The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2575 The Secret of the Prophet

( ) Li Yun stared closely at the actions of these two people and asked, "Where is the Dajue clan?"

"Dajue seems to be relatively normal and is currently practicing in his own cave, but..."

"But what?!"

"In a corner of his cave, there were piles of various corpses... and countless cultivation items that looked like they belonged to other people..." Xiaoxing made another major discovery!

"Hazy... where are the other seven prophets?!" Li Yun felt a little bad and asked quickly.

"Sir, please wait a moment..."

Little Activities across ethnic boundaries…

In addition, in their caves, they found a concentration of corpses similar to those of the Dajue family. This made Li Yun and Xiaoxing extremely horrified, and their hearts were filled with all kinds of imaginations...

"Looking at these corpses, it seems that they are all foreigners. Why did they die in the caves of these prophets? Some of them look quite fresh..." Li Yun sighed.

In fact, the answer was almost ready to come out, but he was unwilling to say it.

"Sir, in order to improve their cultivation and wisdom, these prophets finally embarked on the path of devouring!" Xiaoxing said what Li Yun was unwilling to say.

"Alas, their current target is people from other races. When they become addicted to devouring everything, they will devour even members of their own race! By then, they will almost lose their minds. Even their friends and Relatives and couples will be devoured, and eventually one person will become the last sun god..." Li Yun sighed.

"This trend seems inevitable. However, if this is the result, then it is necessary to re-evaluate the abilities of those Sun Gods..." Xiaoxing thought.

"Yes! The Sun God we originally imagined possesses supreme wisdom, abundant energy, and powerful abilities... However, if the Sun God is formed in this way, then their wisdom does need to be re-evaluated, because if their foundation is not Well, it is impossible to break through to higher civilization wisdom!" Li Yun agreed.

"That is, we have known for a long time that the effect of the Devouring Way is not high. If you swallow a person, you cannot fully obtain his wisdom and ability. At most, you can only get 10% of the benefits, and the other 90% may be wasted! There are even Before death, people will naturally release a toxin, which we can call corpse toxin. This toxin may not be obvious in the early stage.

But as it accumulates more and more, it will cause great harm to the Devourer's body. This is one of the main reasons why the Devourer will lose his mind as time goes by! If you become a sun god in this way, this sun god may have powerful abilities, but it is impossible to reach a high level of wisdom..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, this can be proved from the planet people we captured. Although they are very capable and can control the resources of the entire planet and initiate planet-level actions, their intelligence level is not high. On the contrary, one by one Their personalities are a little weird, and they don’t understand a lot of knowledge about the universe..." Li Yun said.

"They are still at the original level of civilization, but as their abilities improve, their experience and vision will improve accordingly." Xiaoxing agreed.

"So, the Sun God is at best just one level higher than its original civilization level. It is impossible to reach the level of thinking and knowing everything we imagined!" Li Yun said.

"Hehe, of course they are even more unlikely to be able to think at the speed of light, as well as thinking treasures like our think tank, so we don't have to be too afraid of those sun gods in the future..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"This conclusion is only what we have deduced now, and it needs to be verified in the future to be certain. Speaking of these prophets, they may have been forced to take this path. Look at the pressure that Sheyang itself and the Phoenix Tribe Alliance are facing now. Just know that each of them is shrouded in a huge pressure. If they don't make progress and become stronger, they won't be able to protect their tribe and get their respect and support. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between them. Relationships are both prosperous and destructive. No matter what, they must grit their teeth and move forward because there is no way out..." Li Yun sighed.

"That's right! The prophets of the True Yang Clan go to other races to rob and devour them. Will the powerful men of other races come back to the True Yang Clan and do the same thing?" Xiaoxing thought of this.

"This is very possible! But..."

"But what?"

"For those powerful people, the targets they choose should be weaker races, so the risk is lower. Therefore, it depends on the overall strength status of the True Yang race among the sun races. If they are really the strongest, then The targets of other powerful races should not be placed on the True Yang Tribe, but on other weaker races, such as the True Yin Tribe, the Tianfeng Tribe, the Tianhuo Tribe..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! No wonder no such information has been found in the information of the True Yang Clan. There may be, but it is definitely very rare, and it has not aroused enough vigilance from the True Yang Clan!"

