The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2244 The power of belief

After a period of dialogue, the large light curtain finally slowly disappeared, leaving only these peak figures in the fairy world in a daze...

This video, as well as the subsequent exchange between Li Yun and the enlightened Zen immortal, shocked them so much that it took a long time for them to recover.

"Where is Li Yun?!" Jiutian Xuannv screamed.

"It's time to go!" Taoist Master Tianxuan said.

"Oh my god...why can't I find where he is despite all my efforts to sense it?"

"Pindao couldn't find it either, but..."

"But what?!" Jiutian Xuannv asked urgently.

"I could feel an extremely strong pressure just now, which made me almost breathless. But now this pressure seems to have disappeared, so I judge that Li Yun should have left." Taoist Priest Tianxuan thought.

Enlightened Zen Immortal nodded and said: "Yes! The pressure just now should have been brought by Li Yun. I have been testing where the pressure came from, and the result..."

"What's the result?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked quickly.

"The pressure has actually controlled this star field, so it is impossible to find out where it comes from. This pressure does not seem to be formed by a person's aura, but should be a huge space treasure, just like we are close to a huge It's the same as what you can feel when you are in the astral body..." Enlightenment Zen Immortal thought.

"Space treasure? Star body?" Everyone was startled again.

The enlightened Zen immortal explained: "Huge objects will form their own power. If we are close to a star, we can feel its aura and be attracted to it. This is the feeling that the aura gave me just now."

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

In fact, to be able to sense such an aura requires experience and sensitivity. Most people are just affected unknowingly, but they are unable to truly sense the impact of the aura of a huge object on themselves. Zen Immortal and Taoist Master Tianxuan obviously maintain a high sensitivity to this.

"An object that can be controlled and moved must have an aura like a huge star, and its level must be extremely high. Therefore, it can be inferred that the space treasure owned by Li Yun is very high-level, and this can also explain why the This time and again, he hid aside without being discovered by us, and even collected the Divine Spear and the Universe Circle without leaving any trace..." Kaiming Zen Immortal continued.

"It seems that it was no accident that Li Yunneng took over the Zerg army and the heavy water land mass. The treasure he controlled must have played a major role!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan concluded.

"How enviable!"

"Look at that baby..."

"It must be very big and high-end..."

"That's right..."

Everyone agreed, and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because Li Yun achieved such great success at such a young age, which completely subverted their understanding of the path of cultivation, which was difficult for them to accept.

But now they can attribute Li Yun's success to the fact that he has an incredible treasure, which gives them a reason and an excuse to relax their nervous mentality.

If they knew that such an incredible treasure was actually created by Li Yun and Xiaoxing themselves, maybe they would become more nervous...

Whether in the world of cultivation or in the mortal world, there are always some people who question all success and doubt all good things.

They are used to giving success to others,

Whether it is a big success or a small achievement, or something is just done according to one's wishes... put a label on it, for example, this person is the second generation or the third generation of immortals. Success is not because of the treasures and gifts given by the fathers and grandfathers. Wealth, secret help and escort? This person is a second-generation official, a third-generation official, or a fourth-generation official. His success is nothing more than taking up other people's resources and having official power to help him realize his dream. This person was originally unknown, but suddenly he became famous all over the world like a new star. There must be some kind of background. Later, when I checked, I actually found out that some distant relative of his was actually a rich man. This person was the top scorer in high school, second or third overall, and it turned out that his father's father had once won the prize. However, there must be someone in the court who is protecting the examiner, or secretly buying the test questions with a lot of money, etc...

In their view, if these conditions are placed on themselves, they will definitely achieve the same success, and even be much more successful than the person involved.

Only by thinking this way can they feel at ease, can they prove that all their expectations are correct, and can they find reasonable excuses for their failure to break through, fail to advance, fail to gain Tao power, suffer cold treatment, and hang out at the bottom, so as to He also proves that he is very witty and always has a pair of eyes that can understand the world...

They never look for reasons in themselves, reflect, correct mistakes, or forge ahead...

In fact, because these people see things with strong personal emotions and personal preference implications, what they see is often exactly what they think.

That is, whatever they believe, their eyes will see.

