The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1050 Opening a Zen Forum (7)


When Master Zhida heard this, he was stunned!

Xiong Bing's words are like the sound of imperial bells and cauldrons, deafening and awakening!

Upon hearing this, everyone at the scene fell into deep contemplation. Jie Ai, Jie Chi, Hui Yu, Ci Yin and others had dull faces, trembling all over, and tears rolling down their faces...

The feeling these words gave them was, "It is enough to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening!"

Everyone feels that their understanding of Zen has taken a big step forward today, and the harvest is full...

Xiong Bing continued: "The other three people naturally have wisdom roots, but their actions are not completely immune to Xianchen."

"Master Bingzun, please elaborate!" Master Zhida said respectfully.

"Master Zhihui saves a hundred lives every year, helps good people and overcomes evil, and the blessings he brings are incredible. However, things in the world are so wonderful that the difference between good and evil is only a hair's breadth. If you take one step, a great good may turn into a great evil. , man is not a fish, and how can he know which of the fish in the water is good and which is evil? Therefore, helping good and overcoming evil may also turn into aiding evil and doing good. If the mind cannot be as clear as a mirror and is not deceived, then It is very likely that such a situation will happen. Besides, how can we set the goal of saving a hundred lives when we go to the outside world? You know, the world is ever-changing and people are cold and warm. Sometimes you don't meet a hundred lives that need to be saved, and sometimes you don't meet a hundred lives that need to be saved. It's far more than that. So, how did Master Zhihui achieve the goal of saving a hundred lives? It is conceivable that when there are not a hundred lives that need to be saved, he will deliberately search for and even create the ones that need to be saved. When the rescue situation comes out, there must be something that violates the cycle of heaven. And when there are more than a hundred lives that need to be saved, Master Zhihui returned to Chuanyun Temple after saving a hundred lives, then, What about the other lives that are in urgent need of saving?!”


Master Zhida was stunned, trembling slightly, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

No one had ever mentioned this situation before, but now that Xiong Bing raised it, people immediately realized the huge problem hidden in the goal of Master Zhihui.

Indeed, setting an unchanging quantity and executing it over a long period of time is not in line with the way of natural change. Such a goal not only limits oneself, but also limits the world around him. So, during this thousand years, Master Zhihui has He must have done many things that were not in line with the way of natural change, but he just didn't say it out loud.

If he said it, it might greatly offset the blessings he had created. No wonder the Zen Pagoda only gave him three rays of Zen light.

Xiong Bing continued: "Master Zhiming built a sweet spring well in an area with serious water shortages in one year, which can provide the living needs of 10,000 people. The benefits created are so great that it is admirable! But..."

"But what?!" Master Zhida asked anxiously.

"Regions with serious water shortages are not suitable for the reproduction of life. Drilling wells is only one of the methods, and this method is not suitable for all water-scarce areas. If a place does not have the conditions to build such a sweet spring well, Master Zhiming did. If it had to be built, not only would it cost a lot, but it would also require water to be diverted from a very far distance, which would inevitably damage the local environment. To meet the needs of life in water-scarce areas at the expense of the local environment, it would help him realize his ambition. The end result is that the gains outweigh the losses! The best solution is to immigrate, find a more suitable place for local life to breed, and let the water-scarce area slowly evolve on its own amid natural changes." Xiong Bing said proudly .

He was frothing at the mouth, but no one cared. They all listened with rapt attention and felt the same way!

"Master Bingzun's words are deeply rooted in the way of nature, and the poor monk admires them!" Master Zhida said sincerely.

"Master is so humble! As for Master Zhiqing, he planted bodhi trees, erected Zen sutra monuments, opened forums to lecture on Zen, and preached sutras, which greatly increased the influence of Zen in various places.

This is naturally a great contribution to Chuanyun Temple! but…"

"But what?!" Zhida asked urgently.

"Preaching sutras and preaching is something that Zen practitioners do naturally when they are helping the world and helping people. They are infected by the charm of Zen. Or, like the master this time, they coincide with the meeting and follow the trend. Master Zhiqing is different. He goes to a place every year. He planted a bodhi tree, set up a Zen sutra monument, and summoned people with great fanfare to listen to his Zen lectures. Some of these people came voluntarily and some came passively. They all had to put down their livelihoods, and some might even miss the farming season. Missing production, missing business opportunities... To do this deliberately is not in line with the Zen Taoist philosophy of letting nature take its course. On the other hand, it also seems to force others to become good men and women or enter Zen practice. To put it bluntly, he is doing this for Chuanyun Temple is expanding its power and is not sparing any area. Does he really want to develop people everywhere into Zen people? If this is the truth, then Zhiqing’s actions are indeed worthy of question..."


Zhida was stunned when he heard this, his whole body was shaking, and his inner robe was soaked with sweat!

