The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1373 Prison Break (2)

Shi Yue's face was as golden as paper, the crown on his head had been broken, and his hair was disheveled, looking extremely embarrassed.

Facing all the powerful men in Qushui Temple, he was not surprised at all, and said coldly: "It seems that everything you did tonight was carefully arranged!"

Lantu's face changed. It was none other than the Great Elder Shuiluo. He had successfully succeeded in a move and seriously injured Shi Yue. He was extremely proud and said with a big smile: "Shi Yue, you have done many evil things and harmed the Zen realm. It's better to be restrained to avoid suffering too much." The pain of flesh and blood!”

"Haha! You are Shui Luo, right? I really didn't expect you to recognize me and lay such a trap in advance for me to fall into it. I really underestimated you before! However, that's the end of this matter. Today I will let you see me It’s awesome!”

After Shi Yue finished speaking, he activated his spiritual power, and the soul-disturbing bell he held in his right hand shook rapidly, emitting bursts of weird ringing, hitting everyone like a curse, shouting: "That's it, that's it, that's it... "

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized what was happening. Elder Ishide laughed strangely and said, "Oh no, I'm going to fall!"

"Ah? Elder, be careful!" Jiuzhi Zen Zun on the side shouted quickly.

"Haha, don't worry, even you are fine, how can something happen to me?"

"That's it!"


Everyone was laughing so hard that they looked at Shi Yue as if they were looking at a fool.

Shi Yue shook it vigorously for a while, and found that something was wrong, and thought to himself that something was wrong!

Unexpectedly, this soul-disturbing bell will not work at the critical moment, which will be troublesome.

The soul-disturbing bell has no effect, and the soul-capturing flag naturally loses its use. In this way, my own way of time loses its use.

Now that he is outnumbered, and there is a formation blocking the place, it is really troublesome. In addition, even if he escapes, there is Guidong. How can he leave him and escape alone? If this matter spreads out, I, as an adult, will lose my face.

But now we are surrounded by powerful enemies and dangers abound, what should we do? !

"The situation is urgent, we can't take care of him!"

Shi Yue's thoughts whirled, he gritted his teeth, and with a flash of inspiration in his hand, the random teleportation talisman exploded immediately, covering his whole body. Unexpectedly, Shui Luo, Shi Chu and others had already been wary of his move, and immediately took action, surrounding him. All the transmission channels were cut off, Shi Yue suffered a backlash, and his figure staggered out of it, his face turned pale, and another mouthful of blood spurted out!

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and they all took action, using their spiritual power like ropes to tie up Shi Yue tightly.

The spiritual power of Shui Luo and Shi Chu plunged into Shi Yue's body, locking his spiritual veins. Shi Yue's whole body suddenly softened, and he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud...

The two of them created a huge spiritual cage and sealed Shi Yue tightly, finally feeling relieved.

"Haha! Great! Finally caught this big devil!" Shuiluo said happily.

"Now adults should know how powerful we are!" Ishide said proudly.


"However, without the adults' warning, we wouldn't have been able to lay such a trap!"

"Of course…"

Everyone was talking happily.

Shui Luo looked at Shi Yue and Guidong in the two cages, and his eyes suddenly fell on the Soul Disturbing Bell and Soul Capturing Banner. With a thought, he took out these two treasures and looked at them carefully.

These two objects pose a great threat to the monks. Although they are only innate spiritual treasures, if they fall into the hands of someone like Shi Yue, they will become a great disaster.

With a thought in mind, first put them into the spiritual ring.

Li Yun's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Xiaoluo, Shi Yue will use the way of time to escape. However, I will disrupt his secret and make his methods wrong. Even if he can escape, he can't take away the soul. Banner and Soul Disturbing Ling, you immediately skin them into naked pigs, so that all the treasures on them will fall into our hands! In addition, take their blood and soul threads and preserve them!"

"What?!" Shuiluo was startled.

"Do as I say immediately, Shi Yue has already started doing it!" Li Yun said.

Shui Luo did not dare to neglect, and followed the instructions of the adults. In conjunction with his thoughts, he quickly skinned Shi Yue and Guidong into naked pigs, and then ingested soul threads and blood from their bodies and kept them tightly in jade bottles.

"Eh? Why are the two of them getting blurry?" Ishide suddenly screamed.

Shui Luo stared at the two of them in great surprise, his face changed drastically, and his heart beat violently. He didn't expect that things would change in such a shocking way. Could it be that Shi Yue used the way of time to escape as the Lord said?

Seeing the figures of the two people getting blurry, everyone also felt dizzy and dizzy. They felt that the surrounding scene changed drastically and they fell into a trance...


"Boom boom boom!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

There was a loud noise, and a ball of light and shadow exploded. Everyone's eyes were in chaos, and the light and shadow flashed wildly!

After a while, the entire Qushui Temple prison finally returned to calm. Everyone found that they had only caught the Zen monks who came in to rescue Lantu, while Shi Yue and Guidong had disappeared, as if everything just now was a dream!