If they believe the world is unfair, they will see a lot of unfairness.

They believe that money is everything, so they will see a lot of things about money that can make everything go round.

They believe that class cannot counterattack, so they will see many tragic stories of the middle and lower classes...

They believe that success requires unspoken rules, so every person they see who is somewhat successful must have used unspoken rules...

Although some of their beliefs are correct, they are certainly not all of them. After all, with various conditions, some personal efforts are still needed. If a person who has no quality, is lazy and is used by various If you are on the throne of success based on the conditions, you will be quickly pulled down from the throne after being seen through. There are many such examples. It is better not to go through such trouble in the first place and still have a good life. reputation.

Success and achievement rely more on solid personal efforts.

If those who remain skeptical can believe in reverse, then they can actually achieve the same success. The chance is still very high!

If a person questions everything and doubts everything, he is likely to lose everything, and the road in life will become narrower and narrower.

For example, if you question something and feel that no matter how hard you try, you will never succeed, then you might as well not do it or start, otherwise you will also lose the possibility of success.

Figures like Zhenjun Dongxia, Shenjun Hanshan, and Master Shanhui have already stood at the pinnacle of the Xuanling world. They are also not exempt from vulgarity. They will doubt that Li Yun's success is due to external forces, let alone all living beings?

Therefore, everyone can question and doubt, but never go into a dead end. You still have to "believe" to a certain extent!

Because what you believe in, you can get close to! This is the power of belief!

You believe that the right path can defeat hidden rules, you believe that hard work can defeat power, you believe that character can defeat flattery, you believe that light can defeat darkness...

Then you will definitely be closer to success and realize the value of life...

In fact, there is no need to understand success as a big achievement or a big career. A person can have big successes or small achievements. If you have a small goal and achieve it through hard work, this is success!

And life, isn't it made up of such small goals?

This is clearly reflected in the journey of cultivation. Even if there are all kinds of obstacles, there are still people who can climb up step by step and achieve great power. These people may not have all the conditions that those who question it question, but they It is indeed through his own struggle that he achieved success...

Enlightenment Zen Immortal and Tianxuan Taoist Priest did not have as many doubts as others. They quickly put away the video slips and headed towards the fairy world.

The others sighed and followed closely behind them...

Watching these great immortals returning to the fairy world and listening to their discussions, Li Yun and Xiaoxing were all smiles.

If they want to attribute their success to having a big baby, that's okay. This can alleviate some of their jealousy towards themselves and live with peace of mind...

The purpose of making this video has been basically achieved. At least Hanshan Shenjun and Master Shanhui will no longer hunt animals, and if they don't hunt animals, it means that their disciples will not participate in hunting animals. This eliminates two large beast-catching forces, which will definitely save many starry beasts.

As for this group of people returning to the fairy world, they will vigorously publicize and teach the immortals not to participate in the hunt. This effect will definitely be there, because they are originally the objects of admiration by hundreds of millions of people, and their words and deeds will have a great impact on the believers. .

As Kaiming Zenxian said before, if he had stepped forward to stop the hunting of beasts early, then the hunting of starry beasts in the fairy world would not have evolved to the extent it is today, so he felt that he had made a mistake and needed to face the wall and think about it. .

This not only shows that the enlightened Zen immortal has some introspection, but also illustrates the truth that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If a person's ability can only ensure that he and his family can live well, then he should work hard to support himself and his family. Family is enough, but if a person is very capable, then the responsibilities on him will increase accordingly. And if he only allows himself and his family to live a luxurious life, but ignores the responsibilities that he should bear, then He needs to reflect!

Because, if a person with strong abilities gets to the bottom of it, he will also be highly dependent on the resources of this world. The stronger the ability, the more resources he needs. Then after you succeed, you must give back to the world. , instead of living a leisurely life by yourself and not caring about worldly affairs. It would be too selfish to do so...

The saying goes that if you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are prosperous, you can help the world. This is the truth!

It goes without saying that the Enlightened Zen Immortal has great abilities, but he just practices Zen without caring about worldly affairs. It can be said that he made certain mistakes when it comes to hunting the beasts in the stars...

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