Unexpectedly, Xiong Bing would say such words. This was simply a slap in Zhiqing's face, a slap in Chuanyunsi's face, and a slap in his own face. However, after his reminder, everyone realized this Master Zhiqing does have huge problems that make it difficult for him to argue.

Moreover, he quickly thought that what happened thousands of years after that Zen meeting was very consistent with what Xiong Bing said.

Master Zhiming, who was designated as the abbot of the main temple by everyone, has always had a mental illness. He has been depressed for thousands of years and has made slow progress in cultivation. Under his leadership, the development momentum of the main temple is extremely average.

The development of the main temple is slow, which only shows that Master Mingming is indeed not suitable for the position of abbot of the main temple. If he had not been placed in this position back then, perhaps Chuanyun Temple would be able to gain another powerful Zen master now.

Another Chuanyun Temple with Zhiqing as its abbot, because of Zhiqing, attracted a large number of faithful men and women, and developed a large area around it into the power of Chuanyun Temple. Its momentum has far surpassed that of the main temple. This is also One of the sources of Master Chimei's mental illness.

This situation makes people believe even more that there must have been something wrong with the Zen Questioning Tower at the Zen Questioning Conference that year!

Because Zhiqing spared no effort to develop his power, he now has great power and wealth in Chuanyun Temple. He has even brought a large number of people from the surrounding cultivation world into the Zen Tao. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has a Zen Tao empire in his hands. !

However, in the past thousand years, due to the rapid expansion of his power, it not only caused the internal balance of Chuanyun Temple to lose balance, but also caused many problems in the local area. Leaders of many local forces often came to the main temple to complain. To put it bluntly, The monks of Yun Temple were so bullying that they almost had no chance of survival.

There are already a lot of cases accumulated in various places, including bullying and dominating the market, plundering resources, robbing people, harboring filth and evil... there are countless such things. However, due to the strength of Zhiqing, these things have been suppressed for the time being. , some even had their evidence quietly destroyed...

Thinking about it now, as Xiong Bing said, Zhiqing’s actions of preaching and preaching were not to save the world and save people, but to expand his power. Not only to help Chuanyun Temple develop believers, but also to gain enough money for Zhiqing himself. Capital, to increase the power in the temple to achieve his personal ulterior motives...

No wonder Wenzhen Pagoda was very excited at first after hearing about Zhiqing, but later he was not even rewarded with a single ray of Zen light. It was precisely because he saw through Zhiqing's true face!

Master Zhida broke out in a cold sweat, and soon thought of the little-noticed Master Zhifeng. The branch of Chuanyun Temple led by him has grown from small to large over thousands of years, and has gained a good reputation in the local area. Excellent, it brings a good reputation to Chuanyun Temple.

Within it, meditation talents emerge in large numbers, and they often win a large number of places in the elite selection competition of Chuanyun Temple. Over thousands of years, Master Zhifeng has trained countless elite disciples all over the Nalanda world!

Moreover, Master Zhifeng himself has continued to improve his cultivation and Taoist power. He has climbed from the bottom position among the disciples of the Zhizi generation to the top five now, much more powerful than Master Zhida!

This is definitely a legend in the history of Chuanyun Temple!

Now that I think about it, Master Zhifeng's wisdom and spirituality are really astonishingly high, and he is also very fair and equitable in his dealings. This is why the branch of Chuanyun Temple in his hands can present such a virtuous cycle, prosperous and full of stamina!

Maybe after some time, the branch of Chuanyun Temple in the hands of Zhiqing will become a cancer, but the branch of Chuanyun Temple in the hands of Master Zhifeng will become the real benchmark temple of Chuanyun Temple!

Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time!

Time is the best proof!

Although there are still many people supporting Zhiqing, if you think about it carefully, these people who express support are almost all people who are very close to Zhiqing. I don’t know how many benefits they have received from him, so they continue to support him. Its support.

Master Zhifeng is quietly creating an even bigger miracle in the history of Chuanyun Temple. However, his way of dealing with people is basically to remain anonymous, even within Chuanyun Temple. , there are still very few people who realize his value. If Xiong Bing hadn't pointed it out now, Master Zhida really hadn't really put Zhifeng on the table for analysis!

But this analysis allowed him to truly understand Zhifeng's wisdom and spirituality. Of course, he also understood how accurate the judgment of Zen Pagoda back then was!

"Oh my God! Is it really true that the authorities are obsessed with it, and bystanders can tell?!"

Master Zhida exclaimed, his heart suddenly enlightened, and he admired Xiong Bing to the point of admiration.

Although Xiong Bing's words were a slap in the face to Chuanyun Temple, with the wisdom of Master Zhida, he naturally knew that these words were of great value, which was simply immeasurable to Chuanyun Temple!

"Thank you, Master Bingzun! I wonder if you can teach Zen with the poor monk. The poor monk believes that everyone present is willing to listen to Master Bingzun's Zen words!" Master Zhida said sincerely.


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