The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1049: Opening the Forum to Lecture on Zen (6)

Zhifeng slowly said: "In the past thousand years, the poor monk only practiced in the temple and did not go out to the outside world. In addition to practicing, chanting sutras, and studying classics, he would go to the mirror in front of the Zen Pagoda every day to wipe it so that it Light can identify people without leaving a trace of dust! For thousands of years, this task has been successfully completed every day!"


Everyone in the audience was slightly stunned. X

What Zhifeng said was so trivial that it would be no exaggeration to say that he was just here to make up the numbers.

A trivial matter like wiping the mirror does not help the world or save people. It is far from Mahayana Zen. If it were not out of respect for Chuanyun Temple, people would simply boo Zhifeng!

Compared with the previous three masters Zhihui, Zhiming and Zhiqing, Zhifeng's actions are simply insignificant.

People have already fixed the position of the new abbot of Chuanyun Temple on Master Zhiming, who has obtained the light of the Five Paths of Zen. Master Zhiming finally has a smile on his face and is ready to accept the cheers of the crowd.

After Wenzenta heard Zhifeng's words, there was no movement at first. However, after a while, spiritual light bloomed and shone brightly. The spiritual light shot out one after another, getting stronger and stronger, and kept falling. On Master Zhifeng!

"No way?!"

"How is this going?!"

"Isn't the Zen Pagoda really broken?!"

"Oh my god!!!!"

"Twelve ways!!!"

"Fifteen ways!!!"

"Nineteen ways!!!"

“It’s incredible!!!”

People exclaimed and were all dumbfounded.

Even Master Zhifeng himself was a little confused and at a loss. He didn't expect that Zen Pagoda's reaction today was so weird. He actually rewarded himself with nineteen rays of Zen light at once. Thinking about it, Master Zhiqing didn't even have a ray of light before. After receiving it, Master Zhifeng felt that his face was all red.

He kept shouting in his heart: "The Zen Pagoda must be broken! The poor monk definitely didn't cheat! The poor monk's master, Master Duzhen, definitely didn't do anything!"

When Master Zhiming saw the continuous rays of light falling on Zhifeng, his heart felt like being poured over by basins of cold water, and his mood went from heaven to earth.

Du Xin and other elders all couldn't believe it. Even Zhi Feng's master, Master Du Zhen, looked stunned and dumbfounded!

Such a big change occurred in the Zen Questioning Conference, which caught everyone by surprise, which posed a huge problem for the elders such as Du Xin.

Should we believe in Zen Pagoda?

If you believe it, I'm afraid the current results will be difficult to convince the public. If you don't believe it, then wouldn't those who became the abbots of Chuanyun Temple through asking Zen questions at the Zen Pagoda, including Master Duxin, all have big problems? !

This matter happened in public, in full view of everyone. If it was not handled well, it would definitely have a huge negative impact on Chuanyun Temple.

When Master Zhida talked about this, his mood also fluctuated slightly. After all, he was the one who experienced it personally when it happened. The situation at that time could be said to be extremely subtle, and it was a huge hurdle for Chuanyun Temple.

The mood of the people at that time and those who listen to the lecture now are almost the same, and everyone can't wait to know the final result.

Sensing everyone's eagerness, Master Zhida quickly made the results public.

After urgent discussions by Du Zhen, Du Xin and other elders, Master Zhi Ming finally got the light of the Five Paths of Zen and became the abbot of Chuanyun Temple as he wished, while the other three, Zhi Hui, Zhi Qing and Zhi Feng He was transferred to the other three branches of Chuanyun Temple and became abbots, and everyone was happy!

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that the elders Du Zhen and Du Xin are really Zen masters. They came up with such a solution in a short period of time and resolved a minor crisis in the temple.

After the Zen Inquiry Conference, the reputation of Chuanyun Temple became even more famous, and the incense was extremely strong everywhere. It can be seen that if the crisis is handled well, it can also be turned into an opportunity.

However, this is only one aspect. Within Chuanyun Temple, people have been arguing about the results of that Zen meeting for thousands of years. It is still a matter of opinion. Guang's master Zhiqing is called Qu, and he thinks he is the most suitable person to be the abbot of Chuanyun Temple.

This voice has always existed, which has made Master Zhiming, who is now the abbot of the main temple, always harboring ill intentions, causing his cultivation to stagnate and his growth to slow down...

After Master Zhida told this story, he sensed the reaction of the audience. He sighed slightly and paused for a moment. Just as he was about to start telling a new story, he heard a voice say: "Master, I think Chuanyun Temple is wrong! Big mistake. wrong!"

"Huh?" Master Zhida was startled.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he discovered that the speaker was the god-incarnation Xiong Bing on the main stand. At this moment, his face was filled with pride, and he shouted loudly, attracting the attention of the audience.

"I wonder what Master Bingzun thinks is wrong with Chuanyun Temple?" Master Zhida asked in a clear voice with neither joy nor sorrow on his face.

