The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1374 Remote Divine Consciousness Fusion

Shi Yue lamented in his heart, took out a robe from his body space and put it on, and then put Guidong into his body space to heal his wounds.

"We must find a way to retrieve those treasures from Qushui Temple, otherwise there will be endless troubles..." Shi Yue thought secretly.

Because those soul cards contain their own soul threads, as well as the soul threads of the hall masters under his control. In addition, what is lost is their bloodline. If they don’t get it back, they will no longer be able to control those hall masters, so they can control it by themselves. The dark forces in this Zen realm will face a situation of disintegration.

But now that I am weak, I need to gather my slaves back first and then discuss strategies.

Fortunately, the time boat was stored in the space inside his own body, so he threw it out, ducked in, and flew away...

Compared to Shi Yue's desolation, everyone at Qushui Temple was smiling and celebrating!

Although he failed to seal Shi Yue in the end, he was seriously injured and obtained all his treasures, especially the soul-disturbing bell and the soul-absorbing banner, which made everyone feel relieved.

As long as Shi Yue's method of time is ignored and the two sides fight in real terms, the chances of victory and defeat are almost equal, and even the side of Qushui Temple is slightly better!

Shui Luo and Ishi Chu were extremely convinced of this after their battle with Shi Yue!

With the strength of the two of them, it is not a problem to defeat Shi Yue. Coupled with the immortal robe and the small space, the two of them are now full of confidence. It would be better if Shi Yue doesn't come. As long as he dares to come, he must give it to him next time. A more fatal blow.

A large fasting banquet was held in Qushui Temple, and everyone with meritorious deeds was highly rewarded. In particular, the Jiu Nan Zen Master who contributed his suggestions received the most rewards.

As for the final decision of who should deliver the trophies to the adults, it is quite controversial, because this task is quite arduous and there must be no mistakes.

But having said that, since these great powers all have small spaces and immortal robes, there is almost no risk in this trip. In fact, anyone can go, so it is a good job.

At the end of the fight, Elder Ishide got the spot, and the disciples naturally did not dare to say anything. As for Shui Luo, because he had the heavy responsibility of protecting the temple, he could not leave easily, so he had to give up.

Elder Shuiluo has always been thinking about the reward that the Lord told him before, called "Blending Spiritual Consciousness", and the Lord also said that it would allow him to transform, which made him extremely itchy.

After the fasting banquet, he quickly returned to his cave and called the adults through the small space.

"My lord! My lord!!"


"Sir, are you still busy?" Shuiluo asked.

"Well, it's been almost ten days since Huiyun and Gaishi have been pestering each other to exchange formations! However, it won't affect the integration with your consciousness. Are you ready?"

"Preparation? How to prepare?" Shui Luo asked urgently.

"When you go into the small space, my body of consciousness will be there in a moment!"

"I see!"

Shui Luo hurriedly stepped into his own small space. Sure enough, after a while, a light flashed in the space, and a figure slowly appeared. It was Li Yun. Although he had a body of spiritual consciousness, he was almost the same as himself. He could even touch it. It still feels solid.

"Sir?!" Shuiluo screamed.

"Haha, this is the body of my spiritual consciousness, and it is still in Zhenzhi City!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?! It's really unexpected that your spiritual body has manifested like this..." Shuiluo was shocked.

To be able to do this, I am afraid that the strength of his spiritual consciousness has reached an incredible level. You must know that this is Li Yun's remote operation, and he came here from Zhenzhi City, which is extremely far away!

When Shui Luo thought of this, his heart suddenly filled with great admiration for the adults. He felt that the adults were really amazing!

He quickly sensed the strong vitality exuded by Li Yun's spiritual body, and his whole body became restless. Not long after, he screamed "嘘嘤" and involuntarily transformed into a charming woman. Paralyzed in the arms of Li Yun's spiritual body...


Xiao Luoluo was still in disbelief. After confirming it several times, she realized that she had really transformed.

And it was a perfect transformation, and I was so embarrassed that I couldn't control myself. Fortunately, I was hiding in a small space and could do whatever I wanted. Otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do...

When he woke up, he found that he had regained his majestic body, and the adult's body of consciousness was gone, and he suddenly felt a little empty in his heart.

"Xiaoluo, are you awake?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir? Where are you?!" Shuiluo asked in surprise.

"You're so sleepy, I'll go back to Zhenzhi City first!"

"Ah? How long have you been sleeping, little slave?"

"Three days and nights."

"Oh my god..."

"Haha, it's nothing. It's normal for some people to sleep for a year and a half." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? It's like this..." Shui Luo was stunned after hearing this.

"You will get used to it gradually in the future. Now take a look at your appearance. Is it much better than before?"

When Shui Luo heard this, he quickly drew his spiritual power and a mirror appeared. He was confused when he saw it!

