The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2245 The lie is coming!

Li Yun looked at the backs of Kaiming Zen Immortal and Tianxuan Taoist Priest and said, "The two of them can sense the aura of Xingyun No. 3. They are indeed extremely powerful! However, this also reminds us that we should pay attention to this..."

"Yes! To some extent, we made a mistake!" Xiaoxing reflected.

Such a problem may not be noticed at ordinary times, but if it is brought to a critical moment, it may cause an unforgivable mistake!

For example, when approaching an unidentified body or unknown enemy, if the opponent possesses super power, or their civilization is simply superior to yours, then they will definitely be able to sense your aura, making them unable to become invisible.

When you think you are hiding and watching secretly, but in the eyes of others, you have already been exposed, and the risk of being caught is greatly increased.

Therefore, this aura must be converged. However, it is not easy to converge the aura. As the enlightened Zen immortal said, all huge objects will have their own aura. From the perspective of the previous universe, it is that huge objects will have their own aura. With gravity.

The influence of gravity is one of the rules of the universe. It cannot be absorbed just as you want. For example, a huge star will affect the surrounding small stars and force them to orbit around it. If this force suddenly disappears, then This operating system will collapse instantly, causing serious disasters.

Since Xingyun 3 swallowed two continental blocks and upgraded one level, it has now become a veritable small world. With a certain volume and weight, it naturally forms a gravitational force. This is Enlightenment Zen. The aura sensed by Taoist Priest Xianhe Tianxuan.

Fortunately, this gravitational force is not strong at present, otherwise it is very likely to attract the surrounding people or materials to its surface!

In that case, it would be impossible not to be exposed.

"How to eliminate the influence of this gravity?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, Xingyun No. 3 is under our control, so it is still possible to control the gravity!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? What solution did you come up with?"

"First of all, gravity is necessary for the normal operation of our Xingyun-3, so it must be kept within a certain range. Secondly, the fundamental source of gravity is Xingyun-3 itself, but it is also a force from the outside in. , it happens naturally, if we set up the formation in the outer layer and use a force from the inside to offset it, then people outside the outer layer can no longer sense it." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"You mean, adding another layer of formation to the outer formation will produce a corresponding thrust from the inside out, so that the gravity generated by No. 3 will be digested internally?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes. Of course, only we can do this ourselves, because the gravity of No. 3 is actually constantly changing, and the law of this layer of array changes according to the changes in gravity, and the thrust energy generated Let the gravity digest it exactly. If it is too much or too little beyond a certain range, problems will occur," Xiaoxing said.

"Well, this does require a refined control. It is really impossible to operate without the formation spirit." Li Yun agreed.

Because after this is implemented, if the gravity is greater than the thrust, it will also expose No. 3. On the contrary, if the thrust is greater than the gravity, it will cause pressure on the inner space world and cause damage to No. 3.

The two quickly got busy, and when No. 3 arrived at the soul beast's lair where Justice was located, the mission was completed!

The effect is still very obvious, No. 3 is a behemoth,

Here, the so-called behemoth does not necessarily mean that it is very large, but that it may be an extremely massive object. An object with a large mass has a large gravitational force. For example, a black hole may be small, but its mass is extremely large. Yes, the gravity is infinite, and even light may not be able to escape its attraction.

But when No. 3 approached the soul beasts' lair, those soul beasts didn't feel anything at all. Even their powerful clan leader couldn't sense any pressure. When Zhengyi suddenly appeared in front of them, they were really shocked. !

"Chief, I'm back!" Zhengyi said excitedly.

"You?! Do you still have the nerve to come back? Don't you know that everyone is about to die because of you?!" the clan leader roared.

Although his face was full of anger, if you observe carefully, you can still see his expression of relief, and you can also hear his full care from his words.

Zhengyi scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Chief, I found a lot of food for you this time! Eat it quickly!"

After saying that, he took out a lot of soul fruits from the space in his body, as well as many other things that soul beasts like to eat, and they were piled all over the floor!

The overflowing aroma of the fruit made all the tribesmen salivate. They were so hungry that their bellies were pressed to their backs. When they saw the food coming, they immediately shouted, rushed over and ate it hard!

Even the patriarch is no exception. All the support just now was just a pretense, and eating something is a real thing.

"Don't worry, that's enough! That's enough!!" Zhengyi looked at the starving tribesmen and felt that they had really embarrassed the soul beast, so he shouted quickly.