"Haha, in fact, Zen Pagoda's judgment was not wrong at all. Therefore, the person who should be selected as the abbot of Chuanyun Temple is Master Zhifeng, not Master Zhiming!" Xiong Bing said with a grin.

"This..." Everyone in the audience was startled.

No one, including Zhida, expected that Xiong Bing would cry out for Zhifeng.

However, Master Zhida is so wise. He certainly knows that different people will have their own opinions on everything, but most of these opinions tend to be the same. It is not that there are no people with different opinions, but there are just fewer people. Therefore, It is not unacceptable for Xiong Bing to have different views.

It's normal to have arguments. In fact, for thousands of years, many people have been complaining about Zhifeng. It's just that in the end, these people's opinions have no good reasons to stand up, and they are finally overwhelmed by the mainstream opinions. .

Xiong Bing put forward different opinions in public, and Zhida was also very curious, because, as far as he knew, Xiong Bing knew nothing about Zen, but as a transformer, he should also know that in such an occasion Under the circumstances, what you say has to be verified by countless people. Without complete confidence, or without enough valid reasons, no one is willing to stand up and face the verification of so many people.

Otherwise, if you are not good at it, you will be considered to be sensational and frivolous. In the end, it will only become a talking point for others after dinner, which will only add to the jokes.

"Sir Bingzun, can you really be sure that Wenzhen Pagoda's judgment is not wrong?" Zhida asked.

"Sure!" Xiong Bing said decisively.

"So, Lord Bingzun thinks that Zhifeng's act of wiping the mirror will bring greater blessings than Zhiming's act of digging a well?"

Xiong Bing did not answer directly, but said: "Master, I would like to ask, what is the main purpose of that Zen meeting?"

"Choose the abbot of the main temple of Chuanyun Temple!"

"That's right! The Zen Questioning Conference selects people who are suitable to serve as the abbot of the main temple, rather than the person who brings the greatest benefit! Although the two are related to a certain extent, they are not directly related. Otherwise, there would be no need to ask Zen. Calculation Candidates can be determined by looking at the total amount of welfare they have created, so this is something that needs to be clarified first." Xiong Bing said loudly.

"This... Bing Zun's words are very reasonable." Zhida nodded.

The people at the scene also nodded frequently. Xiong Bing's words were indeed reasonable and there was no criticism.

Xiong Bing continued: "Listen to the master's words, follow the practice of Chuanyun Temple, and through the Zen Questioning Conference, select the candidate from the Zen Taoist Innate Treasure Zen Zen Pagoda. This person is not only fair and just in dealing with things, but also has wisdom roots in Zen Tao. Spirituality, such a person is indeed the most suitable person to serve as the abbot of the main temple!"

"Yes, only such people can guide the practice direction of the monks of Chuanyun Temple, deepen their Taoist power, and lead the Chuanyun Temple lineage to develop to a higher level." Zhida agreed.

"In that case, why did the Zen Pagoda select Master Zhifeng, the most intelligent and spiritual among the four, but you didn't believe in its choice, and instead selected Master Zhiming, who dug the well, to be the abbot of the main temple?" Xiong Bing said. .

"Um...Why does Master Bingzun believe that Master Zhifeng is the most intelligent and spiritual person among the four?!" Master Zhida wondered, feeling a little uneasy.

This question had crossed his mind before, but he had hardly thought about it in detail. Unexpectedly, Xiong Bing now believed that Master Zhifeng had the most wisdom and spirituality, and he spoke plausibly. This made Zhida have to face Xiong Bing's speech.

When the audience heard the conversation between these two big figures, they became very interested and began to think carefully about Xiong Bing's words.

Bo Qiu, Xing Suanzi, Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi, An Dai Xianzi, Wang Yi, Yan Ruoxu, Zhou Guinian and others in the main stand all looked at Xiong Bing in surprise. They did not expect that this kid would dare to Talking about Zen with Zen masters in public, and speaking in a coherent and clear manner is almost impossible if you have not been immersed in Zen for a period of time.

It would make sense if this happened to them, but based on this bear boy's past performance, such a conversation is simply appalling and creepy!

Xiong Bing looked extremely calm and said with a smile: "Master Zhifeng is of course the person with the most wisdom and spirituality among the four! You know, wisdom and spirituality come from one heart! He wipes the mirror table every day to make it unstained A trace of dust can detect people with light. This action is enough to prove that he has deep roots of wisdom and amazing spirituality! Because this mirror is the reflection of his soul, and the chaos of the world is just the dust floating in the air. If they are allowed to blind the mirror , it is impossible to illuminate the light and darkness, good and evil, integrity and distortion in the world. Just think about it, if a person's mind is blinded by dust, how can he make the most just and fair decision? Only the heart Someone who is as clear as a mirror and does not offend anyone can have deep roots of wisdom, great spirituality, be fair and just in dealing with things, and win the hearts of the people! Such a person is naturally the most suitable person to serve as the abbot of the main temple!"


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