" this still Lao Na?!!!"

He found that the person in the mirror was gleaming, with smooth skin, shiny fur, and an extremely good-looking face. He had a vague aura of both male and female, especially the twelve pairs of round, bright red dots that appeared on his body, which made him tremble all over. , his face turned blood red...

"Haha, of course it's you! Such characteristics will appear after the transformation. You should know that, right?" Li Yun laughed.

"Xiao Nu...of course I knew it, but I didn't expect there would be such a significant change..." Shui Luo muttered.

"Of course it's because of the perfect transformation! I have already drawn a picture of your female body, but it is here with me now. I will give it to you later."

"Wow... Sir..." Shui Luo's face was so red that it could draw blood.

"Don't worry, this picture will not be seen by others in my hands!"

"Sir...when can I give it to the slave?"

"Well, didn't you ask Xiaode to bring Ishikoshi's belongings? I'll ask him to bring them to you next time I go back."

"Ah? Then don't let him see it!" Shui Luo said in shock.

"Of course! I will seal it, don't worry!"

"Thank you... sir!!!"

"This picture is a clone of you. It has a general level of cultivation. You only need to inject your soul thread and blood into it to activate it. You will know it clearly when you see it."

"What?! Clone?!" Shuiluo shouted again in shock.

"Yes, it is the life in the painting, so this picture is quite precious to you. Okay, I have something else to do here, let's talk about it next time."


Shui Luo was still immersed in the shock of the life in the painting, unable to extricate himself. He almost didn't hear Shi Chu calling him. After realizing it, he quickly raised his fairy robe and stepped out of the small space...

"Senior brother, where have you gone? I've been calling for a long time but there's no response! Huh?!!!"

When Ishide saw the water falling in front of him, he couldn't believe his eyes. He turned around him suspiciously and stared closely.

"What are you looking at? Don't you even recognize me?" Shui Luo said with a guilty conscience.

"Wow...what have you been doing these days? Why has your whole appearance changed so much?! If I weren't so familiar with you, I would almost suspect that someone is impersonating you!" Ishide shouted.

"Nonsense! What big change? What fake? I'm still me, don't make a fuss!"

"You?! You still said you haven't changed a lot? Take a quick look in the mirror and see how charming you look like now!"

As soon as Ishide drew a picture, a large mirror appeared in the sky, magnifying Shui Luo's face. It really looked like something just fished out of the spiritual liquid. It was full of water and jade. If you want to say that you are energetic, How energetic!

"Humph, I just drank the high-grade Xing Lun wine given by the adults..." Shui Luo compiled.

He heard an adult say last time that high-grade star luck wine is enough to transform an immortal, so it can be used sometimes.

However, what he didn't know was that the vitality of high-grade star luck wine was not enough to allow an intermediate level immortal to achieve a perfect transformation. It was only 60-70%, which was incomparable to the fusion of divine consciousness given by the adults.

"Really?!" Shi Chu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Last time he also got two boxes of high-grade Xingyun wine from adults, but he was still reluctant to drink it.

"Indeed! But aren't you going to see the adults soon? I advise you to save the wine and drink it later." Shuiluo said.

"Yes! Senior brother, just envy me... I came to you this time just to say goodbye to you, and now I am setting off to find you, sir!"

"Okay! If you have any rewards for me, you must bring them back for me!" Shuiluo warned.

"How do you know that the master will give you a reward?!" Ishide said suspiciously.

"Of course! Your Excellency said last time that if we catch Shi Yue, we will be rewarded heavily. Although we failed to catch him this time, we got these treasures from him. Your Excellency has told me that there will be a reward for us. I I think I must have a share in it!" Shui Luo said proudly.

Hearing this, Ishide said happily: "That's great! I must be part of it! I can't wait to see you, sir!"

After saying that, he disappeared!

"Be careful all the way!" Shuiluo shouted loudly.

"Don't worry!"

Ishide excitedly left the Qushui Temple, but he did not use the small space. Instead, he threw his Zen boat, which looked a bit like a big gourd, and flew forward leisurely...

Although the small space is good, it is not as good as his own Zen boat. It has been a long time since Ishide traveled alone like this. Riding the Zen boat all the way through the clouds and waves, my mood was so light that I felt like I had wings and I was flying high. I was humming. Hey, hey, he's not reciting a scripture, but a song that's been popular in the spiritual world recently...

Listening to this song, it is actually a new work by the singer Luoli, "Langligelang, langligelang, brother is hiding from his sister, sister, where are you..."

"Boom boom boom" "Boom boom boom"

Many flying boats suddenly appeared around the Zen boat, and the spiritual power on the boats poured into the Zen boat crazily, beating it like a kite with broken wings. It fell straight down from the sky, and rolled over, leaving many pieces. It flew out during the roll...

Worri! ! !

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