"This kind of thing is generally extremely secretive, and the person who does it doesn't want to be exposed, so he will definitely find a way to cover it up. By the time it is discovered, a long time may have passed, and it will be difficult to solve the case. And For those tribal alliances where missing persons appear, they don't pay too much attention to the little people. If they are big people, they also want to hide it, so as not to cause people's hearts to wander, or foreigners to covet them..." Li Yun said.

"Yes, it seems that we have to search from the historical data of each tribe, which may take a long time..." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

While the two were talking, they suddenly discovered that Wu Fu and Bai Mu came to the mouth of a valley. There seemed to be a watcher here. They threw him a True Sun Stone, exchanged it for a jade tablet, and left directly. Got in.

When they came inside, they found that there were rows of training caves. The two entered according to the numbers on their jade plaques, closed the door of the caves, and this became a temporary training place for them!

"Sir, this is a rental place for a training cave of the Zhenyang Clan. The two of them are probably going to practice there..." Xiaoxing said.

"Renting out the training cave? That's a good idea!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, we can also build some training caves for rent, especially on planets that are designed to create adversity!" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! If there is a temporary training cave in adversity, it is safe and allows them to digest the harvest. It is indeed a help in times of trouble! But naturally, these two people do not need someone to help them in times of trouble, but take the initiative to sell the stolen goods..." Li Yun said.

I saw the Wufu family and the Baimu family in their respective caves. Sure enough, they poured out a huge amount of harvest, almost filling the entire cave. They were counting quickly. At their speed, it wouldn't take long. After counting all the harvests, they collected them again.

Then, they began to practice, and Li Yun and Xiaoxing saw an extremely terrifying scene. They both spit out a life body from their mouths. It seemed that if the two bodies merged, they would be a complete corpse. , it can be seen that the two of them each devoured a part of the man's body, and then ran here to digest it...

Li Yun's face turned a little livid, and he felt extremely uncomfortable in his stomach, as if he was in over his head...

Xiaoxing shouted: "That's right! This corpse is the missing great master of the True Yin Clan!"

"Oh my god!!!" Li Yun exclaimed softly.

The truth is revealed!

It seems that these two people have gone a long way on the road of devouring. They don't feel sick at all, but absorb it with relish!

Soon, all the flesh, blood, internal organs, meridians, etc. on the corpse fell into the stomachs of the two people, leaving only half of the bones. In fact, they were made of extremely high-quality materials. Of course, the two of them were reluctant to throw them away, so they took them into their own body space. …

After everything was settled, the two communicated, and Bai Mu came to Wu Fu's cave.

"The speed is very fast, not bad!" Wu Fushi praised.

"What's this? It's not enough to fill your stomach!" Bai Mu snorted.

"Not enough? Do you want to take action again?!" Wu Fushi was startled and asked.

"Of course! We must seize the time to improve our cultivation so that we can work together to control this brat Dajue! As long as we devour him, the two of us will be invincible in the world!!!" Bai Mu said in shock.

"Hey, keep your voice down!" Wu Fu's expression changed and he hissed.

"Okay, okay, who are these people here? How can they hear us talking? If anyone dares to eavesdrop, I will swallow him up in one bite!" Bai Mu said fiercely.

Wu Fu's family was a little dumbfounded and looked at Bai Mu's blankly...

"Why are you looking at me like this? We are an old married couple, what else can't you see?" Bai Mu rolled her eyes at him and hummed.

" have changed..." Wu Fushi murmured.

"Have I changed? What have I changed?! Isn't that all? Do you see that my cultivation level has greatly increased?!" Bai Mu said excitedly.

"I...I don't know...I suddenly felt..."

"What do you think?! What?!" Bai Mu asked sharply.

"I... Xiaobai, let's not do anything again! Why don't we return to our cave now and practice well by ourselves? We may not be much slower than Dajue! Although that kid is a genius, we are two people after all. No matter You can defeat him no matter what!" Wu Fu sighed.

"No!!!" Bai Mu shouted sharply.

"But why?!"

"You know what I found last time?!"


"Last time Dajue was not in the cave, I sneaked in secretly and found..."

"What did you find?"

"He...his back full of corpses! There are at least more than two hundred of them, and they all seem to be powerful people from all races!!!"


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