Ishide patted his head and said curiously: "We clearly caught Shiyue just now, why is he missing?!"

Jiu Nan nodded and said: "I seem to feel the same way. They should have come in before, otherwise this place wouldn't be so messy."

"Yes! Elder Shui and Elder Shi had sealed them all just now. Did they escape?!" Jiuzhi asked.


Shui Luo suddenly found the soul-disturbing bell, soul-capturing flag, space stone, spiritual ring, robe, and jade bottle in his hand... and he couldn't help but look suspicious on his face.

Fortunately, Li Yun had already told him what happened just now, and he suddenly realized it!

"Shi Yue and Guidong have already arrived. They were indeed restrained by us just now. However, Shi Yue used the way of time to escape. Fortunately, the master disrupted his secret, so that they could not escape intact. At least these treasures were left behind. Coming down!" Shuiluo shouted loudly.


"Is there such a thing?!"

"Oh my God! You can escape like this?!"

"Wow, Sir, you are so powerful. You were able to disturb his secret and keep his treasure..."

Everyone was talking excitedly...

Shui Luo felt infinite emotions in his heart. He didn't expect that the way of time was so magical. This was simply the best way to escape, bar none!

"Xiaoluo, Shi Yue and Guidong have left the main temple area and will probably not harass Qushui Temple for the time being. You have people bring everything Shi Yue left to Zhenzhi City." Li Yun said.

"Yes! Sir!"

"Haha, you have made great achievements this time, I will let you all taste the fusion of spiritual consciousness..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"The fusion of spiritual consciousness? That is..."

"That's a unique method created by me, sir, that allows you to transform remotely. You'll know after you try it!"

"Wow, thank you sir!!!" Shuiluo said in surprise.

"Okay, I still have something to do here, I'll do it later..."

"Xiao Nu understands..."

Li Yun just quietly invaded Shi Yue's time channel and interfered with his actions. As expected, he was unable to escape unscathed!

In other words, Shi Yue is preparing to return to his past, that is, when those people are preparing to set off to rob the prison, he will receive a reminder at this time that there are traps there and he will be arrested, thereby avoiding a disaster.

Since he didn't go back for a long time, he only sacrificed half a year of his life, which in his opinion was more than enough!

However, Li Yun had already used the soul thread in his soul card to quietly enter his time channel, and used powerful power to prevent his spiritual power from going back. As a result, Shi Yue's spiritual power was consumed rapidly, but he was unable to return to the past. He was frightened, and in desperation, he exploded the remaining spiritual power with all his strength, released the seals placed on him by Shuiluo and Shichu, took Guidong's spiritual power cage, and escaped from the scene using a random teleportation talisman!

However, the price of this explosion was extremely high. He became extremely weak, his spiritual power level plummeted, and his realm dropped...

When Shi Yue and Guidong were teleported out by random teleportation talismans, their bodies had been skinned into naked pigs, and the teleportation location turned out to be in a busy city!

When the two of them arrived here wrapped in a ball of light and shadow, it caused extreme chaos at the scene. Everyone hid far away and stared closely at the ball of light and shadow. As a result, they saw two naked people. They fell out of the light and shadow, their faces pale, covered in blood, and staggering. One of them simply fainted.

The person who fainted was Guidong, because his spiritual cage was greatly weakened and exploded during the transmission. His ability could not resist it and he fainted directly.

Fortunately, Shi Yue was still awake and recovered after shaking for a while. When he looked up, he found that there were people all around him. They were all looking at the two of them like they were monsters. He suddenly felt bad all over his body!

He quickly used up his remaining strength and fled quickly with Guidong...

The shame in my heart is really unspeakable. I never thought that as the master of the realm of time and the leader of the dark forces in the Zen realm, I would turn into a naked pig and be stared at by a large group of people. This is simply a nightmare!

It’s really hard to look back!

Shi Yue tried hard to get rid of the impact of this incident, thinking in great shock: "Why couldn't he go back to his past just now? Could it be that he was seriously injured and lacked spiritual power, so that he overestimated his spiritual power level for half a year's life? ?”

In such a chaotic and frightening situation, he never realized that his time channel had been invaded by Li Yun, so he could only think about this issue from his own perspective.

Since he has sacrificed half a year of his life and was seriously injured, it is impossible for Shi Yue to enter his own time channel again in the short term for change. Moreover, as Li Yun said, unless his life is in danger, Shi Yue is not willing to enter again casually. own time passage, because that would bring greater uncertainty and danger.

Then...the only option is to escape!

Shi Yue's face was extremely gloomy. When he came to the Qushui Realm this time, not only did he not accomplish anything, but he was almost imprisoned. He also lost all his treasures, especially the soul-disturbing bell and the soul-absorbing banner. The way is of great help, but lost...

In addition, there are other treasures, including soul cards that are connected to the hall masters under his command, their bloodlines, and countless secret information from dark forces...

"It's over, it's over..."

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