While moving more food from the space, the pile of food that disappeared in an instant was filled again...

The patriarch ate it with big mouthfuls. It was so delicious. He hadn't eaten so happily for a long time. After eating for a while, he finally felt something was wrong and asked quickly: "Zhengyi, how did you find so much food this time? It's impossible. ?!”

"The patriarch doesn't know something. I found a place this time that is safe, productive and rich. I was planning to come back and take you there to have a look!"


When the spirit beasts heard this, they couldn't help shouting excitedly. This was good news they hadn't heard for many years. It was unbelievable to think that Zhengyi's departure this time would bring such good news!

"Really?! Where?" the patriarch asked suspiciously.

"It's not too far from our place. Let's go together after you finish eating." Zhengyi said.

"This...isn't too far? Is there anything nearby that I don't know about? Why have I never found a place rich in products? Is it very safe?" The patriarch felt a little strange.

"That's a continental mass that drifted from nowhere. It's probably related to a change in a certain star field, and I just happened to run into it! And if you want to go in, you have to go in through the entrance. You can't get in from anywhere else. Once the entrance is No one knows if it’s closed, so it’s very safe,” Justice explained.

"I see... It seems that even Heaven is going to help us..." The clan leader was stunned when he heard this, his eyes could not help but shine, and he murmured.


"Okay! Let's go take a look now..."

"Let's go together after they finish eating..."

"That's fine, you'll have strength only when you're full!"

When these spirit beasts heard that there was such a paradise, they all speeded up their eating. It didn't take long before they swallowed up the whole pile of food like a whirlwind, and finally saw some of their bellies.


Justice leads the way first, and all the soul beasts follow behind. They are still very careful when leaving the lair. All the powerful ones are on the outside, protecting the weak ones in the middle, and they advance slowly...

These starry sky beasts are accustomed to flying in their original form in the interstellar space, because this is the most advantageous way of flying. Not only does it fly easily, but the body also has a protective color, which can blend in with the surrounding environment and is less likely to attract attention. .

This is the result of their evolution over countless years.

After flying for a while, Zhengyi pointed to a place in the distance and said: "Chief, that's the entrance!"

"Huh? It's really hard to find. It's hidden at the edge of the forest..." the clan leader said in surprise.

"That's right! I discovered it by chance. I went in to take a look out of curiosity. I didn't expect that there was a world outside of this world!" Zhengyi said happily.

"Okay! You have done a great job this time, and you will be the deputy clan leader from now on!" the clan leader said proudly.

"Thank you very much, Chief!"

The Soul Beast Team quickly arrived at the entrance and found that the alluring aroma wafted from inside. They almost drooled when they smelled it. How could they endure it?

The clan leader took the lead and flew in with Zhengyi first. Other soul beasts rushed in and flew in one after another. When the last soul beast entered, the entrance slowly closed!

"Sir, everyone is coming in!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Okay, let them live in Tianyun for a while. If they want to join the soul power army, there are not many of them now anyway." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes! There's an interstellar space there where I'm afraid they won't be able to get out as soon as they enter, so what kind of spirit warriors are they?" Xiaoxing teased.

"That's not necessarily true. Just like Justice, he doesn't want to be a freeloader. These starry beasts have relatively high spirits and are not good at accepting charity..."

"Hey, the little slave is waiting for them..."

After seducing more than a hundred soul beasts from this lair into Tianyun, there are finally giant beasts moving around in this interstellar space, which is undoubtedly a good start.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing decided to take a tour of the interstellar space in the Xuanling World. In addition to searching for scraps, they also wanted to bring those starry sky beasts to live in Tianyun and turn it into a vibrant starry sky.

Of course, this will also have a certain impact on the starry sky in the Xuanling World, because without these giant beasts, the debris in the starry sky will not be cleaned up. Just as Kaiming Zenxian and others worried before, these Debris is likely to fall onto the interface, causing serious consequences to the interface.

However, this situation has actually existed for a long time. Even if there are these starry sky beasts, due to their sharp decrease in activity, they have lost their effect in cleaning up this starry sky.

In addition, if the starry sky beasts are removed, the activities of those hunting teams will also be reduced. They have also caused a lot of starry sky garbage in the past.

In order to eliminate garbage in the starry sky, Xingyun-3 began to sweep away the waste in star areas one by one. At the same time, it also deployed a monitoring network to monitor the entire starry sky!

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