the leading role.

Originally, Wu Fu discovered that Bai Mu was becoming a little unreasonable today, and wanted to persuade her to turn back quickly, but Bai Mu revealed a previous discovery of hers, and Wu Fu was persuaded by her in an instant. !

Because the Dajue clan swallowed Yinfeng! ! !

This is a terrible sign. On the one hand, Yinfeng's cultivation level is extremely high, and his status in the Zhenyin clan is equivalent to that of a prophet. Such a person has become the target of Dajue clan. It can be seen that today's Dajue clan has How much it has grown! On the other hand, after swallowing Yin Feng, Dajue's cultivation realm must have increased significantly, which greatly increased the threat to the two of them!

The more powerful the Dajue family is, the more dangerous the two of them are. This is the consensus that the two of them have already formed!

Now, with the Dajue clan devouring Yin Feng, the two of them dare not separate anymore, because once one of the two is attacked by the Dajue clan, the other one will not be spared either.

Things have developed to the extent they have now, and Wu's father knows in his heart that there is no possibility of turning back on the road of devouring!

There is only one way to go, and if you devour more, better, and more ruthlessly than Dajueshi, you can achieve a comeback. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will become a ball of food in Dajueshi's belly...

"What should we do now?!" Wu Fu sighed.

"Hmph, have you finally figured it out?" Bai Mu teased.

"Oh, it's just that our talents are too low, and the limit we can achieve through our own cultivation is also too low..."

"It's good that you know! I have seen through this a long time ago. If we want to escape Dajue's hunt, we must swallow faster, more, and better than him! In my opinion, if we don't do this, If you don't stop, let's attack the prophet in our clan first!!!" Bai Mu said in shocking words.

"What?!!! How can this be done?!!!" When Wu Fushi heard this, she shouted in shock.

"What's wrong?! Dajue's swallowing of Yin Feng has aroused the vigilance of the True Yin tribe. They are searching everywhere. Those people are all gathered together. It will be very difficult to swallow their prophet again! This time we swallow Their master was almost discovered by them, and they left a lot of traces in their haste. Maybe someone can trace it all the way here, so it is impossible to take action against the True Yin Clan in the short term. However, there are still many internal traces within the True Yang Clan. No master has ever been devoured, only some insignificant people have been devoured by those junior prophets, don’t think I don’t know! So, by devouring them, we are actually avenging those tribesmen who were devoured by them!" Baimu clan analyzed.

"This..." Wu Fushi was startled, her expression changing.

Of course he also knew what Bai Mu said. Now the other seven prophets of the True Yang Clan have embarked on the path of devouring. This situation once shocked him, and he did not know when and how they embarked on the path of devouring. This path, but it is undeniable that their cultivation realm is soaring. Therefore, the Wufu clan and the Baimu clan are not only facing the suppression of the Dajue clan, but also there are pursuers behind them. This situation forces They must also go all the way to the dark side...

"Gee, only by devouring these people with high cultivation can we make rapid progress in a short period of time, and we no longer have to fear the suppression of the Dajue Sect. Otherwise, if one of us is plotted by the Dajue Sect one day and falls into the trap, In his belly, the other one will be eaten by him sooner or later! You should be sure of this by now, right?" Bai Mu said with a nervous smile.

Wu Fu's scalp felt numb after hearing this, and she was a little confused and a little confused...

This situation was something he had never expected in his cultivation for so long, and he didn't know why the world had developed to the current situation?


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